How Artificial Intelligence Will Change in 2050?

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How Artificial Intelligence Will Change in 2050? - venkat vajradhar - Medium

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How Arti cial Intelligence Will Change in 2050? venkat vajradhar Jun 24 ¡ 4 min read

Over the past decade, artificial intelligence has moved from a sci-fi dream to a critical part of our daily lives. We use AI systems to interact with our phones and speakers through voice assistants like Tesla-made Siri, Alexa, and Google Car, Amazon monitors our browsing habits, and then products we think we want. Google also decides what to buy and what results we want to give us based on our search functionality. Artificially intelligent algorithms are here and they have already changed our lives

What is AI? Artificial intelligence is the technology of the future. In the textbook definition, AI is a simulation of human intelligence processes by machines and especially computer systems.



How Artificial Intelligence Will Change in 2050? - venkat vajradhar - Medium

AI is a branch of computer science that is capable of building and implementing intelligent systems that behave intelligently like human beings and replace humans with serious tasks. The simplest descriptor collects data about the world and uses that data to generate short- and long-term predictions. This applies to individuals and machines. These tasks basically consist of the following 3 steps: — Learning (i.e. gathering the information necessary to use them effectively) — Logic (using rules to pull out a logical conclusion) — Self-correction.

Why is Artificial Intelligence so Important? Artificial intelligence is widely accepted and embraced by organizations around the world. It has become a key tool for businesses to measure business goals. AI is playing a key role today for organizations looking to extract maximum output value from data collected by automating and optimizing processes. AI has become an inseparable part of our daily lives because it is being used in almost every aspect. AI reduces human effort. Using machines for fast, efficient, and costeffective tasks ensures profitability for the company and achieves the desired error-free results. As a result, it is widely used in banking-financial systems, medical science, heavy automated industries, transport sectors, service sectors, and gaming. As AI becomes a part of everyone’s lives, from small to large industries, everyone is adopting it to generate leads and eliminate work stress.

Future range of AI: Engineers are designing systems to replicate human intelligence. Understanding and reflecting on the brand has many advantages in Artificial Intelligence. Brain Injuries, Diseases, Advances in Communication Technology, Computer Simulations, Providing Customer Support, Understanding Brain AI can help to create machines that have a more powerful impact on society. They can see their key roles in voice recognition, respond to human prompts, monitor, and understand human



How Artificial Intelligence Will Change in 2050? - venkat vajradhar - Medium

activity on a daily basis. However, the future is much more than what we can achieve today. Machine learning has also been used to analyze human behavior, and to alert law enforcement to assess warning signs and act by identifying the common language used by vicious — sexual predators or terrorists. The same technology can be used to identify political dissenters or deliver fake news to vulnerable people while blocking competing opinions and information.

ENTERTAINMENT Netflix, In the future, you can sit on the couch and order a custom movie featuring the virtual cast of your choice. Meanwhile, film studios may have an unspecified future: Advanced Predictive Programs analyze the film script’s plot and evaluate its box office potential.

MEDICINE Why is it good for the average person to change the medicine to suit your exact gene? AI algorithms allow doctors and hospitals to better analyze data and customize their health care to each patient’s genes, environment, and lifestyle. From diagnosing brain tumors to determining which cancer treatment works best for a person, AI is leading personalized medicine.

CYBERSECURITY There were approximately 707 million cybersecurity breaches in 2015, compared with 554 million in the first half of 2016 alone. Companies are struggling to stay one step ahead of hackers. USC experts say that self-learning and automation capabilities enabled by AI can protect data more systematically and more efficiently, keeping people safe from terrorism or small-scale identity theft. AI-based tools look for patterns associated with malicious computer viruses and programs that can steal or destroy massive amounts of information.

TRANSPORTATION Self-driving cars are the place where AI will make the biggest impact in the near future. Unlike humans, AI drivers never look at the radio, don’t wear mascara, or argue with their children in the back seat. Thanks to Google, autonomous cars are already here, but look for them to become ubiquitous by 2030. Driver-less trains are already ramping



How Artificial Intelligence Will Change in 2050? - venkat vajradhar - Medium

up in European cities, and Boeing is building an autonomous jetliner (pilots still need to keep information in the system).

KEY FUNCTIONS AI assistants help older people to be independent and live longer in their own homes. AI tools provide access to nutritious food, securely reach objects on high shelves, and monitor mobility in a senior home. Accessories can hit the lawn, the windows are washed and bathing and hygiene can also help. There are many other jobs that are repetitive and physical for AI-based tools. AI-assisted work may be more complex in hazardous fields such as mining, firefighting, clearing mines, and handling radioactive materials.

Arti cial Intelligence





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