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The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund

Children's Resource

INSIDE: Enough Fo o for Ever y d one Flying Food

Food Smarts Working for Food for All

Welcome to I


n the church we are Super Friends! We are friends with people in church and with others far away that we might never meet. Through The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) we have Super Friends all around the world. Super Friends help each other by sharing ideas, work, and money to stand up for people who are hungry. We often send money to help Super Friends with their work, and they teach us about their countries and show us how to do our part.

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people making a living growing food

good care for land, sea, and farmers

planning for food in the future



healthy food you like to eat








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Circle the "Food for All" words in this word search. They may be in any direction. (Solution on back cover) CROPS DRY EARTH ENOUGH FARMER FOOD HARVEST HUNGER


I just saw a newspaper headline about FOOD SECURITY. Is that about guarding cookies or something?

No way. Food security means Enough Food for Everyone. People have food security when they can always get enough good food to be healthy. Food For All is a Super Friend mission.


illions of people in the world don’t have enough food to eat. Most live in Asia, Africa and Latin America but there are hungry people everywhere, even in communities in Canada. Sometimes we think it’s because there isn’t enough food in the world, but that isn’t true. If we measure the food that is grown on earth, there is enough food for everyone and no one should be hungry.

So What’s the Problem? Many people don't have enough money for food, or to buy land, seeds, water, or tools to grow food. Food is hard to grow in some places like deserts or mountains. Sometimes floods, fires, or dry spells make it impossible to grow food. Sometimes the food or land is destroyed or taken from farmers because of wars. Some farmers aren’t paid enough for the food that’s grown on their land. Sometimes we don’t care for the land well enough and then it can’t be used for farming. Things like pollution or poor farming can take many of the nutrients out of the soil or poison it. Climate change is making it hard for farmers to grow enough food.


here are lots of Bible stories about food and sharing. Read or ask an adult to read John 6: 3-13. This is a story about a child who shares his food with many people. Jesus worried about hungry people and showed his disciples how to share what they had. Imagine that you are part of the story and sitting with Jesus. How might you have

FOOD It’s Really About BITES Sharing and Caring


o matter where you are in the world, some families have more than enough food. In fact, food can be wasted while people elsewhere are hungry. That doesn’t seem right! Together with Super Friends everywhere, we share seeds for planting, ideas and tools for farming, money, and food. Super Friends work to feed hungry people and help people grow enough food for all. It is important that we care for the earth and the environment so that we can grow enough good food. We work with partners to learn how to care for the earth better. We also learn more about climate change and how it affects farming.

helped? How can you be a Super Friend to others today? With church partners, we put our money and gifts together so that we do a better job of caring for others who are hungry. Super Friends share with people in their own community and with friends far away.

Apples float because they are 1/4 air.

Carrots were originally purple.

Apples and cherries belong to the rose family.

Eggplants are really fruits.

Honey is the only food that never goes bad.

Orange does not rhyme with any other word.

Peanuts are not actually a nut; they're a bean!

Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside.


Her e abo ’s a vi de ut ou whe o com r food re es www .tiny from:


here does your dinner come from? .cc/ a6jn Canada buys about $24 billion worth hw of food from about 200 countries every year. Your Super Friend mission is to check out food labels in your kitchen or at the grocery store. In the chart below, fill out the kinds of food we buy from the Top 10 countries.

Country and Cost of Food Sold in or Eaten in Canada

Kinds of Food Example: apples

Canada $65 billion United States $13 billion Mexico $907 million China $800 million Italy $692 million France $686 million Brazil $665 million Chile $523 million Thailand $483 million Australia $441 million

Canada France United States



Mexico Thailand What's for dinner? Ever wonder what people around the world eat? Check out this cool link:


Brazil Australia Chile

Food Smarts H

ave a family discussion about healthier ways to eat and cook. Use the ideas in the checklist below and make a poster to hang in the kitchen to remind your family.

Checklist of Ideas for Your Food Smart Mission ✔ Stay close to home.

Buy locally grown food at farms or farmers markets. It saves fuel, cuts down on pollution, and reduces the chemicals in food.

✔ Buy fair.

Look for fair trade coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, fresh fruit, chocolate, and flowers to be sure small family farms receive a fair price. Fair trade farming methods can also protect the environment.

✔ Take it easy on salt.

Too much salt is bad for your health and fast food and processed food is loaded with it. Homemade soup, bread, cookies, and snacks usually do not have such high levels of salt, sugar, or chemicals!

✔ Make yours tap water.

Your body is 72% water so drink lots to keep healthy. Use safe tap water to save money and reduce over a million tons of plastic bottles every year. Water also helps you avoid too much sugar from other drinks.

✔ Watch those chemicals!

