Purrfectly Pagan M A G A Z I N E V O L . 1 I S S U E 1 2 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 JINGLE MY BELLS by Faerie Godsmother How to Nurture Our Need for Connection by Lady Shay Bygul THE HISTORICAL & MODERN USE OF SOUND & MUSIC IN OCCULTISM by John Shaden SPIRITUALITY & THE HUMAN ELEMENT by Mama Faye Celebrating Our 1st Year of Publication!
Letter from the Editor Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother: Jingle My Bells Mindful Paganism: How to Nurture Our Need for Connection The Witches' Corner: Exploring & Embracing Your True Nature The Devil's Advocate: The Sounds of the Void: The Historical and Modern Use of Sound and Music in Occultism Pagan Group Listings What Do You Believe? Holiday Spirits Nettles Love Potion Spirituality & the Human Element What I Wish I Had Said In This Issue: Magick is a complicated thing, and no results are guaranteed. No medical or income claims are made in this publication. This publication may contain adult language. There is a wide array of views expressed in this publication. Read at your own risk. Perform any spells or rituals at your own risk. If you open some creepy portal or summon an uncooperative demon, it's not our fault.
Dear Reader --
In December of 2021 I reached out to Holly Broderick, the Faerie Godsmother, and told her about an idea I had: a monthly digital magazine for Pagans of all Paths. I had only known Holly a short time before through an online business group, but she quickly said yes. She was the first person to sign up for this wild ride, and this issue marks our first full year of publication.
I had no idea if my concept would even work. I don’t provide a lot of structure for my writers. I feel that I should allow them to write what they feel led to write. After all, being Pagan is being spiritual and intuitive, yes? Shouldn’t that carry over to our publication? I believe that all of my writers are guided by whatever entities they allow to do so, and I am often surprised by how some issues have themes to them, even when no guidelines have been given. Truly there are Divine Whispers at work.
I have writers that range across a wide spectrum of beliefs and Paths. I didn’t seek out that array. It’s what I had envisioned and hoped for, but I didn’t choose the way writers came to become columnists for Purrfectly Pagan. That happened organically, like it was orchestrated by a realm beyond our own. (I believe that it was.)
As we venture into our second year of publication, I am excited to think about what is on the horizon (including books, a store, and a podcast).
Thank you for taking this journey with me and my wonderful writers. We appreciate you.
Letter from the Editor ---Lady Shay Bygul
P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying me a coffee? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated https://ko-fi com/ladyshay
Holiday Spirits
It’s that time of year again Yule is upon us, with that said I will now give everyone some cheer. We all have loved ones that we have lost and are really missing this time of year. Just know they’re with you celebrating your holiday traditions.
It could be as simple as a familiar smell perhaps with their perfume or cologne that they used to wear. You could see some extra twinkle of light outside in the snow or by the Christmas tree or near the menorah. Just know those are your loved ones giving you small signs that they are there and that they love you.
My holidays will be very sad and lonely as I’ve lost a loved one not long ago, but I look forward to all the signs he will be giving me this holiday season as I celebrate with my family. He will make me smell his cologne or make an extra light twinkle in my room, But I know it is truly him there to say merry Christmas to me and happy Yule. Do something this holiday season that will bring me memories of your loved ones so that you can conjure their spirit to celebrate the holidays with you. Bake some cookies, maybe some of your favorites or decorate with special decorations that they loved. Doing some of these things will conjure their spirits to give you that special holiday cheer you may need.
The holidays do not have to be sad, keep your loved ones around because they are truly there behind you and celebrating with you.
About Nikita Le Femme
Nikita is a psychic medium and demonologist from Worcester, Massachusetts, and a direct descendant of Reverend Ralph Wheelock who came from England on the Mayflower.
Nikita has studied witchcraft and spells to keep demons at bay and to protect self and loved ones.
She is also an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church and can perform hand fasting ceremonies.
To contact Nikita, please email her at Nikita.le.femme83@gmail.com
https://www.zazzle.com/store/purrfectlypagan Please visit our store and support our magazine!
Exploring & Embracing Your True Nature
When I was a young teen, I was full of beautiful, dark, feminine energy. I bathed in its glory, and I fully embraced it. I had a kind and gentle spirit, but I was also full of fire when I needed or wanted to be. I was a young witch, learning about Magick and myself. I was
Then society started to step up its pressure, as it often does. In my personal experience, society (in general) is more tolerant when girls show signs of being headstrong or full of fire. It’s chalked up to being strong-willed, and something to tolerate for a while. But as the child grows into a teen, expectations change. Plus, being raised in the South, being a headstrong, full-of-fire Witch isn’t exactly fitting in And although I was full of fire, I wasn’t nearly as full of confidence. I hid my Witchiness. I did my best to conform to the expectations that society held for me, accepting that this was what I needed to do in order to find love and acceptance. I held my tongue and held my Witchy side. I tried Christianity for a long while. (I was miserable.) With every piece of me I tried to hide, I fell deeper and deeper into sadness and despair. I put on a smile, but it was a facade. This was my life for decades.
(continued on next page)
P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying a "coffee"? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated https://ko-fi
Exploring & Embracing Your True Nature
I don’t feel shame for this. I only feel some regret. But my mantra (for so many things) is this: I did the best I could with the information and circumstances I had at the time.
In my forties, I began to seriously look at my life. I was not pleased with it (for a LOT of reasons) and decided that I was DONE with doing what society felt I “should” do, be, or say. SO done.
I explored my relationships, feelings, hopes, dreams (cliche, but true), Spirituality, career, and more. I explored everything and explored it deeply. I spent a lot of time looking within and also did research, trying to put words to what I was feeling.
I began to explore my literal dreams, as well. Our dreams can give us so much insight, lifting the veil between our conscious and unconscious mind. Not just from a metaphysical standpoint, but also from a psychology standpoint. (I am studying to complete a degree in psychology.) (continued on next page)
P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying a "coffee"? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated https://ko-fi com/ladyshay
Exploring & Embracing Your True Nature
What were my mind and soul trying to tell me? It took me a while to find out, but I was determined to learn.
I wanted to welcome back the Witch I used to be. I was much more “love and light” when I first came back around, so to speak, but I am letting in the wispy shades of darkness I once embraced fully.
I decided to move 1000 miles North, to New England, for many reasons (career, opportunities, etc.), but one very important reason was to move to an area that was more Pagan/Witch friendly
I don’t reject what I find when I look inward. No one is truly all light or darkness. We are all a blend of both. It’s what makes each of us unique and beautiful.
Take some time to explore who you are. Don’t rush the process. It won’t happen overnight. And don’t look at yourself through the lens of what you “should” be. You are who you are. Sure, you may have areas where you feel you need to change, but it should be coming from within, not someone/something external passing judgement on you.
