My Magical Myanmar (Vol-3,Iss-6)

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w w w. m y m a g i c a l m ya n m a r . c o m february 2016 | VOL. 3, ISSUE: 6


22 Exposure

Chinese New Year Lion Dance

In this issue... snapshots 8 10 12 13

MPA building reminds People: The Palaung Religion: Birth Signs Infograph: Myanmar Embassies Abroad 14 Language: Colors

check in


Tuscany in Myanmar

18 Festival: Maha Muni Pagoda Shwesettaw Pagoda festival 19 Calendar


22 Chinese New Year (Lion Dance)

Picturesque 28 Excitement

in focus

38 Restaurant Review: Port Autonomy is still the best food truck, live goose garden party in town 40 Kitchen Confidential: DAN PAUK (Chicken biryani)


44 Tuscany in Myanmar 50 A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali 56 Ledo Road


64 How to nail a Yangon bar hop


In Focus

Children cooking up a storm at Monsoon



A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali


How to nail a Yangon bar hop

Still connect with us...




Ma Thanegi Ma Thanegi writes prolifically about Myanmar, especially the people who are the country’s true representatives. She lives in Yangon.

Mohana Gill Mohanna Gill is passionate about promoting Myanmar cuisine, culture and customs to the world and is a five-time World Cookbook Gourmand Award winner. She was born in Myanmar and lives in Malaysia.

Lyndal Pearce Lyndal first made Yangon her home 18 years ago. She is a researcher, writer and editor who loves travelling with her family and showing her two sons new places in Myanmar and around the world.

Photo by

Lwin Ko Taik

Publisher Yamin Htin Aung Editor Lyndal Pearce Assistant Editor Noe Noe Aung Contributing Writers Mohana Gill Ma Thanegi

Jared Downing

Shwe yinn mar oo A freelance writer with previous journalism experiences in The Myanmar Times and Agence France-Presse.Currently living in Yangon, she occasionally writes for some magazines and journals.

Jared Downing Jared Downing (@keystrokeerrors) is an American journalist from Colorado and Alabama. He likes podcasts, radio theatre and hitchhiking and collects cans of sardines from around the world. He blogs at

Lwin Ko Taik A Myanmar native and a freelance photographer with an incurable yearning for travel, Lwin Ko Taik takes spectacular photos on his journeys. When he is not on the move, he produces outstanding photos in fashion and for wedding shoots as well as for NOW magazine and The Myanmar Times.

Ann Wang Ann Wang is an awardwinning visual journalist based in Yangon. She holds a masters degree in photojournalism from Boston University and has lived in Taiwan, New Zealand and China. She is a regular contributor to The Strand, The Huffington Post and JetStar inflight magazine. Her work can be viewed at www.

Noe Noe Aung Noe Noe is a Yangon native who has worked as a journalist at The Myanmar Times for five years. Finally, she decides to spend her life as a travel writer. Noe Noe is interested in people and their stories. Her sense of curiosity drives her to explore new places and she also loves to share what she experiences.

PHYO HEIN KYAW Phyo is Video Journalist from AFP since 2012. Constantly on the move, he enjoys sharing his passion for Photography with others and regularly contributes on tourism images and cooperate with our team, for contests’s pages of Photo Essay and Picturesque of My Magical Myanmar.

Shwe Yinn Mar Oo Charlotte Rose Contributing Photographers Phoe Nyan

Lwin Ko Taik

Phyo Hein Kyaw Ann Wang

YAT Group

Teza Hlaing Design & Layout Soe Lwin

Sithu Aung


My Magical Myanmar is a monthly publication of Logistics Media Services Co.,Ltd. Copyright held by Logistics Media Services Co., Ltd, which also publishes The Red Book and Myanmar Hotels & Tourism Guide. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. © All Right Reserved.

Logistics Media Services Co., Ltd. LO G I M E D I A

Yangon: No.2, Rm: 9 (D-E), Zagawar Condo, Moekaung Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 554 776, 559 768, Fax: +951 559 768 Advertising: Tel: +951 8604273, +959 73122556 // Email: Mandalay: K-10, 60th Street, 31st x 32nd Street, Yadanar Taing Pyi Housing, Chan Aye Thar Zan Tsp, Mandalay, Myanmar. Tel: +952 74460, +959 91023733, 91024733, 2036302 Advertising: Tel: +952 74460, +959 91023733 // Email: WWW.MYMAGICALMYANMAR.COM

Publisher’s note... As the publisher of My Magical Myanmar, I am asked, almost daily, “Where should I go next?” It’s a question I’m always happy to tackle. There are so many interesting places to visit. But lately I’ve found myself asking the question. I’ve booked my trip to the US to visit my son who is studying in San Francisco and planning this trip has me wondering – “Where will I visit on this trip?”. So, for the My Magical Myanmar travel experiences issue coming up, I’ve decided to flip the conversation and ask you, discerning My Magical Myanmar readers: “Where are some good places for families to holiday in the coming months?”. We will publish your ideas, and I especially want advice from parents who have traveled with babies or young children in Myanmar. The reader who has the best idea for a family holiday will be awarded a “Grand Prize” - a round trip ticket to any destination in Myanmar. Please email your ideas to, marked “Attention to the Publisher” no later than 29 February 2016. Thanks for your help and happy travelling.


Yamin Htin Aung Publisher


MPA building reminds Yangon’s good old days By Shwe Yinn Mar Oo


angon is said to have the highest number of colonial-era buildings in Southeast Asia. Most of them are found clustered in downtown Yangon. Pansodan Street is a good starting point for a look at the remarkable architecture of the colonial buildings built by the British in the late 19th Century. On the lowest block of Pansodan Street between Strand Road and Merchant Roads is a row of splendid, large colonial buildings. Among these buildings is the Myanmar Port Authority building. The whitish building with its unique tower stands on the corner of Strand Road and Pansodan Street and is still being used for its original purpose. After the British occupied the small town of Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon, in 1852 the town was transformed into the capital of lower Burma. The city became the commercial and po- >>> february 2016

Snapshots >>> MPA building reminds Yangon’s good old days | 9

litical hub of Burma and the Rangoon port became one of the busiest harbours in the world. It was the third largest in the British Empire. In 1880 the Port Authority was one of the key government bodies, responsible for maintaining, marking and lighting the channel and the harbour’s moorings, anchorages, public wharves and jetties. The Port Authority controlled the movement of ships and the unloading and storing of cargo on public wharves. There have been a few name changes over the years. In 1954, the Board of Management for the Port of Rangoon was established, and then in 1972 the Burma Ports Corporation. Finally Myanmar Port Authority was founded in

1989 to replace the Burma Ports Corporation. The original building was constructed in 1865 but demolished in 1925 because it had become unsafe. The white, square-corner-towered building that stands on Pansodan Street today was built in 1928 and unique features like the wave-inspired stucco-work and the bas-relief sculptures of sailing vessels carved high upon its walls can still be seen. The building is one of those in downtown Yangon that has survived the bombings during World War II and the cyclones and earthquakes that have occurred over the years. It continues to house the Myanmar Port Authority that regulates and administers the coastal ports of the country.