Some food chemicals are okay, some are unhealthy, and some are still a mystery. Avoid becoming a chemical experiment: make your own food, use free-range eggs and meat, and buy organic fruit and vegetables.

✔ Cut it out!

Many Canadians are turning into sugar freaks! Cut out some sugar and use fruit, local honey, or maple syrup instead. Your family can make jam with organic fruit and less sugar.

W hat’s Cookin’ Cookin’?? If you need a little sweetness, here’s a recipe for Food Smart Brownies to make with an adult’s help. Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C). Grease a 9” x 13” baking pan. Collect all the ingredients: 1/3 cup/80 ml of fair trade cocoa 1 cup/250 ml of organic canola oil 1 ½ cup/375 ml of locally milled all purpose flour 1/2 tsp/2 ml salt 1/4 cup/60 ml tap water 4 local free-range eggs 1 ½ cups/375 ml of fair trade sugar 1 tsp/5 ml fair trade pure vanilla

Pour all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir them together. Pour the batter into the greased pan. Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. While the brownies are baking, talk about why the ingredients are food smart.


Super Friends in Africa


eonard Nkomo is the headmaster at the Mangazi Primary School in Zimbabwe, a country in southern Africa. Mr. Nkomo decided to teach his students something new that they could practice at home. It is called Conservation Agriculture or CA for short. CA is a way of farming that is friendly to the environment and produces better crops. He knew that CA might help the school children and their families to be healthier and to earn more money. The children at Mangazi learned the rules of CA and planted a garden in the school yard. They learned how to make compost to make good soil for their corn plants. Before long the garden had grown tall and students harvested a huge pile of plump corn.

This Super Friend project was a huge success. Headmaster Nkomo was so proud of his students. The children loved learning about CA and helping their families. The parents and other people in the village were amazed and decided to start using CA right away. Guess what! You helped too. It was Canadian Super Friends that helped Mr. Nkomo start his project. Do you make compost for your home or church garden? Here’s a video that shows one way to compost.

Too Much Rain Pakistan suffered from severe flooding that destroyed farmland and crops, leaving millions of people without enough food. Mohammed and his family grew cotton, chilies, wheat, mustard, and vegetables on the farm until the floods. Now it’s all gone. He lost all the seeds, his three goats, and a buffalo. It will take four or five months until the land can produce crops. It will be a long and difficult job, but our partners help farmers like Mohammed to rebuild and recover.


Photo: Barb Summers, PWS&D

Canadian Super Friends Help in Many Ways


ome families or church groups plan a meal to learn about world hunger. They eat a simple meal of bread and butter or rice and beans and talk about hunger in the world. They collect the money they save from not eating a big meal and send it to PWRDF to help provide food for all.


ome Sunday school children across Canada do chores and hold bake sales or car washes to raise money. They donate it to help fight hunger and make sure people have enough food.

The best dog to have on a picnic is a hot dog.

Never tell a secret on a farm because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears.


ome people and churches take groceries to the local food bank. They also volunteer to help stock the shelves or distribute the food.

out Super Friend Task: Find help what your church does to and ada Can families here in ’t around the world that don have enough to eat.

Take a banana to the doctor when it isn’t peeling well!

If you have a sick lemon, take it to the hospital for some lemon aid!

Not Enough Rain Many farmers in Tanzania struggle because there is little or no rain. Without enough water to grow food, children are too hungry or sick to go to school. Partners train local Super Friends to give out food, and they teach farmers the best plants to grow and the best way to farm in dry conditions. With better tools, farmers can sell extra vegetables and use the money for school fees, medicine, and home improvements.

Photo: Barb Summers, PWS&D


Helping One ch ur congre ch gation in Richmo n raised d, Ontario, $9 purcha 00 to se anim a a famil y in Ma ls for lawi. They c ele visiting brated by a so they farm nearby could s kinds o ee the fa helped nimals they p Malaw ay for in i.




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Photo: CFGB

at a church The children ova Scotia, in Bedford, N a little red regularly pull h the church wagon throug n. People during a hym od for a add gifts of fo elter. The local youth sh helps feed donated food , and everyone young people l at people of al remembers th . fight hunger ages can help

Page 2 puzzle solution T L S L O O T N I A R E R S L S L A M I N A R X T E E A E A T N D Q E S S N G V E N O U G H M S E D A N R C R O P S R H E O D L U A S O I L A A D O R G P H H D G B F R S F Y H T R A E V B G E

Looking for copies of Super Friends 1 about emergency response ? Go to:

Six cousins from Manitoba got help from their grandmother to make a difference. They grew corn and baked bread to sell and donated about $2,000 to Canadian Foodgrains Bank for people who are hungry.

Attention parents and teachers! Visit for an online document on how to make the most of this resource. The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund The Anglican Church of Canada 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2 1-866-308-7973 or 416-924-9192

August 2012

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