It’s so hard to believe we are mid-way through November already. Where has the year gone? As the temperature is starting to really ramp up so is business in pest control, the hard slog of summer is upon us all. It’s important to stick together and reach out if you are in need.
The AWPMA board have been quietly and diligently working on our upcoming events like Yah Marketing’s online seminar, the WA event at the Crown, speakers for the AEPMA conference and a few more meet and greets for early 2023.
Membership renewals have been sent out recently and we have had an amazing uptake once again - thank you so much for your support. If you haven’t already, remember to get in before the end of November to ensure you don’t miss out!
AWPMA are continually working towards women being recognized, supported and brought to the forefront of the pest control industry - We are gearing up to start the Awards process again (Excellence Award, Trainee of the Year, Administrator of the Year), this time with some amazing prizes lined up for our winners, we are sorting out the logistics of the very special social event to be held at Pesticon especially for women wanting a tour of the Gold Coast and working on our very popular annual women’s breakfast too!
With all of that in the works we have been busy bee’s but as always, we are keen to check in with our members and ask if there are ideas you think would make a difference to women in pest control. What other opportunities do you think should exist? Other types of events? What type of support could benefit you? We will be sending out a survey with our membership reminders next week so please take some time to fill these in so we can improve and grow.
Please submit
and articles in is the first of the month.
Forthcoming issues: November
Membership for AWPMA is open to all females representing companies and businesses involved in any aspect of Pest Management industry, our association has a strong ethic to grow a supportive community for all women in the industry.
Technology is our friend when it works as intended but sometimes it takes matters into its own hands and makes a real mess of things!
Recently, we sent out our membership renewal Invoices to current AWPMA members and supporters. To our utter dismay, the woo commerce application attached to the legacy PWAPM website decided to do the same thing - without us knowing!
Where to from here? We want to assure you we’ve put the following steps in place to ensure this is rectified...
1. The customer database on our legacy website has been abolished
2. All orders raised by the Woo commerce plugin have been cancelled
3. The payment provider linked to woo commerce (Square) has been disabled.
If you received an invoice from the info@womeninpestmanagement email address, please disregard it. If you have any questions or concerns please email or call us directly.
It was a great turnout for the top golf event with Warren from Ensystex, AWPMA and the teams. We had a fantastic time hitting balls, eating, drinking and socialising with lots of laughter.
Tee off was at 2:00 and it instantly became a competitive moment for the boys who had perfected their swing. Remind me to have Warren on my team next time & never put all those boys together, they were too good for us.
These events are not only a fun, but they aid in making key connections that unite our industry. They are a positive moment to shine a light on our sponsors and their rolls in the
industry, giving them one on one time with pest technicians & businesses.
The day ended perhaps with possibly a few bruised egos, a few who now claim to be professional golfers. New friendships and new connections were found, sharing the fun & laughter around.
If you are keen to attend one of our gatherings, we do have a number of them scheduled over the coming months in different states. We would encourage you to keep an eye out on our Facebook Page for more information on these events.
M: I want to know a little about how you got the position at Ensystex?
W: Thanks Michelle - I’ve been in the pest industry since 1994, decided it was time for something a little bit different, decided to get off the tools and in 2007 there was an Area Manager role that came up with Ensystex. I applied for it and then set up a Brisbane showroom, and then from that I progressed out onto the road as an area manager, a year later.
M: So, you were on the tools? Were you working for a company or in your own business: Yes, I had previously worked with companies, but then also had my own company in South Africadoing a lot of under-slab sprays - we relocated to Australia from South Africa in 2008, I worked for Amalgamated on the Northside of Brisbane as a subcontractor, and then a smaller company called Trusted, then from there I became an area manager for Ensystex.
M: That’s a lot of history to have under the belt?
W: Yeh it’s always been good to me, it’s always been a good industry.
M: What about in this industry, and in the job that you do, what would you say to women who are working towards the goal of becoming a representative of a supplier? Are there any pointers you have for a female who wanted to take up the role?
W: Yeah, I think it’s a great opportunity for a woman to get involved within that side of the business, you are constantly learning, it’s good to have a bit of experience as well, having some previous pest knowledge and sales knowledge, plus good customer service.
M: Willingness to travel?
W: 100% - there is a little bit of travelling involved in the business, but you get to meet some great people and from there it’s just about being able to build relationships. I think it’s a great opportunity for women.
M: Women are very good at communicating, so that’s probably a very good asset to have?
W: 100%
M: What about any challenges that you face today in the industry?
