SATURDAY JUNE 20, 2015 - 20:30 H
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Luk Van Puymbroeck T: +32 478 436 163
Koen Terryn T: +32 476 897 000
There is something about a foal that makes a horseman’s heart skip a beat, its vulnerability, innocence, naivety... However, there’s something else that sends the horseman walking through the meadow in a nervous way. A ‘picture-prefect’ exterior, build to function athletic, a pedigree that presumes the very best with a strong family history anchored in the dam line, drawing the future.
Gerald Lenaerts T: +32475 77 86 27
Er is wat met een veulen dat het hart van iedere paardenman sneller doet slaan, de onschuld, de naïviteit, de kwetsbaarheid... Echter is er ook wat anders met een veulen dat iedere kenner zenuwachtig door het enkel-hoge gras doet stappen. Een ‘pictureperfect’-model, gemaakt om atletisch te functioneren, een afstammingstabel die het allerbeste doet vermoeden met een ijzersterke familiegeschiedenis die in de moederlijn verankerd ligt en zo de toekomst tekent.
Based on that thought, Flanders Foal Auction has decided to choose, right from the start, for the high-end of the market. This choice is the only, honest and truthful way to satisfy buyers and sellers.
Het topsegment verkoopt nog steeds, sterker nog, de prijzen van paarden met bovengemiddelde kwaliteit verhouden zich omgekeerd evenredig tot de prijzen van minder getalenteerde paarden. Het is vanuit die visie dat Flanders Foal Auction heeft beslist om, van bij de start, voor veulens uit het topsegment te kiezen. Deze keuze is de juiste, rechtste en eerlijkste weg naar tevreden verkopers én kopers!
On the basis of our experience in previous auctions, we are very proud to present to you this strong selection.
Vanuit onze ervaring uit de vorige edities zijn we zeer trots om u deze ijzersterke groep voor te stellen.
The high-end still sells, even more, the prices of horses of aboveaverage quality relate inversely proportional to the prices of less talented horses.
Luk Van Puymbroeck: +32 478 436 163 Noordhoutstraat 46 B-9031 Drongen (Belgium) WWW.EXCELLENTBREEDING.COM
HOSPITALITY LOCATION : Hippisch Centrum C&M Oude Schrieksebaan 85 A 2820 Bonheiden, Belgium
VIP TABLE: 6 pers – 700 euro (VAT incl) RESERVATIONS: Sigrid Gielen: +32 (0)476 25 86 47 CLOSEST AIRPORTS : Antwerp, Brussels, Lille (F), Schiphol (NL) Shuttle arrangements through our contact numbers. ON-LINE : CONTACT Flanders Foal Auction bvba Overes 22, 3990 Peer
HOTELS: IN DEN BONTEN OS: Rijmenamseweg 214, 2820 Rijmenam (Mechelen) Belgium Tel : + 32 (0) 15 52 04 50 MALCOT HOTEL: Leuvensesteenweg 236 2800 Mechelen (Center) Belgium Tel : + 32 (0) 15 45 10 00 VIXX HOTEL: Muntstraat 11 2800 Mechelen ( Center) Belgium Tel : + 32 (0) 15 20 36 77
1. 2.
If you are not able to come and attend the auction real life, bidding by telephone is the solution for you. Please send us an email at info@flandersfoalauction. com at least seven days prior the auction stating the following information: Name, Address, Telephone number, Horse(s) of your interest (catalogue number + name horse), Your references in Belgium.
3. 4.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
The sale occurs by auction to the highest bidder by payment of the purchase price and expenses. The buyer pays Flanders Foal Auction bvba ten percent (10%) exclusive VAT on top of his purchase price for the sale expenses, which are previously payable by Flanders Foal Auction bvba. It is brought to the buyer’s attention that in addition to the abovementioned f ixed expenses, the buyer also has to pay possible VAT on the purchase sum. If this is the case, the seller shall create an invoice. The purchase sum and expenses are payable to Flanders Foal Auction bvba after no more than five (5) days. The risk is transferred to the buyer at the moment of purchase. Delivery cannot take place before the foal reaches the age of hunderd and fifty (150) days. The foal should have been weaned for at least 1 week before delivery. The buyer has the possibility the insure the foal for the period between purchase and delivery. The buyer commits himself to pick up the foal/embryo at the seller’s place, if not agreed otherwise. By disagreement, delivery takes place in Belgium If the buyer pulls out of the purchase, Flanders Foal Auction bvba is entitled to immediately re-auction the foal without accepting the original bidder/buyer’s bid. The original bidder/buyer is obliged to pay Flanders Foal Auction bvba the expenses for re-auctioning the foal as well as the dif ference between his bid and a possibly lower purchase sum after re-auctioning. If a buyer can’t be immediately identif ied, the foal shall be called again. The provisional allocation is done under the condition precedent of the seller’s approval. Immediately after all foals have been provisionally allocated, the respective sellers are asked to give their approval and it is clearly announced in public which foals receive f inal allocations and which foals are withheld. The notary-public decides at f irst and last instance on all disputes regarding the progress of the sale. The sale is done according to Belgian law. Any disputes shall be settled by the courts of the district of Limburg, department Hasselt. For the purchase of an embryo we count an additional cost on top of the selling price of 1000 euro for the purchase of the surrogate mare (VAT not included). The surrogate mare becomes property of the client at the moment of purchase of the embryo.
There is a team of people waiting to make the bid for you. You will have contact with one allotted staff member. He or she will call you one hour before the auction. And subsequently, 5 minutes before the horse your are interested in enters the auction arena. Then he or she will make the bid(s) in your name.
1. 2.
Wanneer u niet in de mogelijkheid bent onze veiling te bezoeken, is bieden via de telefoon een oplossing voor u. Graag ontvangen wij uiterlijk zeven dagen voor de veiling een email op met de volgende gegevens: Naam, Adres, Telefoonnummer, Paard(en) van uw interesse (catalogusnummer + naam paard), Uw referenties in België.
3. 4.
6. 7.
8. 9. 10.
De verkoop geschiedt bij opbod aan de meestbiedende, tegen betaling van koopprijs en kosten. De koper zal boven zijn koopprijs tien procent (10%) exclusief BTW betalen aan Flanders Foal Auction bvba voor de onkosten van de verkoping, die dus ten laste van Flanders Foal Auction bvba vallen. De aandacht van de koper wordt erop gevestigd dat hij naast de voormelde forfaitaire onkosten, tevens de gebeurlijke BTW op de koopsom te zijnen laste moet nemen. De verkoper zal in dit geval een factuur opmaken. Koopsom en kosten dienen uiterlijk binnen de vijf (5) dagen te worden betaald aan Flanders Foal Auction bvba. Het risico gaat over op de koper op het moment van toewijzing. De levering kan niet geschieden voordat het veulen de leeftijd van honderdvijftig (150) dagen heeft bereikt. Het veulen dient minimum 1 week gespeend te zijn bij levering. Voor de periode tussen toewijzing en levering is er voor de koper de mogelijkheid om een verzekering af te sluiten. De koper verbindt er zich toe het veulen/embryo af te halen bij de verkoper behoudens anders afgesproken. Bij discussie vindt de levering plaats in België. Bij rouwkoop heeft Flanders Foal Auction bvba het recht het veulen onmiddellijk te herveilen, waarbij het bod van de oorspronkelijke bieder/koper niet wordt aangenomen. De oorspronkelijke bieder/ koper is gehouden het verschil tussen zijn bod en de eventueel lagere koopsom na herveiling, alsmede de kosten van herveiling aan Flanders Foal Auction bvba te voldoen. Indien een koper niet onmiddellijk geïdentificeerd kan worden, zal het veulen opnieuw worden opgeroepen. De voorlopige toewijzing gebeurt onder opschor tende voorwaarde van het akkoord van de verkoper. Onmiddellijk nadat alle veulens voorlopig zijn toegewezen zal het akkoord aan de respectievelijke verkopers worden gevraagd en zal in het openbaar luid en duidelijk worden verkondigd welke veulens def initief worden toegewezen en welke veulens worden ingehouden. De notaris beslist in eerste en laatste aanleg over alle betwistingen betreffende het verloop van de verkoop. De verkoop geschiedt overeenkomstig de Belgische wetgeving en bij eventuele geschillen zal enkel de rechtbank van Limburg, afdeling Hasselt bevoegd zijn Bij aankoop van een embryo rekenen we 1000 EURO (exl. BTW) extra boven op de toeslagprijs, waardoor de draagmoeder eigendom wordt van de koper.
Er staat een team klaar om voor u te bieden. U zult een contactpersoon toegewezen krijgen. Hij of zij zal een uur voor aanvang van de veiling contact met u opnemen. Vervolgens zal hij of zij u bellen vijf minuten voor het paard van uw interesse de veilingpiste betreedt. Ons personeelslid zal bieden uit uw naam.
REQUEST FOR CREDIT Please return to us with the approval of your bank before 16-06-2015.
BANK GUARANTEE You should ask your bank to supply documentary evidence of your financial means. With such a bank guarantee, we can give you permission for a giro transfer. The sum should be paid to the account of within 7 days after the auction.
SOUND BUSINESS REFERENCES You may provide sound business references where there is at least one that is willing to stand as your guarantor. You should notify the secretariat of Flanders Foal Auction, in advance, of whom your guarantor is. If the organization of Flanders Foal Auction is satisfied, you will then receive permission to pay by giro transfer, in which case the sum should be paid to the account of the seller, within 7 days after the auction.
FLANDERS FOAL AUCTION P/A Vaartdijk Noord 58, B-8433 - Middelkerke TEL: + 32 (0) 59 31 31 00 (9:00 – 12:00) IMPORTANT NOTICE: Payment: Payment at all public auctions is due immediately. First time buyers: Those who have not bought from Flanders Foal Auction before should make themselves known to the account department before the sale begins. Name: First name: Address: Tel. Work:
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Mobile: E-mail: BANKGARANTIE U kunt bij uw bank een bewijs aanvragen dat getuigt van uw ‘financiële gegoedheid’. Met deze bankgarantie krijgt u van ons toestemming giraal te betalen. Het bedrag dient dan binnen zeven dagen na de veiling op de rekening van te staan.
Estimated amount of credit Bank: Address:
REFERENTIES U kunt goede zakelijke referenties opgeven waarvan er tenminste één bereid is voor u garant te staan. U dient van tevoren bij het secretariaat van Flanders Foal Auction te melden wie er voor u garant staat. Naar oordeel van de organisatie van Flanders Foal Auction zult u al dan toestemming krijgen om giraal te betalen. Indien u toestemming krijgt, dient het bedrag binnen 7 dagen na de veiling op rekening van te staan.
Bank officer to be contacted: Account N°: I hereby authorize FLANDERS FOAL AUCTION to carry out a credit enquiry.
Date Signature
LARKO DE LAUBRY Arko x Diamant de Semilly BWP APPROVED STALLION 2014 EIGENAAR: Koen De Waele/Stephex Stables FOKKER: Haras de L’aubry
COLORE VAN OVERIS : Z I Mare I 23042015 I VAT : Yes
Casper Van Erpekom Z 2004 Chapeau van Overis Z 2010 Navarra van Overis 1990 Colore van Overis Z Z 2015 Mylord Carthago 2000 Mimi van Overis Z 2011 UTwo Z 2001
Casmir Z 1998 Cheyenne van Erpekom 2001 Darco 1980 Courage 1984 Carthago Z 1987 Fragance de Chalus 1993 Udarco van Overis 1997 Lorka 1988
sire: Chapeau van Overis Z (2010, Zangersheide, skewbald stallion by Casper Van Erpekom Z) Approved stallion for: AES; Jens Vandenberk (BEL); 1st dam: Mimi van Overis Z (2011, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by Mylord Carthago) Colore van Overis Z (2015, Zangersheide, mare by Chapeau van Overis Z) 2nd dam: UTwo Z (2001, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by Udarco van Overis) Crack van Overis Z (2006, Zangersheide, grey stallion by CouleurRubin) Elvis van Overis Z (2009, zangersheide, stallion by eldorado vd Zeshoek) CSIYH Lummen 1.25m Mimi van Overis Z (2011, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by Mylord Carthago) : see above 3rd dam: Lorka (1988, BWP, chestnut mare by Lugano van la Roche) Thelma van Overis (1996, BWP, chestnut mare by Concorde) Vodka van Overis D'13 (1998, BWP, bay mare by Magic Darco) Grube van de Hoendrikshoeve (2006, BWP, chestnut stallion by Lord Z) It's Ruby v/d Hoendrikshoeve (2008, BWP, chestnut stallion by CouleurRubin) Julie van de Hoendrikshoeve (2009, BWP, bay mare by Winningmood) Kidane van de Hoendrikshoeve (2010, BWP, chestnut stallion by Zidane) Wolga van Overis (1999, BWP, bay mare by Sun Light van de Zuuthoeve) Alto van Overis (2000, BWP, chestnut stallion by Calvados) UTwo Z (2001, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by Udarco van Overis) : see above Colorado van Overis (2002, BWP, bay stallion by Orlando) Dali van Overis (2003, BWP, bay mare by Lambada van Berkenbroeck) 4th dam: Herta van Berkenbroeck (1984, BWP, bay mare by Carneval) Lorka (1988, BWP, chestnut mare by Lugano van la Roche) : see above Naughty Boy (1990, BWP, bay stallion by A Lucky One)
Cornet Obolensky (Windows van ’t Costersveld) 1999 Comme Il Faut 2005 Ratina Z 1982 Catelina van 't Merelsnest Z 2015 Darco 1980 Wendelina van 't Merelsnest 1999 IdjazC 1985
Clinton 1993 Rabanna van Costersveld 1994 Ramiro Z (Ramiro) 1965 Argentina Z 1977 Lugano van la Roche 1963 Ocoucha 1968 Hedjaz 1973 Chiquita 1976