10 | Snapshots >>> The Palaung



Palaung By Noe Noe Aung


he Palaung people, who mainly live in northern Shan State, belong to one of the oldest hill tribes of Myanmar. It is believed the Palaungs may have settled in northeastern Myanmar earlier than the Shan and Kachin people. The Palaung are a distinct ethnic group thought to have originated in China and there are three sub-groups – Shwe, Ngwe and Rumai Palaung. Their language is in the MonKhmer linguistic group and the different subgroups speak different dialects. Theravada Buddhism is the main religion of the Palaung people. Buddhist temples can be found in most of their towns and the Palaungs mark occasions like Shin Byu, the Ceremony of Novitiation when boys enter the monkhood, as other Buddhists do throughout Myanmar. They also follow their animistic beliefs and on occasions like weddings, funerals and births offerings are made to the animistic spirits alongside the practice of Buddhist rituals. The traditional dress of the Palaung women is bright and colourful. Distinctive elements of their dress are the gold and silver hoops worn like belts around the waist. The Palaung people are well known for their tea cultivation in the elevated tea plantations of the Shan State. >>> february 2016

Snapshots >>> The Palaung | 11

12 | Snapshots >>> Birth signs


Birth signs by Ma Thanegi








Apart from the twelve Zodiac signs which correspond to the ones used in the West, every day of the week is symbolised by an animal, with one extra for Wednesday afternoon, which is an elephant without tusks, while the morning is a tusked one. The others are the Galon or giant bird for Sunday, Tiger for Monday, Lion for Tuesday, Mouse for Thursday, Hamster for Friday and Naga or Dragon for Saturday. There are shrines with the animals symbolising each day of the week around the base of the Shwedagon Pagoda and they attract a constant stream of supplicants throughout the day.

































14 | Snapshots >>> language


colors Ah Phyu Yaung Ah Mae Yaung Ah Ni Yaung Ah Wa Yaung Ah Sane Yaung Ah Pyar Yaung Ah Nyo Yaung Lain Maw Yaung Mee Khoe Yaung Pann Yaung Kha Yann Yaung

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>

White Black Red Yellow Green Blue Brown Orange Grey Pink Purple

Travel Log

We are inviting stories from readers who have been traveled in Myanmar for the Travel Log column. This will be a selection of reader-generated short non-fiction travel story. Readers can contribute each month little experiences they have had while traveling. A story should have features of immersive travel and authentic storytelling. A story will be chosen by our editors and announced in our online and print media and the first place winner will receive $ 20 or K20,000, one year subscription as well as publication online and in print. If you have interesting stories or hilarious experiences or unforgettable moment that you experienced, share with My Magical Myanmar. Deadline : Every 10th of the month Guide Lines : Email to: >>> february 2016


My Magical Myanmar is hosting a photo competition every month. Competition will be a different theme for each month and you will need to enter your shots via www.mymagicalmyanmar. com. The winner’s photo spotlights an outstanding photograph chosen by our editors. Finalist will be announced in our online and print media, and the first place winner will be awarded K50,000, complimentary for My Magical Myanmar 1 year subscription as well as publication online and in print. Themes for competition are special and unique. Deadlines will be every 15th of the month and you can send to our email or via Instagram using the hashtag #MMMpicturesque. Terms and conditions can be read at

Snapshots | 17

CHECK IN BY Ma Thanegi

Maha Muni Pagoda Festival Dates: 14th Waxing and Full moon Day of Tabodwe Location:


Duration: Two days February is the coldest month in Myanmar and at the Maha Muni Pagoda Festival, devotees light bonfires and cook huge pans of sticky rice with ginger, coconut and sesame to offer to monks. In other parts of the country this sticky rice is cooked as a celebration of the harvest and distributed within communities.

ShweSettaw Pagoda Festival Dates: Begins 5th Waxing Moon Day of Tabodwe Location: Shwe Settaw, Magwe Region, Central Myanmar Duration: 11 days but this holiday site remains open until April

Photo by: Teza Hlaing

The festival is celebrated at two pagodas which enshrine footprints of the Buddha. The site is on the bank of the Mann Creek, where bamboo cabins are erected every year for revellers to enjoy a cool swim during the heat of summer.

Check In >>> calendar | 19 >>> february 2016


Kekku Pagoda festival, near taunggy February 24-March 3

mahamuni pagoda festival, mandalay January 31 to February 1

festival timeline Zalun pyi taw pyan pagoda festival, In late February

mahamuni pagoda festival, mandalay

January 31 to February 1

The festival of Mahamuni Pagoda usually last 2 days. It is held on the full moon day of Thabodwe of Burmese calender. As Mahamuni is one of the most famous pagoda in Myanmar, thousands of Buddhists go there to pay homage.

Zalun pyi taw pyan pagoda festival, In late February

Zalun Pyi Taw Pyan pagoda festival is held in a

Kekku Pagoda festival, near taunggyi

February 24-March 3

Bawgyo pagoda festival, Hsipaw, shan state Feburary 25-March 1

Bawgyo pagoda festival, hsipaw, shan state

Feburary 25-March 1

small town named Zalun near Ayeyarwaddy river.

The festival takes place on the full moon day

The festival is held between February and

It is a traditional Buddhist harvest festival and

of Tabaung of Burmese calendar. It is not only

March in the eastern Shan State, Myanmar. It

many religious Buddhist gather at the pagoda to

a religious festival, also a time for trading,

is a wonderful festival to view pieces of hisotry,

pay homage and donations.

chit-chatting, exchanging news between local

culture and locals.

ethnic people.

pindaya Cave festival, pindaya

Shwedagon pagoda festival

Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival

Ko Gyi Kyaw Spirit Festival

The limestone cave with over 8,000 Buddha

Shwedagon Pagoda Festival happens in

Shwe Maw Daw pagoda which is located in

This festival takes place in Pa Khan, Yayzagyo

images. Pindaya Shwe Oo Min Cave festival

Tabaung (March) – the last month of Burmese

Bago township have its festival in March. As

township, Magwe division. It is a festival for Nat

is also held around fullmoon day of Tabaung.

calendar. It is also one of the most famous

the pagoda is an interesting historical site in

worshipers who worship Ko Gyi Kyaw Nat - a

Thousands of pilgrims from nearby villages come

festival in Myanmar. The event takes place at

Myanmar, the festival is also well attended from

happy spirit who loves to drink and gamble.The

to the cave during festival time. A good chance

Shwedagon pagoda, Yangon, thousands of

the local residents and neighbor townships.

attended people sing and dance happily. Event

to meet with friendly ethnic people.

people visit the festival.

Feburary 25-March 1

March 1 - 5

March 25 - April 6

March 30 - April 3

is held in his hometown, Pa Khan, Yayzagyo township.

20 | Check In >>> february 2016

Check In | 21

EXPOSURE >>> february 2016

exposure >>> Chinese New year | 23

Chinese New Year

Lion Dance

Photo By: YAT group

Gong Xi Fah Cai Lion Dance of Chinese New Year in Myanmar has been held in Yangon’s china town for several years. Lion Dance Championship is held in Sin Oh Dann street, Latha township every year as a five day competition. The Lion Dance combines art, history and martial arts in an extraordinary performance art with flexibility, fitness, strength and balance. Through the years, the Lion Dance has undergone many changes and developments. By creative thinking and practice, the Lion Dance has become a genuine performance art that is spiritually fulfilling as well as expressing optimism, unity and bravery of people.

24 | exposure >>> Chinese New year >>> february 2016

exposure >>> Chinese New year | 25

26 | exposure >>> Chinese New year >>> february 2016

exposure >>> Chinese New year | 27

Picturesque Soe khaing oo

naing thu soe

Next issue’s theme:

transportion chaos

My Magical Myanmar will host a monthly themed photo competition. Finalists will receive publication in our online and print media, and the first place winner will receive or K 50,000 as well as publication online and in print. Entries are due on the 15th of each month prior and can be submitted online at or via Instagram using the hashtag #MMMPicturesque

grand prize Narcotic Dice >>> february 2016

picturesque >>> excitement | 29




Royal Thai – SYP Restaurant

We offer a relaxed and contemporary ambience with freshly brew drinks and baked goods from the finest and freshest ingredients.

Royal Thai is a destination restaurant that promises to tickle your senses in a warm, minimalist gastro bar in the Yangon area. The authentic taste of Thai food can be discovered at Royal Thai. Our executive Chef, used to work in the best Thai restaurants in Thailand so there is no more to say about how perfect his food is. We offer a traditional Thai cuisine menu lovingly made from locally-produced and organic ingredients wherever possible. This fine-dining venue is perfect for anyone who loves to eat excellent food with a view of a lush tropical garden view in a pleasurable atmosphere.

