5 Techniques to enrich your public relations outreach to the media A successful public relations effort is challenging, judging from poorly prepared pitches we see in our space. More specifically, many pitches do not focus specifically on sports tourism in a way that speaks to one’s clientele. Whether written by a destination marketing organization’s ad agency, cliched language, essentials that are missing, or other common missteps, the rate of those that miss the boat is high. However, there are many steps you can make to ensure your efforts are more effective. Here are some techniques to increase your chances. It is not all about you. A lot of folks in our industry have a hard time grasping this one. It is understandable. You are specifically working on this outreach to promote what you are accomplishing, so of course, you should be a focal point. Well, guess what? (This is going to sound mean) Your audience does not care... until the moment it relates directly to them. Your communications turn out to be key only if what you have is something that informs the audience and fulfills their interest and expectations. Otherwise,they consider reading it a waste of time. Publications and journalists are not all the same. Publications and journalists have numerous interests and focus on different assignments. They focus on a range of subjects and compose them differently. The notion of sending one pitch out to the masses and expecting a good response is ineffective. Work to understand better the type of pieces that will attract your target audience based on their style and focus.
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