1 minute read
Taste of Woodbridge
by pwcdpr

Photos: Donnell Taylor (@vaze_haze)

Exploring Art at Taste of Woodbridge

By Vaze Haze
Once a year in Stonebridge, the streets become flooded with tents, food trucks, and live music. The whole street fills with a sea of people stretching four blocks. Companies, organizations, and public services present booths and displays to draw the crowd. For Arts News, we focus on finding the artist in this sea - the self-made artist finding their way among the crowd.
Interview with Charmed by Aiyah
A handcrafting jewelry artist who established her own business with her family. Their important marketing message is that they are a safe space for women and the queer community. Here’s the interview: https://youtu.be/edRKZWkYKVs

Interview with Ataari, author of African Folktales kids books.
A children’s book writer who writes tales from the African diaspora providing folktales and stories with stickers and culture cards. Here is that interview: https://youtu.be/JwVL5uH_PR4