W: I think our biggest challenge has been bringing product into the country – so logistics – as well as the weather we have had.
M: Because most of your product is manufactured in the states? Is that correct?
W: Some of it, yes. Maxthorr and some of our other products are manufactured in Australia but the majority does come out of the states. Obviously, stock being on back order, where we just haven’t had the stock to sell. Last year we had a massive rodent season, so this time we are trying to set ourselves up for those sorts of situations. It’s hard because it changes from year to year.
M: I remember going to the suppliers, and there were like 2 buckets of rodent bait at Garrards, so I just grabbed one, purely because it may be something I needed. So you guys would have been feeling the pinch for that too?
W: Rodent stations, we were out of those for a little period and then our rodenticides as well. Fortunately, this year we have been pretty much geared up for it. You learn from these things, but you can never tell from one season to the next.
M: Your rodent bait is one of the best ones around that’s for sure!
M: Do you find the job rewarding as well as challenging? What kind of reward do you get from the job you do?
W: 100% I think my biggest reward is going through a bit of a training exercise with the client and achieving that end result, where we get a bit of confidence in the product. And how to achieve your final goal of keeping the homeowner happy. Especially with German cockroaches and flea jobs – most insects that have life cycles. And even our problem termite jobs, I think for us with our Reqreim (spelling?) termite bait, our Exterra product, we are pretty fortunate with the palatability of it, and from that, we are always learning.
M: Absolutely, the Reqrium is a great bait and I have had you onsite with a problem site – that’s so beneficial…
W: That’s what we try to do – get out there with our clients, I’ve been in the industry a long time, but you are constantly learning, you won’t ever know everything to do with termites and sometimes they throw you these curve balls, but with us being able to bait termites now, you get to play a little bit with them and you get to learn a lot more about their behaviour from them.
M: What about qualifications and experiences that help you do your job well?
W: I think my biggest asset was when I started out in the industry, I worked for a smaller company and with that small company we got to do all aspects of pest control from domestic to commercial and termite work and from that back in South Africa we had a big issue with Cryptotermes Brevis – your West Indian drywood termite – I got to do a lot of fumigation with that as well. When I was doing pre-purchase inspections back there, I learnt to look for frass as well as subterranean termites and drywoods. I think being on the tools has definitely helped me in my role, I think learning to just take a bit of a step back and listen to what people want instead of rushing through your daily work, having a bit of a look around the site, look for those conducive issues, a more thorough investigation, and then determine what you are dealing with and then putting in a pest management plan to try and eradicate that.
M: I think our industry has changed a lot, where we are all now willing to share a bit more information, so we are learning so much more, whether we are an opposing company or a rep –we all have a little bit to bring to the table and I think that’s a big asset. The industry is starting to come together.
W: 100% - it’s been so good the way it has evolved, even for me, knowing quite a few people now in the industry and knowing other suppliers, it’s so good to catch up at conferences and other events.
M: Sharing knowledge, positive events, things are heading in the right direction.
M: Have you had any funny moments on the road in your time as a rep?
W: Oh yes, I’ve had some funny moments where I was in a roof void and hit on the head by a bat back in South Africa – it’s such a fright! I fell through the ceiling a little bit.
M: That’s one of those embarrassing moments, isn’t it! Touch wood, I haven’t done that yet. I think it was the first time I took my hubby on a treated zone, first swing, bang, he hit a water pipe. He was dirty on himself for weeks and weeks. What a great lesson.
W: I have hit two waters pipes; luckily just nicked them. The funniest was the bat – in a roof void and it just took off out of nowhere and hit me on the side of the head.
M: How have you found the pest control industry differs to the previous industries you have worked in? It may not as it appears you have only been in this industry.
W: I think it would be very similar in most sales roles, for me it is difficult to answer because it’s all I have ever done. I’ve not been without work, it’s always been really very good to me. From having my own business to working for other companies in a sales role. The biggest thing for me was the customer service side of it, was just being able to listen to people, give good advice.
M: From using the product to know knowing about the product. Often we are applying it but not knowing why you are doing that?
W: Absolutely. There are a lot of good products out there and it’s what you get confident with. It becomes more than applying the product – like I said earlier, it changes to doing that
thorough investigation, finding out what you are dealing with and keeping those homeowners’ expectations up.
M: What area of the coast do you cover?
W: When Covid hit I was doing all of Queensland but for the last 12 months I have been south of the Brisbane river down to northern New South Wales, down to Tamworth.
