Stop Complaining And Start Chasing Your Full Potential

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Stop Complaining And Start Chasing Your Full Potential pedrocampos

June 2, 2018

Ever wonder why it`s important to reach your full potential? Well, you probably know what the personal development master, Jim Rohn has to say about that. He says that every form of nature rises up to their full potential except human beings. There`s no such thing as a half-grown tree! The idea I got from listening to this amazing speech is that human beings have unlimited potential. It means that the oasis can never dry out. That`s awesome‌ it almost feels like you can live forever! And you can. So, what is potential anyway? Nothing more than unused ability. If you think about that, it`s already there, you just have to give it a push or unleash it. You and I are given the choice to perform to the maximum of our abilities, yet so many individuals fall short on executing that task successfully. This is how you grow as a person, maxing out your current abilities, developing new ones while being uncomfortable and repeating the damn cycle. Do your muscles grow with the comfort of light weights? Of course not. Then why would you? Understand that living up to your full potential is not even about you. Sounds crazy, doesn`t it? Look, you can only help others when you first help yourself.


Don`t try to be a savior, save yourself first! Reaching a certain financial goal, being in the best shape of your life or simply become the best parent you can be, involves other`s interests around you. So, that means someone who lives just to get by, doing the minimums to not get fired by the boss and giving only the necessary attention to their family is selfish? Probably, I don`t know, you tell me. If you`re not living to the fullest, chasing your true potential, you`ll always end up building someone else`s legacy. Who do you want to meet at the end of your life, the person you were born to be or the one you could’ve been? Unfortunately, we live in a world where being average is acceptable, where mediocrity is the norm. Settling down for a comfortable life, with little worries, some money saved and a home paid for is the standard procedure of our society. When I was growing up, nobody talked about working towards my full potential or becoming the version of myself. Schools didn`t teach me either… how could they do so if the teachers were a shadow of themselves? I was born in a middle-class family where everyone denied their obsessions for their dreams and taught me that staying small and conservative was the recipe for a life well lived. No wonder why people don`t have motivation. They have given up on the reason why they were put on the planet in the first place. Their goals have become too small to even matter. Come on, you know this… most people end up in an average job, with an average salary and an average marriage, living their entire lives justifying why they never chased their dreams. The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit. Jim Rohn Regretting and complaining doesn`t improve anybody`s life as far as I know… take responsibility for your actions. The best version of yourself will not find you if you`re moaning or whining about your situation. If you`re the same person you were last year, shame on you! That means you`re not growing and guess what… every other area of your life follows the trend, it stays flat. Just picture what happens to everything that stays flat on this planet! That`s right, it only goes down. You wouldn`t want your life to fall down completely, would you? So, don`t give yourself the hassle of living an average life, it`s much more painful to live just to get by than to push towards your full potential. I`ll leave you this one… Successful people do what`s hard, that`s why their life is easy. Average people do what`s easy, that`s why their life is hard. 2/3

Wish you much success,


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