GOAT MILK Goat milk is used in making many different types of cheeses and a variety of frozen treats. Some goat cheeses available in major grocery stores include Feta, Chevre, Cottage, Brie, Mozzarella, Bonne Bouche (from Vermont) and Humboldt Fog (from California).
Fresh goat milk is a great substitute for cow’s milk. Pasteurized fresh milk is available on some privately owned farms and in select grocery stores. All fresh milk should be treated and stored as regular milk. Evaporated goat milk is commonly known as unsweetened condensed milk. It has about 60% less water than fresh milk and can be safely stored on the shelf for a long time. It is a safe and reliable substitute for milk or cream. Adding equal parts of milk and water will convert evaporated milk to regular milk. Consumers may select from evaporated milk that is fortified with vitamin D or with vitamins A and D.
Did You Know
Goat milk is used in skin and hair care products and cosmetics such as gels, lotions, creams, sunblocks, detergents, soaps, lipstick, eye pigments, shampoo and foundation make-up. Goat milk is an excellent moisturizer especially for the lips.
Powdered goat milk is made by evaporating all the water from fluid milk. Milk in the powdered form has a longer shelf life than liquid milk, and does not need refrigeration. Powdered milk includes whole milk, whole milk fortified with vitamins A & D and non-fat dry non-fat milk.
Goat milk formula is available for infants and toddlers. Babies allergic to cow’s milk may be able to tolerate goat milk based formula. Goat milk formula may help with lactose intolerance and is a good gluten free alternative.
Packaged fluid goat milk may contain added minerals and vitamins, and is Fermented goat milk is available commercially as whole milk available as yogurt and or low fat milk. kefir. Both are sources of probiotics, some of which References may help to stimulate a https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/nahms/goats/ healthy digestive function. downloads/goat09/Goat09 is DairyGoatOps.pdf A. C., & Ribeiro, S. D. A. (2010). Specialty Kefir is similar to yogurt Ribeiro, products made from goat milk. Small Ruminant Research, and is sometimes referred 89(2-3), 225-233. A. J., & Ghodke, K. M. (2007). Goat and sheep to as champagne milk. Pandya, milk products other than cheeses and yoghurt. Small Yogurt may be made from Ruminant Research, 68(1), 193-206. whole or low fat milk and is Yangilar, F. (2013). As a potentially functional food: goats’ milk and products. J. Food Nutr. Res,4, 68-81. available in many flavors. Park, Y. W. (2010). Goat milk products: quality, composition, processing, marketing. Encyclopedia of Animal Science.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 1890 Extension Formula Program projects under Section 1444
This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 1890 Extension Formula/Evans-Allen 1890 Research Formula Program projects under Section 1444 and Section 1445.
FACT SHEET PRODUCED BY AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION Sharon McWhinney, PhD., RD., Professor Reviewed by: Jennifer Garza, Ph.D.,Program Specialist July 2018