sire: COMME IL FAUT (2005, Westfalen, bay stallion by Cornet Obolensky) Approved stallion for: Z, Westf.; level 1.60m with Marcus Ehning (GER) and FranzJosef Dahlmann (GER); 2nd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Dortmund (GER); 2nd 2010 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses 1st dam: Wendelina van 't Merelsnest (1999, BWP, bay mare by Darco) Cupido van 't Merelsnest (2002, BWP, chestnut stallion by Nabab de Reve) : level 1.40 m Edjaz van 't Merelsnest (2004, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Nabab de Reve) level 1.45m with Ward De Bie (BEL); VDL GLASGOW VH MERELSNEST (2006, BWP, dark bay stallion by Nabab de Reve) Approved stallion for: NRPS, AES; level 1.50m with Jur Vrieling (NED); 3rd CSI2* (1.35m) Zuidbroek (NED) 2015; 1st CSI2* Vestfold (NOR) 2015 KoblenzW van 't Merelsnest (2010, BWP, chestnut stallion by Nabab de Reve) Approved for : Melck 2nd dam: IdjazC (1985, BWP, bay mare by Hedjaz) Maureen van 't Merelsnest (1989, BWP, bay or brown mare by Lys de Darmen) David McPherson Romulus van 't Merelsnest (1994, BWP, bay stallion by Voltaire) level 1.40m Mr. Harrison (Harrison van't Merelsnest) (2007, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) level 1.40m with Rodrigo Giesteira Almeida (POR); Je Reve van 't Merelsnest (2009, BWP, stallion by Nabab de Reve) Approved stallion for: AES
QARCO VAN 'T MERELSNEST D'11 (1993, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) level 1.60m with Damien Plume (BEL) and Robin Sweely (USA); 2nd CSI3*W 2004 Grand Prix (1.50m) Bridgehampton (USA); 6th 2003 Le Touqet (FRA) individual European Championship for Young Riders SAPPHIRE (Safari van 't Merelsnest) (1995, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) level 1.60m with McLain Ward (USA); 1st CSI4*W 2010 World Cup (1.60m) Bridgehampton (USA); 1st CSIO5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rome (ITA); 1st CSIO5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 1st CSI5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 1st CSIO5* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSI4*W 2009 World Cup (1.60m) Bridgehampton (USA); 1st CSI4*W 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Bridgehampton (USA); 1st CSI5* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 1st CSI4*W 2009 World Cup (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 1st CSIO4* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 1st CSI5* 2007 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 3rd CSIO5* 2006 Final 4th Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 3rd CSIO5* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 3rd CSI5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSI3*W 2010 7th 2010 Lexington (USA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2010 Lexington (USA) team competition World Equestrian Games; participated 2010 Geneva (SUI) final result World Cup Final; 2nd 2009 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; 5th 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) individual Olympic Games (jumping); 1st 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2007 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; 7th 2006 Aachen (GER) individual World Equestrian Games; 2nd 2006 Aachen (GER) team competition World Equestrian Games; participated 2005 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; participated 2004 Athens (GRE) individual Olympic Games (jumping); 1st 2004 Athens (GRE) team competition Olympic Games (jumping) Temple Akropolis (Akropolis van 't Merelsnest) (2000, BWP, bay stallion) Approved for: AES
BILLION DOLLAR D'ICK Z : Z I Stallion I 12022015 I VAT : Yes
Stakkato 1993 By Ceira d'Ick 2011 Fein Cera 1991 Billion Dollar d'Ick Z Z 2015 Chin Chin 1978 China d'Ick 2005 NCassina 1998
Spartan 1982 Pia 1989 Landadel 1982 Cera (Bella Hopp) 1987 Constant 1972 Larese 1974 Capitol I 1975 Wisma 1984
sire: By Ceira d'Ick (2011, Selle Français, bay stallion by Stakkato) Approved stallion for: AES
1st dam: China d'Ick (2005, Holstein, mare by Chin Chin) Atomic Z (Atomic d'Ick) (2010, Zangersheide, stallion by Cumano BD) Approved stallion for: Z Billion Dollar d'Ick Z (2015, Zangersheide, stallion by By Ceira d'Ick) : see above 2nd dam: NCassina (1998, Holstein, mare by Capitol I) SCassina (2002, Holstein, bay mare by Quick Star) Tactik (Tactik Denfer) (2007, Holstein, bay mare by Contender) level 1.45m with Flaminia Straumann (SUI) and Denis Lynch (IRL); 1st CSI2* (1.20m) Bonheiden (BEL) 2015; 1st CSI2* (1.20m) Bonheiden (BEL) 2015 Quidame Z (2004, Holstein, dark bay mare by Quidam de Revel) Asqui Z (2008, Zangersheide, bay mare by Asca Z) level 1.30m with Ken Ruysen (BEL) and Kris Christiaens (BEL); participated 2013 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses China d'Ick (2005, Holstein, mare by Chin Chin) : see above Quintago II (2007, Holstein, bay stallion by Quidam de Revel) Approved stallion for: Holst. 3rd dam: Wisma (1984, Holstein, mare by Caletto II) Cassini I (1988, Holstein, grey stallion by Capitol I) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., SF, SI, BA; level 1.40m1.60m with Bo Kristoffersen (DEN) and Franke Sloothaak (GER); 2nd CSIA 1998 Grand Prix Kiel (GER); 1st CSIA 1998 Grand Prix Arnhem (NED); participated 1998 Helsinki (FIN) final result World Cup Final; participated 1997 Mannheim (GER) individual European Championships (show jumping) Donata II (1989, Holstein, bay mare by Capitol I) Lovari (1996, Holstein, bay stallion by Lasino) Approved stallion for: Holst. Monata (1997, Holstein, bay mare by Corofino I) Haamoon (1993, Holstein, dark bay mare by Leonid) CALERI II (2003, Holstein, dark bay stallion by Calido I) level 1.60m with Zuzana Zelinkova (CZE); 1st CSIO4* (1.60m) LinzEbelsberg (AUT) 2015; 3rd CSI2*W 2014 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Celje (SLO); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World E. Games QUINN 17 (2007, Holstein, bay stallion by Quick Nick) Approved stallion for: MV, BA; level 1.50m with Krzysztof Ludwiczak (POL); Cassini II (1994, Holstein, grey stallion by Capitol I) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., SF, SWB, SI, Mira VI (1997, Holstein, mare by Lansing) Cassaro Z (2002, Holstein, grey stallion by Coronado) Approved stallion for: Holst., Z NCassina (1998, Holstein, mare by Capitol I) : see above RF Easy Going (2001, Holstein, bay stallion by Esteban xx) Sabrina Mertens (GER) and Marilyn LittleMeredith (USA); 3rd CIC1* 2010 Strzegom (POL); 2nd CCI1* 2010 (section 1) Everswinkel (GER); 1st CIC1* 2010 Kreuth (GER) CLARIMO ASK (2003, Holstein, grey stallion by Clearway) Approved stallion for: Holst.; level 1.60m with RolfGöran Bengtsson (SWE); 1st CSI2* (1.45m) OlivaValencia (ESP) 2015; 2nd CSI5*W 2014 Class 3 (1.55m) Verona (ITA); 3rd CSI2* 2013 Grand Prix (1.45m) Redefin (GER)
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
COGNAC EB : Holstein I Stallion I 19032015 I VAT : Yes
Caretino 1983 Casall ASK 1999 Kira XVII 1995 Cognac EB Holst. 2015 Quantum 1994 Wilma 2006 Feline 1991
Caletto II 1978 Isidor 1972 Lavall I 1986 Maltia 1975 Quidam de Revel 1982 Ulla V 1982 Contender 1984 Oda 1977
sire: CASALL ASK (1999, Holstein, bay stallion by Caretino) Approved stallion for: Holst., sBs, SI; level 1.60m with RolfGöran Bengtsson (SWE); 3rd CSI5* LGCT (1.60m) Hamburg (GER) 2015; 2nd CSI5* W (1.60m) Göteborg (SWE) 2015; 3rd CSI5*W (1.60m) Zürich (SUI) 2015; 2nd CSI5* (1.55m) Basel (SUI) 2015; 3rd CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Final GCT (1.60m) Doha (QAT); 1st CSI5*W 2014 Grand Prix (1.501.60m) Lyon (FRA); 4th 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; 1st CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Chantilly (FRA); 2nd CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Monte Carlo (MON); 2nd CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Antwerpen (BEL); 1st CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Basel (SUI); 2nd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Lyon (FRA); 3rd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Wien (AUT); 4th 2013 Herning (DEN) individual European Championships (show jumping); 3rd 2013 Herning (DEN) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 2nd CSI3* 2013 Grand Prix (1.50m) Ommen (NED); 3rd CSI5*W 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) 's Hertogenbosch (NED); 2nd CSI5*W 2013 World Cup (1.60m) Zürich (SUI); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Lausanne (SUI); participated 2012 London (GBR) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2012 London (GBR) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Cannes (FRA); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Hamburg (GER); participated 2012 's Hertogenbosch (NED) final result World Cup Final; 3rd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) Basel (SUI); 2nd CSI5*W 2011 World Cup (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSI5*W 2011 World Cup (1.60m) Lyon (FRA); 1st CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Monte Carlo (MON); 1st CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Hamburg (GER); 3rd CSI5*W 2010 World Cup (1.60m) Verona (ITA) ETC...
1st dam: Wilma (2006, Holstein, bay mare by Quantum) Cognac EB (2015, Holstein, stallion by Casall ASK) 2nd dam: Feline (1991, Holstein, bay mare by Contender) Claudio's Son (1997, Holstein, bay stallion by Claudio) Approved stallion for: Holst., SA, BA Wilma (2006, Holstein, bay mare by Quantum) : see above 3rd dam: Oda (1977, Holstein, mare by Farnese) Unka (1982, Holstein, mare by Lagano) Antigonee (1986, Holstein, mare by Constant) Corian (1983, Holstein, bay stallion by Coriolan) Approved stallion for : SI Warthe (1984, Holstein, mare by Calypso II) Santa Cruz (1998, Old, stallion by Sandro Hit) Approved for : Old, Westf Elischa 210121090 (1993, Holstein, bay mare by Lagerfield) Dijana II (1989, Holstein, mare by Constant) Confusion (2001, Holstein, Stallion by Contender) Approved for : USA Harmonie XIV (1993, Holstein, mare by Sir Shostakovich xx) EvaMaria (1990, Holstein, dark bay mare by Constant) KajaMaria (1995, Holstein, dark bay mare by Contender) Chacon (2000, Holstein, bay stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: Holst., Sachs., SaThü Feline (1991, Holstein, bay mare by Contender) : see above
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
COLOR DW : Z I Mare I 10-05-2015 I VAT : YES
Casall ASK 1999 Connor 2006 Korrada S 1995 Color DW Z Z 2015 Aragorn W 1999 Lily DW 2011 Olympia DW (Wiluna) 2004
Caretino 1983 Kira XVII 1995 Cor de la Bryère 1968 Soleil 1980 Acorado I 1994 Ivita III 1994 Caresino 2000 Ms Franziska 1997
sire: Connor (2006, Holstein, black brown stallion by Casall ASK) Approved stallion for: Holst.
1st dam: Lily DW (2011, BWP, bay mare by Aragorn W) Color DW (2015, , mare by Connor) see above 2nd dam: Olympia DW (Wiluna) (2004, Holstein, mare by Caresino) Lily DW (2011, BWP, bay mare by Aragorn W) : see above 3rd dam: Ms Franziska (1997, Holstein, bay mare by Corrado I) PKZ CONTACT VAN DE HEFFINCK (2001, Holstein, bay stallion by Concept) Approved stallion for: Z, Westf.; level 1.60m with Olivier Seynhaeve (BEL) and Toni Hassmann (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Dortmund (GER) Olympia DW (Wiluna) (2004, Holstein, mare by Caresino) : see above Careska (2006, Holstein, bay mare by Caresino) Janina (2009, BWP, bay or brown mare by Cicero van Paemel Z) 4th dam: Urte I (1992, Holstein, mare by Masetto) CLINTON (1993, Holstein, grey stallion by Corrado I) Approved stallion for: KWPN, Hann., Holst., Old., SF, BWP, SI, Z; level 1.60m with Dirk Demeersman (BEL); participated 2006 Aachen (GER) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2006 Aachen (GER) team competition World Equestrian Games; 1st CSI2* 2006 Grand Prix (1.45m) Beervelde (BEL); 2nd CSIO5* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Lummen (BEL); 2nd CSIO5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Aachen (GER); participated 2005 San Patrignano (ITA) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2005 San Patrignano (ITA) individual European Championships (show jumping); 3rd CSI3* 2005 Grand Prix (1.50m) NörtenHardenberg (GER); 2nd CSI*** 2005 Grand Prix Braunschweig (GER); 4th 2004 Athens (GRE) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2004 Athens (GRE) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 3rd CSIW 2003 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Mechelen (BEL) Chanel (Kerrin II) (1995, Holstein, bay mare by Carthago Z) Catalani (1999, Holstein, bay stallion by Caretino) Approved stallion for: Holst., Sachs., SaThü Botanica van de Heffinck (2001, BWP, bay mare by Prince de Revel) Buttercup van de Heffinck (2001, BWP, bay mare by Quite Easy) Butterfly van de Heffinck (2001, BWP, bay mare by Quite Easy) Bonheur van het Costersveld (2001, BWP, bay mare by Heartbreaker) Boris van het Kluizebos (2001, BWP, bay stallion by Heartbreaker) Approved stallion for: BWP, SI; level 1.40m with Lynn d'Have (BEL); Belle D' Or (2001, BWP, bay or brown mare by Tresor) Lewinsky (1996, Holstein, grey mare by Corofino I) Bardot van de Warande (2001, BWP, grey mare by Orlando) Galia (2006, BWP, grey mare by Orlando) Koquelicot (2010, BWP, black mare by Diarado) Ms Franziska (1997, Holstein, bay mare by Corrado I) : see above Exclusief van de Heffinck (2004, BWP, bay stallion by Orlando) Guadalajara vd Heffinck (2006, BWP, bay mare by Cartier van de Heffinck)
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
PARIS VAN HEISTE : BWP I Mare I 22042015 I VAT : No
L'Arc de Triomphe 1999 Qlassic Bois Margot 2004 Decibelle du Roc 1991 Paris van Heiste BWP 2015 Colman 1996 Sarett 2006 Karett I 1995
Landor S 1991 Präludium 1991 Galoubet A 1972 Source d'Espoir 1984 Carthago Z 1987 Rosenquarz 1979 Cascavelle 1986 Rosalinde 1979