Once you explore, take the time to embrace your true nature, loving your Darkness and your Light.
P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying a "coffee"? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated https://ko-fi com/ladyshay
Please help spread the word! Subscribe for FREE and support your fellow Pagans & Witches! www.purrfectlypagan.com/magazine.html
Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother
Jingle My Bells Divination Part 2 by Faerie Godsmother
‘Bells will be ringing the glad, glad news.’
(Come home for Christmas - Charlie Brown/Charles Redd)
This marks 1 year of writing for this magazine with the lovely Lady Shay. In my years on this planet, I have yet to meet a kinder, more enthusiastic, fair, knowledgeable boss. She is big on freedom of speech and gives pagans of all sorts a safe place to express ourselves and a platform to use our voices. It’s a platform that we so desperately need. I am proud to be the first columnist hired for this amazing adventure, and I cannot wait to see where Lady Shay takes us next! So, I’m jingling my bells in celebration!
Speaking of jingling bells… Let’s get to the topic of this month’s article: bells as divination tools. If you ask many practitioners if bells are divination tools, many will tell you, “No.” They will tell you that bells are used for clearing energy, sound healing, opening and closing ritual, and a number of other magick related things, but many don’t view bells as a typical divining tool. Up until a year and a half ago, I would have agreed with them.
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Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother
Jingle My Bells
Divination Part 2 - continued by Faerie Godsmother
‘Bells are incredible communication devices, and really, isn’t that what divination tools are? I mean think about it. Divination is seeking knowledge from spirit. A divining tool is just a tool to help you pick up the message that spirit is trying to give you. It’s like having a walkie talkie, or phone for the spirit world. You can’t call spirit the way you would a living friend or relative, so you need other devices to help with that. Tarot cards, crystals, runes, oracle cards, pendulums, spirit boards, bells and other divining tools are just telephones to the spirit world. Just like different phone carriers work better than others for certain people, different divining tools work better for different people. I know people who have Verizon and love it. Just like I know people who have AT&T or T Mobile and they love their service. It’s the same with divining tools. Some people get a better understanding from reading Tarot, versus others who prefer spirit boards or scrying. It’s all about preference. The thing is, most people forget about bells!
They forget that bells can summon spirits just as easily as they can clear the place of negative energy. They can act as both a fire alarm, giving the message to get out, as well as a telephone ringing that needs to be answered.
I bet you’re wondering what happened a year and a half ago that reminded me that bells are a valid divination tool. Early on in our relationship, my honey and I had our first paranormal experiences together. Prior to this, we each had many paranormal experiences on our own. This was just our first one together. We were just waking up when it happened (continued on next page)
Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother
Jingle My Bells Divination Part 2 - continued by Faerie Godsmother
He had a little altar in his bedroom It was across the room from his bed In true Devil’s Advocate form, his altar had all kinds of bones on it, candles, and a bell. It was dark and on one shelf, near the TV. (And yes, I do mean Devil’s Advocate, John Shaden, who is also a columnist for this magazine. I know it seems totally scandalous from the outside, but it couldn’t be any less scandalous if we tried. We live together, work together, proofread each other’s stuff and argue about word usage and whose turn it is to feed the cat.)
We had just woken up and were talking when his altar bell rang. No one was near it and there was no wind in the room. So, we asked if it was a spirit. The bell rang again After a few times, the spirit, my guy’s grandpa, stopped ringing the bell to answer and just started talking to me directly, as I am a medium, this happens a lot. I get a lot of spirits talking to me directly.
It was a really interesting and exciting experience and it had me exploring bells in a whole new way. For some reason it had not dawned on me that bells could be a wonderful divination tool. We use bells to get people’s attention. They are used in schools at the beginning and end of classes. They are used to communicate all different things. So why not use them to communicate with spirit?
They can be used to answer simple yes or no questions. Open-ended questions can be answered with Morse Code or a code that you come up with. You can use them to summon spirit, or to back them away. Do not dismiss the bell! Even the tiniest of bells can be used as a divination tool!
So jingle your bells! And I’ll jingle mine!
About Faerie Godsmother
Owner of Holly Be Healing, a business dedicated to energetic and spiritual healing. While the business, Holly Be Healing, is only a few years old, Holly’s dedication to helping people has been a lifelong mission and her talent for intuitively knowing what people are feeling and how to help them heal is as skill that Holly has honed over the years Holly taught Shaolin Chuan Fa for 10 years and Yang Style Tai Chi for 5 years. While doing and teaching the martial arts she discovered her love of energy work and started focusing a lot on meditation. She became a certified Chakra Meditation Specialist and certified health coach in order to help people clear their chakras and heal physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Holly has been reading Oracle Cards, and tarot for 26 years privately and just recently added it to the services that she provides through Holly Be Healing. Holly Be healing offers Chakra Meditation sessions, Moving Meditation sessions, and Oracle Reading sessions to clients of all types. Holly has read for all types of people, schoolteachers, massage therapists, stay at home moms, jewelry designers, and even radio stars. She has lead meditation sessions with black belts, teachers, local artists, IT specialists, world renowned artists, and countless others.
Holly is also the co-creator of a unique and fun podcast, "Psychics and Swears," where she and her cohost enjoy doing 5-minute fun readings and interviewing our favorite intuitives. Holly and her partner John Shäden are also the creators of the amazing fragrance, "Moon Owl Moon Water."
To learn more, please reach out to Holly: 475-329-8997
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection
by Lady Shay Bygul
Human beings have an innate need for connections. Being lonely has a negative impact on our well-being. This is different from choosing solitude for a time. Choosing to have time alone means that you have people that you are connected to but you need some time to yourself to rest and recharge.
Back when we were hunter-gatherers, being alone meant you might get attacked and eaten by a mountain lion. You’d be hungry. You couldn't make it on your own. There is a psychological effect to being lonely. Even though we no longer live in caves or have the threat of being eaten by a mountain lion, we are still biologically programmed to be a part of a community.
I am working towards a degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. That is a big fancy phrase that means I study how groups of people interact with each other, work together, and form connections with each other (and why they don’t).
I also teach people about Mindful Paganism. Most people wander through life without purpose or direction. I teach people how to approach each day with Mindfulness, to bring direction to their lives, and to change their direction if they want to, making a Fresh Start.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
I have a personal journey where I began to mindfully create connections with others and how it has enriched my life. I hope it will help you to look at the world in a different way
We make connections by having something in common:
Person (family, mutual friend, teacher, mentor, mutual enemy [the enemy of my enemy is my friend])
Place (school, work, church, restaurant, etc.) Things (Fandom, Goals, Cause, Hobby, etc.)
When this common denominator goes away (new job, new school, etc.), the connection fades unless there is another connection point
Making friends as a child seems easy, right?