28/C, Kokkine Swimming Pool Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 09 786334472 Opening Hour: 8:30AM - 10:00PM Daily Email:

For reservation: No.40, Aung Zay Ya Road, Yankin Township, Yangon. Tel: +95 9 260249388, 9 260249399, Email: royalthai.syp@

The District coffee lounge



Café Caesar

Our Café Caesar is change instead of Café Napoli . But same food and same delicious. Our new branch is open at (No. 86, Shin Saw Pu Road, Myay Ni Gone , Sanchaung Township, Yangon). Opean Daily Time –(10 am to 9:30 pm) For Reservation: 0932233038, 09420207233,


Yangon Rhythm Cruise

One of the Yangon’s New Attraction ! The Yangon Rhythm Cruise……. She is pretty & safe ! Available all day at ( 8:00 Am) and ( 4:30 Pm ) in reasonable price. She can give your pleasure like no others ! An hour ride may give you the extraordinary river ride experiences . For reservation - 09-73035867, 01-206266

Bin 64 wine

Terroir is so diverse. From north to south, from east to west, from mountain to maritime vineyards, hot and dry or cool and green. In every style, from fizz to port, from crisp dry whites to elegant reds, in so many diverse ways, Portuguese wines are unique. So, Why don’t we discover new and exciting grape varieties taste, not just Chardonnay or Merlot . Tel: 09 250971412, 09 977242180 >>> february 2016

Arrivals >>> advertorial | 31


Oriental ballooning

Nestled between the mountains of the southern Shan State lies one of Myanmar’s top destinations: spectacular Inle Lake. The Lake itself (approx. 20km by 11km) can be found in the Southern Shan Hills, with the scenery providing stunning panoramic views. With its stilted villages, Intha leg-rowing fishermen, floating vegetable gardens and layered mountains as a backdrop, Inle Lake is one of the most unusual and extraordinary places in the World in which to enjoy a hot air balloon flight. In this unique environment, a hot air balloon flight is an adventure not to be missed. Your day will begin early as you are collected from your hotel. A boat will be on hand to transport you across Inle Lake just as the early morning mist adds surreal vistas during your journey to one of our specially-chosen launch sites, often on the west side of the lake, from where the adventure continues. Following a comprehensive safety briefing from our experienced UK-licensed Commercial Balloon Pilot, your UK-built balloon will gently lift off, with the predawn mist adding to the magic of your flight. As height is gained, a wonderful panorama unfolds in front of you. Your flight of around an hour at various heights above the ground and water, will reveal to you the lake, mountains, marshes and stilt-house villages. Driven by the wind, you will see the boats of the lake, motorised canoes transporting visitors along the main canal from Nyaungshwe on a day’s expedition, or Intha fishermen majestically rowing their flat-bottomed skiffs with one leg as they cast their nets. Reservation: +95 (0)9 3111 3116, 01 665 126, 01 657 050, 01 657 690 E-mail: Website:



The first German restaurant in Yangon. Mahlzeit is the first restaurant in Yangon serving German cuisine. Beside the famous pork knuckles and familiar sausages there are many more delicious dishes and exquisite desserts from the various regions of Germany. Mahlzeit provides you with traditional food of every region and serves in addition a great choice of German and selected international beers, organic juices, excellent coffee and tea. Are you looking for the perfect location for your wedding, reception or party? The Mahlzeit Function Hall can host up to 200 guests and is perfect to celebrate parties and company events. Address: 84 Pan Hlaing Street (Ground Floor), Sanchaung Township, Yangon. T: +95 9784151250 E: W: Opening Hours: Every day from 11:30am to 10:30pm!

50% discount on a lunch menu, 3 courses, with reservation only. Valid from 1st of February to 29th of February 2016.

32 | Arrivals >>> advertorial


Astons Specialities Steakhouse


Established in 2005, Singapore’s well-known steak place Astons Specialities has been dishing out quality steaks, chargrilled chicken, and other western food for years in the island-state. It has become synonymous for offering great food at affordable prices with generous portions.

The Brunch Society Restaurant & Bar

The Brunch Society is a restaurant and bar located in the heart of Yangon’s downtown. Its all-day menu includes brunch items like full breakfast, pancakes, burgers, salads, pastas and grilled meats. There are some Asian favorites and a range of bar snacks available. The bar also offers a variety of cocktails and wine, milkshakes, juices and coffee. With the lovely modern-vintage inspired decoration and its high ceilings, The Brunch Society is a great place to spend quality time with family and friends.

For Reservation: : 09 960949499 Specialities Yangon

For reservation: +959 960359701


Hotel mindat

“ Hotel Mindat “ located in a little town of Mindat , Southern Chin State is now ready to take a good care of our clients. 24 Hours electricity, Hot water supplement, Private place with spacious car parking, Dinning Service, Including Breakfast, 2 Superior rooms and 30 Standard rooms.


Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel Located in downtown area, next to Star cinema, Enjoyable Chinese and traditional food for Buffet breakfast.

Located in downtown area. Between MaharMyatMuni Pagoda and Zagyo Market. Enjoyable Chinese, Thai and traditional Buffet Breakfast. Good service rooms for meeting, warm and friendly hospitality. For reservation: nicedreamhotelmdy@gmail. com Tel: +95-2-72680

For reservation: 09 4312 5646, 09 250 353936, 09 2590 45051 Email:,


Nice Dream Hotel


For reservation: Tel: 074 50769, 50318


At Hotel Rich, you’ll encounter warm and friendly service delivered in a straightforward and approachable way. Our welcoming guest-rooms as well as public areas are equipped with spacious areas for you to work in connected comfort, accentuated with modern decor and local touches. *For Best Rate, Always Book To Direct, *A 10minutes walk from Kan Taw Gyi Botanical Garden and Feel Restaurant, *Both view side with Kantawlay and Kantawgyi lake view

For reservation: Tel: 09 73238218



Established in 1981, Busan, Korea. Now in Mandalay specializing in Chicken Galbi as same quality as in Korea. The Unique Bland of sauces and seasoning that we have developed using top notch and fresh ingredients is what sets us apart from others. YOOGANE Korea Restaurant is Located in downtown area, near the Diamond Plaza in Mandalay. For reservation: www.facebook. com/Yoogane Myanmar Tel: 09 4211 76800(Yangon), 09 9634 36800


West Point Restaurant

All occasions, dinners, gatherings, receptions & parties can be held at our Restaurant according to the customers’ wish & choices such as tea packages, buffet, set menu etc…. Enjoy Food~~Enjoy Life West Point Restaurant & Thai Pot. in front of Mahar Ankhtoo Kan Thar Buddhist Temple, near Pwe Kauk Waterfalls, beside Mdy-Lashio Highway, Yay Nge Ward, Pyin Oo Lwin Township, Mandalay Division, Union of Myanmar For reservation:

Arrivals >>> advertorial | 33 >>> february 2016


Hotel Dingar

Welcome to the true heaven. Whether you are here for business or leisure we will go that extra mile for you. Located in close proximity to shopping centres, restaurants and cafes,Yadanarbon supermarket and Mandalay university it is only a 10-minute drive to the Royal Palace and Moat, which was built during the Kongbaung Dynasty. The hotel is surrounded by a panoramic view of the city and the well-known Mandalay Hill and Shan Mountain Ranges. Decorated meeting room and the grand ballroom are available for meetings, functions and weddings. For reservation: Tel: 02 73062 | 77753 | 77672 | 09 977904458 Fax: 02 73035




“Our ambition is your happiness perfectible” Perfect Hotel for business, relaxes, Pilgrimage, Sporting events, Health reasons, Meeting traveler. Located on Thickpan main street, (After 300 meters of Mandalay – Pyin Oo Lwin Road). It take to drive only (1) hour from airport, Just 30 minutes drive from Bus station . Very close by Ocean shopping mall and Ma Nor Ya Mam happy center. The hotel facilities includes clean and wide rooms , ‘M’ fine-dining , Private ‘Z’ Bar ,free Wi- Fi internet, spa, meeting room, widely a save car parking and serve with our heart. For reservation: Tel: 09 785999011, 411, 611, 711, 811



Know as Pyin Oo Lwin, as well as Maymyo internationally for its well established environment, according with its still untouched nature so cool and beautiful, where as all the most beautiful flowers bloom the year round. Our Hotel, named for its elegant beauty as Hotel Spring offers you 24 lovely rooms, specially decorated with old Victorian style touches and ideas, with can make you so comfortable and homely. We have superior, junior suite, family rooms and special service.

