M. Leach
Conveniently situated at Link Top in Malvern is a real gem of a jewellery shop, which, since it was founded by Mike Leach, back in 1984, has become a firm favourite with everyone that has ever been there. Mike’s expertise as a watch repairer and jeweller is underlined by his numerous qualifications and these include membership of the British Watch and Clock Maker’s Guild and the prestigious British Horological Institute.
be able to offer items of quality jewellery that
In fact, if you take into account that M.
you won’t normally find in the High Street
Leach Jewellers also carry traditional gifts
shops. In fact whether you’re looking for
like hip flask and tankards, Christening gifts,
inexpensive costume jewellery or something
barometers, picture frames and a large
special made from precious metals and
selection of sporting trophies, it’s hard to
gems, there is no better place to look and get
imagine what else they could offer! But Mike
expert advice than this little shop in Malvern!
Leach does have something else up his sleeve
But there is another thing that has helped him make his business so successful, something that no amount of paper qualifications can give. He has over 40 years of invaluable experience in the business and a passion for the subject which quickly becomes evident to all those who meet him.
The vast range of stock on display in M.
for his customers. Thanks to having access
Happily, M. Leach Jewellers is not part of some anonymous chain of jewellery shops and this independence has worked very much in their favour. The fact that Mike has made numerous contacts during this time in the profession has given him a considerable buying power and the ability to ensure that M. Leach Jewellers can always offer their customers exceptional value for money.
both ladies’ and gentlemen’s styles.
But as well as making sure that his prices are extremely competitive, Mike is also proud to n 24 | Worcestershire Now | Issue 196 | February 2020
Leach Jewellers is almost beyond belief
to a team of skilled technicians, M. Leach
with a wide selection of clocks and watches.
Jewellers can also arrange the repair and
Mike is proud to be a Seiko watch Elite
restoration of favourite pieces of jewellery
dealer stocking many solar powered watches
and worn silver plated items can be brought
alongside Automatic, Kinetic and limited
back to life by skilful re-plating.
edition watches in an attractive selection of
Wedding rings are also a priority and the vastly experienced suppliers help make sure your
Then there’s the large range of silver jewellery
special day is one to remember forever. They
including Real Effect and D for Diamond
have more gift ideas then you would have ever
offering gifts for all ages from children
thought possible in one single shop!
upwards. And of course, we must not forget the gorgeous cultured pearls which Mike
Add to this their competitive prices, friendly
buys direct from a top importer. These are
expert advice and insistence on customer
truly amazing and include the traditional
satisfaction and you can see why a visit to M
round variety along with exquisite Tahitian,
Leach Jewellers is an absolute must. So hurry
unusually shaped Keshi and wonderfully
along to 98 Worcester Road Malvern or give
colourful Baroque pearls.
Mike and his team a call on 01684 573673. n