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Abidemi Awojuyigbe
from 2021 Research & Innovation Week- Undergraduate Student Research Booklet- Prairie View A&M University
Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Process Industries Abidemi Awojuyigbe, Caleb Myers, Ozoemena Anyaegbu, and Emmanuel A. Dada (Faculty Mentor) Roy G. Perry College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Prairie View A & M University
Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subpart of computer science that focuses on the development of programs to enable computers perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. In this project, we shall explain AI in general, analyze logic behind AI, and identify promising opportunities of AI Application in chemical industries, where AI can be implemented to enhance operations in chemical industries. In this project, we shall focus on the implementation of artificial intelligence in a distillation unit operation. Materials and Methods:For this study, extensive literature review was carried out on the applications of AI in the chemical industries. We researched machine-learning applications to increase efficiency of catalyst formation processes. This research focused on the significant impact and values of Artificial Intelligence in chemical industries over natural human intelligence. Deep learning was applied to solve high-level functions like modeling, simulation and optimization of chemical processes. Results and Discussion: Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. There are two kinds of AI: Artificial Narrow Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence that can do anything humans can do. In this project, the applications of AI in chemical process modeling, chemical process optimization and fault detection was explored. Conclusion: This research examined possible applications of and analyzed the logic behind AI.
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