AWPMA E-Gazette September 2022

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1 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA E-Gazette, September 2022 FACEBOOK-SQUARE INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE  


As an organisation we made the decision to cancel our March conference as we felt we should combine our efforts with an already established conference that benefits the whole industry. By doing this companies can reduce their expenditure, time and efforts to the one large event.

AWPMA are looking forward to holding our Women’s breakfast, which was such a huge success at the last conference and now we will be adding another social event, on one of the evenings so please watch this space. On top of this we are in the planning stage of selecting our own key speakers that have been chosen by women in the pest industry specifically for women in the pest industry. We welcome the opportunity to promote women with the larger audience that Pesticon

Board Report

August has been a busy month for the Australian Women’s Pest Management Association, with the Board continuing to work together on many incredible projects!

We have a further five gatherings yet to be scheduled in the lead up to Pesticon. The reason we have focused on this strategy is that we have received feedback from women in the industry that large conferences can be overwhelming and daunting. We aim to give women the opportunity to make supportive relationships, so that attending the next pest conference is seen as a social event without any angst attached to it. This underpins our shared values with AEPMA of diversity, inclusiveness, respect and cooperation.

we held our first of several AWPMA gatherings, which was Sponsored by Greenzone. The goal of these get-togethers is to create an inclusive, intimate environment where women and men can network, collaborate, and talk all things pest. Our group of 11 attended Lumber Punks Axe throwing in West Brisbane with Greenzone’s representative, Nathalie Clerk. Many laughs were had, stories shared, and lasting bonds made. Thank you again to Greenzone for sponsoring our Brisbane Event!

are delighted to be working with AEPMA on the 2023 Pesticon Conference. The theme is “What Customers Want” and we look forward to showcasing and supporting women in our industry via the National platform that Pesticon offers.

We are proud to announce our new website has been released! Please check it out at www.awpma.


In the age of the digital world the AWPMA board has been working tirelessly to arrange for some online seminars for our members. We understand between working, running your own business, studying, children and trying to maintain a social life it can be hard to attend everything on offer. To assist we have engaged with manufacturers and representatives to host online seminars where our

The cut off date to have your content and articles in is the first of the


interested in getting involved with AWPMA or providing feedback on any of the events please reach out to our board at Become a member today and have your voice heard as we work towards making positive and inclusive changes within our industry. Tara Kiker


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members can have access with the click of a button so keep an eye out on our AWPMA Facebook page for more information regarding the in-person events and online Ifseminars.youare

Contact Us Secretary –

Please submit your content



4 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

5 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

We will be holding gatherings in different states over the coming months so keep an eye out on our Facebook Page for more information on these events.

This month, we held our first of several AWPMA gatherings, which was Sponsored by Greenzone. The goal of these get-togethers is to create an inclusive, intimate environment where women and men can network, collaborate, and talk all things pest.

After having flexed our newly found axe throwing muscles, we were parched and hungry so the group headed to a local pub to continue our conversations and to indulge in dinner and cocktails! Many laughs were had, stories shared, and lasting bonds made. Thank you again to Nathalie and to Greenzone for sponsoring our Brisbane Event!


Our group of 11 attended Lumber Punks Axe throwing in West Brisbane with Greenzone’s representative, Nathalie Clerk. After our safety briefing on what not to do, the group picked up their axes and headed to their separate lanes – this was an impressive safety feature – the number of axes that bounced back was quite scary initially and having never thrown an axe myself it was an eye opener as to how much technique played a role – how to correctly hold the axe, changing your distance to influence your aim and how a flick of the leg on the role forward made all the difference in the final placement. The group stopped regularly for drinks and a brilliant array of nibbles put together by Amy Jenkinson – thank you. After a short time, we were in awe of how much our shoulders hurt after even only a couple of throws, despite the axe being relatively light. Never the less, our group were successful in making quite a bullseye’s on the day, so we have some budding axe throwing champions amongst us. Special mention here to Sue-Ann Tysoe who won the group challenge – well done!

What’s great about these events is that women who are in the pest industry (and their partners) get to mingle in a low stress, friendly and fun environment and have a chat to their fellow pesties and the representatives on a one-toone basis. This opens the doors for sharing experiences about the challenges we all face – getting new staff, managing existing staff, dealing with Covid-19 cancellations, being on top of the latest products and navigating the seasons within our business. Its essential that people, women more-so, have support in business as it can sometimes feel quite overwhelming when we have to juggle so many balls at a time.

If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. [Albert Einstein]

What does your current position entail?

Business Development: Bring awareness of the Greenzone products, I introduce the pesties to our products. I help them with product knowledge, I go on-site to help. I do anything to show the pestie the benefits of using an Australian owned product.

What would you say to other women who are working towards the goal of becoming a company representative?