For reservation: 09 400463444, 09 400463555


Oway Grand Hotel

If what you’re looking for a conveniently located hotel in Mandalay, look no further than Oway Grand Hotel. Oway Grand Hotel is centrally located on 78th Street, a minute’s walk from Mandalay Railway Station. With its perfect location, guests can easily reach to major city attractive places such as Royal Palace, Diamond Plaza, Yadanarbon Shopping Center, Air ticketing, Money exchange and more. Aside from shopping, guests can enjoy a wide selection of restaurants within walking distance. Each is equipped with a flat-screen TV, personal safe and modern air-condition. Free WiFi is available throughout. For reservation: Tel: 09 421171181, 09 91014161 Fax: 02 72395

STAR CafÉ & Restaurant

Now we are open in Mandalay like a real taste of our main in Mandalay. You can taste of our serveal kind of tradition noodles and amazing coffee. Appropriate and comfortable place to have your meal with your colleagues or independently. For reservation: Tel: 09 263344631

In Focus

Children cooking up

a storm at Monsoon By Noe Noe Aung

Photo by teza hlaing >>> february 2016


ooking classes for children will soon be on the menu at Monsoon restaurant in downtown Yangon. Monsoon Restaurant owner, Ma Phyu Phyu Tin, said she plans to launch a short cooking class for children in April. “This idea came to me when I made a celebration cooking birthday party for my first daughter. The children really enjoyed it as they are always excited to learn new things. I planned to teach them baking pizza on that day …. they were all super happy and so creative. They made many unique toppings based on their own ideas,” she said. “The cooking subjects would be easy and light as it is meant for children to have fun. They might cook pasta, spaghetti or pizza for example. I am just waiting for our chief chef to have free time,” Ma Phyu said.

In focus >>> Children cooking up a storm at Monsoon | 35

36 | In focus >>> Children cooking up a storm at Monsoon

Adults who do the Monsoon cooking classes start the day by visiting a wet market where they shop for their cooking class, exploring Burmese spices, herbs and tropical fruits and witnessing first hand Myanmar market culture.

Monsoon has been running cooking classes for expatriates and tourists who want to learn about Myanmar cuisine for the past 10 years. Some tour companies arrange one-day cooking classes for tourists who want to explore Myanmar’s traditional food. “We charge at least US$50 per person for the group cooking classes. Fees can be changed according to the subjects. As for group tours, the class can be planned anytime when it is convenient for the trainees. The courses usually include three activities – market visit, cooking class and dining,” she said. Adults who do the Monsoon cooking classes start the day by visiting a wet market where they shop for their cooking class, exploring Burmese spices, herbs and tropical fruits and witnessing first hand Myanmar market culture. Then, back in the kitchen, the students learn to make Myanmar traditional snacks and cook some traditional main dishes before sitting down together to enjoy the food they have prepared during the day. There are regular classes for expatriates, individual tourists, group tours and for locals. Courses can be designed to suit what students want to learn about Myanmar cooking. Monsoon has run courses for people who want to start their own restaurants, for deaf people and for orphans. “As well as the children’s cooking class, I have many other ideas. I am going to make courses for couples or for families. My intention is to build solid relationships by cooking together. By learning a new thing together, the relationship between people can warm up and become bonded again,” Ma Phyu Phyu Tin said. Chief Chef of the restaurant Daw Nyo Nyo San teaches the courses at Monsoon in the restaurant’s colonial building in Thein Pyu Road, downtown Yangon. >>> february 2016

infocus >>> Children cooking up a storm at Monsoon | 37

38 | In focus >>> port autonomy

Port Autonomy

is still the best food truck, live goose garden party in town By Jared Downing photo by Ann wang


n its current version, it is hard to think of Port Autonomy as a restaurant at all. The tables are casually scattered around the lawn, aglow with strings of lights and tiki-torches. The menu is two pages on a clipboard. The dishes are cooked in a food truck and come out one at a time, tapas style. There are live geese roaming about. Of course, the seafood/street food/ gourmet food truck has always been an ongoing experiment, and its current location, in a pocket of green off Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, feels more like a garden party. The food is meant to casually slide in with the conversation and cocktails, and if all

infocus >>> port autonomy | 39 >>> february 2016

The oft-writtenabout menu of Chef Kevin Ching deserves a fresh look, if for no other reason than he keeps mixing it up, trying new and whacky East-West fusions.

goes as planned, you’ll show up for dinner at the start of a bar hop and then realize it’s midnight and you’re still there, full and tipsy. This is not to say that the food is an afterthought. The oft-writtenabout menu of Chef Kevin Ching deserves a fresh look, if for no other reason than he keeps mixing it up, trying new and whacky East-West fusions. My date and I had the cheese and brisket Pa Burger (on a bun from Sharky’s), a pan-roasted Street Corn Salad and the Charred Kimchi Quesadilla. That a dish with equal parts kimchi and guacamole manages to feel both experimental and polished at the same time must be a testament

to the sheer discipline of Mr Ching along with his urge to tinker. They come from a food truck, but these are not simple (nor inexpensive— FYI) meals. Their flavours are numerous, bright and loud, but manage to work together rather than drown one another out. The food, of course, needs to have a certain sparkle at Port Autonomy. The understated simplicity of, say, a roast chicken at Sharky’s won’t work when you’re getting up to investigate the goose that has wandered to your table or calling out to a friend you’ve recognized across the lawn. The flavors must be heard through the buzz of a few cocktails. The drink offering, by the way,

is no less fixed than the food menu. Ours hadn’t even made it to the list yet: A combination of iced tea, blended peach and bourbon. We followed these up with a couple of “picklebacks,” which consisted of a shot of vodka and a watermelon/ pickle juice chaser, purchased for us by the American couple at the next table, who were already two or three picklebacks in to the evening themselves. The drinks turned out to be interesting and fun, and they led to a long conversation with two strangers as the food appeared and disappeared, the torches burned and the evening melted. Experiment: success.

Kitchen Confidential

DAN PAUK C (Chicken biryani) by Mohana Gill

hicken biryani is the legacy of Indians who settled in Myanmar generations ago. The dish is moist; being cooked with yogurt, fragrant with spices such as cloves, cinnamon, saffron and bay leaf, and rich with generous helpings of cashew nuts, raisins and peas. It is typically served with a salad of sliced onions and cucumbers to refresh the palate between mouthfuls. In Myanmar, biryani is prepared using special rice that is grown domestically and not the typical basmati. When I was growing up in Yangon, there was a stall in Moghul street that served very good chicken biryani and I often ate there with my cousins and friends. My mother was also a very good cook and she often prepared chicken biryani for weekend meals when we lived as an extended family with my aunts, uncles and cousins. It is an excellent onedish meal and easy to prepare.

