money 4 Reasons You Manage Money Well At times do you have a low bank balance? If so, do not be discouraged. If you, honestly, possess these characteristics, you are financially on the right track. As we attempt to achieve goals, we must remember that fulfilling a goal is only a portion of the journey. What is included in the journey, and so very worthwhile, is the feeling of accomplishment. Often, because we must overcome hardships along the way, we separate these two distinctions. At times, we can all focus too much on hardships and the negative toll they take, thus underestimating the power of the journey. Highly successful individuals can become miserable by never celebrating success and consistently chasing another award or objective. The distance between your productivity and fulfillment can lead to dissatisfaction. To be concise, there is a disconnect between our success and sense of accomplishment. This is true when it comes to our finances as well. How do you know if you are good with money? Many believe it is simple to determine your financial stability. Bank and credit card statements and account balances display obvious accountability. However, money differs for us all as we are in different stages of life and have different goals. Our bank balance is better thought of as evidence of fact and current standing than your financial knowledge. Our current state of national and world affairs makes for trying times to achieve financial goals. Each day, we make financial decisions with more financial products and services at our disposal than in previous times. Steering through these options can be daunting. Therefore, how can you measure your success to determine if you are progressing with your finances and future planning? Here are a few signals: 1. You are aware of your bank balances. Depending on the month and your financial decisions, your cash flow may vary drastically from time to time. No matter the balance or your income and expense levels, we should all focus on a positive cash flow. 18