Flexibility, between a busy life and work. Seeing that you are “adding value” to someone’s business and life.

Traineeship and educating the market / homeowners of their requirements. Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? Travelling the outback with grandkids and furry kids.

What qualifications or experience do you think would help to do the job well? Life certificatepatience,experiences,trainingTAFE.

• Being the New kid on the block.

What rewards are associated with the position?

If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. [Albert Einstein]

Being offered a trip to France as a reward for my effort. Have you had any funny moments on the road in your time as a rep? Hopped in the wrong car. Put unleaded in the diesel car, and was far north country had to beg a mechanic to come meet me to save me.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced to date?

6 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

• Adopting a new lingo (as a pestie)

What are some of your highlightscareertodate?

How have you found the pest control industry differs to previous industries you have worked in?

• Male dominated industry


• Understanding the Aus standards required for my industry


Step into it. Women see life in different shades, this is an advantage and is valuable. Culture doesn’t change in a day.

The industry can be locked into doing things in a certain way, and best practice is not exercised, I enjoy presenting the market of best practice. The more I am on-site learning of different scenarios the more I am able to add value in problem solving.

Genuineness, my previous career was corporate- with so many hurdles to jump for just a minor change. The pest industry overall have a genuine care and integrity. Makes it very easy for me to be part of. What areas do you feel the industry can grow in?

Nathalie Clerk

Following from our successful 2022 conference, the theme for 2023 will be “What Customers Want”.

Pesticon 2023 will be held at The Star, Gold Coast from the 16th – 18th August 2023.

your business is large or small, Pesticon 2023 will give your business a winning edge. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover new ways to deliver your services to the public.

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This year’s theme will enable an individual pest control firm to build its business, better service its customers, and provide benchmarks to improve profitability and customer base. This theme continues from the success of “Going Digital”, the idea is to allow for big ideas and meet the challenges head-on! The awards will be back bigger and better then ever with support of BASF and Bayer, as well as the announcement of a new Award Sponsored by Enystex “The Sustainability

Escape Room - Our Next “In person” gathering will be held on Friday 7th October at 6:30pm at Trapt Bar and Escape Rooms - 377 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC. This event promises to be a great night out with drinks, an Escape Room and Dinner - how could it disappoint.?! We would like to thank Sundew Solutions for sponsoring this event and we can’t wait to see the VIC Ladies and their partners. To register your interest in attending please:


8 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA


Escape Room


2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA Virtual Seminar

ServiceM8 - Our first virtual seminar will be held on Friday 16th September at 4:30pm with ServiceM8 superstar Fiona from Tradies Rescue, Fiona is an absolute legend at building forms in ServiceM8, this session will be open to anyone interested in attending (Male or Female). To register your interest please:

At a Glance Event Escape Room Virtual Seminar Date 7th October 2022 16th September 2022 Time 6.30pm 4.30pm Location Trapt Bar and Escape Rooms. 377 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC Online Register CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE

In the coming months we are looking forward to releasing an intuitive member portal to make managing your membership details easier, it will also make booking in for events held throughout the year simple and easy, as well as this there will be a central location for information about the association’s activities.


10 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

If you would like to see any additions to the website or would like to get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to


The AWPMA board have been working hard behind the scenes to develop and implement our new website, it’s fun and colourful so please head over to to check it out. The website has all of our snazzy new branding and embodies the goals of the Australian Women’s Pest Management Association moving forward to support, build confidence, collaborate and publicise the achievements of women in the pest control industry.

• Access to our range of member discounts and offers


• Access to our AWPMA Member graphics

• Access to our Members Only Portal

• Invitation to any networking, training, and workshop events

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Individual Membership

This member category is for sole traders with no staff or individuals who are just wanting to join and pay for the membership themselves and not have it billed back to a company. $120 inc GST for the year. Click for more info.


• Opportunities to sponsor future AWPMA events.


• Access to our AWPMA Member Graphics

• Opportunity to submit content to the Quarterly E-Gazette Newsletter that is distributed to all our members.

• Opportunity to have a one-week invitation to our closed Facebook group to talk about your products and services and answer any questions from the women.

• Access to AWPMA Commercial Supporters graphics

Company Membership

• Their logo is displayed on our website as a partner

Commercial Supporters

This category is for companies who supply products or services that benefit pest control technicians and companies. Commercial supporters benefit from a range of opportunities that allow them to liaise directly with our members to promote their services and products. $750 inc GST for the year. Click for more info.

• Associate Individual Memberships available to all employees that are 50% off so $60 inc GST.

• Access to our members only portal

• Access to our range of member discounts and offers

13 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

This member category is for pest control or building inspection companies that employ two or more women. A company membership would join up just the business, if employees would also like to join and gain the benefits of access to the member portal etc they would need to join as individual members using the company membership discount code. $300 inc GST for the year. Click for more info.