In focus >>> dan pauk | 41 >>> february 2016

Ingredients CHICKEN • 2tsp salt • 1/8 tsp ground turmeric • 1 whole chicken, about 1.5kg • (3lb 4 ½ oz) cut unto 8 pieces • 4 Tbsp cooking oil or ghee (clarified butter) RICE • 8 cardamom pods • ¼ tsp ground turmeric • 2 tsp paprika or chili powder • 1 Tbsp garam masala • 1 tsp ground cumin • 7.5 cm (3 inch) length cinnamon stick • salt to taste • 4 cups long grain rice, washed anddrained • 1.25 liters (40fl oz/5cups) chicken stock • 1 cup crisp fried shallots 500ml (16fl oz/2 cups plain yogurt

• 1-cup peas • ½ cup dark raisins • 1 tsp saffron strands, soaked in 2 Tbsp warm water SALAD • 1 cup thinly sliced onions, rinsed with cold water and drained • ½ cup fresh mint leaves • 3 birds eyes chilies • 3 Tbsp limejuice • ½ tsp salt. Method. • Prepare the chicken. • Mix the salt and turmeric together and rub it into the chicken • Let stand for 15 minutes • Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat • Add the chicken and cook each side for 5 minutes until lightly browned

• Set aside • Reheat the pan over medium heat • Add cardamom, turmeric, paprika or chili powder, garam masala, cumin, cinnamon and salt • Stir fry for another 2 minutes • Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil • Lower heat and cover the pan • Simmer for 7 minutes to half cook the rice • Add the chicken, crisp-fried shallots, yogurt, peas raisins and saffron • Mix everything together • Cove the pan and cook slowly over low heat for 30-40 minutes • Do not stir the mixture during this time • Alternatively place the (ovenproof) pan in an preheated oven 180c(350F) • Bake for 40 minutes • Serve the biryani hot with the salad on the side. >>> february 2016

infocus | 43


Tuscany in

Myanmar By: Jared Downing

photo by: lwin ko taik

Myanmar’s largest wine producer is out to make a small town Shan State’s next big destination—and put Myanmar wine on the world menu. >>> february 2016


he rows of neat grape vines, nestled in the Shan Hills and soft green in the sunset, were apparently worth a selfie. Five young girls had lined up behind five full glasses of Ayethaya white wine. The estate’s founder Bert Morsbach looked on with pride from the end of the bar with a glass of his own rose. “That is what I like to see,” Mr Morsbach said. “Wine culture in Myanmar.” Wine culture in Myanmar is what the German entrepreneur set out to create when he started the vineyard from scratch in the 1990s. Now Myanmar 1st Vineyard Estate, located in Ayethaya, Shan State, just outside Taunggyi, is the largest of Myanmar’s two winemakers. But Mr Morsbach and his partner Hans-Eduard Leiendecke didn’t just make wine, they made wine an attraction for the Taunggyi area. At Myanmar 1st Vineyard Estate I stroll through the budding grapes and vines, enjoying stuffed vine leaves in

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46 | departures >>> Tuscany in Myanmar

view of the green hills and valley, softened by a slight mountain haze, and wonder why anyone would skip over Ayethaya on their way to Hsipaw or Kalaw. They have achieved Tuscany in Myanmar. But now Myanmar’s largest winemaker is aiming to shed its tourist-wine reputation. Mr Morsbach wants to see the domestic wine industry double in the next few years and put Myanmar-made reds, whites and roses on the global menu. Myanmar Nouveaus It would be a feat that flies in the face of wine history. “It is no accident that Myanmar has not had wine in the thousands of years humans have been making it,” Mr Morsbach explained. Grapes simply do not grow well in Southeast Asia. Winemakers have only been able to pull it off in places like the Shan Hills, where there are cool nights and limestone-based soils. But the result of their persistence has been an entirely new category, the so-called New Latitude Wines produced in tropical climates. “This is totally new,” explained Mr Leiendecke, the estate’s resident viticulturist, as he overlooked his rows of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc. “This is a challenge for me to do pioneer work.” There is a modest table grape industry in central Myanmar, founded by Italian interests in the 1960s, but Mr Morsbach first, and later Mr Leiendecke, had to learn to grow the delicate, complex grapes suitable for wine the hard way. Fungus, in a placed drenched with four months of rain, became a kind of supervillain. Sometimes learning a lesson cost an entire harvest. After nearly 20 years, their products are beginning to gain traction in the Myanmar market. How the wine is received, of course, depends on the drinker. An acquired taste “They’re young wine makers. I don’t mean in the age of the people, but in experience. And I think it takes a while to get consistency,” said Jane Brooks, a partner of Sharky’s restaurants and artisanal food stores in Yangon, who oversees a growing list of fine wines from places like France, California and New Zealand. Ms Brooks and Sharky’s founder Ye Htut Win have become famous for their relentless hunt for top-notch, Myanmar-made >>> february 2016

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“This is totally new,” explained Mr Leiendecke, the estate’s resident viticulturist. “This is a challenge for me to do pioneer work.”

ingredients. But Ms Brooks isn’t interested in Myanmar products simply because they were made in Myanmar. She wants local products that are good in their own right, and Myanmar wine is not quite consistent enough for a sommelier’s wine list, in her opinion. This is no fault of Myanmar’s winemakers, Ms Brooks emphasized, but simply an inevitable phase of an adolescent industry. For an industry dominated by centuries-old winemakers, Myanmar’s industry has started off comparatively well. “I’m sure it will have a place on Sharky’s list,” she said. “I respect Bert and Hans and the Red Mountain people because they’re the experts. There are other hot country regions that have similar challenges and produce good wine, so I think it will come.” Mr Leiendecke admits that Myanmar 1st Vineyard Estate could be producing finer products, but there is simply no demand. First Myanmar needs a wine culture, and this is slowly evolving, said James Ong, who operates Myanmar Fine Wines in Yangon. When it comes to the quality of Myanmar wines, Mr Ong is a little more forgiving than Ms Brooks. “It’s pretty good quality,” he said. “Drinkable at that price.” Mr Ong has spent the past two years trying to foster a wine culture in Myanmar. With the import ban lifted, he believes Myanmar’s own robust wine culture will come eventually, and domestic wine will shed its tourists-only reputation as Myanmar’s new bon vivants begin to taste and explore.

48 | departures >>> Tuscany in Myanmar

Wine destination In the meantime, Myanmar 1st Vineyard Estate will keep supplementing its wine trade with its Sunset Wine Garden restaurant , luxury bungalows and planned spa. “People come here and they say, ‘this is just like Tuscany’,” Mr Morsbach said. Today, visitors are spending more time when they visit the estate – taking a winery tour, tasting the wines and enjoying a meal. Mr Morsbach explains the idea is not to just make and sell wine, but to gather people together and give them a chance to experience and enjoy the wine. “Most people in Southeast Asia don’t know what wine tastes like, and once they have done this wine tasting, they say, ‘Wow, this is a good tasting drink’,” he said. “My message to the people at large, would be - give wine a chance.” >>> february 2016

departures >>> Tuscany in Myanmar | 49

50 | departures >>> A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali

departures >>> A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali | 51 >>> february 2016

A bird’s-eye view of

Ngapali By Charlotte Rose


hink of Ngapali and you probably picture luxury resorts and palm fringed beaches. This may well be true of the coast, but Ngapali and its surrounds offer much more than just sun, sea and sand, with dramatic mountains, tropical forests and sparkling rivers awaiting those who venture beyond the beach. Not many do, of course, opting instead to soak up the sun from the comfort of their deck chairs. But for those who want to experience this stunning landscape and still be back on the beach in time for breakfast, there’s now a new way to see Ngapali: from the sky. Tourism mainstay Oriental Ballooning started operating flights here in November last year, making it the latest addition to their list of destinations, which includes Inle Lake, Mandalay and Bagan. Having recently flown over Inle Lake, I was sceptical that Ngapali’s landscapes could compete with the dramatic vistas of Shan State. “Isn’t it just ... ocean?” I ask our pilot, Allie Dunnington, before the flight. She smiles.

