How Robots Are Replacing Jobs

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How Robots Are Replacing Jobs June 27, 2018

You`re probably aware of what`s going on… Yeah, you guessed it. Robots are replacing jobs at a fast pace. Studies show that in 20 years, around 50% of the jobs in the wealthiest country on planet earth, America, will be replaced by some kind of automation. By 2030, the McKinsey Report estimates that 400 to 800 million jobs worldwide will be wiped out. Ouch!! Now, if you`ve been living under a rock, you`re certainly are not aware of what`s going on… robots are taking over the world and your supposedly “safe and secure” job might be in danger, especially if you live in a considered developed country. The robot revolution is showing up in various industries, from medicine, retail, transportation to the manufacturing industry. Since the industrial revolution, machines have been utilized to execute repetitive tasks, what human beings consider boring and going on and on without getting tired or asking for a raise. Today, we`re seeing the next level of automation, a level where white-collar workers are getting left behind. Computers are becoming smarter, no doubt about it. It is well documented that processors` speed doubles every 18 months, so it`s no surprise that many high skilled jobs are at risk. *Source: CBC News: The National This is a global concern, for sure, but especially in developed countries such as Germany, France, United Kingdom and the United States. These are the giants and it makes sense to add them to the list of the most “punished” since they have more capital to invest in technology than most countries. The Oxford University conducted a study in 2013, revealing alarming conclusions about job replacement on American Soil in the next two decades. 1/3

The numbers don`t lie! This is information that really gets us on our toes. We `re not in the 80`s anymore, these days kids grow up using tablets, smartphones better than most adults. The next generation will be even more efficient at using the technology at their disposal.

Tasks executed by mortgage brokers, accountants or back-office workers are more suspective to replacement. On the other hand, any kind of work that involves human interaction, such as teachers, lawyers or doctors seem to not get affected quite as much, at least for now. (Related: Why The Middle Class Is No More Than A Mere Trap) My take away on this is that, although teachers might not get replaced, the educational model will. With the growth of online courses and virtual education, more and more people are starting to realize that the traditional education system is going to become obsolete in most areas of study, especially when it comes to higher education. I see a future where most college degrees will be irrelevant in the eyes of the marketplace. People will be forced to reskill within the next few years to be able to take advantage of the growing digital economy. The whole trend of robots replacing jobs can definitely bring new and better opportunities for many professionals. In the community I`m apart of, there`s a lot of people who came from upper management positions or were very skilled in their area of expertise and saw that the only option to become valuable in the marketplace again was by reskilling and following the digital trend.


The fact is that the internet and automation have opened a sea of opportunities for ambitious professionals to establish themselves in the online world, using their skills or adding new ones to make a living. Let`s take the example of an online business. It`s a scalable model, where you serve a global market and where you can use automation and leverage other tools to work way less and generate income while you sleep. (Note: How to build a profitable online business from scratch and triple or more your free time) It`s a kind of business that could allow you to create a lifestyle with more time and geographical freedom. I say that because as long as you have a laptop and an internet connection, you`re pretty much good to go, working from anywhere in the world. *Source: The Economist The world is changing, the way we communicate, the way we shop is changing. Robots are replacing jobs, we all know that, but what the word “robotâ€? really means is what we call automation. Probably one of the biggest discoveries of mankind and it`s been evolving over the years helping us create a better and easier living. As an added bonus, I would like to share with you a tool you can use to see the probability of your job being replaced. All you have to do is head over to this website, where you can enter your specific profession and the system will generate a certain result for you. Humans have shown over the years a natural ability to adapt and this time it will be no different. This time, things are changing way faster than in the past. Now, the question is‌ how will you adapt? Again, history has also shown us that those who do not adapt, get left behind.


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