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The Growing Anime and Gaming Community in PWC
by pwcdpr
Conjutsu is seeking a home in PWC to grow with
Last year the PWC-native event Conjutsu held its 2nd anime and gaming convention. Relying on a small team of artists looking to bring pop culture, gaming, and their love for anime culture to life, they hosted a 1-day event that brought over 300 visitors flocking to see their favorite voice actors and cosplayers. The anime pop culture convention started in the mid-1970s and has since exploded into a global phenomenon that only increased with the growth of the internet and social media. Conjutsu, like many other Anime conventions, features stalls with animerelated wares, cosplay competitions, anime viewings, pop culture singers, and panels from world-renowned voice actors. Most notably among the featured artists were Billy Kametz and Chuck Huber from the cultural sensations Dragon Ball Z and Raise of the Shield Hero, respectively. Through astounding support Conjutsu will be able to hold another event this year and even expand - a 2-day event at the Fairfax Marriott at Fair Oaks. Without a doubt, this annual event will continue to grow regardless of location, but Conjutsu would like to do it is growing on its home turf in PWC. Conjutsu is seeking a space in PWC to accommodate its attendance needs and potential growth.

For more information on what Conjutsu is and what it’s becoming see here.