Feel Better Today. Stay healthy for tomorrow
Healthy Diet Eating the right kind of food aids growth and development and goes a long way in preventing ailments. In cases where ailments like diabetes, blood pressure or heart disease already exist, maintaining the correct diet helps minimize related complications. What is a balanced diet? Balanced diet is one that provides you with all the nutrients in adequate amounts. This is enabled by a combination of foods like cereals, pulses, vegetable, fruits and milk products. It is important to include a variety of food in your diet. The food guide pyramid can help you choose a variety of foods to help achieve a balanced diet. Selecting foods from each group will provide the many nutrients our body needs. The Food Guide Pyramid A Guide to Daily Food Choices
These symbols show fats and added sugars in foods: Fat (nturally occurring and added Sugars (added)
Fats, Oils & Sweets USE SPARINGLY
Milk, Yogurt & Cheese Group 2-3 SERVINGS
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nuts Group 2-3 SERVINGS
Vegetable Group 3-5 SERVINGS
Fruit Group 2-4 SERVINGS
Bread, Cereal, Rice & Pasta 6-11 SERVINGS
What counts as one serving? The amount of food that counts as one serving is listed below. If you consume a larger portion, count it as more than one serving. For example, a dinner portion of one chapati would count as two or three servings of rice. No specific serving size is given for the fats, oils, and sweets group because the message is ‘USE SPARINGLY’.
Milk, Yoghurt, and Cheese 1 cup of milk or yoghurt 40 – 50 gms of natural cheese (cottage cheese) 2 slices of processed cheese
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry beans, Eggs and Nuts 80 – 90 gms or 2 medium pieces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish 1 medium bowl of cooked dals or 1 egg 5- 10 nuts ¾ bowl of sprouts or 2 besan cheelas
Vegetable 100- 150 gms or 1 quarter plate of green salad ¾th – 1 medium bowl of cooked vegetable or ¾ cup of vegetable juice
Fruit 1 medium apple or orange or ½ banana ½ cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit ¾ cup of fruit juice.
Bread, Cereal, Rice, Chapati and Pasta 1 slice of bread or 1 chapati or ¾ small bowl of cooked rice or 2 small idlis 1 potato ½ quarter plate of pasta, noodles, spaghetti ¾ soup bowl of dalia, oats, upma, poha etc 2-3 biscuits
Frequently Asked Questions How do I ensure a healthy diet? A healthy diet can be ensured by following some basic guidelines:
Consume food that has a high fiber content Foods rich in fiber are very important because they ? Prevent constipation ? Prevent overeating ? Improve control of blood glucose and cholesterol
Foods that are a rich source of fiber include whole grain cereals, whole pulses, fruits, vegetables, salads, and sprouts.
Avoid oil and fat
Foods rich in oil and fat increase the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream and may cause heart related ailments. Therefore, they should be avoided. A combination of oils or the use of heart protective oils like soya bean, mustard, olive, and rapeseed (Canola) is recommended.
Avoid excess salt in diet Excess salt in diet is harmful as it can increase blood pressure. Salt intake, while necessary for a normal diet, should be kept moderate.
Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants consumed in adequate amount
A balanced diet contains necessary vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in adequate amounts making supplements unnecessary. Supplement intake should be as recommended by your doctor. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants include vegetables, citrus fruits, bananas, potatoes and seafood.
Avoid over eating It is important to eat only when you are hungry and to keep mealtimes regular. Eating snacks between meals may cause severe imbalances in your diet as they are unhealthy. Consume lots of fluids Intake of 6-8 glasses of water per day clears your body of all toxins. Consumption of natural and fresh fruit juices instead of carbonated beverages is recommended.
Alcohol and smoking Alcohol adds extra calories and its regular consumption can lead to ailments of the liver, heart and brain. It can be consumed in moderation. For men, the daily consumption limit should not exceed 720 ml beer or 300 ml wine or 60 ml whiskey. For women and lightweight people, the limit is half of that for men. Smoking is even more harmful than alcohol and should be avoided totally.
How much energy is required by an individual? Energy requirements of an individual are varied and are based on the: ? Energy required by the body for involuntary work when at omplete rest ? Energy required for digestion, absorption ? Level of physical activity Taking these factors into consideration, the recommended calorie intake for adults is as follows:
Activity Sedentary Moderate Heavy
Men 1800 Kcal 2100 Kcal 2400 Kcal
Women 1500 Kcal 1800 Kcal 2200 Kcal
How can I know my Ideal Body Weight? Maintaining a healthy body weight can significantly reduce your risks of a number of diseases and conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and depression. A healthy body weight has also been shown to improve overall quality of life. Your desirable or ideal body weight depends on your gender, height, and body frame size.
A quick way of arriving at your ideal body weight is: For Men: For Women:
Height (cms) – 100= ideal weight (kgs) + 5 Height (cms) – 105 = ideal weight (kg) + 5
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? The body mass index (BMI), is a statistical measurement which compares a person's weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, it is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall a person is.
Calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI) BMI Weight(Kgs) Height (mts)²
<18.5 18.5 – 23 23 - 28 >28
How can the team at help me?
= Underweight = Normal = Overweight = Obese
Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital
Our nutritional experts can prepare a diet plan that is customized for you, keeping in view your individual parameters. The team can advice you on various aspects of nutrition and health like: ? Diet for pregnancy and lactation ? Weight reducing diet ? Gluten or Lactose free diet ? Weaning diet ? Athletics diet ? Clearing myths of protein supplements ? Low cholesterol diet ? Clearing myths of diabetic diet ? Low purine diet (for patients with Gout) ? Low potassium diet (for patients with kidney problems) However, it is important to remember that you are the key member of the team and you alone can help yourself by following a healthy diet program. NOTE: Information provided in this brochure is not substitute for professional dietary care. Please call the 24-hour Helpline to confirm the availability of services
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Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital W-3, Sector-1, Vaishali, Ghaziabad-201012, UP, India Tel: +91 120 4173000, 4188000 Email: info@pushpanjalihealthcare.co.in www.pushpanjalicrosslayhospital.com