• Invitation to any networking, training, and workshop events

• Access to our Members only portal


put the entry together.

14 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

2002 was a momentous year for pest control in Australia because it saw the local launch of Termidor, a product – and now product range – that has completely transformed termite Thiscontrol.year

It’s a classic win/win situation for pest controllers and their customers; just like the arrival of Termidor was all those years ago.

The 2002 pre-launch ads announced ‘It’s coming! The WORLD’S BEST Termiticide!’, which was a pretty bold claim. But it’s also very hard to Thedispute.impact of Termidor was felt immediately because it provided a higher level of protection for longer than any of the previous treatments. And right from the start, BASF trained all the technicians planning to install Termidor treatments to make sure the product lived up to the highest expectations.


every pest controller in Australia has the opportunity to make the twentieth anniversary of that launch a cause for extra celebration within your business and your local BASFcommunity.areinviting all pest controllers to propose a local community group – like a kindergarten, sporting club or volunteer fire brigade – that would benefit from Termidor treatment. The five winning entries will each receive $4000 in financial assistance to fund installation of that treatment by the pest control company that

says Mark Wilson, BASF’s Technical Services Manager. “A lot of pest controllers who tried the product when it first came out have stuck with it ever since. Of course we really value and appreciate that 20 years of support. But it probably says even more about such a well-established product that operators keep finding ways that Termidor can add extra value to their bottom lines.”

Mark says that more and more long-term Termidor users are upgrading to Termidor HE, the ‘high efficiency’ formulation introduced 5 years ago, and a lot of pest controllers who used to exclusively work with bait stations have now begun installing Termidor treatments as “Labourwell.

Termite Bait System) has had. It’s quickly won a substantial market share because it’s so convenient. Once they start using it, companies who mainly rely on baiting discover that the Trelona label allows for combined treatments with Termidor where the layout or construction calls for a mixed approach. That means a lot of people who have never used a liquid termiticide before are now finally discovering the advantages of using Termidor. It’s never too late!”

For the five community groups that benefit from the treatment, their ongoing protection against termites will add to the rich legacy everyone who chooses Termidor has already helped establish and which looks set to extend for decades into the future right across Australia.

15 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

What’s even more remarkable than its initial impact is that a 20-year-old product is not only still at the forefront of termite treatment, but is continuing to drive positive “Therechange.has always been a solid core of Termidor loyalists,”

Even after twenty years, it may be never too late for smart operators to switch to Termidor, but it will soon be too late to enter the Treat Your Community with the Termidor Trust Fund competition. All you have to do is explain why your chosen group deserves the special treatment in 50 words or less before the end of September. Contact your local BASF Area Sales Manager to find out more.

For the five community groups that benefit from the treatment, their termitesprotectionongoingagainstwilladdto the rich legacy everyone who chooses Termidor has already helped establish and which looks set to extend for decades into the future right across Australia.

shortages have always been an issue in the pest management industry, but never more so than now,” he explains. “And even if you can find the labour, it’s more expensive than before. So companies are looking at the numbers and realising that the reduced drilling and digging with Termidor HE means they can complete more jobs with a better margin. Even better, their customers appreciate the faster turn-arounds and are happy to pay a bit extra for the highest level of protection available. So an increasing number of PCOs are now specifying Termidor HE as the best protection option for the home owner utilising the latest termiticide technology.

“The other interesting thing is the impact the launch of our Trelona® ATBS (Advance®

Termidor’s accreditation scheme and $2 million warranty gave pest controllers, home and business owners enormous confidence in the product. Two decades further down the track there has still never been a product failure when a Termidor treatment was properly installed.

of operation is unprecedented in the company. Everything is made available for us to design, test and develop prototypes of bait stations and traps in record time,”

Liphatech allocates 12-15% of its turnover to the search for innovations. Making this significant investment year on year has seen Liphatech, which is part of the De Sangosse Group in France, discovering three of the most widely used active ingredients for rodent control over the past 70 years: chlorophacinone, bromadiolone and difethialone.

The opening of a new dedicated R&D space at Liphatech’s headquarters in France signals a new area of investment and innovation for the

can propose ideas for new hardware and “Thisequipment.type


Richard facilitatorDesluxFablab


16 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

Whilst its research continues into actives and bait formulations, Liphatech has announced the opening of its very first Fablab. Located at the Liphatech head office in southwest France, Fablab is a collaborative space, backed by the existing applied research laboratory, where employees from any job or field of activity


operation time,”trapsbaitprototypestestformadeEverythinginunprecedentedisthecompany.isavailableustodesign,anddevelopofstationsandinrecord

The latest active substance discovered through its research program is currently being evaluated by the relevant European authorities – a process that can take between three and five years. In the end, the development of a new

“Creating a new recipe might sound simple,” said Céline Demoulin, head of the R&D centre of Pont du Casse, France. “And yet there are many criteria to consider: the choice of ingredients, their compatibility and interaction, industrial constraints, cost, and so on. It is Liphatech’s know-how that sets us apart in the market.”