You’re forced to spend 50 hours a week with a room full of other kids. You can’t escape. Some connections are inevitable, really. My connections as a kid were, ironically, with other kids who had a hard time making friends. We were the misfits, and kind of proud of that fact. But it wasn’t easy, and I didn’t have a lot of friends.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
My Connections Journey
Let me preface this by saying that I am an introvert by nature. My default setting is to be a wallflower and watch other people socialize. I was painfully shy in high school.
When I went to college, I purposefully made myself talk to other people. I had no idea where to start, but I did what I thought was the logical place to start. I lived in a dorm room on the 8th floor. So I started talking to people in elevators. It was a short time where they couldn’t escape.
That was a long time ago. I am much more comfortable with striking up conversations and making connections. (But I am still an introvert.)
I sought to make more mindful connections a couple of years ago. We moved to a new house, and I had left friends behind. Instead of leaving things up to chance, I decided to be proactive. I developed a “connection mindset” - seeking out opportunities to connect with others and see where it leads.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
Strangers, Weak Ties, & Strong Ties
There were a number of studies done by Jillian Sanstrum about how your level of wellbeing is affected by the number of interactions you have with strangers, weak ties, and strong ties.
When you smile at a barista and make a little conversation for the first time, that is a connection with a stranger. If it’s a place you frequent and you recognize each other as you walk in, that is a weak tie. Strong ties are friends and family that you feel a connection to. Not everyone feels a strong connection to family.
Studies have shown that this cumulative effect with people we are weakly connected to actually boosts our happiness and sense of well-being
During the pandemic, we tried to make time to reach out and connect with our friends and loved ones, but the small interactions with those we didn’t know as well were often cut off. We weren’t stopping by for coffee or going out to restaurants or picking up dry cleaning. Studies have shown that the loss of those weak tie connections had an impact on our well-being. Some places closed during the pandemic, so those connections were permanently lost, with a long-lasting impact.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
After my journey to make mindful connections began, I started 2 groups around 2 of my interests - Paganism and Gaming. I have virtual and in-person events. I always have a virtual event for the Pagan group each month for our New Moon Ritual. I have some members who cannot drive, so the virtual events make sure they have a way to join the others and make some connections that way.
Before you discount online connections: I met my husband on Twitter, and my daughter’s best friend is someone she met playing Minecraft 10 years ago. We lived in SC and he lived in MA, and we ended up moving less than an hour away from him He took her around to see the city, fill out job applications, and helped her learn how to use public transportation before she had her license. He is like a son to me, and he calls me Mom. One of my best friends is also a writer for my Purrfectly Pagan magazine and I met her online. She has traveled over 200 miles to help me run a booth at an event. I adore her. And we met because she posted something in a business group that caught my eye: “I posted about wanting to meet fellow Pagan business owners and it was taken down. Why?” I thought: I like her. We should be friends.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
Anyway, getting back to the groups:
I ask three questions to join. Two are related to the specific group, but the last question was what was so eye-opening for me: “Why did you join this group?”
Ninety percent said something like this:
“I want to make more friends ”
“I’m lonely.”
“I want to connect with other Pagans/Gamers”
“I’m tired of being by myself.”
“I want to get out of my house and meet new people.”
This really opened my eyes. People need connections. They are looking for connections. To ignore that is hurtful.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
How to develop a connection mindset
The first thing to understand is that not everyone wants to make new friends, and that is totally okay. Not everyone is going to be a strong tie or a best friend, and that is okay, too.
My job is to provide an opening. If they are closed to that opportunity, my obligation is to then respect that boundary. No harm, no foul. We’re cool. I don’t push, I don’t pry, and I am not offended in any way. I smile and then shift to another topic (if it’s someone I need to continue to interact with, like a server in a restaurant) or politely leave if need be.
How do you provide an opening? Jillian Sanstrum says that she starts off with something like, “How is your day going?”
I’m not a fan of that approach. I find it’s a little generic, and you never know where it’s going to lead.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
I prefer to look for clues that show what the person is interested in. A necklace, a pin, a tattoo, a T-shirt. Maybe it’s something they say. Then I ask them to tell me the story behind whatever it is. “That’s a lovely necklace. Where did you get it?” Tattoos are my favorite, because every tattoo has a story behind it. “I love your tattoo. What is the story behind it?’ Strike up a conversation and see where it goes. The key to this is that you are not looking for any specific outcome. This isn’t Amway. You don’t have a quota. You’re not trying to level up. You are just offering the chance for a connection. If it’s appropriate, The next step is the most important: provide a way for them to keep in touch. I have cards for my groups. I have cards for this magazine, with details about how to subscribe. I also have pens to hand out. You don’t need anything fancy Choose what you’d like to do I like business cards because it has a different feel than writing my number down on a piece of paper for someone. That has a different vibe for me. Having a card with my info on it is one way. I also have some generic “You’re Awesome!” cards I use to jot my number down, too. You come up with a way that works for you. And if it doesn’t feel right to reconnect right then, that’s fine, too. Smile and be on your way. Trust your instincts. Maybe your paths will cross again.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued by Lady Shay Bygul
Nurture your connections
In your search for new connections, don’t forget the connections you have already. Reach out. A text, a card, a call - whatever you feel comfortable with.
Don’t leave things vague. Don’t say, “We should get together sometime.” Say, “Would you like to grab coffee next Saturday?”
How willing would you be to make people comfortable connecting with you?
All around you, there are people who are lonely Someone who wants to make more friends. Someone who had a friend move away or pass away, and they really need to belong to a community. There is someone who hasn’t talked to anyone for the last couple of days. Studies have shown that 22% of people suffer from extreme loneliness.
In my last job, we called on people to do a health risk assessment. One of the points I trained on during orientation is that for some of the people we called, we were the only people they had talked to all week, so we had to balance our time while still nurturing their need for a connection.
Mindful Paganism
How to Nurture Our Need for Connection - continued
by Lady Shay Bygul
There is someone who wants to go see a movie but doesn’t want to go by themselves. Someone who’d love to go out to eat but hates to sit alone. Someone who just read a great book or binged something on Netflix, and they would love to talk with someone about it over coffee and cheesecake
I encourage you to seek out connections in your day to day life. It’s enriching. It’s so rewarding. It’s fun, even for an introvert like me. So follow these guidelines:
Provide opportunities for connections
Be available for connections
Develop a connections mindset. Look for opportunities to find common ground. Nurture the connections you already have
I hope this has inspired you to go make some new connections and to reach out to someone you already know.
To learn more about Mindful Paganism, please visit my site: www.MindfulPaganism.com
About Lady Shay Bygul
Lady Shay is a Unitarian Universalist Pagan and an eclectic witch. She feels her purpose is to serve the Pagan community.
