3 Limiting Beliefs Killing Your Chances Of Success pedro-campos.com/beliefs-killing-chances-success/ March 20, 2018
Most of the things we were tough in school or by our parents don`t mean much when trying to create a meaningful life for ourselves, our family and our community and you`ll understand why in just a few seconds‌ Below is a list of what many extremely successful individuals consider as limiting beliefs holding back those who are seeking for a super life, not a comfortable one but a life where you have freedom of choices and you`re a winner in every area of it. #1 Negative Associations With Money We know that most of the times with success comes a fat bank account, assuming that you deliver good value to the marketplace, chances are that you`ll be better positioned to become wealthy compared to most people. The problem is that most carry limiting beliefs about money, influenced by parents, teachers, the media or politicians. Those who give you advice around the fact that money is not important are the same people trying to make sense of why they don`t have any and why they have given up on their future and their goals. It`s very difficult to create success by running a company for example when you`re stuck with the belief that rich people are greedy or selfish because at the end of the day you don`t want to be a bad person, so to support that belief, either you play it small by not investing in the business, being scared about money at every second of every day or you make truckloads of it and you get rid of it as fast as possible. 1/2
#2 Fearing Success That`s right, most people are not afraid of failure, they`re afraid of success. They are worried about what other people will say or think when they reach a certain level of success in their lives, whether that is financial, physical or spiritual… and the nuance for these people is that the higher they climb the more criticism they’ll get and sometimes they give up right before having their biggest breakthrough, just because they can`t handle a couple of haters. You get influenced by the people around you that are trying to make sense, much like the money beliefs, of why they have given up on their ability to create prosperity. The fact of you being successful reminds them of how they weren’t able to do the same. Let`s keep it real here, if you can`t stand criticism, probably you`re having a miserable life, it`s the same thing with rejection, look around, the world we live in is filled with situations where people say no to you, not once, not twice, probably you`ve been rejected multiple times, maybe with the person you were looking to date, your ideal business partner or that customer you wanted to acquire. #3 Believing That You Know It All Probably the biggest mistake you can make when creating success for yourself, your business, your family. Saying to yourself that you know it all is the killer of your personal growth, it cuts off every aspiration of moving forward, every chance you got of achieving a life of freedom is reduced to what you think you know. The only issue is that nobody finishes a marathon by just starting, it`s the process of taking it step by step that will get them to the finish line. The most successful people on the planet invest millions of dollars in their personal development, improving their skills, their talents and that`s why they never stop growing. I get it, it`s easier to say that you don`t like reading or that you rather go to the football game instead of attending a seminar or buying a bunch of books, but understand that those excuses are holding you back and don`t worry, after all not everybody is willing to do whatever it takes to create their super life. “If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” ― Louise Hay You`ve probably realized that the intention of exposing these limiting beliefs is to create awareness around the fact that people get stuck in some kind of lifestyle they think it`s a success by itself, well the truth is that most people never even get close to what they can achieve in life. Many people with potential get trapped in old beliefs that only allow them to create average lives. I`m assuming that your goal is to create an extraordinary life otherwise you wouldn’t even consider reading an article about success. See if you have any of the ones mentioned and don`t let them stop you from following the vision you`ve always had for yourself.