sire: QLASSIC BOIS MARGOT (2004, Selle Français, black stallion by L'Arc de Triomphe) level 1.60m with Simon Delestre (FRA); 1st CSI5*W (1.60m) Mechelen (BEL) 2014; 3rd CSIO5* 2014 Class 4: Consolation comp. NC (team) (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 2nd CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Ebreichsdorf Magna Racino (AUT); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; 2nd 2014 Normandy (FRA) team competition World Equestrian Games; 3rd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 2nd CSIO5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Gijon (ESP); 2nd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Valkenswaard (NED); 1st CSI5*W 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Bordeaux (FRA); 1st CSI5*W 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) Mechelen (BEL); 3rd CSI3* 2012 Grand Prix (1.50m) Lummen (BEL)
1st dam: Sarett (2006, Holstein, grey mare by Colman) Carett van Heiste (2010, Holstein, mare by Corrado I) Lipton van Heiste (2011, BWP, grey mare by Zirocco Blue VDL N.O.P.) Mister Univers van Heiste (2012, BWP, grey stallion by Univers Theod) Paris van Heiste (2015, BWP, mare by Qlassic Bois Margot) : see above 2nd dam: Karett I (1995, Holstein, grey mare by Cascavelle) Ladas (1999, Holstein, grey stallion by Limbus) : level 1.30m Chantal (2001, holstein, mare by Carvallo BB) : level 1.45m Sarett (2006, Holstein, grey mare by Colman) : see above 3rd dam: Rosalinde (1979, Holstein, mare by Capitano) Caballero (1983, Holstein, bay stallion by Caletto II) Wotin (1984, Holstein, mare by Caletto II) Las Vegas (1993, , Grey stallion by Lesanto) Approved stallion for: AES BONZAI H (2000, SWB, grey gelding by Baloubet du Rouet) level 1.60m with Helena Persson (SWE); 3rd CSI3* (1.50m) Arezzo (ITA) 2015; 3rd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.55m) Stockholm (SWE) CHAMONIX H (2001, SWB, brown mare by Equest Carnute) level 1.60m with Kelli Cruciotti (USA) and Olivier Philippaerts (BEL); 3rd CSIU25A (1.45m) Wellington (USA) 2015; 2nd CSI3*W 2009 Grand Prix (1.50m) Leszno (POL) Karett I (1995, Holstein, grey mare by Cascavelle) : see above 4th dam: Gotin (1970, Holstein, mare by Ramiro Z) Rosalinde (1979, Holstein, mare by Capitano) : see above Tarett (1981, Holstein, mare by Lagos) Kleine Gotin (1985, Holstein, mare ) Cincinnati 16 (1995, Rheinland, dark bay gelding by Celvin) Anke Büsch (GER) and Jan Büsch (GER); 1st CIC** 2004 KampLintfort (GER); 3rd CIC* 2002 (section 2) Steinhagen (GER) Chantal (1988, Holstein, mare by Latus II) Hostess V (1993, Holstein, bay mare by Tin Rocco) Clou 23 (1991, Holstein, bay gelding by Contender) level 1.40m1.60m with CarstenOtto Nagel (GER);
FEVRIER DE HUS : SF I Mare I 09022015 I VAT : Yes
Contender 1984 Con Air 1997 Fair Lady IX 1991 Fevrier de Hus SF 2015 Corrado I 1985 Conrad Girl 2007 Minne I 1997
Calypso II 1974 Gofine 1970 Carolus I 1986 Bonni 1987 Cor de la Bryère 1968 Soleil 1980 Locato 1987 Mechthild 1975
sire: CON AIR 7 (1997, Holstein, bay stallion by Contender) level 1.60m with José Maria Larocca Jr. (ARG) and Otto Becker (GER); 1st CSIO5* 2008 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 1st CSI3* 2008 Grand Prix (1.50m) Hachenburg (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) Braunschweig (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) Oldenburg (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) NörtenHardenberg (GER); 2nd CSI2* 2006 Grand Prix (1.45m) Ravensburg (GER); participated 2010 Lexington (USA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2007 Mannheim (GER) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 2007 Mannheim (GER) team competition European Championships (show jumping) 1st dam: Conrad Girl (2007, Holstein, black mare by Corrado I) Fevrier de Hus (2015, Selle Français, stallion by Con Air) : see above 2nd dam: Minne I (1997, Holstein, black mare by Locato) CONRAD DE HUS (2005, Holstein, bay stallion by Con Air) level 1.60m with Jullian Wathen (GBR) and Grégory Wathelet (BEL); 1st CSI5* (1.55m) Basel (SUI) 2015; 2nd CSIO5* (1.50m) Lummen (BEL) 2015; 2nd CSI5*W 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Mechelen (BEL); 1st CSI5* 2014 Class 2 (1.501.55m) Doha (QAT); 1st CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (1.45m) Bonheiden (BEL); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) team competition World Equestrian Games Conrad Girl (2007, Holstein, black mare by Corrado I) : see above 3rd dam: Mechthild (1975, Holstein, mare by Sacramento Song xx) Optiebeurs Leonardo (1981, Holstein, dark bay gelding by Landmeister) Wachtel III (1984, Holstein, dark bay mare by Landmeister) Cassandra 40 (Creole) (1988, Holstein, bay mare by Capitol I) Tjark Nagel (GER); participated 1995 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses CELLIST (1992, Holstein, grey gelding by Capitol I) level 1.50m with Ali Nilforushan (IRI); 3rd CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Los Angeles (USA); 3rd CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Indio (USA); 1st CSIW 2003 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Los Angeles (USA); participated 2006 Kuala Lumpur (MAS) final result World Cup Final SIEC C. ITTI (2003, Holstein, bay gelding by Classido) level 1.50m with Sevil Sabanci (TUR) and Dorte Dahlmann Olsen (DEN); 3rd CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (1.45m) Drammen (NOR); 1st CSI1* 2013 Grand Prix (1.40m) Odense (DEN)
Chita (1988, Holstein, grey mare by Capitol I) Ikkepuk van 't Plutoniahof (2008, BWP, chestnut mare by Nevado van de Rostal) Minne I (1997, Holstein, black mare by Locato) : see above 4th dam: Gudrun (1970, Holstein, mare by Wahnfried) Luzern (1974, Holstein, mare by Sacramento Song xx) Alraune (1986, Holstein, mare by Capitol I) Ellipse (1990, Holstein, mare by Landlord) LAWRENCE (1991, Holstein, bay gelding by Lord) Wolfgang Aigner (GER) and Sonja Aigner (AUT); 9th CDI 2002 Grand Prix Spécial (62.160%) Achleiten (AUT) Jaen (1994, Holstein, bay or brown mare by Caletto I)
Furioso II (Vertuoso) 1965 For Pleasure 1986 Gigantin 1980 FFA Embryo 2 Argentinus 1980 Argentina 2001 Mandoline 1989
Furioso xx 1939 Dame de Ranville 1947 Grannus 1972 Goldi 1976 Argentan I 1967 Dorle 1965 Matador 1977 Winzerin 1980
sire: FOR PLEASURE (1986, Hannover, chestnut stallion by Furioso II) level 1.60m with Lars Nieberg (GER) and Marcus Ehning (GER); 1st CSI5* 2004 Grand Prix (1.60m) Zürich (SUI); 2nd CSIO5* 2003 Grand Prix (1.60m) Aachen (GER); 2nd CSIO5* 2003 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 1st CSI W 2004 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Leipzig (GER); 3rd CSIW 2003 Top Ten Final (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSIW 2003 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Göteborg (SWE); 3rd CSIW 2002 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Verona (ITA); 3rd CSIW 2002 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Aarhus / Vilhelmsborg (DEN); 3rd CSIW 2002 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Göteborg (SWE); 2nd CSIW 2002 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Dortmund (GER); 3rd CSIW 2000 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Amsterdam (NED); 2nd CSIW 1998 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Paris Bercy (FRA); 2nd CSIW 1997 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) LondonOlympia (GBR); 1st CSIW 1996 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSIW 1996 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Brussels (BEL); 2nd CSIW 1995 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Aarhus / Vilhelmsborg (DEN); 2nd CSIW 1995 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Dortmund (GER); 3rd CSIW 1994 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Berlin (GER); 3rd 2003 Donaueschingen (GER) individual European Championships (show jumping); 1st 2003 Donaueschingen (GER) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 1st CSIA 2002 Grand Prix München (GER); 1st CSIA 2002 German Master Stuttgart (GER); participated 2002 Jerez de la Frontera (ESP) team competition World Equestrian Games; participated 2002 Jerez de la Frontera (ESP) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2002 Leipzig(GER) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSIA 2001 Grand Prix Aach (GER); participated 2001 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 3rd CSIA 2000 German Master Stuttgart (GER); 1st 2000 Sydney (AUS) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 4th 2000 Sydney (AUS) individual Olympic Games (jumping); 2nd CSIA 2000 Grand Prix Donaueschingen (GER); 1st CSIA 2000 Grand Prix Zürich (SUI); 1st CSIA 1999 German Master Stuttgart (GER); 5th 1999 Hickstead (GBR) individual European Championships (show jumping); 1st 1999 Hickstead (GBR) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 1st CSIO 1999 Grand Prix Modena (ITA); 3rd CSIO 1998 Final Samsung Super League Donaueschingen (GER); 4th 1997 Mannheim (GER) individual European Championships (show jumping); 1st 1997 Mannheim (GER) team competition European Championships (show jumping); ETC...
1st dam: Argentina (2001, Oldenburg, bay mare by Argentinus) FFA Embryo 2 ( by For Pleasure) : see above 2nd dam: Mandoline (1989, Oldenburg, mare by Matador) AIR JORDAN Z (1996, Oldenburg, dark brown stallion by Argentinus) Approved stallion for: Old., SF, Z; level 1.60m with Edouard Mathe (FRA) and JudyAnn Melchior (BEL); 1st CSI4* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Braunschweig (GER); 1st CSI5* 2008 Top R.I.D.E. (1.60m) Deauville (FRA); 1st CSI5* 2008 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Valkenswaard (NED); 1st CSIW 2007 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) 's Hertogenbosch (NED); 2nd 2007 Las Vegas final result World Cup Final Argentina (2001, Oldenburg, bay mare by Argentinus) : see above Air Jordan Alpha Z (2009, Zangersheide, brown stallion by Argentinus) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.30m with Christian Ahlmann (GER); participated 2014 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses 3rd dam: Winzerin (1980, Hannover, mare by Weinstern) Mandoline (1989, Oldenburg, mare by Matador) : see above Wascania (1992, mare by Grnnus) dam of Calvado (2002 by Lamberto H) level 1.60m 4th dam: Czardasfürstin (1973, Hannover, mare by Cher xx) Winzerin (1980, Hannover, mare by Weinstern) : see above
Photo: For Pleasure
Lugano van la Roche 1963 Darco 1980 Ocoucha 1968 Petronella van de Fruitkorf BWP 2015 Cassini I 1988 Think Well 2003 Ganimede 1992
Lugano I 1954 Adlerflut 1952 Codex 1962 Latoucha 1965 Capitol I 1975 Wisma 1984 Grundyman xx 1979 Indosa 1972
sire: DARCO (1980, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Lugano van la Roche) Approved stallion for: KWPN, Holst., Old., SF, BWP, sBs, NRPS, SI, Westf.; level 1.40m1.60m with Ludo Philippaerts (BEL); 3rd CSIO 1993 Grand Prix Rotterdam (NED); participated 1993 Gijon (ESP) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 1993 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 7th 1992 Barcelona (ESP) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 1992 Barcelona (ESP) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); participated 1991 La Baule (FRA) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 1991 La Baule (FRA) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 1991 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 6th 1990 Stockholm (SWE) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 1990 Stockholm (SWE) team competition World Equestrian Games; participated 1990 Dortmund (GER) final result World Cup Final; participated 1989 Rotterdam (NED) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 1989 Rotterdam (NED) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 1989 Tampa (USA) final result World Cup Final
1st dam: Think Well (2003, Holstein, light bay mare by Cassini I) Petronella van de Fruitkorf (2015, BWP, mare by Darco) : see above 2nd dam: Ganimede (1992, Holstein, mare by Grundyman xx) Cayenne 61 (1996, Holstein, bay mare by Cassini I) Kyrielle D'heyboght (2010, BWP, bay mare by Diarado) Lambik (2011, BWP, bay stallion by Kalaska de Semilly) Casandra ( 2001, mare by Cassini I) level 1.20 m Cascaja (2002, gelding by Cassini I) level 1.30m Think Well (2003, Holstein, light bay mare by Cassini I) : see above 3rd dam: Indosa (1972, Holstein, mare by Flamberg) Wanessa VI (1984, Holstein, bay mare by Silvester) GIMINI (1992, Holstein, bay mare by Lavall I) level 1.60m with Kirsti Svaboe (NOR); 1st CSIO4* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) Ypäjä (FIN); 1st CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) Vestfold (NOR); 2nd CSI2* 2006 Grand Prix (1.45m) Vestfold (NOR) Ganimede (1992, Holstein, mare by Grundyman xx) : see above 4th dam: Ragusa (1957, Holstein, dark bay mare by Alabaster xx) Indosa (1972, Holstein, mare by Flamberg) : see above
PRADA QUALITY : BWP I Mare I 11032015 I VAT : Yes
Couperus 1984 Mr. Blue 1988 Acarla 1982 Prada Quality BWP 2015 Clarence C 2003 Havanna de la Vie 2007 Samsara 1997
Naturel 1972 Warina 1980 Oldenburg (Imperial) 1973 Picarla 1974 Carano 1991 Kira XVII 1995 Spartan 1982 Pia 1989
sire: Mr. Blue (1988, KWPN, grey stallion by Couperus) Approved stallion for: KWPN, SF, BWP, SI; level 1.40m1.60m with Katie Monahan Prudent (FRA) and Elise Haas (USA); 1st CSIW 2000 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Miami (USA); 1st CSIW 1999 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Amsterdam (NED); participated 1998 Helsinki (FIN) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSIW 1998 World Cup (1.40m 1.60m) Paris Bercy (FRA); 1st CSIW 1997 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Berlin (GER); 1st CSIA 1997 German Master Stuttgart (GER); 2nd CSIW 1997 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Aarhus / Vilhelmsborg (DEN); participated 1997 Mannheim (GER) individual European Championships (show jumping); 2nd 1997 Mannheim (GER) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 1st CSIA 1997 Grand Prix Hachenburg (GER); 2nd CSIA 1996 Grand Prix Maastricht (NED); 2nd CSIA 1996 Grand Prix Geesteren (NED); 2nd CSIA 1996 Grand Prix Eindhoven (NED) ETC...