M: There’s a new rep now that covers the Sunshine Coast?
W: That’s correct, we have Greg now who looks after north of the Brisbane River, and he covers up into Queensland.
M: What areas do you feel the industry could grow or expand in?
W: I think training would be a big one for me, definitely the in-field training, it would be beneficial to spend more time on the practical side of things.
M: Getting the training across the board too, Australia wide, there are different states with different regulations, we could reduce confusion and work together if it was across the board - that would be good.
W: In our roles it’s really varied, we aren’t just out there doing pest control, it’s about how we answer the phones, how we speak to the customers, how we manage ourselves, how you
market a business. It’s a big thing to start your own business and from there it’s going to be a learning curve. The way the industry has gone there is a lot more communication and people willing to help through the teething stages –communication and training is the biggest thing.
M: Reaching out is huge, asking for a hand.
W: It’s about building those relationship and relying on other people to help you out so you can have a time out, it’s pretty hard having your own business.
M: You have no idea as a new business owner when you should have time off or raise your prices.
M: Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time Warren?
W: In 10 years’ time I think I would still like to be where I am now, I enjoy helping companies, we have some big clients and some small ones as well and for me its satisfaction of being able to sort out a problem for someone and if they have learnt one thing during the day then that makes me happy.
M: You just never stop learning in this industry, you learn so much from each individual. For me personally I have found you and Andrew from Ensystex very easy to communicate with, very helpful, great for service and support plus also
offering great products. What’s your favourite product or piece of equipment that Ensystex supply?
W: For me it would definitely be out termite baiting and monitoring system – Exterra. It’s a great product to have on board, in the toolbox, especially for termites when you cannot find the point of entry and depending on what species you are dealing with. It gives you the confidence that you can get the colony elimination before you proceed.
M: It’s great from a company perspective that you create an ongoing job too. It’s visual too, you can always see what’s going on and so can your customer. It’s great in the winter months, for the slower times. When you have them, and you have multiple sites you certainly see the benefit of baiting.
W: It’s great for all the variables when dealing with termites. It gives you confidence in fixing problem jobs. It’s all about the communication and managing the customer’s expectations –once you have that you have a customer for life!
M: Thank you so much for answering our questions, from me personally and the AWPMA. Ensystex have been a great support!
W: We are glad to be involved!
ADVION® Cockroach Gel and ADVION® Ant Gel are now available in multipacks of four gels.
The same great ADVION® products that you already know and rely on, at the same rates, are now also available in economic multipacks. With four 30g syringes in each multipack, you’ll see that the benefits of Syngenta’s ADVION® gels really do stack up high.
ADVION® Ant Gel is a highly attractive gel formulation that controls a broad range of ant species. The translucent, no odour, nonstaining formulation maintains its integrity for long periods, allowing ants to consume more bait over an extended period.
ADVION® Cockroach Gel is a highly palatable gel bait that provides fast, thorough control
of a wide spectrum of cockroaches. ADVION® Cockroach Gel is powered by indoxacarb which has a unique mode of action allowing for the primary, secondary and tertiary control of cockroaches.
Both these superior gels are non-staining, have no odor and can be used both indoors and outside.
ADVION® Multipacks are available now from your favourite Syngenta stockist.
For more information on ADVION products, visit www.syngentappm.com.au
Sundew is pleased to announce the newest bait formulation in its extensive range of ant solutions – QuenchPRO Liquid Ant Bait.
Sundew QuenchPRO is effective on most ant species including Argentine ants, Pharaoh ants, ghost ants, common house ants and a host of other nuisance ant species. It can be used indoors and outdoors and its innovative carbohydrate bait matrix ensures it will continue to perform long after it has been applied.
Sundew QuenchPRO is a non-scheduled, odourless, clear-coloured treatment, making this an excellent choice to use in sensitive areas. The bait features a delayed mode of action (Smart Kill Technology®) allowing transfer to the nest for total colony elimination.
Made in Australia, QuenchPRO comes in a convenient 250 ml bottle with pharmaceutical tip applicator for professional application and no-leak storage.
“We’ve been asked for many years by pest management professionals if we could develop a liquid ant bait to complement our already extensive range of ant solutions,” said David Priddy, C.E.O. Sundew Solutions. “We’re excited to be able to add this essential tool to technicians’ kit bags.”
As part of an integrated pest management strategy, Sundew recommends using QuenchPRO Ant Bait Liquid in combination with Sundew EnsnarePRO 50 suspension concentrate indoxacarb non-repellent for best results.