52 | departures >>> A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali

“Ngapali has everything: ocean, mountains, forests, pagodas. When we were looking for new locations, we knew it would be perfect for ballooning,” she says. It’s still dark as we clamber into the van that will take us to the launch site. Flights take off first thing in the morning while the air is still cool, which means a chilly 5:30am start. Tea and croissants are waiting for us when we arrive, spread over an emerald green tablecloth in the middle of a field. Laid out on the ground nearby, in the same regal shade of green, is the balloon. Before we climb into the basket, Allie -- a licenced commercial pilot from the UK -- gives us a safety briefing. One of the other passengers asks her about the GPS system. With regular passenger planes coming in and out of Thandwe airport, she explains, she has to communicate the balloon’s location to air-traffic control on a regular basis. It’s not unheard of, she adds nonchalantly, for planes to pass just metres from the balloon. I suddenly become a lot more interested as she explains the position for take-off. Any nerves are swiftly silenced, however, by the thunderous roar of the propane burner as the basket gently lifts off from the ground. As we float upwards, it doesn’t feel as if we’re moving at all, but as if the earth is being slowly pulled away from beneath us, and before we know it the villages beneath us have morphed into a miniature toy town. We ascend slowly, drifting silently above the palm trees, still shrouded in early morning mist. As we climb, a breath-taking panorama unfolds around us. In the distance, the forest disappears into the dark silhouettes of mountains, behind which the first glimmers of morning light bathe the horizon in a warm pink glow. Beneath us, an inky black river snakes across the landscape through a patchwork of fields before disappearing behind a curtain of cloud. As the sun starts to rise, the tips of golden pagodas become visible through the trees and, in the dis-

tance, a glistening reclining Buddha smiles up at us from the top of a mountain. While we lean, open-mouthed, over the sides of the basket trying to take it all in, Allie takes the balloon down over the river, where we hover just metres above the glassy emerald water, now illuminated in the morning light. Farmers attending their fields nearby smile and wave at us. Their cows, on the other hand, run away in fright, startled by the looming shadow of the balloon. As we ascend again, the wind carries us up over the winding river and across the fields, offering spectacular views across Rahkine State. Before long it’s time to land, but the wind is moving quickly, and it’s taken us far beyond any of the usual landing sites. Eventually we come to a bumpy landing in the middle of a field, where a lone woman stands staring at us in disbelief for a few seconds, before scuttling off. Allie radios through to the chase crew, who are doing their best to figure out where we’ve landed. Since they can’t reach us in the chase vehicle they come on foot and arrive out of breath, followed closely behind by a throng of villagers. They huddle around the basket, peering at us and chattering excitedly, before a sudden burst of


This ride only US $ 335/Pax 09 263343064 * This balloon flight only avaliable until March 2016.

fire from the propane burner sends them running backwards in fright. While the crew helps us climb out of the basket, more excited spectators come running across the field to greet us, and before long a sizeable crowd has gathered. “We call it the flying watermelon,” a smiling woman tells me, pointing at the balloon. Joined by the gaggle of villagers, who skip along behind us like a scene out of The Pied Piper, we make our way to another field, where the emerald tablecloth has magically reappeared -- this time with champagne flutes on top of it. Pouring us a glass, Allie explains the tradition among balloonists of having a champagne toast upon landing. Legend has it, she says, that early French aeronauts, the Mont- >>> february 2016

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Any nerves are swiftly silenced, however, by the thunderous roar of the propane burner as the basket gently lifts off from the ground.

54 | departures >>> A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali >>> february 2016

departures >>> A bird’s-eye view of Ngapali | 55

golfier Brothers, who launched the first recorded balloon flight in 1973, invited the French royals on board their first successful flight. As the guests climbed out from the balloon in their regal attire, villagers at the landing site took them to be gods arriving from the skies, and presented their “divine” visitors with a bottle of champagne. As if on cue, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Standing behind me is the smiling woman from earlier holding an enormous watermelon, which she presents to me as a gift before hurrying off to where the other villagers are watching from a safe distance. As best as I can while holding a huge watermelon I put my hands together in a gesture of thanks. It may not be champagne, but it’s a memorable, Myanmar-style end to our own successful flight in the giant flying watermelon. IF YOUGO… Oriental Balloons flights over Ngapali cosy $380 per person. For more information or to book a flight go to or visit the Oriental Balloons office on Ngapali Road, Ngapali. The Amata Resort can also book flights for you. WHERE TO STAY.. Ngapali has undergone something of a construction boom in the past few years,

with hotels and luxury resorts springing up at a rate of knots. The Amata Resort and Spa is one of the most stylish on the beach, with rustic style cabanas and spacious beach front villas set among beautiful gardens -- perfect for relaxing after a morning in the sky. They also do a great happy hour, with buy one get one free drinks from 5 till 8pm. Budget accommodation is in its infancy in Ngapali, with a few backpacker type places opening in recent months, though prices are still higher than elsewhere in the country and you don’t get a lot of bang for your buck. If you want to be near the beach, Momento Resort on the northern end of the main beach offers simple bungalow style rooms starting from $40.

56 | departures >>> ledo road

A truck passes an old bridge on the Ledo road, a road part between Shin Bway Yan and Nan Yun townships.

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Ledo Road By Noe Noe Aung

photo by phyo hein kyaw


cross a stream culvert: its concrete is painted a humidity-stained brown; the creek beneath braids off through the vines. This road goes by many names – the Ledo Road, the Stilwell Road, Pick’s Pike, the Man-a-Mile-Road, the Uncle Sam Highway but most often it is called, simply, the Burma Road,” Author Donovan Webster wrote in his novel “The Burma Road”. “And while the historians may anoint it as one of the great engineering feats of World War II, the soldiers have asserted – again and again – that it stands among the most forgotten routes in modern history,” he wrote. The Ledo Road, also called the Stilwell Road, is like a myth to the young people today. An internet search reveals mainly black-and-white photograph records from World War II and an undeveloped earth road. Although the story fades over time it does not go away. The road was constructed by Americans in wartime using Chinese and Burmese labour in the battle zone of northern Myanmar, then called Burma. The Ledo Road links Assam in India with Kunming in Yunan Province, China, by crossing northern Myanmar through towns like Nan Yun, Shin Bway Yang, Da Naing, Myitkyina, Bamaw and Lashio. The original section of the Burma Road was completed in 1938, linking Kunming in China with Lashio in Myanmar, and its main purpose was to allow for supplies and war materials to reach China during the second Sino-Japanese War after Japan occupied most of coastal China.

58 | departures >>> ledo road

Daring drivers passes the river without coupled-boats. >>> february 2016

The Ledo Road was built by 15,000 American soldiers and 35,000 local workers at a heavy cost.

During WW II, the Japanese invaded and occupied Burma in early 1942 and blocked the Burma Road supply route. American General Joseph Stilwell decided to begin construction of the Ledo Road from Assam in India to join with the Burma Road and re-open supply routes. The Ledo Road was completed in 1945 and ran 465 miles from Ledo to a junction with the Burma Road at Mong-Yu in Myanmar. Supplies that landed at Karachi and Calcutta in India could then be brought by rail to Ledo and trucked over the road to China. The Ledo Road was built by 15,000 American soldiers and 35,000 local workers at a heavy cost. Soldiers and labourers had to work in tough terrain – mountains, dense rainforest and the heavy monsoon rains. More than 1,000 American soldiers, many thousands of Indian and locals laborers died during the construction. The Burma Road was restored to the allies in 1945 after the completion of the Ledo Road. Some parts of the old Burma Road are still visible today and adventurous travellers in Myanmar can still experience the tough conditions of the Ledo Road. Towns in Myanmar that the Ledo Road passes through are the border town Pansaung, Nan Yun, Shin Bway Yang, Tanai, Myitkyina, Bamaw and in the Shan state Nankham and Mong Yu, where the Ledo Road meets the Burma Road. According to records, there were 10 streams and 155 small creeks that the Ledo Road needed to cross. It is estimated that bridges, big and small, were built every 2.8 miles.

