Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development

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January, 2018

Published by: Joice A. Jeffries, Ph.D. 4-H Program Specialist 936-261-5148

MAJOR Themes:

Reviewed by: Mr. Scott Horner Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX

Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development


he National 4-H Curriculum Collection is designed to engage youth in learning opportunities that promote positive youth development.” In 4-H, the critical components of successful, intellectual, and rewarding experiences for youth are a sense of Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity.



Youth need to know they are cared about by others, feel physically and emotionally safe, feel a sense of connection to others in the group, and that their ideas are valued. Youth learn from staff, volunteers and each other, as they synthesize, discuss and collaborate on solving and addressing issues.

Youth voices are used to inf luence people and events through decision-making and action. They learn to better understand themselves and become independent thinkers. “Throughout each curriculum, youth are given opportunities to develop and ref lect upon their thoughts and responses to the challenges, explorations, and investigations.”



In order to develop selfconfidence, youth are given competencies and workshops that will help them become capable and skilled in numerous life skills. The variety and diverse topics allows young people to identify their interest, aptitude, and goals. Staff introduce youth to expert knowledge and guide them toward developing their own sense of mastery and accomplishment.

Youth need to feel their lives have meaning and purpose. Allow youth to participate in planning process, by including their ideas and concepts in the program. Motivating youth is one goal of all programs. Youth are encouraged to make positive impacts in their own lives, by taking ideas back to their parents, family, friends and communities.

Across each curriculum, the 4-H Essential Elements (Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity) are embedded through the learning experience. Guidelines are given to project leaders, facilitators, or volunteers to help them identify opportunities for sharing with youth in positive environments. Volunteers are essential in helping staff “model practices” as they implement the Essential Elements of 4-H.

What should the facilitator do? • Foster growth of the Essential Elements through the learning experience. • Provide youth the opportunity to feel physically and emotionally safe while actively participating in a group. • Create a safe and inclusive environment and foster a positive relationship with youth learners. Use discussion questions that encourage youth to learn from each other, synthesize and use ideas collaboratively. Youth begin to understand that they are able to act as change agents with confidence and competence as a result of their learning.

For further information:

The Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development (Cathann Kress, 2014) Retrieved from:

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