Shay is the owner and Editor-InChief of Purrfectly Pagan Magazine. She started the magazine in January of 2022 to help her fellow Pagans.
Shay is a Mindful Paganism coach and practitioner. Mindful Paganism is the practice of connecting Mind, Body, & Spirit in order to relieve stress, find our purpose, and rediscover Joy. Shay can be reached via email at ladyshay@mindfulpaganism.com
Available on Amazon! Order your copy today! Enjoy a selection of articles from our January 2022 - June 2022 issues!
Purrfectly Pagan Marketplace
Nettle Love Potion
The Tale about the Transformation
There is that moment of remembrance when we meet with nature's gifts.
As a child, I spent so much time outside with my friends. Winter, summer, wind, rain, snow, storm... you name the weather, we were outside, playing and exploring...
Today I recalled how we ran through the nettle field just out of fun, and probably to show off a bit (whoever the stupid idea that was, lol). So, there wasn't any real point to that so-called game, but just to run as fast as you can through the stinging nettle field.
Our legs were burning! But, what the hell, we laughed... and that mattered. (continued on next page)
Nettle Love Potion
The Tale about the Transformation
We all know how nettle can prick, and now if I tell you to drink nettle tea, you will probably be like Fu*k NO! Haha... But let me show you the transformation and precious worth of this herb and as crazy as it sounds, it's one of the most amazing ones! The health benefits are so high.
Although it stings, do not worry, once it's dried, the stings are gone and it's totally safe to drink and even eat. I like to substitute spinach sometimes with nettle, they have almost the same taste and the preparation is similar. So if you'd like to switch it up sometimes, it's a good choice.
Nettle can help keep the liver free of toxins. It has antioxidant properties, as well as anti-inflammatory, which means that it's can also help with treating flu symptoms If we have any respiratory condition, nettle tea is can be our best friend. Feel free to drink a few cups of nettle tea a day, as the simplest way to ingest it. It's a pure herbal tea, with no caffeine at all.
I love that I have my secret field where we gather it! You can do this on your own, as well, if it grows anywhere near you. Just make sure that the place is far away from any roads and other stuff that can cause the impurity of the plant. You really don't want to ingest anything that's not safe!
(continued on next page)
Nettle Love Potion
The Tale about the Transformation
One more thing that I didn't know before when it comes to physical health, is that nettle can help with water retention. It happens when the body keeps too much fluid, mostly stored in cells and tissues, instead of letting it out. So, next time you feel that puffiness in your body, just brew some nettle tea and enjoy Although we should make a habit to drink it often, because it may help with prevention.
Other nutrients that can be found in nettle are vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C, K, A and B, and iron, calcium, magnesium, and all of the essential amino acids.
But here's some other interesting stuff about this nature's child;
Nettle was very popular in the textile industry. It can be easily bleached or dyed as every other natural material, like cotton or linen, for example. Very easy to work with and provides a strong cord Although it's a stinging herb, once it's processed it loses the stings and turns to a silky feeling fiber. I personally love that transformation!
Roman troops rubbed themselves with nettle to keep their bodies warm and alert during the night. Makes sense...
(continued on next page)
Nettle Love Potion
The Tale about the Transformation
And, you probably know this, but it doesn't hurt to mention... Making hair treatment with nettle can promote hair growth! If this is your goal, make sure to look up shampoos, oils and masks that have wonderful nettle extracts
At the wrap up, I'm sending you an energetic reminder to often make nettle tea or soup and keep your mind and body full of the good stuff.
Wishing you Calm & Magic.
About Lily Maya
Lily discovered her desire for writing at an early age. She asked her granny to buy her a notebook and waiting for no teacher, she start waving words on paper, with passion and in awe.
In her 20's she gathered some pieces of her work and publish them, becoming an author of the 'Ruthless Silence' poetry book. She then continues to feed her soul through various art forms. Today, as a founder of the Black Rabbit Tea brand, she runs a successful soul-led business and mentors others on their way to building this dream for themselves.
We are looking for Pagan Businesses to Feature! Are you a Pagan Business Owner? We might want to feature your business in an upcoming issue! Please contact Shay and tell her a little bit about your business! https://www.purrfectlypagan.com/contact.html
What I Wish I Had Said
About a month ago, I was at the grocery store waiting in the checkout line when I overheard an employee of the store disparaging transgender people while bagging groceries one aisle over. She was easily twelve feet away from me and the aisles were full of people also within level earshot of her unloving candor.
I couldn’t help myself. Loudly across the distance between us, I said, “Ma’am, you are representing the company while speaking like that about people. It’s bad enough that you hold this opinion yourself, but now you’re representing the company as well.” She shouted back, “I’m not representing the company. And you’re just taking this too personally!” I said, “I’m not taking it personally. You’re wearing their uniform and performing your job at this exact moment. And clearly, you know nothing about the subject or else you wouldn’t be saying any of this ”
Our exchanges continued for a bit. Her’s hostile, mine refusing to back down. Until I decided my point had been made and I need not continue making the people around us feel either uncomfortable or wished they could pull up a chair and eat popcorn to watch the show.
I wouldn’t normally have a loud verbal smackdown with somebody so publicly, but I just couldn’t believe how unkind and incorrect she was being about a subject she clearly knows nothing about, especially from the ersatz bully pulpit of a professional setting.
I’m sure my confrontation didn’t change her mind, but no one around me stood up for her and several people gave me subtle smiles. I don’t normally like being a tattletale either, but I couldn’t help but call the management as I was exiting the parking lot to let them know. He was grateful that I told him and made a point to tell me that that is not the view of their store I expressly did not want her fired, just admonished.
(continued on next page
What I Wish I Had Said
In the days that followed I replayed the scene in my head over and over I wondered if I was just being a “Karen.” No, I didn’t overdo my meltdown, I never allowed my anger to foment into public rage. I wondered if I had embarrassed myself to the level that my calling her out had clearly embarrassed her. No, I was defiantly firm, but not unkind. I said my peace but didn’t lose my cool. I didn’t storm to the Customer Service desk afterward and demand to see a manager so that I could point her out in front of everyone. I kept my dignity and avoided further bedraggling hers.
I hoped that I had modeled good behavior for others around me. Maybe I did. Hard to say. Fingers crossed. But there was one point of the conversation that I wished had gone differently I wish that when she accused me of taking it personally, I had acknowledged that, yes, I definitely was taking it personally.
I take it personally when people like her make those I love feel unsafe in this world. I am not sorry that I took her words personally and I should have said so. I’m not sorry that I countermanded her publicly stated ignorance with an equally publicly stated reprimand. But I am sorry I didn’t let her and by extension, everyone around us know that what she was saying can be overheard. And you never know who’s listening.