1st dam: Havanna de la Vie (2007, BWP, bay or brown mare by Clarence C) Lamara Quality (2011, BWP, bay mare by Arko III) sold to UK Mona Lisa Quality (2012, BWP, bay or brown mare by Nabab de Reve) : in training Nanda Quality ( 2013, BWP stallion by Montender) Prada Quality (2015, BWP, mare by Mr. Blue) : see above 2nd dam: Samsara (1997, Hannover, grey mare by Spartan) For Hero de Hus (2001, Hannover, chestnut stallion by For Pleasure) Approved stallion for: Hann., sBs Barbie Girl (2002, Hannover, grey mare by Baloubet du Rouet) MESSENGER (2007, Hannover, bay stallion by Montender) level 1.50m with Philip Rüping (GER); 1st CSI3* (1.50m) Redefin (GER) 2015 Figaro C (Figaro de la Vie) (2005, BWP, bay stallion by Berlin) Approved stallion for: BWP, Z Bolero de la Vie Z (2006, Zangersheide, dark bay stallion by Berlin) level 1.401.60m with Wesley Joyce (AUS); Havanna de la Vie (2007, BWP, bay or brown mare by Clarence C) : see above Casco de la Vie Z (2010, Zangersheide, grey stallion by Cassini II) Approved stallion for: Z Scorpio de la Vie Z (2012, Zangersheide, grey stallion by Sandro Boy) Approved stallion for: BWP 3rd dam: Pia (1989, Hannover, mare by Pygmalion) STAKKATO (1993, Hannover, bay stallion by Spartan) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst.; level 1.60m with Eva Bitter (GER); 2nd CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) NörtenHardenberg (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) Balve (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) Aselage (GER); 2nd CSI3* 2005 Grand Prix (1.50m) Affalterbach (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2003 Grand Prix (1.50m) München (GER); 2nd CSI4* 2003 Grand Prix (1.60m) Hamburg (GER); 3rd CSIA 2001 Grand Prix Frankfurt (GER) Samsara (1997, Hannover, grey mare by Spartan) : see above 4th dam: Goldfeder (1981, Hannover, mare by Goldstern) Pia (1989, Hannover, mare by Pygmalion) : see above
Clinton 1993 Cornet Obolensky (Windows van ’t Costersveld) 1999 Fahrenheit de Gravelotte SF 2015
Rabanna van Costersveld 1994
Quorum de Laubry 1993 Aventure de Gravelotte 2000 Filie de la Ferme Rose 1982
Corrado I 1985 Urte I 1992 Heartbreaker 1989 Holivea van Costersveld 1991 Skippy II 1984 Jessica de Lauzelle 1986 Picasso de Lauzelle 1976 Sibelle de la Ferme Rose 1972
sire: CORNET OBOLENSKY (Windows van ’t Costersveld) (1999, BWP, grey stallion by Clinton) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., Old., Rhein., SF, BWP, SWB, SI, Westf., Bay.; level 1.60m with Marco Kutscher (GER); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Doha (QAT); 1st CSI5*W 2012 World Cup (1.60m) Zürich (SUI); 1st CSI5*W 2011 World Cup (1.60m) Verona (ITA); 3rd CSI4* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Frankfurt (GER); 3rd CSI5* 2009 Grand Prix (Final Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Rio de Janeiro (BRA); 2nd CSI5*W 2009 World Cup (1.60m) Bordeaux (FRA); 1st CSIO5* 2008 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 2nd CSIO5* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rotterdam (NED); 2nd CSI4*W 2007 World Cup (1.60m) Verona (ITA); 1st CSIO5* 2007 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 1st CSI3* 2008 Grand Prix (1.50m) Cervia (ITA); participated 2012 's Hertogenbosch (NED) final result World Cup Final; 1st 2011 Madrid (ESP) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2011 Madrid (ESP) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 2009 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) team competition Olympic Games (jumping)
1st dam: Aventure de Gravelotte (2000, BWP, bay mare by Quorum de Laubry) Prado de Gravelotte (2003, Cheval de Selle, chestnut gelding by Escuro) level 1.35m with Julie Brault (FRA); Quigali de Gravelotte (2004, mare by Thunder van de Zuuthoeve) level 1.40m Rime de Gravelotte (2005, , mare by Berlin) Ice Breaker de Gravelotte (2008, BWP, other stallion by Heartbreaker) Upton de Gravelotte (2008, Selle Français, grey stallion by Berlin) level 1.30m with Jerome Hurel Fahrenheit de Gravelotte (2015, Selle Français, stallion by Cornet Obolensky) : see above 2nd dam: Filie de la Ferme Rose (1982, BWP, bay or brown mare by Picasso de Lauzelle) Kevin de la Ferme Rose*** (1987, BWP, bay stallion by Hibrahim von Pferdheim) Ellelily D/l Ferme Rose (1988, BWP, bay mare by L'Esterel xx) Quidam de Tourinnes (1993, BWP, bay stallion by Feo) Melodie de la Ferme Rose (1989, BWP, bay mare by Skippy II) Nily de la Ferme Rose (1990, BWP, bay mare by Skippy II) level 1.40m1.60m with Marion Hughes (IRL) and Jorge Mathias (POR); 1st CSIW 1999 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Oslo (NOR); 2nd CSIA 2000 Grand Prix Barcelona (ESP) Peggy de la Ferme Rose (1992, BWP, bay or brown mare by Balzflug) Sasky de la Ferme Rose (1995, BWP, mare by Weltmeyer II) Queshua de la Ferme Rose D'07 (1993, BWP, bay mare by Mont Royal xx) Vitesse de la Ferme Rose (1998, BWP, bay or brown mare by Gotspe Z) Blacky de la Ferme Rose (2001, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Lancier) DARIUS DE LA FERME ROSE (2003, BWP, bay stallion by Thunder van de Zuuthoeve) level 1.60m with Michelle Rodal (USA); participated 2015 Las Vegas (USA) World Cup Final 2015 Elisa de la Ferme Rose (2004, BWP, bay mare by Thunder van de Zuuthoeve) Omega de Gravelotte (2002, Cheval de Selle, bay gelding by Gasson xx) Hugo Laschet (BEL);
JARNAC EB : SBS I Stallion I 20032015 I VAT : Yes
Canturo 1995 Canturano 2003 Madonna IV 1997 Jarnac EB sBs 2015 Cassini I 1988 Cassien LVP 2004 Malva II 1997
Cantus 1981 Fara 1991 Coriano Z 1990 Zalme 1985 Capitol I 1975 Wisma 1984 Literat 1982 Wienerin 1984
sire: Canturano (2003, Holstein, bay stallion by Canturo) Approved stallion for: KWPN, Hann., Holst., Old., SF, SWB, Z; level 1.45m with Roberto Prandi (ITA); 1st dam: Cassien LVP (2004, Holstein, grey mare by Cassini I) Charisma (Stassino LVP Z) (2007, Zangersheide, bay stallion by Stakkato) Approved stallion for: KWPN; level 1.40m with Julia Kayser (AUT); Indira LVP (2008, BWP, bay mare by Con Air) Jarnac EB (2015, sBs, stallion by Canturano) : see above 2nd dam: Malva II (1997, Holstein, bay mare by Literat) Calinka de la Vie 21000066001 (2001, Holstein, bay mare by Calido I) Cassien LVP (2004, Holstein, grey mare by Cassini I) : see above Nevada van het Meerdaalhof (2013, BWP, mare by Casalito) 3rd dam: Wienerin (1984, Holstein, mare by Cor de la Bryère) L'Eperon (1988, Holstein, dark bay stallion by Lord) Approved stallion for: Holst.; level 1.40m 1.60m with Jörg Kreutzmann (GER) and CarstenOtto Nagel (GER); 3rd CSIW 1998 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Oslo (NOR); 1st CSIA 2001 Grand Prix Redefin (GER); 2nd CSIA 1999 German Master Stuttgart (GER); 1st CSIA 1999 Grand Prix Donaueschingen (GER); participated 1999 Hickstead (GBR) individual European Championships (show jumping); 1st 1999 Hickstead (GBR) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 1st CSIA 1999 Grand Prix Spangenberg (GER); 3rd CSIB 1999 Grand Prix Berlin (GER); 2nd CSIA 1998 Grand Prix Malmö (SWE); 1st CSIA 1997 Grand Prix Spangenberg (GER); 2nd CSIB 1996 Grand Prix Aarhus / Vilhelmsborg (DEN) Elvira (1990, Holstein, bay mare by Landgraf I) Krisha M (1995, Holstein, mare by Contender) HLaffajette (1993, Holstein, bay mare by Lavall I) TLasina Ex (2003, Holstein, mare by Lansing) Querty van het Exelhof 421000701807 (2007, Holstein, bay mare by VDL Groep Verdi TN N.O.P.) Malva II (1997, Holstein, bay mare by Literat) : see above 4th dam: Mainz (1975, Holstein, mare by Fasolt) Vision III (1983, Holstein, mare by Cor de la Bryère) Lesotho (1988, Holstein, stallion by Landgraf I) Appoved for : Holst., Bayern, Sanh : level 1.60m Carano (1991, Holstein, bay stallion by Capitol I) Approved stallion for: Holst. : level 1.50m Baldini I (1994, Holstein, grey stallion by Bachus) Appoved for : Holst., SI, Badwu : level 1.40m Baldini II (1995, Holstein, grey stallion by Bachus) Appoved stallion for : Bayern, Holst., Westf. Wienerin (1984, Holstein, mare by Cor de la Bryère) : see above
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
FAST DE HUS : SF I Stallion I 10-02-2015 I VAT : YES
Burggraaf 1983 Peppermill 1997 Litaire 1993 Fast de Hus SF 2015 Calido I 1991 Orlis I 1999 Verona I 1983
Landgraf I 1966 Loanda 1974 Voltaire 1979 Expo Graphic (Rosita) 1975 Cantus 1981 Baroness 1987 Calypso II 1974 Gerlis 1970
sire: PEPPERMILL (1997, KWPN, bay stallion by Burggraaf) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.60m with John Whitaker (GBR); 1st CSI4* 2011 Grand Prix (1.60m) München (GER); 3rd 2011 Madrid (ESP) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2011 Madrid (ESP) individual European Championships (show jumping); 2nd CSIO5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rome (ITA); 2nd CSI4* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Vejer de la Frontera (ESP); 3rd CSI3* 2010 Grand Prix (1.50m) Vejer de la Frontera (ESP); 1st CSI5* 2009 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Valencia (ESP); participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) ETC... 1st dam: Orlis I (1999, Holstein, dark bay mare by Calido I) BELLA DONNA 66 (2003, Holstein, dark bay mare by Baldini II) level 1.60m with Hamad Ali Mohammed A Al Attiyah (QAT) and Meredith MichaelsBeerbaum (GER); participated 2014 Lyon (FRA) final result World Cup Final; 3rd CSI4* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Salzburg (AUT); participated 2013 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Wien (AUT); participated 2012 London (GBR) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2012 London (GBR) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 3rd CSIO5* 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) Aachen (GER); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Wiesbaden (GER); 1st CSI2* 2011 Grand Prix (1.45m) Balve (GER) Eskimo de Hus (2014, Selle Français, stallion by Balou du Rouet) Sold at the Flanders Foal auction 2014 for 31.000 EUR Fast de hus (2015, , stallion by Peppermill) see above 2nd dam: Verona I (1983, Holstein, mare by Calypso II)
Orlis I (1999, Holstein, dark bay mare by Calido I) : see above 3rd dam: Gerlis (1970, Holstein, mare by Lancaster) Ribecka (1979, Hannover, dark bay mare by Calypso I) Acord I (1983, Holstein, bay stallion by Ahorn Z) Approved stallion for: Holst.; level 1.40m 1.60m with Hap Hansen (USA); 2nd CSIW 1994 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) San Diego (USA); 2nd CSIW 1994 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Flintridge (USA); 3rd CSIW 1994 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Los Angeles (USA); participated 1994 's Hertogenbosch (NED) final result World Cup Final Crystal (1984, KWPN, dark bay mare by Ahorn Z) LORD ARICO (1985, Holstein, bay gelding by Ahorn Z) Giuseppe Rolli (ITA); 6th 1997 Moorsele (BEL) individual European Championship for Young Riders Acord II (1987, Hannover, bay stallion by Ahorn Z) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst. Championess (1988, Holstein, bay mare by Ahorn Z) Verona I (1983, Holstein, mare by Calypso II) : see above 4th dam: Urbine (1960, Holstein, black mare by Mandarin)
Loanda (1974, Holstein, mare by Cor de la Bryère) Burggraaf (1983, Holstein, bay stallion by Landgraf I) Approved stallion for: KWPN, Rhein., SF, SWB, SI
CALA LUNA VAN HET VEN Z Z : Z I Mare I 28042015 I VAT : No
Clinton 1993 Cornet Obolensky (Windows van ’t Costersveld) 1999
Rabanna van Costersveld 1994
Cala Luna van het Ven Z Z 2015 Cassini I 1988 Zassini 2004 Holsteiner Stute_ 2000
Corrado I 1985 Urte I 1992 Heartbreaker 1989 Holivea van Costersveld 1991 Capitol I 1975 Wisma 1984 Quinar 1995 Evita II 1990
sire: CORNET OBOLENSKY (Windows van ’t Costersveld) (1999, BWP, grey stallion by Clinton) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., Old., Rhein., SF, BWP, SWB, SI, Westf., Bay.; level 1.60m with Marco Kutscher (GER); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Doha (QAT); 1st CSI5*W 2012 World Cup (1.60m) Zürich (SUI); 1st CSI5*W 2011 World Cup (1.60m) Verona (ITA); 3rd CSI4* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Frankfurt (GER); 3rd CSI5* 2009 Grand Prix (Final Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Rio de Janeiro (BRA); 2nd CSI5*W 2009 World Cup (1.60m) Bordeaux (FRA); 1st CSIO5* 2008 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 2nd CSIO5* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rotterdam (NED); 2nd CSI4*W 2007 World Cup (1.60m) Verona (ITA); 1st CSIO5* 2007 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 1st CSI3* 2008 Grand Prix (1.50m) Cervia (ITA); participated 2012 's Hertogenbosch (NED) final result World Cup Final; 1st 2011 Madrid (ESP) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2011 Madrid (ESP) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 2009 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) team competition Olympic Games (jumping)
1st dam: Zassini (2004, KWPN, bay mare by Cassini I) Cala Luna van het Ven Z (2015, Zangersheide, mare by Cornet Obolensky) : see above 2nd dam: Holsteiner Stute (2000, Holstein, grey mare by Quinar) Zassini (2004, KWPN, bay mare by Cassini I) : see above 3rd dam: Evita II (1990, Holstein, mare by Caretino) Flocke (ex Modest 4)210023795 (1995, Holstein, mare by Carthago Z) Fortuna (2005, BWP, grey mare by Poor Boy) Henessy *** (2007, BWP, stallion by Böckmann's Lazio) Jade (2009, BWP, grey mare by Diamant de Semilly) Kalinka (2010, BWP, grey mare by Nabab de Reve) Lamm's Son (2011, BWP, grey stallion by Lamm de Fetan) Mendino (2012, BWP, black stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Holsteiner Stute (2000, Holstein, grey mare by Quinar) : see above 4th dam: Zanetta (1985, Holstein, grey mare by Lagos) Evita II (1990, Holstein, mare by Caretino) : see above Flash Dance I (1991, Holstein, bay mare by Caretino) CRELIDO (1996, Holstein, dark bay gelding by Calido I) level 1.60m with Michael Morrissey (USA); 3rd CSI3* 2008 Grand Prix (1.50m) Lexington (USA); 1st CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) St. Tropez (FRA) Family of the approved stallions Lord de Luxe ( Lord) 1.60m and Spender S ( Silbersee) 1.60m
Diamant de Semilly 1991 Quickly de Kreisker 2004 Briseis d'Helby 1989 FFA Embryo 3 Calvaro Z 1987 Calvara DL Z 2011 OContendra DL 1999
Le Tot de Semilly 1977 Venise des Cresles 1987 Laudanum xx 1967 Nika du Nevada 1979 Caletto I 1975 Rixa 1979 Contender 1984 Bravo 1987
sire: QUICKLY DE KREISKER (2004, Selle Français, bay stallion by Diamant de Semilly) level 1.60m with Benjamin Robert (FRA) and Abdelkebir Ouaddar (MAR); 3rd CSI5* (1.50m) Paris (FRA) 2015; 1st CSI5* (1.55m) Doha (QAT) 2015; 1st CSIO5* (1.45m) Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2015; 3rd CSIO5* (1.60m) Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2015; 1st CSI3*W (1.60m) Al Ain (UAE) 2015; 2nd CSI3*W (1.50m) Dubai (UAE) 2015; 1st CSI3*W 2014 Class 13: World Cup (1.401.60m) Tetouan (MAR); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; 1st CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Mâcon Laizé (FRA); 3rd CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (Test Event WEG) (1.45m) Caen (FRA); 2nd CSIO5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 1st CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Le Touquet (FRA); participated 2014 Lyon (FRA) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSIO5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Al Ain (UAE); 3rd CSI3*W 2014 World Cup (1.50m) Dubai (UAE); 1st CSI3*W 2014 World Cup (1.50m) Sharjah (UAE); 1st CSI3*W 2013 World Cup (1.50m) Rabat (MAR); 1st CSI3*W 2013 World Cup (1.50m) Tetouan (MAR); 1st CSI3* 2013 Grand Prix (1.50m) Vichy (FRA); ETC...
1st dam: Calvara DL Z (2011, Zangersheide, dark bay mare by Calvaro Z) FFA Embryo 3 ( by Quickly de Kreisker) 2nd dam: OContendra DL (1999, Holstein, dark bay mare by Contender) Cosimo M (2010, Holstein, stallion by Conway II) Approved stallion for: AES Calvara DL Z (2011, Zangersheide, dark bay mare by Calvaro Z) : see above 3rd dam: Bravo (1987, Holstein, mare by Reichsgraf) Caretano Z (1992, Holstein, bay stallion by Caretino) Approved stallion for: Holst., Rhein., Z; level 1.60m Jos Lansink (BEL); participated 2001 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSIA 2000 Grand Prix Liège (BEL); 1st 1999 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses; 1st 1999 Promising Stallion Zwolle (NED); participated 1998 6 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses Contendro I (1997, Holstein, black brown stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., Old., OS NCaretana (1998, Holstein, dark bay mare by Caretino) : level 1.50m Casello ( 2000, stallion by Carvallo BB) : level 1.60m Contendro II (2001, Holstein, bay stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: Holst., Old., OS; level 1.45m with Andrius Petrovas (LTU); Cassito (2006, Holstein, grey stallion by Cassiano) Approved stallion for: Holst.; level 1.45m 4th dam: Ofarim (1977, Holstein, mare by Rasputin) Bravo (1987, Holstein, mare by Reichsgraf) : see above Romanze 264 (Evita XII) (1990, Holstein, bay mare by Reichsgraf) CABALLO (1995, Holstein, chestnut gelding by Coriano Z) level 1.60m with Helen McNaught (GBR); 3rd CSI2*W 2012 World Cup (1.45m) Las Vegas (USA); 2nd CSI2*W 2012 World Cup (1.45m) Thermal (U.S.A.); 2nd CSI2*W 2012 World Cup (1.45m) Thermal (U.S.A.); 2nd CSI2*W 2010 World Cup (1.45m) Rancho Murieta, Sacramento (USA); 3rd CSI2*W 2010 World Cup (1.45m) Thermal (U.S.A.)
