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Purple Rose Home
Since 1997, The Purple Rose has provided a unique shopping experience for local Metro West and Worcester County. Online as well as in store, we provide an eclectic mix of quality and distinctive shabby chic style furniture, decor and gifts. Our boutique houses styles from French country reproduction to rustic and distressed. All nested in a New England colonial home with two floors of retail therapy. Our rugs, lighting, and vintage style furniture are perfect to decorate homes of any size from a small cottage or bungalow, to a large neighborhood home. Luxurious shabby-chic bedding and easy care linens will have you sleeping like a king or a queen on comfortable sheets, duvets, and coverlets. Womens handbags and jewelry, as well as chic diaper bags, baby blankets and clothing, make the perfect gift for you or someone special. The Purple Rose is an excellent shop to inspire and complete your dream look.