How To Deal With Haters And Naysayers? /business/how-to-deal-with-haters-and-naysayers Nov 26, 2017 - 09:58 75 views Written by Pedro Campos
Author Pedro Campos
Articles written: 70 Joined: 22 July 2017 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement
It doesn`t matter if you`re an artist, entrepreneur or a type of person who is trying to achieve something big in life, or even if you have an opinion about some topic and you expose yourself with your thoughts to the world, in any circumstance, you`ll encounter haters and naysayers in the way of your endeavour and the higher you go on the success ladder, the more you encounter. My intention is to explain to you the difference between those two and help you deal with each one. At some point, one of my mentors said: "compare someone who is trying to do the perfect push up and haven`t done one with another person who does 10 every day without doing it perfectly and guess who gains the most muscle?" This reminds me of the essence of a hater, someone who does nothing, doesn`t know what he`s talking about and yet has the audacity to criticize someone who is putting himself out there. When a hater flourishes from nowhere, criticizing everyone that takes action, what they are actually doing is talking about themselves, they are self-centered, they`re trying to make sense of why they failed in the first place... and by the way, they usually appear faceless on the internet.
“Don't think that just because you made it to the next level that the haters and naysayers disappear. Remember, new levels bring new devils.� Steve Maraboli 1/2
Let`s face it, they`re everywhere, just try to go outside and scream "I`m gonna get rich, one day", and you`ll probably hear on the street corner: "look at that punk", go out with your friends and tell them you gonna speak on stage on day or that you want to write book and be a best-selling author, you`ll immediately hear comments filled with hate... I`ll probably get some haters just by writing this article! The best way to approach these people is simply not responding, don`t give them attention, let them talk about you, let them promote you or your brand, put your focus on accumulating so many people on your side that the haters find themselves overshadowed. Why should you eliminate bad comments on your website? Let the good comments outperform the bad comments, you get it? If you think the haters are bad, watch out for the naysayers, these are people you hang out with, your family members, the ones who deeply care about you, your spouse, mom and dad, brothers or mentors. These are the ones who will try to get you away from your goals, dreams, ambitions, not because they don`t want you to succeed, but to make sure they do everything in their power so that you don`t fail or get disappointed... "dad, I got my business up and running", and dad says "watch out son, don`t work too much, you`ll burn out"... "mom, I gonna get very rich one day and I gonna help all of people" and mom says "son, you don`t need to do all that, I love you just the way you are!" Moving away from your parents` house could be a good idea, but unlike the haters, you can`t just turn your back to your family and move on, so the strategy is to agree with the naysayers and don`t listen, let them be in their world, sometimes you can`t change people`s minds. They are actually easier to deal with because there is only one thing you can do to get them on your side... doing the things you once promise you would do and those who said you were dreaming too big will support you after you delivered on the promises. Look, I hope this article serves you well, let me know in the comments how you deal with these people and as always, was a pleasure having you as a reader! -----------------------------Related Articles Average Is A Failing Formula The 4 Levels Of Action They Were Wrong All The Time