Photo: Quickly de Kreisker
PICO VD BISSCHOP : BWP I Stallion I 02052015 I VAT : Yes
Cornet Obolensky (Windows van ’t Costersveld) 1999 Comme Il Faut 2005 Ratina Z 1982 Pico vd Bisschop BWP 2015 Elvis ter Putte 2004 Mevita vd Bisschop 2012 Evita van 't Roosakker 2004
Clinton 1993 Rabanna van Costersveld 1994 Ramiro Z (Ramiro) 1965 Argentina Z 1977 Diamant de Semilly 1991 Ukase ter Putte 1997 Nabab de Reve 1990 Usha van 't Roosakker 1997
sire: COMME IL FAUT (2005, Westfalen, bay stallion by Cornet Obolensky) Approved stallion for: Z, Westf.; level 1.60m with Marcus Ehning (GER) and FranzJosef Dahlmann (GER); 2nd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Dortmund (GER); 2nd 2010 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses
1st dam: Mevita vd Bisschop (2012, BWP, bay mare by Elvis ter Putte) Pico vd Bisschop (2015, BWP, stallion by Comme Il Faut) : see above 2nd dam: Evita van 't Roosakker (2004, BWP, bay mare by Nabab de Reve) Jackson vd Bisschop (2009, BWP, chestnut gelding by Flipper d'Elle) level 1.30m with Sabrina van Rijswijk (NED); 1st CSIYH1* (1.20m) Lummen (BEL) 2015 3rd dam: Usha van 't Roosakker (1997, BWP, bay mare by Chin Chin) Aquita van 't Roosakker (2000, BWP, chestnut mare by Calvados) Harkito van den Berg (2007, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) level 1.45m with Jessica Geurts Atoucha van 't Roosakker (2000, BWP, bay mare by Darco) ELECTRA VAN 'T ROOSAKKER (2004, BWP, chestnut mare by Carthago Z) level 1.60m with Jos Lansink (BEL) and Janika Sprunger (SUI); FALCO VAN 'T ROOSAKKER (2005, BWP, grey stallion by Berlin) level 1.60m with Eugenio Grimaldi (ITA) and Jérôme Guery (BEL); 2nd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Sint KatelijneWaver (BEL); 2nd CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (1.45m) Vejer de la Frontera (ESP) GATOUCHE VAN 'T ROOSAKKER (Gwenny van 't Roosakker) (2006, BWP, bay mare by Diamant de Semilly) level 1.50m with Kirsten Rombouts (BEL); Britt van 't Roosakker (2001, BWP, bay mare by Equest Carnute) ATHENA (Femken van 't Roosakker) (2005, BWP, grey mare by Berlin) level 1.55m with Vincent Voorn (NED) and Beau Graatsma (NED); BABBE VAN 'T ROOSAKKER (2001, BWP, bay mare by Kannan) level 1.50m with Michel Hecart ERCO VAN 'T ROOSAKKER (2004, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) Approved stallion for: BWP; level 1.60m with Lorenzo de Luca (ITA) and Daniel Deusser (GER); 1st CSIO5* (1.50m) Lummen (BEL) 2015 GEENA (Geena van 't Roosakker) (2006, BWP, bay or brown mare by Darco) level 1.50m with Janika Sprunger (SUI) and Dieter Laheyne (BEL); 2nd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Ascona (SUI); participated 2011 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses BINGO DE LA ROQUE (2006, KWPN, bay gelding by For Hero de Hus) level 1.50m with Alexis Deroubaix (FRA) and Michel Hecart (FRA); 1st CSI1* (1.40m) Le Mans (FRA) 2015 Dulhan de la Roque (2008, KWPN, light bay gelding by Quidam de Revel) level 1.45m with Alexis Deroubaix (FRA); 3rd CSIYH1* (1.40m) Mijas (ESP) 2015 CELLA (Centoia van 't Roosakker) (2002, BWP, bay mare by Cento) level 1.60m with Ben Maher (GBR) and Mario Deslauriers (USA); 2nd CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Hamburg (GER); 3rd CSI4* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 1st CSI5*W 2014 World Cup (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 3rd CSIO5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Dublin (IRL); 1st CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) London (GBR); 2nd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Wellington (USA); 2nd CSI5*W 2013 World Cup (1.60m) Wellington (USA); ETC...
Photo: Comme Il Faut
Ars Vivendi 1993 Aktion Pur Z 1998 Parodie 1990 Apricot van Overis Z Z 2015 Calvados (Sable Rose) 1984 Reonika 1998 Joyce 1991
Acord II 1987 Zerzie 1985 Pilot 1974 Galathe 1978 Uriël 1964 Gold Rose 1972 Nimmerdor 1972 Windekind 1976
sire: AKTION PUR Z (1998, Westfalen, bay stallion by Ars Vivendi) Approved stallion for: Old., Z, OS; level 1.60m with JudyAnn Melchior (BEL) and Steve Guerdat (SUI); 2nd CSI5* 2008 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Arezzo (ITA); 3rd CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) Wisbecq (BEL) 1st dam: Reonika (1998, KWPN, chestnut mare by Calvados) FERRERO VAN OVERIS (2005, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) level 1.60m with Jeroen Dubbeldam (NED) and Alonso Valdez Prado (PER); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2013 Trujillo (PER) individual Bolivarian Games; 3rd 2013 Trujillo (PER) team competition Bolivarian Games Cees van Overis Z (2006, Zangersheide, bay gelding by Canturo) level 1.30m Cheers van Overis Z ( 2007, Canturo) level 1.45m with Maggie Mc Alary (USA) J'adore van Overis (2009, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) Apricot van Overis Z (2015, Zangersheide, mare by Aktion Pur Z) 2nd dam: Joyce (1991, KWPN, chestnut mare by Nimmerdor) Sarco (1995, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) Tajora (1996, BWP, bay mare by Major de la Cour) Aristoteles van het Eikelbos (2000, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Salamon) Bachus van het Eikelbos (2001, BWP, bay stallion by Salamon) Petit Fleur 97.02526 (1997, KWPN, chestnut mare by Voltaire) Jamaica (2009, BWP, grey stallion by Zürich) Reonika (1998, KWPN, chestnut mare by Calvados) : see above Aphrodite van het Eikelbos (2000, BWP, bay mare by Darco) Barca van het Eikelbos (2001, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) Diana van het Eikelbos (2003, BWP, chestnut mare by Nagano) ASTERIX E Z (2005, Zangersheide, bay stallion by Air Jordan Z) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.50m with Robert Whitaker (GBR); 3rd dam: Windekind (1976, BWP, bay or brown mare by Widukind de Lauzelle) Edelkind (1981, BWP, black mare by Picasso de Lauzelle)
4th dam: Gilla (1970, BWP, chestnut mare by Graphit)
Corba (1979, BWP, bay mare by Fürst Ferdinand) Lorenzo (1988, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Tintoretto xx) MALOUBET (1989, BWP, chestnut stallion by Skippy II) level 1.60m with Peter Postelmans (BEL) and Hap Hansen (USA); 2nd CSIW 2001 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Indio (USA); 3rd CSIW 2001 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Indio (USA); 3rd CSIW 2000 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) New York (USA); participated 2000 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; participated 1999 Hickstead (GBR) individual European Championships (show jumping) Nerva (1990, BWP, bay mare by Skippy II) Oscar (1991, BWP, chestnut stallion by Quick d'Argentan) Dina (1980, BWP, chestnut mare by Goldfisch de Lauzelle)
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
Caretino 1983 Casall ASK 1999 Kira XVII 1995 Hermes Quality Holst. 2015 Esteban xx 1994 Sarina M 2002 Badendorferin 1987
Caletto II 1978 Isidor 1972 Lavall I 1986 Maltia 1975 Prince Mab xx 1978 Giddy Squalls xx 1980 Constant 1972 Varese 1983
sire: CASALL ASK (1999, Holstein, bay stallion by Caretino) Approved stallion for: Holst., sBs, SI; level 1.60m with RolfGöran Bengtsson (SWE); 2nd CSI5*W (1.60m) Göteborg (SWE) 2015; 3rd CSI5*W (1.60m) Zürich (SUI) 2015; 2nd CSI5* (1.55m) Basel (SUI) 2015; 3rd CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Final GCT (1.60m) Doha (QAT); 1st CSI5*W 2014 Grand Prix (1.501.60m) Lyon (FRA); 4th 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; 1st CSI5* 2014 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Chantilly (FRA); ETC... 1st dam: Sarina M (2002, Holstein, chestnut mare by Esteban xx) Beaudine M (2006, KWPN, mare by Contender) level 1.45m Hermes Quality (2015, Holstein, stallion by Casall ASK) 2nd dam: Badendorferin (1987, Holstein, mare by Constant) Libertino I (1992, Holstein, bay stallion by Landgraf I) Approved stallion for: Holst. Level 1.60m Libertino II (1996, Holstein, bay gelding by Landgraf I) Approved stallion for: Holst. Level 1.60m
Sarina M (2002, Holstein, chestnut mare by Esteban xx) : see above CONTRE ATTAQUE (2003, Holstein, bay stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: OS; level 1.55m with Pawel Jurkowski (POL); 3rd dam: Varese (1983, Holstein, mare by Coriolan) Badendorferin (1987, Holstein, mare by Constant) : see above Lanze (1988, Holstein, mare by Lancer I) CANTUS (1995, Württemberg, grey gelding by Cantus) level 1.60m with Niklaus Schurtenberger (SUI); participated 2010 Geneva (SUI) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSIO5* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); participated 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) individual Olympic Games (jumping); 3rd 2008 Hong Kong (CHN) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 3rd CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) Odense (DEN); participated 2007 Mannheim (GER) ETC... LORDANO 7 (1992, Holstein, bay stallion by Lord) Approved stallion for: Holst.; level 1.60m with RolfGöran Bengtsson (SWE); 3rd CSI4* 2003 Derby (1.60m) Hamburg (GER) Natanya I (1998, Holstein, mare by Contender) Deister (2004, Holstein, chestnut stallion by Diamant de Semilly) level 1.45m with Gerco Schröder (NED) and Ben Schröder (NED); Quando vh Exelhof Z (2010, Zangersheide, stallion by Quantum) Approved stallion for: Z O'varese 210307399 (1999, Holstein, bay or brown mare by Contender) Icos (2008, BWP, bay stallion by Cicero van Paemel Z) level 1.30m with Olivier Philippaerts (BEL); 3rd CSIYH1* (1.301.35m) Arezzo (ITA) 2015 Kalashnikov (2010, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Der Senaat) level 1.20m with JaeHee Jun (KOR) and Lieven Devos (BEL); 1st CSI1YH* (1.10m) Lummen (BEL) 2015; 1st CSI1YH* (1.10m) Lummen (BEL) 2015; 1st CSIYH1* (1.20m) OlivaValencia (ESP) 2015; 4th dam: Larese (1974, Holstein, mare by Farnese) CHIN CHIN (1978, Holstein, bay stallion by Constant) Approved stallion for: KWPN, Holst., SF, BWP, AES; Jaime Azcarraga (MEX); participated 1992 Barcelona (ESP) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 1992 Barcelona (ESP) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); participated 1990 Stockholm (SWE) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 1990 ETC...
JET SET DE LA BONETTE : SBS I Stallion I 30032015 I VAT : Yes
Contender 1984 Con Air 1997 Fair Lady IX 1991 Jet Set de la Bonette sBs 2015 Wandor van de Mispelaere 1999 Bugati Sitte 2007 Ute Sitte 2004
Calypso II 1974 Gofine 1970 Carolus I 1986 Bonni 1987 Landor S 1991 Sister Pleasure Mispelaere 1995 Parco 1992 Insel Sitte 1985
sire: CON AIR 7 (1997, Holstein, bay stallion by Contender) level 1.60m with José Maria Larocca Jr. (ARG) and Otto Becker (GER); 1st CSIO5* 2008 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 1st CSI3* 2008 Grand Prix (1.50m) Hachenburg (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) Braunschweig (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) Oldenburg (GER); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) NörtenHardenberg (GER); 2nd CSI2* 2006 Grand Prix (1.45m) Ravensburg (GER); participated 2010 Lexington (USA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2007 Mannheim (GER) ETC...
1st dam: Bugati Sitte (2007, sBs, bay mare by Wandor van de Mispelaere) level 1.30m with Caio Sergio José de Carvalho Filho (BRA); Jet Set de la Bonette (2015, sBs, stallion by Con Air) 2nd dam: Ute Sitte (2004, sBs, dark bay mare by Parco) level 1.20m with Clint Sulmoni (SUI); Bugati Sitte (2007, sBs, bay mare by Wandor van de Mispelaere) : see above 3rd dam: Insel Sitte (1985, BWP, bay mare by Major de la Cour) IALTA SITTE (1992, sBs, chestnut mare by Avontuur) level 1.50m with Yves Simon (BEL); 1st CSI3* 2003 Grand Prix (1.50m) Vicenza (ITA); 1st CSI1* 2003 Grand Prix (1.40m) San Patrignano (ITA) OGANO SITTE (1998, sBs, chestnut stallion by Darco) level 1.60m with Dominique Hendrickx (BEL); 1st CSI4* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Napoli (ITA); 1st CSI1* 2006 Grand Prix (1.40m) Strazeele (FRA) Ugano Sitte (2004, sBs, grey stallion by Clinton) Approved stallion for: SF, sBs AYRTON SITTE (2006, sBs, chestnut stallion by Carthago Z) level 1.50m with C.Sulmoni (SUI); Boston Sitte E.T. (2007, sBs, bay stallion by Argentinus) Approved stallion for: sBs; level 1.40m with Jérôme Guery (BEL); 1st CSIYH1* 2014 Class 72 (7 year old horses) (1.35m) Atlanta Sitte Z (1995, Zangersheide, mare by Aramis de la Cense) L.B. CALLAS SITTE Z (1998, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by Calvaro Z) level 1.60m with Christina Liebherr (SUI); 1st CSI4* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Mons Ghlin (BEL); 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) San Patrignano (ITA); 3rd CSI3* 2012 Grand Prix (1.50m) Mannheim (GER); 2nd CSI3* 2010 Grand Prix (1.50m) Humlikon (SUI) RivieraSitte (2001, sBs, grey mare by Parco) SEA COAST ATLANTIC (2006, sBs, chestnut gelding by Schilling) level 1.60m with Gudrun Patteet (BEL); 2nd CSI3* (1.50m) Neumünster (GER) 2015; 3rd CSI3* 2014 Class 5 (1.50m) Maastricht (NED); 1st 2013 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses QuassiaSitte (2000, sBs, bay mare by Kannan) Tyson Sitte (2003, sBs, bay gelding by Clinton) level 1.45m with Edouard Mathe (FRA); CORDANO SITTE Z (2002, Zangersheide, grey stallion by Carthago Z) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.50m with Abdelkebir Ouaddar (MAR); 1st CSI5* 2014 Class 3 (1.45m) Geneva (SUI) Ute Sitte (2004, sBs, dark bay mare by Parco) : see above Velco Sitte (2005, sBs, bay gelding by Parco) level 1.45m with Clint Sulmoni (SUI); 4th dam: Gute Sitte (1966, BWP, chestnut mare by Grande) Eric Wauters (BEL); participated 1976 Montreal (CAN) individual Olympic Games (jumping); 3rd 1976 Montreal (CAN) team competition Olympic Games (jumping)
ACURIOSITY Z : Z I Stallion I 05042015 I VAT : Yes
Argentinus 1980 Arko III 1994 Unika 1988 ACuriosity Z Z 2015 Chellano Z 1995 Curios Z 2002 Ocay 1999
Argentan I 1967 Dorle 1965 Beach Boy 1983 Unique 1978 Contender 1984 Fayence 1991 Cambridge 1988 Icara II 1994
sire: ARKO III (1994, Oldenburg, bay stallion by Argentinus) Approved stallion for: Z, AES; level 1.60m with Nick Skelton (GBR); 1st CSIO5* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 2nd CSI5* 2008 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Valkenswaard (NED); 3rd CSI4* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Coruña (ESP); 3rd CSI5* 2008 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Estoril (POR); 3rd CSIO5* 2008 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 1st CSI3* 2008 Grand Prix (1.50m) Grobbendonk (BEL); 2nd CSI5*W 2007 World Cup (1.60m) LondonOlympia (GBR); 2nd CSI5* 2007 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Athens (GRE); 2nd CSI5* 2007 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Valkenswaard (NED); 1st CSI5* 2007 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Estoril (POR); 2nd CSI4* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Cannes (FRA); 1st CSIO5* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Luzern (SUI); 1st CSIO5* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rome (ITA); 2nd CSIW 2006 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Wellington (USA); 3rd CSI5*W 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Dubai (UAE); 2nd CSI4*W 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Toronto (CAN); 3rd CSI4*W 2005 World Cup (1.60m) Toronto (CAN); 2nd CSI5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Las Vegas (USA); 2nd CSIO5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); participated 2005 San Patrignano (ITA) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2005 San Patrignano (ITA) individual European Championships (show jumping); 2nd CSI5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); participated 2005 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; 3rd CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Amsterdam (NED); 1st CSI4*W 2005 World Cup (1.60m) Leipzig (GER); 2nd CSIW 2004 Grand Prix (1.40m 1.60m) LondonOlympia (GBR); ETC ...
