Powerful Tips

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How To Improve The Quality Of Your Life Once And For All pedro-campos.com/blog-quality-of-life/ pedrocampos

April 27, 2018

What if I told you that more and more people are looking to improve the quality of their lives… You probably, wouldn`t believe me anyway, but what you can do is look at your own life! That`s right, my friend… look yourself at the mirror, stare that person in eyes and ask: “Am I really living the life I want or am I just hiding behind a false sense of achievement?” You see, sometimes you don`t even realize that your lifestyle is pretty off track with what you deserve and are capable of. Maybe you`ve reached a point where you just feel like running on a treadmill going nowhere… … and no, you`re not stuck, you just have the wrong data. I`m not gonna sugarcoat anything, I`m not gonna present to you anything I haven`t done to create a better life. But, you know what, this isn`t about me… let`s dive straight into the top ideas you can use to improve the quality of your life today.

Your Body Matters Ok, you and I know the story… You know that you`re supposed to work out, exercise and eat healthily. Come on, everybody knows that! But, how many people you know that actually follow through with it? Now, let me ask you in a different way, how much impact do you think not exercising and eating quality food has in your life? 1/4

Seriously, don`t give me excuses, like I don`t have time, it`s not a priority or I really don`t want to get buff! This isn`t an article about getting buff, I`m talking about exercising your body so that you can get the energy necessary to be productive and stay motivated. It`s about building up your self-confidence. What happens when you start feeling good about your body? All the sudden, you walk differently, you develop new habits and have the piece of mind that you`re actually eating something that is good for you. Let`s face it, how many bodies and lives you have? Really…

The Power Of Gratitude There`s also one more thing you and I know… No, it`s not what you`re thinking. It`s the race to gyms in January and the massive drop off in subscriptions by the time I`m writing this. How many people do you know that actually achieve the goals they set out at the beginning of the year? Yeah… maybe a handful. But this isn`t an article about goal setting or the whole thing of “if you think hard enough, you`ll get there!” Have you ever tough what your life would be like if you could wake up feeling grateful for what you have? Well, that`s what starting the day with some kind of gratitude based meditation allows you to do. Not only, it changes your state but it also helps you visualize what you want to do in the future and most importantly, who you want to be. Gratitude forces you to get out of your own ego and fears so that everything else becomes more joyful.

Learning A New Skill Investing in yourself can massively increase your confidence. But, that`s not what most people do, is it? Most of us get out of school and actually never touch on a book or educational material ever again. Therein lies the problem. Most people die in their 20`s and it`s only official in their 80`s… … I told you I wouldn`t sugar coat anything. Because the minute you stop growing and learning you start dying. Learning a new skill could probably be life-changing, it could allow you to earn more income, get access to better opportunities and most importantly… and this is my favorite, going after the man or women you were meant to be, not what your teacher or parents wanted you to be. Because let`s face it… our current educational system doesn`t prepare most people for what they are looking to achieve and what they`re capable of. Success isn’t always going to be a huge contract; success is going to be if you just live out your purpose in life. Allan Houston

Seeking A New Career 2/4

What if you could take the new skill you learned and actually use it to start a new business or go on a different professional path? Some of us just don`t want to spend an entire life working hard enough not to get fired. If you`re part of the 70% that are disengaged in the workplace, what do you got to lose, really? And, by the way, never trust a number that ends in 0! Yeah, not really sure how they come up with this statistics. Anyway, the point is that there are only two choices for someone who is dissatisfied with their current circumstances. The first option is to change it and the second is to change the way you see it. I can feel you… This one is probably the most difficult to deal with, changing career, job or even start working for yourself is a massive change by itself. It takes courage, desire and hunger to chase the real you, to create a better future for yourself, your family, your community.

Living With Purpose Easier said than done. What does it actually mean to live a purposeful life? Well, it means that you`re on this planet for a higher good, to make an impact on other people`s lives, to roll out of bed every morning with a sense of fulfillment. Not knowing what your purpose is could suggest that you haven`t tried enough things you didn`t like or that you haven`t had professional guidance or that you just don`t care about it! And what does it actually mean not living with a purpose? You`re probably experiencing that right now, I don`t know. Think of it as a car with an offcenter steering wheel, you`re trying to keep it straight on the road and it just keeps turning… … and then what happens? You have no control, it`s not predictable and you maybe end up crashing if you get distracted. This why you see many good people working hard all their lives even very passionate about what they`re doing but never get anywhere. Their direction is misaligned, there isn`t a sense of why they`re doing that. In simple terms, your “why” is always bigger than anything else. Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. Helen Keller

Small Things That Make The Difference Sometimes it`s difficult to realize how small things can have a bigger impact on your life, from working out to living with a sense of purpose, all of these tips once combined can have a massive impact on the quality of one`s life. Sure, some of them are faster to implement than others but what they all have in common is that they all start with a decision. 3/4

If you don`t think, deep down inside that you deserve a better life, even if you manage to change your reality for a while, chances are that eventually, you`ll go back to the old you. It`s a matter of improving your self-image, but that`s a topic for another time. So, at this point, we both know what usually happens, right? No, it`s not the typical sales pitch you see out there! What I mean is when people consume new information, they get all excited and motivated but then they don`t take any action and implement what they learned. So, for the benefit of yourself and the ones you care about the most, please don`t be a spectator, take action on these tips to improve the quality of your life, even if you feel like you`re still not ready to apply all of them at once‌ It won`t be easy, that`s a promise, changing a habit is tough but think of it long term, take it step by step and let me know when you`re finally living the life you deserve. Hope you found this information helpful and wish all the best in the future. improve quality of life


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