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Pvamu Advances Pursuit Of Innovation Distinction

Prairie View A&M University’s membership with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) is another component of our trajectory as a prospective emerging research institution. APLU is a research, policy and advocacy organization that is strengthening and advancing the work of public universities in North America. The association’s membership is 244 public research universities, land-grant institutions, state university systems and affiliate organizations. APLU assists affiliates with improving student success and delivering the innovative workforce of tomorrow; promoting research and discovery to improve society; fostering economic growth; and tackling global challenges.

APLU offers a highly selective Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) Universities program, which helps an institution strengthen its strategy and practices in economic and community development. The IEP distinction is a recognition of exemplary commitment to regional economic engagement. Only 77 universities have earned the IEP distinction.

For Vice President Magesh Rajan, the pursuit of the IEP distinction aligns with the university's R2 classification status and the growing research and innovation enterprise. The innovations and discoveries by PVAMU faculty have a significant impact on industries and the business region, community development and individual lives. A team of R&I staff (Faison, Melvin, and Streety) is leading this IEP designation process along with Vice President Rajan. The task involves a very rigorous assessment of campus stakeholders, regional engagement and an extensive economic prosperity plan to APLU.

This IEP designation will further develop and expand PVAMU’s talent and workforce development; its innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology-based economic development. As a result of achieving this goal, Prairie View A&M will maximize the impact of its research and innovation on the greater Houston area and Southeast Texas economy and its diverse communities through our public service, outreach, extension and community engagement. The process involves tremendous amounts of data collection, surveying and evaluation.

PVAMU is currently in a start-up cohort with 38 other universities. But the path to obtaining the designation is tedious. The reward for the hard work required to earn the IEP title, Rajan said, is tremendous visibility to the university and impact on faculty and students.

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