What if there had been a transgender kid listening to her being further exposed to the false idea that who they are is somehow wrong? What would it have made them feel like if no one had said anything in their defense? It would have made them feel like she must be right.
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What I Wish I Had Said
The fact is, transgender people have an astronomically higher rate of suicide unless they are supported by their family, their community, and receive appropriate gender-affirming care. Why might that be? It’s not because they’re lying about who and what they are. Nor have they been brainwashed by their parents, as one of that employee’s accusations had leveled. If it’s so easy to brainwash a kid into believing that their perceived gender does not match their appearance, why don’t people just brainwash them to be otherwise? Because truth can’t be brainwashed for very long or without dire consequences.
I wished I had told her just how deeply personally I take it, because people's lives are actually, literally, at stake. And not just people I know and love.
I also wished I had asked the management if I could sit down and talk with her, rather than just leave the residue of our confrontation clinging to us indefinitely, without resolution. Without compassion. I wished, and I still wish, I could tell her that it’s not a sin to be ignorant. Ignorance can be healed. It can be educated. Its fears have a right to be heard, too I hope she reads this column. I hope she knows that her words do have an impact on the world. And that, in the absence of always knowing what’s true, at least seek to do no harm.
We are responsible for our neighbor. Whether you like them, or not, whether you love them or not, whether or not you understand them or agree with them, we are the caretakers of one another. All of us. If someone needs something, seek to understand it before condemning it. There is always something more profound to comprehend. That’s what I really wish I had said.
About Wil Darcangelo
Wil Darcangelo, M.Div, is the Minister at the First Parish UU Church of Fitchburg and of the First Church of Christ, Unitarian in Lancaster, and producer of The UU Virtual Church of Fitchburg and Lancaster on YouTube.
Email wildarcangelo@gmail.com. Follow him on Twitter @wildarcangelo. His blog, Hopeful Thinking, can be found at www.hopefulthinkingworld.blogspot.com
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Advertise your Business here! Contact Shay for Rates: https://www.purrfectlypagan.com/contact.html
Purrfectly Pagan Marketplace
Currently, I am taking an introspective class with Sorita D'este, the well-known author, esoteric researchers and wiccan priestess, and Emily Carding, actor and writer, on Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, the moon, ghosts, and so many other things-too many to list. Hecate was introduced to me by a fellow witch friend of mine years before.
What Do You Believe?
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An Introspective Look into Your Belief System
What Do You Believe?
An Introspective Look into Your Belief System
Growing up Roman Catholic, I remember being so enamored with her. Here is a goddess that is way beyond what I thought of as a deity, as I was used to the soft, gentle, and even demure figures I had grown up with Hecate to me is a powerful, unyielding, “kick ass” force, who is guider and protector, but with a no-nonsense approach.
I am now a few weeks into the class and was asked to start journaling and deep diving into our own belief system. This sounds easier than it actually is.
There may be a select few of you that find these questions easy, if you’ve done a lot of hard work on yourself. For the rest of us, and especially me, it really made me think, long and hard about the answers. Most of us are so busy with the “muggle” world that we give more thought to what brand of toothpaste to buy than we do these important questions.
“Do you believe in magic?” (no, not like the song by the Lovin’ Spoonfuls.) For me, this seemed like a “no brainer”. Of course, I do! Magic and I are close-very close. One of my favorite movies as a child was “Xanadu”, where Olivia NewtonJohn bolts out “You’ve got to believe, we are magic. Nothing can stand in our way!” Recently, I had a magic wand tattooed on my arm! The bigger question for me is “What does magic mean to me?”
The definition on the internet of magic is “The power of influencing events through supernatural forces.” In my humble opinion, magic in everyday life is not supernatural. It is the power to use the energy around you to influence those events. Anyone can learn to do this. However, witches are the experts in this field This is part of what drew me into the craft, the power and ability to shift your will into the outcome.
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What Do You Believe?
An Introspective Look into Your Belief System
“Do you believe that deities are aspects of yourself?” This question was followed by “Do you believe that gods are sentient beings external to myself?” and “Do you believe that all deities are unique and separate, or part of the greater whole?” These questions stopped me in my tracks. I had never considered it! Aspects of myself? Isn’t everything technically an aspect of me? These questions will take some more introspection on my part, however at this time, I do believe that deities are a part of humans, but
they are also separate aspects. If you’ve seen or read “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman, this is a great representation of what I believe People feed deities (or gods) with their love and devotion, or simply put, their energy. The more they feed them, the more they become real and separate.
Do you believe having a devotional practice to a deity helps you learn more about yourself, others and the world around you?” I started performing devotional practice about a year ago when my year and a day mentor suggested I start getting to know my familiars with daily offerings. She said “Think of it this way. If you were going away for a week and you needed someone to watch your cat, would you knock on your neighbor’s door you’ve never met and ask them to help?” Of course not! Creating a relationship makes sense. Coming from personal experience, as I give offerings to my deities, land guardians, angels, ancestors, and familiars every morning, I feel more connected and solid in my beliefs and my craft. I also am comforted in the fact that they will “have my back” if I need them.
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What Do You Believe?
An Introspective Look into Your Belief System
“Do you believe in destiny?” Wow! Another great question! Sounds like a movie quote though!!
The internet defines destiny as “the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future” Here’s my take on this If destiny is a “thing”, then that means that no matter what we do, where we go, who we meet, and what we change, destiny is going to grab us by the ass, and tell us “Nope-this way!!”. I do believe that we are heavily guided by our spirit team/loved ones/guardian angels...whatever term you like.
However, I wholeheartedly believe that we are human, and we get to make the choices. Free will is where it's at…(mic drop).
“Do you believe in reincarnation?” This one was a bit easier for me. The United States government actually has a division on this topic, with many, many files they don’t like to talk about. The hard evidence is from young children who knew facts about strangers' lives that they should not have known. I also have experienced past life regressions myself and know others who also have It’s a thing, in my humble opinion.
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What Do You Believe?
An Introspective Look into Your Belief System
I now challenge you to ask yourself these challenging questions. Don’t think of this as a “right or wrong” thing. What you believe is what you believe. You are the orchestrator of your practice. Don’t let others push you into something you don’t believe. You are the one with the power. However, knowing what you believe makes you more powerful and grounded in your everyday practice. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself the hard questions, as it helps you get to know yourself better, and therefore, stand strong in who you are, and where you’re going. So mote it be.
About Michelle Pellin
Michelle began her spiritual journey when she was a child after a family trip at age 6 to Salem, MA. After being introduced to the world of the occult, Michelle became obsessed with witches and ghosts, using tarot and ouija to communicate with the spirit world, performing magic for friends and family, reading endless books about the witch trials and ghost encounters, watching endless hours of “Bewitched” and “Charmed”, and even writing her high school senior thesis on poltergeists. Halloween did not go by without Michelle dressing up as a witch, except for the year she was Casper the friendly ghost!