QuenchPRO Ant Bait Liquid is available now from Agserv, Garrards, David Grays and Globe Pest Solutions.
With summer just around the corner, you may be planning a party or a day on the green with your employees.
Before you fire up the BBQ, make sure you consider the fringe benefits tax (FBT) implications of your celebration.
These will depend on:
• the amount you spend on each employee
• when and where your party is held
• who attends – is it just employees, or are partners, clients or suppliers also invited?
• the value and type of gifts you provide.
Don’t forget to keep all records relating to the entertainment-related fringe benefits you provide, including how you worked out the taxable value of benefits.
Remember, registered tax agents can help you with your tax.
While there is no specific ‘entertainment fringe benefit’ category as such, a fringe benefit may arise from providing employees or their associates with:
• entertainment by way of food, drink or recreation
• accommodation or travel in connection with such entertainment.
Entertainment includes, for example:
• meals and drinks including staff social functions such as Christmas parties and farewells
• sporting or theatrical events, sightseeing tours and holidays
• entertaining employees and non-employees (such as clients) over a weekend at a tourist resort or providing them with a holiday.
Recreation includes amusement, sport and similar leisure pursuits (such as a game of golf, theatre or movie tickets, a joy flight or a harbour cruise).
For tax and reporting purposes, providing entertainment may amount to specific types of fringe benefits. For example:
• the cost of theatre tickets purchased by an employee and reimbursed by the employer may be an expense payment fringe benefit
• providing food and drink may be a property fringe benefit
• providing accommodation or transport in connection with entertainment may be a residual fringe benefit
• entertainment provided by an employer who is exempt from income tax (for example, a registered charity) may be a tax-exempt body entertainment benefit.
You can generally claim an income tax deduction and GST credits for the cost of providing entertainment that is a fringe benefit (see FBT – a guide for employers: Chapter 14 Entertainment –14.15 Income tax deductibility). If you can claim GST credits, you claim the GST-exclusive amount as an income tax deduction.
Note that exempt benefits are not fringe benefits. Employers generally can’t claim an income tax deduction or GST credits for the cost of providing exempt benefits.
Entertainment benefits provided to people other than employees or their associates (to clients for example) are not subject to FBT and are generally not income tax deductible for employers.
As all good pest controllers know, the key to pest control is getting to the root of the problem and killing off the colony, not just the insects. That’s why BASF has pioneered a range of new chemistries for general pest control. Unlike synthetic pyrethroids, BASF pest products are designed to attack the problem – the colony –rather than simply killing insects.
‘The insecticide solutions of BASF over a number of years have set the benchmark in the industry for product quality and performance,’ notes BASF Technical and Development Manager Mark Wilson. As a result, BASF insecticides have become trusted household names.
The BASF range of highly effective non-repellent brands include the Termidor® range (covering insecticide and termiticide), the Seclira® range (insecticides, fly bait and cockroach bait) and Goliath® Gel (cockroach bait).
‘BASF non-repellent insecticide provides the professional pest manager with a powerful range of formulations that can control pest populations as a long-term solution using the Genuine Transfer EffectTM of this technology,’ explains Wilson.
This Genuine Transfer Effect™ ensures that the insecticide is undetectable. Upon contact, the
unique non-repellent technology of the product takes effect, and insects return to their nest to pass on the insecticide to other individuals in the colony. Ants, cockroaches and other social insects that come into contact will remain unaffected and unaware long enough to pass a lethal dose of the insecticide on to other insects in the colony and start a chain reaction.
This leads to a high level of success – with colony mortality and long-lasting total population control. In contrast, synthetic pyrethroids don’t have this transfer effect capacity.
The added benefit of the BASF pest technology is that pest managers are able to be more targeted with their insecticide treatments, by only applying insecticides where needed, rather than a total blanket coverage approach. This saves both time and cost by allowing you to use less product while still getting the job done effectively.
Get to the root of the problem, with BASF pest control products. For more information on BASF pest technology, visit pest-control.basf. com.au
The insecticide solutions of BASF over a number of years have set the benchmark
Our range of rodenticides gives you a choice of highly effective control options to fit every situation and budget.
n Selontra® Soft Bait will deliver outstanding control even under high pest pressure while protecting non-target animals wherever they might be at risk.
n Storm® Secure remains as cost-effective, durable and dependable as ever and Storm Soft Bait offers the same potency with a new level of palatability.
For more information on all our rodenticides, visit pest-control.basf.com.au or call 1800 558 399