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60 | departures >>> ledo road

Some of the bridges built during World War II are still in use. Some streams are today without bridges and this is where the adventure comes in for today’s Ledo Road travelers. Taron and Tawan streams are two mustpass large streams for travelers who want to go to towns close to the India-Myanmar border like Tanai, Shin Bway Yan or Nan Yun. The Taron aka Trone streams have no bridges but there is a method of crossing for people, motorbikes, and even fourwheel drive vehicles. There are coupling boats at both streams instead of flat-ships. This innovative method for crossing the streams involves connecting two boats together, covering them with timber planks, and driving the vehicles onto handmade ferry for the river crossing. But the coupling boats are not always available and travelers sometimes have to wait hours before the crossing transport is available. Drivers who are impatient and daring have been known to step into the streams, check out the current situations and decide to take the risk of just driving across, without a bridge or a boat. The Ledo Road between Tanai and Shin Bway Yan is in quite good condition. But this is not the case from Shin Bway Yan to Nan Yun where the road through the mountains has been largely destroyed by weather and big trucks. The environment in this area feels moist most of the time. The forest is too dense for sunlight to reach the ground and there are swamps everywhere. Small cars cannot dream of traveling the Ledo Road. Travelers certainly need mountain jeeps, fourwheel-drive vehicles or trucks to drive on the Ledo Road. General Lewis Pick who worked with General Joseph Stilwell, who commanded the road building, once famously said that is was: “The toughest job ever given to US Army engineers in wartime”. Travelers and locals who attempt the road today will understand. “If we set off from Myitkyina at 5am in the early morning, we get to Nan Yun around 9:30pm at night,” said U Tin Hlaing, 54, who makes his living driving on the Ledo Road. He says only local drivers with many years of experience can drive the Ledo road. Traveling on the Ledo Road in rainy season seems quite impossible, but it is. Motorbikes with drivers can be hired.

4 wheel drives vehicles are waiting for the ferry to across the Taron stream.

They will carry one passenger per bike and the trip costs K60,000 per person while cars carry a maximum of five people at a cost of K150,000 per car. In recent years, the Myanmar government has tried to repair the Ledo Road. The Chinese government rebuilt the road between Myitkyina and Kampaiti in Kachin state in 2007 and a local

Myanmar company Yuzana fixed and rebuilt the part between Myitkyina and Tanai in 2010. It is expected that the Ledo Road, so useful as a supply route in wartime, will once again be used to link India, Myanmar and China, this time for commerce. An Indian news website recently stated that part of the road near the border of India

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People across the Taron stream carrying mortobikes on ferry.

and Myanmar was reopened on December 30, 2015 and Pangsau Pass has become the fourth Himalayan pass to open for trade. At this time the trade is likely to be limited but it is an important step for normalising the relations between the concerned countries and one day, it will hopefully bring some prosperity to the local populations of Arunachal and Assam.

Children are playing near a bulldozer besides Tanai river.

62 | departures >>> ledo road

Over view of Tanai river in the evening sunset. >>> february 2016

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How to nail a Yangon

bar hop By Jared Downing

Photo by Ann Wang >>> february 2016


t’s Friday night in Yangon, and you want to go on a bar hop. So what if the city shuts down at 11 p.m.? Is a little curfew going to kill your fun? No way. All it takes is a little planning and a little viceful creativity. Since I have neither of these qualities, so I called on Frenchman Jean Curci, former party planner in Shanghai who revived the formerly defunct Mojo bar into an award-winning nightlife hotspot. These are some of Jean’s tips:

Plan, plan, plan ahead “There’s not much room for improvisation,” Jean told me. Sometimes the best spots are few and far between, and the last thing you want to do is waste the night trying to direct taxi drivers. Plan for three

underground >>> How to nail a Yangon bar hop | 65

phases: Pre-hop dinner, bars and finally night clubs. Aim for one-stop shops Yes this is a little counterintuitive to the bar-hopping spirit, but in Yangon, night might only include one or two hops. No problem—sometimes less is more. Look for places that offer dinner then cocktails then music, like Fahrenheit, Escape and, yes, Mojo. “You start in Mojo, you stay in Mojo until midnight,” Jean bragged. Start early In America they set out at ten. In France, things barely get started at midnight. But in Yangon, shoot for an early dinner and launch the crawl at around 7 p.m., leaving

a good four or five hours to play with. Aim for happy hour “People are fighting for the longest happy hour,” said Jean, but we’re the ones who win. A happy “hour” might last until 9 p.m., which is a very happy hour indeed. Know what you want Jean poo-poo’d the legendary 19th street bar cluster: “If you are a poor journalist, then you go there.” Well, I happen to be a poor journalist, and I think 19th street, famous for its glowing holes in the wall and sizzling BBQ’s, is heavenly. The important question: Who do YOU feel like tonight? A beat poet, maybe, or a refined diplomat? This table will help you chart the course.

66 | underground >>> How to nail a Yangon bar hop

Mojo The once-defunct spot on Shwegondaing Road and Inya Road rose from the ashes in with rustic-pop dĂŠcor (think: classic movie posters and antique doors) and an armful of Myanmore Awards. It has a short but sweet menu of Asian/Western fusion dishes, shisha and imported cigars.

The Lab This small, under-thebridge Lebanese joint at Shwegondaing junction is Yangon’s definition of classy-yet-casual. It sports a robust wine and cocktail list and its delicious gourmet tapas are perfect for a dinner that lasts all night. >>> february 2016

underground >>> How to nail a Yangon bar hop | 67

Roof Alchemy Or the Roof Liquid Alchemy Bar, to use its full name, is Yangon’s new experiment in “molecular mixology,” i.e. colorful, mad scientist style cocktails that foam and sizzle. It isn’t cheap, but with its neon-lit vibe (featuring glow-inthe-dark hookahs), it has style.

7th Joint Bar & Grill The place to end your night if you find yourself stuck downtown, this reggae bar packs live music, Rastafarian décor and, of course, the presence of owner/legend Mario Ebanks. Go out with a blazing, tri-color “Flaming Marley” cocktail.

68 | underground



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Embassy | 71 >>> february 2016




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Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City, Manila,




Ph:............ (88-02) 988 8903, 989 6331, 989 6298,


......................................................... 989 6373, 988 9215

109, Jl. Hajiagus Salim, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.

Fax:..................................................... (0063-2) 817-5895

Fax:......................................................(88-02) 88 23 740

Ph:.........................................(62 21) 314 0440, 327 684, mynembdk@

Fax:............................................................(62 21) 327 204

No.29, Boulevard du Regent, 1000 Brussels.

26 Hayarkon, Tel-Aviv 68011.

Ph:.................................................. (007) (095) 291 05 34

Ph:...........................................................(0032) 2513 4175

Ph:.......................................+972-3-517 0760, 517 0761

Fax:................................................(007) (095) 956 31 86

Fax:.........................................................(0032) 2513 1475

Fax:........................................................ (972) (3) 517 1440


15, St Martin’s Drive, Singapore 257996.




Ph:................................... (0063-2) 817-2373, 812-9587


41. Ul. B. Nikitskaya (Gertsena), Moscow, Russia.

SHIS QL 08, Conjunto 14, Casa 05, Lago Sul,


71620-245 Brasilia-DF.

Via Vincenzo Belini, No.20, Interno 1, 00198,

Fax:..........................................................(0065) 7356236

Ph:................. 00-55-61-2483747, 00-55-61-3643145

Rome, Italy.


Ph:.................................... (+39-6) 854-9374, 841-6863

Fax:............................................................(+39-6) 841-167

South Africa

319 Murray St., Brooklyn, Pretoria, P.O. Box 12121,

No.14, lot 2185/46292 Simpang 212 Jalan

8-26, 4-Chome, Kita-Shinagawa , Shinagawa-Ku,

Ph:...........................27-12-460 6544, 27-12-460 4333

Kampong Rimbe, Gadong 3385.

Tokyo 140-0001.

Fax:.......................................................... 27-12-346 0746

Ph:............................ (673-2) 450506, (673-2) 450507

Ph:................................ (81) (03) 3441-9291, 3441-9292,

Fax:............................................................ (673-2) 451008

3441-9293,3441-9294, 3441-9029, 3441-9044

Sri Lanka

Fax:.................................................... (81) (03) 3447-7394

No.108, Barnes Place, Colombo 7.