When Michelle entered college, got married, had a full-time job, had children, did foster care and had multiple pets (and somehow kept her sanity in check through it all), things came to a halt for over 30 years. During this time, Michelle continued to use her gifts of clairsentience and claircognizance without realizing it, as she was often labeled “too sensitive”, and was told “you seem to have someone looking out for you”. In 2014, Michelle gained her professional mental health counseling license, and in 2018, she was led by spirit to a holistic healing center in Durham CT called “The Red Barn in Durham”, where she left her full time social work job to have her own holistic private practice. This led Michelle to have a spiritual “breakdown” of her ego, also known as a spiritual awakening!
Michelle’s world was turned upside down, as she was raised Roman Catholic, as she was taught that they were the one “true” religion. Michelle began to question everything, obsessively research, and challenge herself to let go of the guilt, shame and limiting beliefs that attaches itself to anyone who follows this religious path. Michelle felt terrified and exhilarated all at the same time while she was pulling away from a belief system layered in fear, and at times, thought she might be going crazy…
Michelle then joined a spiritual support group, which helped her connect with others who were going through the same process, and also helped her connect to a community of like minded individuals. Relief was on its way, as Michelle learned that others were having the same experiences as her! Michelle’s first mentors were Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan, Reiki Master/teacher/psychic medium, and Jennifer Gaylord, psychic medium, the leaders of the support group. Stephanie and Jennifer helped Michelle connect with her gifts, her ancestry, and her healing abilities. Within a few months, Michelle became a Reiki Master, and was able to use this ability to help others heal on a physical and emotional level.
In 2019, Michelle then met Paul Rice, psychic ghost worker (NOT hunter-Michelle does not believe in hunting people, or animals for that matter!), who would be her next mentor. Paul was teaching a class on how to tap into your psychic abilities in order to help ghosts move onto the light. Paul believed that there were many reasons why souls didn’t move on, and it was up to us to guide them, facilitate healing, and move them on to their version of heaven. Michelle developed her gifts, and realized that she could add clairvoyance to her spiritual resume! Paul was also teaching Michelle how to psychically protect herself, which is absolutely necessary for this type of work (although Michelle believes that humans are MUCH more scary than ghosts!). In 2021, Paul gave the group a formal name entitled “SHONE-spirit healers of New England” in order to continue his legacy (on FB and IG). When Paul retires and moves out of the country in 2023, Michelle will co lead the group, as her passion for rescue mediumship has soared.
In 2020, the pandemic hit, and doing things online suddenly exploded. Many famous mediums who were inaccessible suddenly were available at the request of a Zoom link. During this time, Michelle connected with mediums all over the world, and started doing practice circles and gallery readings that challenged her abilities (and scared her to death!). Michelle’s next mentor would be Kay Reynolds, an Arthur Findley college trained medium who was previously an elementary school teacher, and can work with others in a gentle and encouraging way (which is what Michelle needed!). Kay taught Michelle to develop her gifts even further, and the gift of clairaudience began to develop. Michelle continues to challenge herself, and will be working with more talented mediums in order to gain professionalism, and to learn how to perform trance mediumship.
In 2021, Michelle decided that the witchcraft had been put on a shelf for much too long! Michelle then began her year and a day training with Stacy Salpietro-Babb, an animist village witch who showed Michelle how to forage, craft spells, create sigils, perform tarot readings, read astrology, create self care items, perform rituals, tap into familiars, honor deities, and more! Most importantly though, Stacy showed Michelle how to be proud of who she was, and how to stand in her own truth. Michelle had finally come full circle!
Today, Michelle spends most of her days running her fully remote holistic telehealth practice from her home, encouraging people to be their true authentic selves. Michelle also runs ghost field trips that are open to the public, attends her mediumship and year and a day training classes, performs tarot and mediumship readings in private and at events, and spends time with her family, friends and her cat Loki. Michelle has her own blog entitled “Ghost and Spiritual Musings” on Facebook, where she shares her extraordinary experiences within the ghost and mediumship world. Michelle has also written for various publishings, such as CWPN (CT wiccan and pagan network), and writes ritual and spellwork for her groups.
Pagan Groups
Pioneer Valley Witches and Pagans group is for Pagans and Witches in the Pioneer Valley, Western Mass, and nearby areas to get together, chat, network, and socialize.
We have Meetups every two weeks. I'm trying to plan some more interesting outings and activities, set stay tuned! You can find us at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pioneerwitchesandpagans/?ref=share and for those not on Facebook: https://meetingplace.io/PVW
Merry Meet! This group is for Pagans of all types (wiccan, neopagan, Celtic, etc.) in or near Fitchburg, MA, to meet and socialize. It's also a welcoming place for those who are curious about paganism. We have online gatherings for those who are not local. Join here: https://www.meetup.com/fitchburg-pagan-meetup-group
List your Pagan group here for free! Contact Shay for info:
Fitchburg Pagan Group in Fitchburg, MA
Pioneer Valley Witches & Pagans - Western Massachusetts
The Devil's Advocate
The Sounds of the Void: The Historical and Modern Use of Sound and Music in Occultism
by John Shaden
I close my eyes I breathe deeply, inhaling through my nostrils and exhaling from my mouth. The only visible light is the dancing candle flames skewed by my eyelids. After a time, my mind draws a perfect, pristine blank. The outside world is nothing anymore. All I can hear is ambient droning from my headphones. My mission: reach the ThetaGamma Sync and open my third eye. The sound falls away, like when bungee jumping. My mind is a black, cold, infinite place. I am approaching the spirit world. As I fall deeper and deeper, a speck of barely visible light pierces the veil of black completeness. This light intensifies, hurling in a strange schisming pattern. It's frenetic, buzzing chaos. Then color, white, then deep red and yellow. Purple blooms form the chaos, its kaleidoscoping at speeds that are vaguely frightening momentarily, then a wave of unifying peace and euphoria collide with the fear, enveloping me It's me I am the fear. This place, this NetherRealm holds no such things. Fear is an alien here. A stain on an otherwise perfect union. Deliver me. Free me from this fear…
And I am back. This is but one of many deep explorations of my inner self I have accomplished. Part of my spiritual path is deep introspection, under various methods. Psychedelics have helped quite a bit in destroying the large walls I have built around my soul due to past trauma. Meditation and yoga have done wonders. But I didn't get to where I am today without one simple ingredient… music.