17 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

Whilst the focus is on new rodent management equipment, Liphatech remains committed to R&D into actives and bait formulations.

Developing new and improved bait formulations is a key focus, with Liphatech’s global offices working together to investigate new anticoagulant-based products with an improved environmental profile.

“Whatever the economic situation, we maintain a policy of significant investment in our industrial facilities and in our research into innovations,” said Patricia Mora Matel, chief operating officer for Liphatech. “We have the freedom to operate and the ability to act and react quickly. The recent opening of the very first Fablab is proof of this.”

explains Richard Deslux, Fablab facilitator. “We apply the empirical method: at each key stage, we experiment with the prototypes in order to improve, modify and adjust them according to our Liphatech’sobservations.”

“This type of

Fablab was launched following discussions with customers who identified a market for new mechanical solutions that complement today’s

Celine Demoulin Head of the R&D Centre Pont du FranceCasse,

baits. With 75% of company shares owned by its employees, Liphatech’s flexible investment dynamics allowed the innovation hub to be up and running in just a few months.

active will have taken 15 years and seen more than 10 million euros invested in the project.

E Email – Build a good contact list of your clients that you currently deal with and drop them an email on a regular basis (once every


hard, and doesn’t require a lot of money or time to get the word out. It just takes planning and some good ideas. Not all of these ideas will work for you, but you should be able to use at least a few.

This article is written in response to a question I was asked from a Queensland pest business who wanted to know “when they should market”, and “what can we do on a tight budget”.

B Start a Newsletter – Distributed at least quarterly, it’s easy and inexpensive (especially an electronic one).

C Thank Referrals – Remember to say ‘thank you’ to people who refer business to you. I recently did some consulting to a client where we established that 40% of their business came through referrals. Yet, they had never ‘thanked’

D Press Releases – If you’ve treated an interesting location, or you’ve done something of general curiosity to the local community, write an editorial, and send it to your local paper. You might have an open day at your offices and invite the public in to see samples of the pests found and treated in their local community. Let the community know through a press release. A pest business in Melbourne submitted a press release talking about the new VESPEX® European wasp baiting program he could do for clients. Overnight he was flooded with requests to do direct nest treatments of wasps – he was seen as the ‘local expert’ due to this one simple press release. This resulted in over $10,000 worth of treatments in a 3 month period!

18 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

When should you market? The answer is easy – always. Every encounter with a customer or prospective customer is a marketing

You don’t need BIG bucks to get the word out. David Priddy, C.E.O. at Sundew Solutions offers 10 LOW COST IDEAS.

those who referred them. A thank you could be a personally written note, coupons, discount on future services, or movie tickets.

J Testimonials – Ask a good customer to write you a letter of referral. Use this on your website, in direct marketing, or letters of introduction in order to give your business greater credibility.

F Donate Product or Services – There are good opportunities to support local community projects and then leverage off these in your marketing collateral. This could be in the form of helping preserve a local landmark or building of historic interest.

G Business Cards – Always give contacts two of your business cards when you meet them –one for that person and the other one for them to share with a friend.

19 2022SeptemberE-Gazette,AWPMA

K Personal Letter – Pick out businesses or clients in your area that would make good potential business and send them a personal letter. Make sure it’s personally addressed and not “To the householder”. Do your groundwork and make a good first impression.

Marketing is an exciting, strategic process that shouldn’t cost the earth.

It’s a marketing fact that it can take up to six “hits” in the form of an advertisement, direct mail, or other marketing tool to connect the name of a business with what it offers. Buying one advertisement in your local community paper is useless – plan at least six ways to hit your target audience. Marketing is an exciting, strategic process that shouldn’t cost the earth.

I Postcard Mailer/Reminder – A picture tells a thousand words. Capture it in the form of a postcard mailer and send it to your clients. This medium can be used as an introduction to your business, a calling card, a with compliments slip, or included in your general marketing materials as an annual reminder for treatments. Give these to your technicians, and when at jobs, have them drop a postcard into adjoining businesses/clients.

90 days) to keep your name in front of them. Let them know what’s new, what they should be looking out for, and what services you provide. Don’t assume they know all about your business.

H Referrals – You’ve done a good job. Don’t be afraid to ask your client if they know anybody else who could use your services.

Most importantly, don’t think of marketing as a ‘one-off’ activity. You’ll be disappointed every time if you think this way. Be consistent, be creative and most of all be persistent.


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