1st dam: Curios Z (2002, Zangersheide, dark bay mare by Chellano Z) CASUALITY Z (2007, Zangersheide, grey stallion by Cassini II) level 1.50m with Christian Ahlmann (GER) and Pieter Clemens (BEL); 2nd CSIYH1* (7 & 8 year old horses) (1.40m) Hamburg (GER) 2015; 2nd 2014 7 year old horses (1.45m) World Championships for Young Horses; 2nd 2012 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses ACuriosity Z (2015, Zangersheide, stallion by Arko III) : see above 2nd dam: Ocay (1999, Holstein, bay mare by Cambridge) Curios Z (2002, Zangersheide, dark bay mare by Chellano Z) : see above Carige (2004, Holstein, grey stallion by Cassini I) level 1.45m with Laurenz Buhl (GER); Gentleman (2008, Oldenburger Springpferd, bay stallion by Guidam) level 1.30m with Olivier Philippaerts (BEL); 1st CSIYH1* (1.301.35m) Arezzo (ITA) 2015; 3rd CSIYH1* (1.301.35m) Arezzo (ITA) 2015 3rd dam: Icara II (1994, Holstein, mare by Linaro) Restless (2001, Holstein, by Lovari) level 1.60m with Erika Lickhammer Ocay (1999, Holstein, bay mare by Cambridge) : see above Catija ET Z (2003, Zangersheide, by Canabis) level 1.60m with Fabio Leivas (Brazil) Champ's Son (2008, Holstein, grey gelding ) level 1.35m with Vincent Elbers (GER); 4th dam: ElAcara (1990, Holstein, mare by Alcatraz) Icara II (1994, Holstein, mare by Linaro) : see above Cajero (2000, Holstein, bay stallion by Caretino) Approved stallion for: Holst.
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
FIRE STAR DE ROHAN : SBS I Mare I 04042015 I VAT : Yes
Vigo d'Arsouilles 1998 Vagabond de la Pomme 2005 Sauterelle de la Pomme STX 2002 Fire Star de Rohan sBs 2015 Lavaletto 1994 Passionata II 2000 Soleil 1980
Nabab de Reve 1990 Illico d'Arsouilles 1985 For Pleasure 1986 Narcotique de Muze II 1997 Landgraf I 1966 Zypresse 1985 Capitol I 1975 Kürette 1973
sire: VAGABOND DE LA POMME (2005, sBs, bay stallion by Vigo d'Arsouilles) Approved stallion for: sBs; level 1.60m with Penelope Leprevost (FRA); 1st 2015 Las Vegas (USA) (1.501.60m) World Cup Final 2015; participated 2015 Las Vegas (USA) World Cup Final 2015; participated 2015 Las Vegas (USA) World Cup Final 2015 1st dam: Passionata II (2000, Holstein, grey mare by Lavaletto) Caretinhus (2007, Holstein, grey stallion by Caretino) Nicolas Touzaint (FRA); 1st CCI1* 2014 (Section B) Fontainebleau (FRA) Fire Star de Rohan (2015, sBs, bay mare by Vagabond de la Pomme) : see above 2nd dam: Soleil (1980, Holstein, mare by Capitol I) Corrado I (1985, Holstein, grey stallion by Cor de la Bryère) Approved stallion for: Holst., Rhein.; level 1.40m1.60m with Franke Sloothaak (GER); 3rd CSIA 1997 Grand Prix Hannover (GER); 3rd CSIW 1996 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 3rd CSIW 1996 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSIA 1996 Grand Prix Kiel (GER); 1st CSIW 1996 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Aarhus / Vilhelmsborg (DEN); participated 1996 Geneva (SUI) final result World Cup Final; ETC... Calinka S (1988, Holstein, mare by Landgraf I) CASSIATO (1998, Holstein, grey gelding by Concerto II) level 1.60m with Harley Brown (AUS); 1st CSI2*W 2011 World Cup (1.45m) Del Mar (USA); 3rd CSI2*W 2010 World Cup (1.45m) Burbank (USA); 1st CSI2*W 2010 World Cup (1.45m) Rancho Murieta, Sacramento (USA); 3rd CSI2*W 2009 World Cup (1.45m) Del Mar (USA); 3rd CSI2*W 2009 World Cup (1.45m) Burbank (USA); 2nd CSI2*W 2009 World Cup (1.45m) Thermal (U.S.A.); ETC... Carvinka O.H. (2000, Holstein, mare by Carvallo BB) CARLINA IV (2001, Holstein, bay mare by Carvallo BB) level 1.60m with Oleksandr Onyshchenko (UKR) and Ulrich Kirchhoff (UKR); 2nd CSIO5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Dublin (IRL); 3rd CSIO5* 2013 King George V Gold Cup (1.60m) Hickstead (GBR); participated 2012 London (GBR) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2012 London (GBR) ;ETC...
Fayence (1991, Holstein, mare by Cor de la Bryère) Chellano Z (1995, Holstein, grey stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.45m with Vincent Lambrecht (BEL) and Jos Lansink (BEL); 3rd CSI2* 2005 Grand Prix (1.45m) Valkenswaard (NED); ETC... Condoleezza (Unique XV) (2004, Holstein, grey mare by Claudio) level 1.45m Chellano's Brother Z (2006, Holstein, stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: AES Chellano Alpha Z (2008, Zangersheide, grey stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: Z Chellano II (2010, Holstein, stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: sBs; Niels Bliki (BEL); 1st Manche 5: Selection Show sBs, Gesves PAVO Hengstencompetitie 2015 2015; ETC...: Corrado II (1992, Holstein, grey stallion by Cor de la Bryère) Approved stallion for: Holst., SF Korrada S (1995, Holstein, mare by Cor de la Bryère) Oak Grove's Vanquish (2005, Holstein, grey mare by For Pleasure) level 1.45m Connor (2006, Holstein, black brown stallion by Casall ASK) Approved stallion for: Holst. Passionata II (2000, Holstein, grey mare by Lavaletto) : see above
Photo: Vagabond de la Pomme
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
JANDUN : SBS I Stallion I 13/04/2015 I VAT : YES
Diamant de Semilly 1991 Diarado 2005 Roxette I 2001 Jandun 2015 Contender 1984 Zikita 2007 Nikita VII 1998
Le Tot de Semilly 1977 Venise des Cresles 1987 Corrado I 1985 Kimberly III 1995 Calypso II 1974 Gofine 1970 Libertino I 1992 Option 1977
sire: Diarado (2005, Holstein, black brown stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., Old., Rhein., SF, BWP, SWB, sBs, OS, Westf. 1st dam: Zikita (2007, Holstein, bay mare by Contender) Jandun (2015, , stallion by Diarado) 2nd dam: Nikita VII (1998, Holstein, mare by Libertino I) CORRITO (2003, Holstein, grey gelding by Corrado I) level 1.50m with Toshiki Masui (JPN) and Marlon Modolo Zanotelli (BRA); Zikita (2007, Holstein, bay mare by Contender) : see above 3rd dam: Option (1977, Holstein, mare by Lord) Urta (1982, Holstein, mare by Fernando) Kurta (1995, Holstein, mare by Contender) LICHTSPIEL 3 (1996, Holstein, bay mare by Contender) level 1.60m with Jörg Naeve (GER); TABEA 20 (Termina) (2003, Holstein, bay mare by Contendro I) level 1.60m with Mohamed Talaat (EGY) and Philipp Weishaupt (GER); 3rd CSIO5* (1.45m) Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2015; 1st CSI4* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Braunschweig (GER) Valeska IV (1983, Holstein, mare by Fernando) Corofino I (1989, Holstein, grey stallion by Corrado I) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., SF, BWP, SWB, SI; Camiros (1992, Holstein, bay stallion by Contender) Approved stallion for: Holst., Old. La Corofina (1996, Holstein, grey mare by Corrado I) COROFINO II (1997, Holstein, bay stallion by Corrado I) Approved stallion for: Holst.; level 1.50m with Katie Laurie (NZL) and Thomas Konle (GER); 1st CSI1*W 2009 World Cup (1.40m) Feilding (NZL) DAMASCUS 1ST (Corofino 16) (2004, Holstein, grey by Corrado I) level 1.50m with Roger Yves Bost (FRA); Zenja (1985, Holstein, mare by Marmor) Cabrio (1991, Holstein, chestnut gelding by Corrado I) level 1.40m1.60m with Toni Hassmann (GER); 3rd CSIA 2001 Grand Prix Neustadt Dosse (GER); 2nd CSIA 1999 Grand Prix Hachenburg (GER); 1st CSIA 1999 Grand Prix Bremen (GER)
Coriano Z (1990, Holstein, bay stallion by Corrado I) Approved stallion for: Holst., SI, Z BB Gazelle (1992, Holstein, grey mare by Corrado I) Werner Muff (SUI); participated 1999 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses; 3rd 1998 6 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses Kimberly III (1995, Holstein, mare by Contender) Crawford (2002, Holstein, bay stallion by Corrado I) Approved stallion for: Holst. CONCORDIA LA SILLA (2004, Holstein, dark bay mare by Corrado I) level 1.50m with Alberto Michan Halbinger (MEX);
BEST IN TIME D'ICK Z : Z I Stallion I 13042015 I VAT : Yes
Stakkato 1993 By Ceira d'Ick 2011 Fein Cera 1991 Best in Time d'Ick Z Z 2015 For Pleasure 1986 Teekiteezzie de Muze 2003 Narcotique de Muze II 1997
Spartan 1982 Pia 1989 Landadel 1982 Cera (Bella Hopp) 1987 Furioso II (Vertuoso) 1965 Gigantin 1980 Darco 1980 Qerly Chin 1993
sire: By Ceira d'Ick (2011, Selle Français, bay stallion by Stakkato) Approved stallion for: AES 1st dam: Teekiteezzie de Muze (2003, sBs, black mare by For Pleasure) GO EASY DE MUZE (2006, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Vigo d'Arsouilles) level 1.50m with Jos Lansink (BEL) and HendrikJan Schuttert (NED); 1st CSI3* 2014 Class 3 (1.45m) Maastricht (NED) Iceman de Muze (2008, BWP, bay stallion by Erco van 't Roosakker) Approved stallion for: BWP; level 1.35m with Mischa Eversevan de Kraats (NED); participated 2014 6 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses; 1st CSIYH1* 2014 Class C (6 year old horses) (1.30m) Neeroeteren (BEL) Best in Time d'Ick Z (2015, Zangersheide, stallion by By Ceira d'Ick) : see above 2nd dam: NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE II (1997, sBs, bay mare by Darco) level 1.60m with Eric Lamaze (CAN); 3rd CSI4* 2007 Grand Prix (1.60m) Charlotte (USA); 1st CSI2* 2008 Grand Prix (1.45m) Wellington (USA); 3rd CSI2* 2008 Grand Prix (1.45m) Wellington (USA); 3rd CSI2* 2007 Grand Prix (1.45m) Bromont (CAN) Quel Hero de Muze (2000, sBs, dark bay stallion by Power Light) Approved stallion for: BWP QUERLYBET HERO (2000, sBs, bay stallion by Baloubet du Rouet) Approved stallion for: BWP, sBs; level 1.60m with Damien Plume (BEL) and Philippe Le Jeune (BEL); Azuela de Muze (2000, BWP, bay mare by Heartbreaker) VEDET DE MUZE ET (2005, sBs, bay stallion by Cartani) level 1.60m with Joe Clee (GBR); 1st CSIO5* (1.45m) La Baule (FRA) 2015; 2nd CSI5*W (1.40m) Mechelen (BEL) 2014; 1st CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (1.45m) Neeroeteren (BEL) Felini de la Pomme (2005, BWP, chestnut stallion by Vigo d'Arsouilles) level 1.45m with Regis Bouguennec (FRA); 3rd CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (1.45m) Blaye (FRA); 1st CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix Barbaste (FRA)
Baraka de Muze (2001, BWP, bay mare by Goethe) STERREHOF'S USHI (Ushi van de Wolfsakker) (2004, sBs, chestnut mare by Vigo d'Arsouilles) level 1.60m with Marc Houtzager (NED) and Julia Kayser (AUT); 3rd CSI3* (1.50m) Graz (AUT) 2015; 3rd CSIO3* 2013 Grand Prix (1.50m) LinzEbelsberg (AUT); ETC... LORO PIANA BOYANTE DE MUZE (2001, BWP, chestnut mare by Kashmir van Schuttershof) level 1.60m with Carla Cimolai (ITA) and Philippe Le Jeune (BEL); 3rd CSI4* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) BourgenBresse (FRA); 2nd CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (1.45m) VilleneuveLoubet (FRA) ESTOY AQUI DE MUZE HDC (2004, BWP, chestnut mare by Malito de Reves) level 1.60m with Kevin Staut (FRA) and Frederic Bouvard (FRA); 3rd CSIO5* 2014 Class 4: Consolation comp. NC (team) (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 3rd CSIO5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Gijon (ESP); 3rd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (1.60m) Hong Kong (HKG); ETC... Sauterelle de la Pomme STX (2002, sBs, mare by For Pleasure) level 1.45m with P. Le Jeune (BEL); VAGABOND DE LA POMME (2005, sBs, bay stallion by Vigo d'Arsouilles) Approved stallion for: sBs; level 1.60m with Penelope Leprevost (FRA); participated 2015 Las Vegas (USA) World Cup Final 2015; 1st 2015 Las Vegas (USA) (1.501.60m) World Cup Final 2015; participated 2015 Las Vegas (USA) World Cup Final 2015 ETC... Vigoureuse de la Pomme (2005, sBs,mare by Crown Z) level 1.35m with Dominic Webb
Hippomundo Nederlands » Horses
FORMOSA DE HUS : SF I Mare I 08/03/2015I VAT : YES
Voltaire 1979 Kannan 1992 Cemeta 1984 Formosa de Hus SF 2015 Unistar 2001 Beaumara 2006 Jomara 1991
Furioso II (Vertuoso) 1965 Gogo Möve 1975 Nimmerdor 1972 Wozieta 1980 Voltaire 1979 Celesta 1984 Ekstein 1986 Fomara 1987
sire: KANNAN (1992, KWPN, black stallion by Voltaire) Approved stallion for: KWPN, SF, BWP, SWB, sBs, SI, AES; level 1.60m with Guido Bruyninx (BEL) and Michel Hecart (FRA); participated 2005 San Patrignano (ITA) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2005 San Patrignano (ITA) individual European Championships (show jumping); 2nd CSI2* 2005 Grand Prix (1.45m) Deauville (FRA); 2nd CSI3* 2004 Grand Prix (1.50m) La Courneuve (FRA); 1st CSI3* 2003 Grand Prix (1.50m) Deauville (FRA); 2nd CSIB 2000 Grand Prix Vichy (FRA); participated 1999 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses