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...WhenyougazelongintotheAbyss,theAbyssgazesalsointoyou.” -FriedrichNeitzche
The Devil's Advocate
The Sounds of the Void: The Historical and Modern Use of Sound and Music in Occultism - continued by
John Shaden
Music, it seems so obvious now. Music has been the longest-standing true love of mine from my earliest memories. Even as a young devil, I was obsessed with it. The glory, the anguish, the excitement, the passion, the drama…. I love it all so much. Many genres, many artists I could fill a godd@mn novel with just names of bands and artists who helped and inspired me. From David Bowie to Black Sabbath to Boyd Rice and Psychic TV. Trent Reznor is basically a deity of mine, merzbow the Japanese noise artist, GG Allin, Watain. Wagner. Chopin. I could go on and on. Music isn't just an ingredient to magick, no, it is Magick. You can explain the science of sound, it's all energy condensed into vibration bouncing off our eardrums. But why when I hear Johnny Cash’s rendition of Hurt or Ian Curtis of Joy Division singing disorder do I well up with tears? Or even more interesting, when there is NO words, like a particular guitar like my brother George plays. I well up with tears. I am moved to fucking TEARS. And mind you, I ain't a b!tch. I’m not the hardest man alive, but I am rugged as f*ck. Explain that to me Sorrow is not the only emotion Literally on the verge of suicide, and I put on Surfer Rosa by The Pixies, and I am instantly elated. Rolling on ecstasy, tripping balls happy. Or the music of numeral Metal and Punk bands that make you wanna smash someone’s face or bounce off the goddamn walls…. Crowley’s definition of Magick was ‘manipulation of the physical world and universe in accordance to one's’ Will”. Sounds like magick by the ol’ dogs’ definition. And I agree.
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The Devil's Advocate
The Sounds of the Void: The Historical and Modern Use of Sound and Music in Occultism - continued
by John Shaden
I obviously have a ‘thing’ for the jams, but what about music as a tool of magick? For spiritual sustenance and as a sacrament? Adding music, either live or recorded, to my practice has upped my game 666fold. And until I get my hands on an isolation chamber/float tank, it's working just fine. I've noticed that dark ambient music, drone and noise seem to work hand in hand with my chaotic nature. Like a stalking predator in the blackness of the forest at night, it looms as I prepare to contact what most couldn't even fathom. I’m talking Lovecraft, minus the racism and lack of p*ssy. The first time I made contact with another entity in this state, I was bewildered. I simply wasn't aware that things with true consciousness could look like literal chaos No up or down, swirling in impossible patterns and tendrils of smokey, sludge-like appendages. They were the antithesis of sacred geometry. So I dubbed them ‘the profane’. This name comes out of respect, I assure you, and they didn't seem to mind. They don't communicate like other entities I have dealt with in my past. They sort of inject their answers telepathically. They are for all intents and purposes friendly, at least to me. They are from a place so foreign to our understanding of the universe that even attempting to describe it seems like an act of futility… and I get especially nervous when they show up in my house. I have had to ask rather sternly that they at least announce to me they are in my quarters, for not my sake, but for that of my loved ones….. Dopplegangers and shadow people tend to scare the f*ck outta my family
(continued on next page) WARNING: ADULT LANGUAGE
The Devil's Advocate
The Sounds of the Void: The Historical and Modern Use of Sound and Music in Occultism - continued
by John Shaden
So, we all know that music has been used in magick and ritual/ceremony since basically the invention of such practices. Mankind has almost a unique rhythm built into our very DNA we respond to it so naturally it's amazing, and it's universal. It's also been vilified, outlawed and scrutinized since time in memorial. In my part 2 (finale) on this subject, we will be going into the history of those who have no rhythm and the battle to rock… so listen carefully next time you are partaking in your favorite music. You may get a taste of the magick yourself.
About John Shraden
John Shaden was born on a leap year in 1988. He is a musician, black magickian, and a chaos gnostic satanist John has had a keen interest in the occult and left hand path since as early as he can remember. He was born and raise Catholic, John found himself spiritually crippled and in his late teens decided to look into the darkness for answers and he found them. Through ritual magick and in communion with the divine, John has been able to sharpen his skills as a psychic and practitioner of the black work.
John founded an occult order known as the, “Order of the Oblivion,” in which he and his fraternal brother work with other occult organizations in forwarding their goals of gnosis, strength, and apotheosis in 2018. Along with his spiritual path, John has been the front man for the black metal band, “CARNIVOROUS STORM,” since 2018.
John has been a writer since he was a young boy, taking inspiration from authors such as Hunter S Thompson, E A Koetting, Michael W Ford, Charles Bukowski, and Sun Tzu. He has been published on many online forums and websites along with publishing his own work on Brilliantbias.com and various other websites over the course of the last 15 years.
Holly Broderick and John Shaden have teamed up to create an amazing psychic duo, in 2022. They call themselves, “Psychics and Swears,” and have helped numerous people with all kinds of issues They have assisted several families get closure in 4 different cases of murder. They work very hard to be sure that their clients know that they are cared for, treat them with dignity and are important to their work all the while using cheeky language and humor.
Spirituality & the Human Element
What does it mean to be spiritual? What is spirituality? Is it a passing fad, or is it something more? Where does spirituality end and spiritual trend begin?
These are just some of the questions I think we have all pondered on, especially at the beginning of our path. Before we get too far though, I want to do something for you before I get lost and caught up in prose.
If you at any point in time, determine this is not who you are, I give you
ABSOLUTE PERMISSION without needing to justify yourself to anyone, to go in another direction. To try many directions. I give you permission to not adhere to any rules of religion, spirituality as you discover it, or even your own internal programming. You have permission and the power to change your mind, whenever you want to, about the things important to you and pretty much everything. So please, never let yourself be trapped by expectations or rules that you have been told to adhere to but go against your soul. It’s absolutely okay to not be a very spiritual person. To not be at all. To be a true atheist, to be agnostic, to be anything that you want to be
It’s not easy to be authentic. Before we can be truly authentic, we often have to try other people’s proverbial shoes on to see what feels good, what feels right. It’s normal for our essence, personality, and conscious beliefs to be made up of bits and pieces of all things and people and ideas that sparked something inside of you of importance.
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Spirituality & the Human Element
So, now that we can relax a little more about what this will require of you, let’s get started. I want to talk about the many variances of spirituality in society as we see and know it today; from toxic spirituality, to trendy spirituality, and all the variations in between and beyond. I write this to help you establish your own perspective by helping reflect many others.
I want to start with the ugliest part of spirituality: toxic spirituality. We tend to think of this coming mainly from cults, but that’s neither true of all cults nor true of where we see toxic spirituality most these days. As most of us are absorbed with some form of social media in some aspect or another, it seems these days the majority of toxic spirituality is housed there. Of course, these are just the new main platforms of a very old problem. There has been no religion safe from false idols and toxic spiritualists
While I won’t give energy to the most infamous people known for this, I do want to talk about what it looks like. It is most often very much fear based. You see a great deal of this in mainstream religions as well as the more agnostic views that are prevailing today. A lot of the message they deliver is rooted from fear. If you don’t do this, you won’t ascend. If you don’t bend the knee, you won’t make it past the gates. To the point many religions even go so far as to say you never deserved to be born at all. It is a propaganda built on a foundation designed to propel you into self-loathing; you’re not worthy, you’re a sinner, not good enough, repent repent repent!
