Warwickshire Now

PW Media & Publishing Ltd have been publishing magazines for over 21years.
Through our portfolio we currently influence over 400,000 individuals each month.
Our ethos has remained the same since the company’s formation in 2001, to provide high quality publications for the markets we serve. We continue to provide our clients in the health, leisure, education and lifestyle sectors with a medium to communicate their message to active buyers, as well as publishing membership magazines for, amongst others, the Friends’ of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (BMAG).
Education and innovation are paramount to our approach. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge in targeting audiences for clients and driving people to businesses.
For over 25 years Worcestershire Now, an in house product, has been the market leader, distributing more free monthly copies through the letterbox than any other in the county, providing
readers with garden and home designs, education and senior living features, and fashion and beauty reviews, as well as local history articles and a what’s on guide.
To follow the same successful format, 15,500 copies are delivered to select homes in boutique areas that are recognised as the high net-worth hot spots in Kenilworth, Warwick, Royal Leamington Spa, Southam, Henleyin-Arden, Alcester, Stratford-uponAvon, Shipston-on-Stour, Bidford-onAvon and Studley. In addition, further targeted distribution will be allocated through coffee table displays of hotel foyers, restaurants, supermakets, coffee shops, guest houses, public houses, stations, garden centres, libraries and council offices across the county. With a pick-up placement of demographically qualified, high-footfall outlets such as beauty salons, estate agents and high street retailers.