1st dam: Beaumara (2006, KWPN, bay mare by Unistar) Formosa de hus (2015, , mare by Kannan) 2nd dam: Jomara (1991, KWPN, bay mare by Ekstein) HICKSTEAD (Opel) (1996, KWPN, bay stallion by Hamlet) Approved stallion for: KWPN, ISH, NRPS; level 1.60m with Eric Lamaze (CAN); 1st CSIO5* 2011 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 2nd CSI4*W 2011 World Cup (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSIO5* 2011 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rome (ITA); 1st CSIO5* 2011 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 2nd 2011 Leipzig(GER) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSI5*W 2010 World Cup (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 3rd CSI5*W 2010 Top Ten Final (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 3rd 2010 Lexington (USA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2010 Lexington (USA) team competition World Equestrian Games; 3rd CSIO5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSIO5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Aachen (GER); 3rd CSI4*W 2010 World Cup (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSI5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 3rd CSI5* 2009 Rolex IJRC Top 10 Final (1.60m) Paris (FRA); 2nd CSIO5* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) ETC... Somara (1999, KWPN, dark bay mare by Murano) ADMARA 2 (2005, KWPN, dark bay gelding by Padinus) level 1.60m with Emanuele Gaudiano (ITA); 3rd CSI5* (1.60m) Doha (QAT) 2015; 1st CSI5* (1.50m) Basel (SUI) 2015; 2nd CSI5*W 2014 Class 3 (1.45m) Madrid (ESP); 2nd CSI3*W 2014 World Cup (1.401.60m) El Jadida (MAR); 3rd CSI3*W 2014 Class 8 (1.45m) Tetouan (MAR); 3rd CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Drachten (NED); 2nd CSI3*W 2013 World Cup (1.50m) Tetouan (MAR) Ciemara 0704772 (2007, KWPN, bay mare by L'Esprit) Hickstead II (2004, KWPN, bay stallion by Hamlet) Approved stallion for: Z, AES Amara (2005, KWPN, bay mare by VDL Groep No Limit) Fernando H (2010, KWPN, dark bay stallion by Calvino Z) Approved stallion for: Z HanassiH (2012, KWPN, dark bay stallion by Calvino Z) Approved stallion for: Z Beaumara (2006, KWPN, bay mare by Unistar) : see above Gino H (2011, KWPN, bay stallion by Calvino Z) Approved stallion for: AES; Walter Lelie (BEL); 1st Manche 6 (Finale): Moorsele PAVO Hengstencompetitie 2015 2015; 1st Manche 4: Bocholt, Damburg PAVO Hengstencompetitie 2015 2015; 1st Manche 3: Stal Hulsterlo, Meerdonk PAVO Hengstencompetitie 2015 2015; 1st Manche 2: Azelhof, Lier PAVO Hengstencompetitie 2015 2015; 1st Manche 1: Azelhof, Lier PAVO Hengstencompetitie 2015 2015 3rd dam: Fomara (1987, KWPN, mare by Ulft)
JARCY : SBS I Mare I 26022015 I VAT : Yes
Heartbreaker 1989 Toulon 1996 Nikita 1990 Jarcy sBs 2015 Clearway 1993 Clearrado (Miss Coriane) 2005 PCorriane 2000
Nimmerdor 1972 Bacarole 1983 Jokinal de Bornival 1986 Haylandl 1984 Capitol I 1975 Wodka II 1984 Corrado I 1985 ACandina 1986
sire: TOULON (1996, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Heartbreaker) Approved stallion for: SF, BWP, sBs, SI; level 1.60m with Jonella Ligresti Bonomelli (ITA) and Hubert Bourdy (FRA); 2nd CSIO5* 2007 Grand Prix (1.60m) Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN); 1st CSI5* 2007 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) São Paulo (BRA) 1st dam: Clearrado (Miss Coriane) (2005, Holstein, grey mare by Clearway) Jarcy (2015, sBs, mare by Toulon) : see above 2nd dam: PCorriane (2000, Holstein, grey mare by Corrado I) Clearrado (Miss Coriane) (2005, Holstein, grey mare by Clearway) : see above Jade of Ballmore (2009, BWP, grey mare by Carentan) Kuba of Ballmore (2010, BWP, black mare by Clinton I) 3rd dam: ACandina (1986, Holstein, mare by Cantus) Liatos (1993, Holstein, bay stallion by Landgraf I) Approved stallion for: Holst., Rhein. Clear Mind (1996, Holstein, grey mare by Cassini I) BALOUSSINI (2005, Oldenburger Springpferd, grey stallion by Baloubet du Rouet) Approved stallion for: Old., OS, Westf., Bay.; level 1.50m with Frederic David (FRA); 3rd CSI3* (1.45m) Sharjah (UAE) 2015; 3rd CSI3*W (1.45m) Doha (QAT) 2014; 2nd CSI2* 2013 Grand Prix (1.45m) Arnas Champburcy (FRA) Corrada (1998, Holstein, grey mare by Corrado I) P&F Cordillo Z (2008, Zangersheide, grey gelding by Candillo Z) CONLEY 4 (1999, Holstein, bay gelding by Corrado I) level 1.60m with Karin Ernsting (GER); 3rd CSIO4*W 2008 World Cup (1.60m) Bratislava (SVK); 2nd CSI2*W 2009 World Cup (1.45m) Poznan (POL); 1st CSI2* 2008 Grand Prix (1.45m) Stadl Paura (AUT) PCorriane (2000, Holstein, grey mare by Corrado I) : see above 4th dam: Jean (1972, Holstein, mare by Urioso) ACandina (1986, Holstein, mare by Cantus) : see above
FIREBALL VAN OVERIS Z : Z I Stallion I 24042015 I VAT : Yes
Zapatero VDL 2004 Flying Dream 2010 Windoctro Ryal K 2003 Fireball van Overis Z Z 2015 Darco 1980 Uberta van Overis 1997 Siberta 1976
Chin Chin 1978 Manieta 1994 Indoctro 1990 Ourryal 1996 Lugano van la Roche 1963 Ocoucha 1968 Lucky Boy xx 1966 Derlida 1962
sire: Flying Dream (2010, KWPN, chestnut stallion by Zapatero VDL) Approved stallion for: KWPN
1st dam: Uberta van Overis (1997, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) Charmeur Z Z563400 (2000, Zangersheide, grey stallion by Chellano Z) CISKE VAN OVERIS (2002, BWP, bay mare by Celano) level 1.60m with Edwina Tops (AUS) and Guy Williams (GBR); 2nd CSI5*W 2011 World Cup (1.60m) Göteborg (SWE); 3rd CSI2* 2010 Grand Prix (1.45m) Valkenswaard (NED) Little Pleasure (Floortje van Overis) (2007, Zangersheide, bay mare by For Pleasure) level 1.30m with Philippe Vandoorne (BEL) and Emily Mason (GBR); 2nd CSI2* (1.20m) Bonheiden (BEL) 2015; 2nd CSI2* (1.20m) Bonheiden (BEL) 2015; 1st CSIYH1* 2014 Class 33 (7 year old horses) (1.30m) Mijas (ESP); 2nd CSI2* 2014 Class A34 (1.30m) Vilamoura (POR); 1st CSI2* 2014 Class A19 (1.30m) Vilamoura (POR) Doris Day V Overis Z (2004, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by Diamant de Semilly) Twix V Overis Z (2009, Zangersheide, bay by Toulon) level 1.251.30m with Luis Sabino Gonçalves (POR); 1st CSIYH1* 2014 Class 1 (5 year old horses) (1.101.20m) Vilamoura Colorino van Overis Z ( 2005, Couleur Rubin) Champion in Portugal as 5 & 6 yold. level 1.45m with Rodrigo Almaida Carol Van Overis Z (2006, Zangersheide, chestnut mare by CouleurRubin) Phoenix (2009, AES, Chestnut mare by Bacardi V Overis Z) Innuendo (2013, AES, Bay mare by Caretino Gold) Marlies van Overis Z (2007, Zangersheide, grey mare by Mr. Blue) level 1.30m with Carmen Moreli ( Peru) Milow Kc (2012, BWP, grey stallion by Emerald ) Merci van Overis (2012, BWP, chestnut stallion by Inshallah de Muze) Miu Miu van Overis (2012, BWP, chestnut mare by Inshallah de Muze) Mojito van Overis (2012, BWP, chestnut stallion by Inshallah de Muze) Fireball van Overis Z (2015, Zangersheide, stallion by Flying Dream) 2nd dam: Siberta (1976, KWPN, bay mare by Lucky Boy xx) Iberta (1990, KWPN, mare by Renville) Jessiberta 91.8595 (1991, KWPN, bay mare by Ahorn) Brinte (2001, BWP, bay mare by Puccini) Sunday van Overis (1995, BWP, bay stallion by Darco) level 1.50m Uberta van Overis (1997, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) : see above Vroem van Overis (1998, BWP, bay stallion by Magic Darco) Tiamo Van Overis (2000, , Chestnut stallion by Calvados) Approved stallion for: AES 3rd dam: Derlida (1962, Sgrt., mare by Usurpator) Ruth (1975, KWPN, chestnut mare by Leander) Imago (1990, KWPN, skewbald mare by Samber) Siberta (1976, KWPN, bay mare by Lucky Boy xx) : see above
Nabab de Reve 1990 Vigo d'Arsouilles 1998 Illico d'Arsouilles 1985 Palermo van het Kapelhof BWP 2015 Darco 1980 Juweel van het Kapelhof 2009 Prima Donna 1993
Quidam de Revel 1982 Melodie en Fa 1978 Fleuri du Manoir 1971 Venzin D Arsouilles 1975 Lugano van la Roche 1963 Ocoucha 1968 Pinkus 1983 Dolli 1973
sire: VIGO D'ARSOUILLES (1998, BWP, chestnut stallion by Nabab de Reve) Approved stallion for: KWPN, SF, BWP, sBs; level 1.60m with Philippe Le Jeune (BEL); participated 2012 London (GBR) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2012 London (GBR) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 2nd CSI3* 2012 Grand Prix (1.50m) Aalst (BEL); 2nd CSIO5* 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 3rd CSI2* 2012 Grand Prix (1.45m) Chantilly (FRA); participated 2011 Madrid (ESP) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 2011 Madrid (ESP) individual European Championships (show jumping); 1st 2010 Lexington (USA) individual World Equestrian Games; 3rd 2010 Lexington (USA) team competition World Equestrian Games; 3rd CSI5* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Paris (FRA); 3rd CSI4* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Moorsele (BEL); 8th 2009 Windsor (GBR) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 2009 Windsor (GBR) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 2nd CSIO5* 2008 Final Samsung Super League (1.60m) Barcelona (ESP); 2nd CSIO5* 2007 Grand Prix (1.60m) Gijon (ESP); participated 2007 Mannheim (GER) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 2007 Mannheim (GER) team competition European Championships (show jumping); 1st CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) Royan (FRA)
1st dam: Juweel van het Kapelhof (2009, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) Navaro van het Kapelhof (2013, BWP, stallion by Nabab de Reve) Palermo van het Kapelhof (2015, BWP, stallion by Vigo d'Arsouilles) : see above 2nd dam: Prima Donna (1993, Hannover, mare by Pinkus) TAUBER VAN HET KAPELHOF (1996, BWP, black stallion by Darco) Approved stallion for: BWP; level 1.60m with Ludo Philippaerts (BEL); 2nd CSIO5* 2008 Derby (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 3rd CSIO5* 2007 Derby (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 2nd CSIO5* 2006 Derby (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 2nd 2003 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses Havanna van het Kapelhof (2007, BWP, bay mare by Nonstop) Horfisto vh Kapelhof (2007, BWP, bay stallion by Chatman) Indiana v.h Kapelhof (2008, BWP, bay mare by Chatman) Stef Bossaert (BEL); Juweel van het Kapelhof (2009, BWP, chestnut mare by Darco) : see above Locato van het Kapelhof (2011, BWP, black stallion by Darco) Myra van het Kapelhof (2012, BWP, black mare by Darco) 3rd dam: Dolli (1973, Hannover, mare by Don Carlos) Prima Donna (1993, Hannover, mare by Pinkus) : see above
4th dam: Forstlob (1967, Hannover, mare by Frustra II) Dolli (1973, Hannover, mare by Don Carlos) : see above Domossa (1977, Hannover, bay mare by Don Carlos) Agnes 317301685 (Hannover, black mare by Aragon) EL CAMPEON'S SO LONG (1992, Hannover, dark bay gelding by Sandro Z) level 1.50m with Eva Gonda (USA) and Nicole Simpson (USA); participated 2005 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; 3rd CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Indio (USA); 1st CSI W 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Indio (USA); 3rd CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m 1.60m) Indio (USA); participated 2004 Milan (ITA) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSI W 2004 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Indio (USA); 3rd CSIW 2004 World Cup (1.40m 1.60m) Indio (USA)
PUICKLY VD BISSCHOP : BWP I Stallion I 07052015 I VAT : Yes
Diamant de Semilly 1991 Quickly de Kreisker 2004 Briseis d'Helby 1989 Puickly vd Bisschop BWP 2015 Darco 1980 Moya vd Bisschop 2012 Celsa vd Dreef 2002
Le Tot de Semilly 1977 Venise des Cresles 1987 Laudanum xx 1967 Nika du Nevada 1979 Lugano van la Roche 1963 Ocoucha 1968 Utrillo Z (Utrillo van de Heffinck) 1997 Jarme van 't Steentje 1986
sire: QUICKLY DE KREISKER (2004, Selle Français, bay stallion by Diamant de Semilly) level 1.60m with Benjamin Robert (FRA) and Abdelkebir Ouaddar (MAR); 3rd CSI5* (1.50m) Paris (FRA) 2015; 1st CSI5* (1.55m) Doha (QAT) 2015; 1st CSIO5* (1.45m) Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2015; 3rd CSIO5* (1.60m) Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2015; 1st CSI3*W (1.60m) Al Ain (UAE) 2015; 2nd CSI3*W (1.50m) Dubai (UAE) 2015; 1st CSI3*W 2014 Class 13: World Cup (1.401.60m) Tetouan (MAR); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; 1st CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Mâcon Laizé (FRA); 3rd CSI2* 2014 Grand Prix (Test Event WEG) (1.45m) Caen (FRA); 2nd CSIO5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) La Baule (FRA); 1st CSI3* 2014 Grand Prix (1.50m) Le Touquet (FRA); participated 2014 Lyon (FRA) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSIO5* 2014 Grand Prix (1.60m) Al Ain (UAE); 3rd CSI3*W 2014 World Cup (1.50m) Dubai (UAE); ETC...