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Spirituality & the Human Element
But why? Why is your self-loathing important to the toxic spiritualist? I believe if we simplify that, they feel if they are the ones casting the stones then at least they won’t be hit by the stones. It’s not very realistic when I could catch the stone they’ve tossed or pick it up even after being pelted with it, but that seems to be the core logic anyway.
I believe there are many core human programs that we are all born with and automatically trust fall into that are actually quite disabling. One is our self-worth. Because this is so prevalent it’s a great and obvious weakness for spiritual predators to use against you It puts them in control, it weakens you, it aids their ultimate agenda whatever that may be.
Sometimes the toxic spiritualist is an individual of no actual importance at all. These are often social media gurus, or perhaps just a spiritual superialist, a word I just made up but is absolutely fitting and I think you’ll know just who I mean. I bet there are a few people who even pop to mind. The ones who look the part, talk the part, but are really just self-inflated jack@$$es who care about no one else but themselves. It doesn’t take too long for them to show their true colors, yet to my amazement this rarely loses them any merit in the social media empires.
This is really leading into the spiritual trend setters. Because let’s be honest, spirituality has been a fashion statement for centuries now, in one form or another. Today they are seen with various amounts of trendy vibing tattoos, expensive eco-savvy cool clothes, and lots of accessories from tarot cards to a thousand and one crystal bead bracelets, and let's not forget the braids and dreadlocks. (continued on next page)
Spirituality & the Human Element
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this aesthetic! Let’s be clear. It is cliche because we really do love it! And ya know, that’s okay! Wear your elephant pants and tie dye, my friends! Maybe this is just surface level spiritualism, maybe it’s just a pleasurable joyful aesthetic. If you love these clothes, this look, those dreads, honey, wear it with PRIDE. And if you want to wear jeans and a hoodie the next day with your hair in a messy bun, that’s okay, too.
There is so so so much hate that gets tossed around at aesthetic spiritualism. Sure, some lovely lady told you about minimalism and it sounds trendy Maybe your parents are straight laced af and a part of you loves the dresses your mom made you wear, or maybe you hated it. Maybe you love all fashion. Maybe, just maybe, the only time fashion ever matters is when it is impacting how you feel and want to feel. When I want to feel like a badass developer, I wear my sleek boots, best jeans, button up, and suede jacket. When I want to be a high priestess, I wear my gold stars and black dresses. When I want to be a woo woo peace loving hippie, I wear my hippie dresses. When I want to paint, I wear whatever the hell I am wearing and ruin it in spite of myself.
What I am getting at is, the spiritual aesthetic, maybe whoever is embracing this is only embracing it at a surface level, but that’s okay, and also none of your freaking business. Who cares where they are on their spiritual journey, or what their clothes mean to them or how they make them feel. It’s just not your problem. Your problem is how your clothes make you feel. Want to wear your wedding dress to remember how special that day felt? Girl, go get it on! (continued on next page)
Spirituality & the Human Element
The hate around spiritual aesthetics isn’t actually about materialism, it’s not about a false identity. It seems though that it is always holding the bar too high for anyone else to reach. Saying that whatever their reasoning just isn’t good enough, like it was anyone’s business in the first place
So you aesthetic spiritualists, you gothic goddesses, wear it proud. Feel good in your own skin and your own clothes, with or without makeup. Rules are for control freaks. Real spirituality is more about breaking free of the chains of society and our own misguided programming than it is any deity here or there.
A lot of the anger that comes from those judging the spiritually aesthetic is an internal rage, misplaced and improperly sorted and leaking out at those that shine a spotlight on our own internal wounds. Sometimes this comes from a place of lack, feeling like they could never afford those clothes, or feeling like no one would respect them in those clothes. This is often our own programming, feeling envy over someone seemingly more empowered than you are.
So what is the purpose of all those crystals, the palo santo and sage? Do they do anything? Many will argue the physical properties of every gemstone, holding its own unique vibration and thus calling in its own special brand of power. Perhaps there is a deeper truth to that, but if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound? One could also say it is the act of acknowledgment of that item’s power that empowers the user with the aligned benefits. Perhaps it’s more complicated than either, and is in fact both and even much more than that. The question remains; does the crystal itself help you immensely enough to promote a notable and direct change? Usually, no.
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Spirituality & the Human Element
Without going deeper into what we most often call the ‘shadow self’ it’s unlikely a crystal is going to fix the discontent in your life. A beautiful bracelet might in fact help us feel good, but it won’t resolve the issues and lessons life has in store for us. It won’t spare you the pain of loss or trauma
Does this mean the crystals don’t work, or that we need more to make a more notable impact? They do work, but it is a spiritual band aid, which can even turn into spiritual bypassing. Raising your vibration is important for healing, important for your energy and wellbeing, but it does not bypass the grueling task of healing deeply embedded emotional and ancestral wounds.
One could say the deepest spirituality we can really hope to obtain is a deeper relationship with ourselves. To be comfortable alone with ourselves, to feel whole and joyful despite the perceived harshness of the Universe’s life lessons. Perhaps the real goal of spirituality is to know thyself, rather than to perceive what we know about what is outside of us.
So if you have dived into this seemingly peaceful Peace Love and Joy spirituality for the sake of feeling better about life, you may very well be taking a step in the right direction. If you’re expecting some infrequent meditation with your favorite incense to heal your inner child and extinguish your misery, you might be sorely disappointed.
Much of what we conceive as spirituality today is much about defining what is beyond us, while we struggle and fight against what is meant for just us. Perception is the only differentiator between feeling tormented by life and feeling like everything is set against you versus seeing everything as an opportunity to grow and become a better, kinder, more patient version of our ideal self
Mama Faye has a new book coming soon!
If you’ve ever struggled with mindset, manifesting, or struggled to get affirmations to work for you, then stay tuned for…
About Mama Faye
Seven times published in paranormal fiction and dramatic suspense, Faye is currently in the creation process of her first nonfiction production.
Lifelong artist, Faye has a unique style of blending creating a visual feast of color and texture through her often nature-inspired abstracts Her art knows no limits and is most often found coating privately-owned walls across the midwest. Custom requests are all the artist is currently making available for sale at this time.
Mama Faye is a lifelong practitioner of eclectic arts, the extra-ordinary, and the other-worldly. Faye uses her gifts and knowledge to benefit her clients and to help guide those ready along their road to healing.
She can be reached via email at themamafaye@gmail.com.
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