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IBM: Credit Center Ties Enabling New Training Opportunities for Faculty, Students, Community
The partnership between IBM and the Prairie View A&M University CREDIT Center is aimed at enhancing the research and education capacity that has brought numerous training opportunities to faculty, students and the community at large over the years. IBM donated two state-of-theart power servers to the CREDIT center for processing large datasets using cutting-edge deep learning methods to strengthen the high performance-computing infrastructure at PVAMU. Several students who graduated through this partnership are employed at IBM.
LANL: Collaborative Work Involves Projects Relevant to National Security, Aerospace
The partnership between Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) and PVAMU, through faculty collaborations with investigators at the LANL’s Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, is aimed at repurposing an experimental beamline area at LANSC and accessing high energy neutrons that are relevant for national security applications and the aerospace industry. The partnership is successful due to joint pursuits with the Department of Energy related to nuclear fusion, more than 15 students visited LANL in 2022.
GOOGLE: Partnership Offers Students Chance to Learn From Software Engineers
The partnership between Google and PVAMU is growing stronger within the university’s Computer Science Department, thanks to the Google Tech Exchange program. In addition, a Google-InResidence program is established for a Google software engineer to teach computer science freshmen about programming language. The partnership is continuing to grow through various mechanisms for faculty development.
FORD MOTOR & GEORGIA TECH: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Autonomous Vehicle Technology
The partnership between Ford Motor, Georgia Tech University and PVAMU resulted in a funded research project on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) considerations when developing an Autonomous Vehicles (AV) business to remove barriers to access to cutting-edge technology by providing veritable consideration of DEI in business structures.
UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON: Energy Hydrogen Hub Initiative
The partnership between the University of Houston and PVAMU centers around the UH Energy Hydrogen Hub initiative and the pursuit of joint opportunities in energy industry-related policy and regulation, workforce development, innovation, research and development.