1st dam: Moya vd Bisschop (2012, BWP, bay or brown mare by Darco) Puickly van den Bisschop (2015, BWP, stallion by Quickly de Kreisker) 2nd dam: Celsa vd Dreef (2002, BWP, bay mare by Utrillo Z) Let It Be 111 Z (2006, Zangersheide, bay gelding by Lord Z) level 1.30m with Dave Vermandel (BEL); Idocus vd Bisschop (2008, BWP, chestnut stallion by Echo van het Neerenbosch) Kaprice vd Bisschop (2010, BWP, grey mare by Berlin) Nelson vd Bisschop (2013, BWP, stallion by Echo van 't Spieveld) Moya vd Bisschop (2012, BWP, bay or brown mare by Darco) : see above 3rd dam: Jarme van 't Steentje (1986, BWP, chestnut mare by Lys de Darmen) Opstalans vh Steentje D'07 (1991, BWP, chestnut mare by Landadel) Ashmir (2000, BWP, bay mare by Kashmir van Schuttershof) level 1.45m with Marijn Poelmans Incredible VD Caatshoeve (2008, stallion by Boris van het Kluizebos) Approved for: AES Quasimodo vd Molendreef (1993, BWP, bay stallion by Heartbreaker) Approved stallion for: KWPN, BWP, sBs, AES; David Jobertie (FRA); ACTIONBREAKER (2000, BWP, bay stallion by Heartbreaker) Approved stallion for: BWP; level 1.60m with Sergio Alvarez Moya (ESP); participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2014 Normandy (FRA) team competition World Equestrian Games; 2nd CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Cannes (FRA); participated 2011 Leipzig(GER) final result World Cup Final; participated 2010 Lexington (USA) team competition World Equestrian Games; 3rd CSIO5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Aachen (GER) 4th dam: Freja (1982, BWP, bay mare by Porche de Bornival) Querry van Steentje (1993, BWP, bay mare by Lys de Darmen) FIESTA VAN HET STEENTJE (2005, BWP, chestnut mare by Vigo d'Arsouilles) level 1.50m with
Atletha van 't Steentje (2000, BWP, black mare by Kannan) ECKHAM VAN HET STEENTJE (2004, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Berlin) level 1.50m with Margie GoldsteinEngle (USA); 3rd CSI2*W (1.45m) Ocala (USA) 2015 Gaston van 't Steentje (2006, BWP, bay stallion by ActionBreaker) level 1.40m with Sven Michielse (BEL);
Photo: Quickly de Kreisker
Diamant de Semilly 1991 Tonixe 2007 Juliana Ixe 1997 Paris van de Molendreef BWP 2015 Heartbreaker 1989 Urga 1997 Annet van Lobos 1977
Le Tot de Semilly 1977 Venise des Cresles 1987 Voltaire 1979 Unixe Girl 1986 Nimmerdor 1972 Bacarole 1983 Fier de Lui Z 1971 Ranke 1971
sire: Tonixe (2007, Selle Français, bay stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Approved stallion for: SF, BWP; level 1.45m with Frederic Vernaet (BEL); participated 2014 7 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses 1st dam: Urga (1997, BWP, bay or brown mare by Heartbreaker) Cartouche (2002, BWP, grey stallion by Stew Boy) Goldfinger v/d Molendreef (2006, BWP, bay stallion by PKZ Contact van de Heffinck) Havanna v/d Molendreef (2007, BWP, bay mare by PKZ Contact van de Heffinck) Investment v/d Molendreef (2008, BWP, bay stallion by Cooper van de Heffinck) Kontador vd Molendreef (2010, BWP, bay stallion by Cooper van de Heffinck) Liberte v/d Molendreef (2011, BWP, bay mare by Cooper van de Heffinck) : Leading the 4yold HROV Cyclus in 2015 Messi v/d Molendreef (2012, BWP, grey stallion by Ugano Sitte) : qualified after 1st Round KWPN approvals 2015 Nevada v/d Molendreef (2013, BWP, bay mare by Jamal vd Heffinck) Paris van de Molendreef (2015, BWP, mare by Tonixe) 2nd dam: Annet van Lobos (1977, BWP, black mare by Fier de Lui Z) Gwenda (1983, BWP, bay mare by Jazz) Lover Boy (1988, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Lys de Darmen) Mylord (1989, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Lys de Darmen) Quibelle (1993, BWP, bay or brown mare by Lys de Darmen) Springsteen (1995, BWP, chestnut stallion by Lys de Darmen) Try Me Out (1996, BWP, chestnut stallion by Lys de Darmen) Urga (1997, BWP, bay or brown mare by Heartbreaker) : see above 3rd dam: Ranke (1971, BWP, black mare by Batifol) Veerle van Lobos (1975, BWP, chestnut mare by Fier de Lui Z) Fiona (1982, BWP, chestnut mare by Jazz) Annet van Lobos (1977, BWP, black mare by Fier de Lui Z) : see above Cadiz (1979, BWP, bay or brown mare by Agrami) Dorien van Lobos (1980, BWP, black mare by Agrami) Ive (1985, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Guignolet) Kina (1987, BWP, bay or brown mare by Obelisque Normand) 4th dam: Sarnella (1959, BWP, bay mare ) Nain Seul (1967, BWP, bay stallion by Tout Seul) Oreoen (1968, BWP, bay stallion by Ritmeester vh Soetewaas) Paladijn Ut (1969, BWP, bay stallion by Ut Fata) Quirina (1970, BWP, bay mare by Ut Fata) Ranke (1971, BWP, black mare by Batifol) : see above Sadi (1972, BWP, bay mare by Batifol)
PULARUS : BWP I Stallion I 07032015 I VAT : No
Lugano van la Roche 1963 Darco 1980 Ocoucha 1968 Pularus BWP 2015 Lupicor 1995 Ckinalaris 2007 Nalaris 1995
Lugano I 1954 Adlerflut 1952 Codex 1962 Latoucha 1965 Lux Z 1988 Jourdette S 1991 Iroko 1990 Jolaris 1991
sire: DARCO (1980, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Lugano van la Roche) Approved stallion for: KWPN, Holst., Old., SF, BWP, sBs, NRPS, SI, Westf.; level 1.40m1.60m with Ludo Philippaerts (BEL); 3rd CSIO 1993 Grand Prix Rotterdam (NED); participated 1993 Gijon (ESP) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 1993 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 7th 1992 Barcelona (ESP) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 1992 Barcelona (ESP) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); participated 1991 La Baule (FRA) individual European Championships (show jumping); participated 1991 La Baule (FRA) team competition European Championships (show jumping); participated 1991 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 6th 1990 Stockholm (SWE) ETC... 1st dam: Ckinalaris (2007, KWPN, chestnut mare by Lupicor) Dularus (2015, BWP, stallion by Darco) : see above 2nd dam: Nalaris (1995, KWPN, dark chestnut mare by Iroko) Santa Caterina (1999, KWPN, dark bay mare by Cavalier) level 1.45m with Rachel Sandoz (SUI);
Ckinalaris (2007, KWPN, chestnut mare by Lupicor) : see above 3rd dam: Jolaris (1991, KWPN, mare by Nimmerdor) Nalaris (1995, KWPN, dark chestnut mare by Iroko) : see above Pouwer (1997, KWPN, bay stallion by Concorde) Approved stallion for: sBs; Nick Vrins (BEL); participated 2003 6 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses
UpsADaisy (2001, KWPN, bay mare by Mermus R) Boemerrang (2006, KWPN, bay stallion by Namelus R) level 1.45m with Jeroen Dubbeldam (NED); WITHIN TEMPTATION (2003, KWPN, chestnut stallion by Mermus R) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.50m with Jessica Timgren (FIN); C'Est la Vie (2007, KWPN, black mare by Namelus R) level 1.35m with Liza Tiebot (NED); 4th dam: Dolaris D (1985, KWPN, chestnut mare by Notaris) Ilona (1990, KWPN, chestnut mare by Nimmerdor) OLONA (1996, KWPN, chestnut mare by Indorado) level 1.60m with Cassio Rivetti (UKR); 3rd CSI3* 2006 Grand Prix (1.50m) Toledo (ESP); 3rd CSI3* 2005 Grand Prix (1.50m) La Courneuve (FRA); 1st CSI3* 2005 Grand Prix (1.50m) Arezzo (ITA); 3rd CSI2* 2006 Grand Prix (1.45m) Valkenswaard (NED); participated 2006 Aachen (GER) individual World Equestrian Games; participated 2006 Aachen (GER) team competition World Equestrian Games PLATINI VDL (1997, KWPN, bay stallion by Freedom Z) Approved stallion for: SWB; level 1.50m with Juan Manuel Bolanos Barrios (ESA) and Shao Man Jasmine Chen ; 3rd CSI2* 2008 Best Stallion (1.45m) Zwolle (NED); 3rd CSI2* 2008 Grand Prix (1.45m) Zwolle (NED); participated 2010 Guangzhou (CHN) team competition Asian Games; Molaris (1994, KWPN, mare by Concorde) Carthagena (1998, Finnish Warmblood, chestnut mare by Carthago Z) level 1.45m Solaris (1999, KWPN, chestnut mare by Guidam) Brugal VDL (2006, KWPN, grey stallion by Indorado) Approved stallion for: sBs, NRPS; level 1.45m with Jonathan McCrea (USA) and Dennis van Tilburg (BEL); participated 2011 5 year old horses World Championships for Young Horses
Galoubet A 1972 Baloubet du Rouet 1989 Mesange du Rouet 1978 FFA Embryo 4 Polydor 1972 Krista 1992 Paquita 1985
Almé Z (Almé) 1966 Viti 1965 Starter 1962 Badine 1967 Pilatus 1965 Fata Morgana 1967 Pakt 1978 Anthea 1979
sire: BALOUBET DU ROUET (1989, Selle Français, chestnut stallion by Galoubet A) Approved stallion for: Hann., Holst., SF, BWP, SWB, sBs; level 1.60m with Nelson Pessoa (BRA) and Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA); 3rd CSI4* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Charlotte (USA); 1st CSI4* 2006 Grand Prix (1.60m) Tampa (USA); 1st CSIW 2005 Top Ten Final (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSI5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Brussels (BEL); 1st CSI5* 2005 Grand Prix (1.60m) Las Vegas (USA); participated 2005 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSIW 2005 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Paris Bercy (FRA); 1st CSIW 2004 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st 2004 Athens (GRE) individual Olympic Games (jumping); participated 2004 Athens (GRE) team competition Olympic Games (jumping); 3rd CSI4* 2004 Grand Prix (1.60m) San Patrignano (ITA); participated 2004 Milan (ITA) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSIW 2004 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Göteborg (SWE); 1st CSIW 2004 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Paris Bercy (FRA); 1st CSIW 2004 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Bordeaux (FRA); 2nd CSI5* 2004 Swiss Life Classic (1.60m) Zürich (SUI); 1st CSI W 2003 Top Ten Final (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 1st CSI3* 2003 Grand Prix (1.50m) Balve (GER); 2nd 2003 Las Vegas (USA) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSIW 2003 World Cup (1.40m 1.60m) 's Hertogenbosch (NED); 1st CSIW 2002 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 2nd CSIW 2002 World Cup (1.40m1.60m) Aarhus / Vilhelmsborg (DEN); participated 2002 Jerez de la Frontera (ESP) team competition World Equestrian Games; participated 2002 Jerez de la Frontera (ESP) individual World Equestrian Games; 1st CSIO5* 2002 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rotterdam (NED); 3rd 2002 Leipzig(GER) final result World Cup Final; 3rd CSIW 2002 Grand Prix (1.40m1.60m) Dortmund (GER); ETC...
1st dam: Krista (1992, Westfalen, bay mare by Polydor) FFA Embryo 4 ( by Baloubet du Rouet) TALOUBET Z (2000, KWPN, bay stallion by Galoubet A) Approved stallion for: Z; level 1.60m with Christian Ahlmann (GER); 3rd CSI5* 2013 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) London (GBR); participated 2013 Göteborg (SWE) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSI5*W 2013 World Cup (1.60m) Leipzig (GER); 1st CSI5*W 2012 Top Ten Final (1.60m) Geneva (SUI); 2nd CSIO5* 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) Rome (ITA); participated 2012 's Hertogenbosch (NED) final result World Cup Final; 2nd CSI5* 2012 Grand Prix (1.60m) Paris (FRA); 1st CSI5*W 2012 World Cup (1.60m) Leipzig (GER); 1st CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Estoril (POR); 2nd CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Monte Carlo (MON); 1st 2011 Leipzig(GER) final result World Cup Final; 1st CSI5* 2011 Grand Prix (1.60m) Paris (FRA); 2nd CSI5* 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Paris (FRA); 1st CSI5*W 2010 World Cup (1.60m) Helsinki (FIN); 1st CSI5*W 2010 Grand Prix (1.60m) Helsinki (FIN); 1st CSI5*W 2010 World Cup (1.60m) Oslo (NOR); 3rd CSI5* 2010 Grand Prix (Global Champions Tour) (1.60m) Valkenswaard (NED); 3rd CSI2* 2010 Grand Prix (1.45m) Redefin (GER); 1st CSI4* 2009 Grand Prix (1.60m) Hannover (GER)
Big Star Jr K Z (2009, Zangersheide, black brown stallion by Big Star) Approved stallion for: Z Mokka Hero P&V (2012, BWP, bay mare by Nabab de Reve) 2nd dam: Paquita (1985, Westfalen, mare by Pakt) Krista (1992, Westfalen, bay mare by Polydor) : see above 3rd dam: Anthea (1979, Westfalen, mare by Argwohn I) Paquita (1985, Westfalen, mare by Pakt) : see above
Photo: Baloubet du Rouet
PICKACHU VD ROLLEBEEK : BWP I Stallion I 12042015 I VAT : Yes
Argentinus 1980 Thunder van de Zuuthoeve 1996 Jura van SintMaarten 1993 Pickachu vd Rollebeek BWP 2015 Vigo d'Arsouilles 1998 Go Girl 2006 Ultra Snob Wonderland 1997
Argentan I 1967 Dorle 1965 Nimmerdor 1972 Landlady 1987 Nabab de Reve 1990 Illico d'Arsouilles 1985 Cheenook 1988 Chamade du Poteau 1990
sire: THUNDER VAN DE ZUUTHOEVE (1996, BWP, bay stallion by Argentinus) Approved stallion for: BWP; level 1.60m with Jan van Dijck (BEL) and Luciana Camargo (BRA); 3rd CSI3* 2007 Grand Prix (1.50m) Mechelen (BEL) 1st dam: Go Girl (2006, BWP, chestnut mare by Vigo d'Arsouilles) Pickachu vd Rollebeek (2015, BWP, stallion by Thunder van de Zuuthoeve) 2nd dam: Ultra Snob Wonderland (1997, BWP, bay or brown mare by Cheenook) D'jalisco (2003, BWP, other mare by Canadian River) Go Girl (2006, BWP, chestnut mare by Vigo d'Arsouilles) : see above Happy Jack (2007, BWP, chestnut stallion by Enrico van de Withoeve) J & B van de Rollebeek (2009, BWP, grey stallion by Indorado) 3rd dam: Chamade du Poteau (1990, , bay or brown mare by Jalisco B) Super Crack Zuuthoeve (1995, BWP, bay or brown gelding by Werther) Talent du Wonderland (1996, BWP, chestnut stallion by Narcos II) Ultra Snob Wonderland (1997, BWP, bay or brown mare by Cheenook) : see above Vent Vert Wonderland (1998, BWP, bay or brown mare by Darco) Calydja de Litrange Xlvi (2002, BWP, bay mare by For Pleasure) Eros de Litrange Lviii (2004, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Hight Power de Litrange Lxxxx (2007, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Jokinal de Litrange Cix (2009, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Indoctro) Milord de Litrange Cxxviii (2012, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Indoctro) Wonder of Wonderland (1999, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Darco) Aloha Wonderland (2000, BWP, black mare by Darco) Double Jump Wonderland (2003, BWP, chestnut mare by Chin Chin) Espada Wonderland (2004, BWP, bay or brown mare by Darco) Lara de Liedekerke (BEL); First of Wonderland (2005, BWP, bay mare by Toulon) Jaquetao Wonderland (2009, BWP, grey stallion by Zürich) Galisco Wonderland (2006, BWP, bay or brown stallion by Vancouver d'Auvray) 4th dam: Kita Pont Vautier (1976, , bay mare by Mondain xx) Chamade du Poteau (1990, , bay or brown mare by Jalisco B) : see above
ARMANI VAN OVERIS Z (Air Jordan x Darco) with Jerome Guery
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UDARCO VAN OVERIS (Darco x Ramiro Z) with Sarah Nagel Tornau
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