Ph:................................................. (94) (1) 681197, 672197

181, Preah Norodon Boulevard, Boeung Keng


Fax:...............................................................(94) (1) 681196

Kang 1, Khan Chamcarmon.


Ph:........................................... (855-23) 213663, 213664 Fax:.......................................................(855-23) 2136665

723-1, 724-1, HANNAM-DONG , YONGSAMN-KU,

19A, Charles St, London W1J 5DX, United

SEOUL, 140-210.


Ph:.................. (82-2) 792-3341, 796-9858, 796-7814

Ph:......... 020 7629 6966, 020 7499 8841, 020 7629

The Sandringham Building, 85 Range Road,

Fax:..........................................................(82-2) 796-5570


Suite 902-903, Ontario KIN 8J6.,

Fax:........................................................... 020 7629 4169





Ph:........................................................... (0065) 7350209

Queenswood 0121, South Africa.

United Kingdom

Ph:.............................................................. (613) 232-6434


Fax:............................................................ (613) 232-6435

Ban Thong Kang, P.O. Box No. 11, Sok Palaung,

United States of America

P.O. Box No.11.

2300 S Street, NW, Washington DC 20008,

Ph:..............................................(856) (21) 314910, 314911

United States.

No. 6, Dong Zhi Men Wai Street, Chao Yang

Fax:.......................................................... (856) (21) 314913

Ph:... (202) 332-3344, (202)332-4350, (202)332-4352

District, Beijing, 100600.,

Fax:.............................................................(202) 332-4351


Ph:......................................0086-10-6532-0351 ext: 24



No.8(C), Jalan Ampang Hillir, 55000.

Ph:............... (603) 4251 5595, 42514455, 4251 6355


Fax:................................... (603) 4251 3855, 4251 3535

A-3 (101-104), Vanphuc Diplomatic Quarters, Kim

MA St.


No. 24, Mohamed Mazhar St., Zamalek, Cairo

Ph:......................................(84-4) 845 3369, 823 2056


Fax:..........................................................(84-4) 845 2404

Ph:..................... (202) 736 2644, 735 4176, 735 1568

Fax:........................................................... (202) 736 6793

72 | Embassy



Myanmar Tourism Transportation Association (MTTA)

Consulate of the People’s Republic

3(A), Cor of Thanthumar Rd. & Waizayantar Rd., Thuwunna Junction, TGGN.

3(A), Cor of Thanthumar Rd. & Waizayantar Rd.,

56, Main Rd., South Lanmadaw Quater, Sittwe,


Thuwunna Junction, TGGN.



Ph:......................... 043-21126, 043-21969, 043-22241

Myanmar Hoteliers Association (MHA) 3(A), Cor of Thanthumar Rd. & Waizayantar Rd.,

Myanmar Souvenir Shops

Thuwunna Junction, TGGN.

Association (MSEA)


355, Ground Flr., U Wisara Rd., SCHG.

Union of Myanmar Travel Association (UMTA)

Ph:...................................................502923, 095195464

Myanmar Domestic Tour Operators

29, Rm-802, 7th Flr., Min Yè Kyaw Swar St., LMDW.

Association (MDTOA)

Ph:................................. 214941, 214945, 09 73050761

422/424, Shwe Bon Thar St., Upper Block, PBDN.

Myanmar Tourism Marketing (MTM) 204, Rm-4(B), Bo Myat Tun St., Nilar Condo, PZDG.

Ph:.......................................09 5029602, 09 5029603

Myanmar Restaurants Association


3(A), Cor of Thanthumar Rd. & Waizayantar Rd., Thuwunna Junction, TGGN. Ph:......................................................................01-8551014

Myanmar Hospitality Professionals Association (MHPA)

3(A), Cor of Thanthumar Rd. & Waizayantar Rd.,

of Bangladesh


Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China

35th St., Bet: 65th St. & 66th St., (Yadanar Lane), CATZ. Ph:.............................02-34457, 02-34458, 02-35937 Fax:......................................................................02-35944

Ph:..................................241863, 380141, 09 73251422

Consulate General of the Republic

General Services Association

Ta-1/25, 65th St., Corner of Ngu War St., Myothit,

Myanmar Tourist Healthcare and (MTHGSA)

330, Ground Flr., Ahlone Rd., Yangon Int’l Hotel, DGN. Ph:..................................................................... 218445~46

Myanmar Tourist Guides Association (MTGA)

42/44, Bo Soon Pat St., Lower Block, PBDN. Ph:....................... 256278, 09 5071608, 09 51272914

Myanmar Tourism Human Resources

Thuwunna Junction, TGGN.

Development Association (MTHRDA)

Ph:......................................... 01-8551256, 0931544603

267, 3rd Flr, Pyay Rd., SCHG.

of India CMTZ

Ph:.. 02-81019, 02-80355, 02-80366, 09 2007559 Fax:..................................................................... 02-80366

The Consulate of Sweden 130-B, Than Lwin Rd., BHN.

Ph:.................... 01-504068, 01-539901, 09 5006972

The Honorary Consulate of Switzerland

79/80, Bahosi Housing, Wardan St., LMDW. Ph:.........................................................................01-211536 Fax:............................................................................ 211540

Ph:.......................................................... 523200, 523623

UN AGENCIES Food & Agriculture Organization

United Nations High Commissioner

United Nations Programme on HIV/

Seed Production Centre (MAS), Insein Rd.,

287, Pyay Rd., SCHG.

137/1, Than Lwin St., KMYT.

Gyogone, P.O Box-101, ISN.

Ph:......................................... 524022, 524024, 524025

Ph:..........................................................538087, 538938


Fax:........................................................................... 524031



United Nations Office of the Resident

World Food Programme (WFP)


International Labour Organization


for Refugees (UNHCR)

& Humanitarian Coordinator of the

United Nations System’s Operational


5, Kanbawza St., Shwe Taung Gyar (2) Ward, BHN.

1, Kanbe’ St., Cor of Kaba Aye Pagoda St., YKN.

Activities (UNRC)

Ph:.................................................................... 566538~39

6, Natmuak Rd., TMWE.


Fax:......................................................................... 566538

Ph:................................................... 542910~19 (10 Lines)

Fax:......................................................... 292739, 544531


World Health Organization (WHO)

United Nations Children’s Fund

United Nations Office on Drugs and

23-A, Inya Myaing St., Shwe Taung Gyar (2) Ward,

11-A, Malikha St., MYGN.



Ph:.. 666903, 660556, 660538, 660398, 664539



Fax:................................................................. 01-2305965


United Nations Development

Programme (UNDP)

Crime (UNODC)

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

6, Natmauk Rd., TMWE.

6, Natmauk Rd., BHN.

Ph:.................. 546309 (Direct), 542910~19 (10 Lines)

Ph:................................................... 542910~19 (10 Lines)

........................................................................ (C/O – UNDP)

Fax: ........................................................ 545634, 544531

Fax:.......................................546029 544436, 545634

............................................................544531 (C/O-UNDP)

2, Pyay Rd., 7 Mile, MYGN. Ph:....................................................................650405~06

Get listed

NOW! 01 8604273 09 73155563

Listing ACCOMODATION......................................................................74 Airline....................................................................................74 Art & craft........................................................................74 Bookshop...............................................................................74 Car Rental...........................................................................75 Food & Drink........................................................................75 gems & jewellery............................................................75 travel & tours agency..................................................75

74 | Listing



Guest House YANGON

Thanlwin Guest House Y-25, Pyinnyawaddy Estate, Behind Sedona Hotel, Thanlwin Street, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 542677, 09 73096297


East Hotel 234/240, Sule Pagoda Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanamr. Tel: 371358, 09 73135311, 09 73135399

| No.63/64, Bahosi Housing Estate, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 223587, 223589 Hotel June 11, Pan Ni Ta Street, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 524431, 01-2305083

No.17, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +(95 1) 650933 Fax: +(95 1) 650960 Pleasant View Hotel 155, Shwe Gone Daing Street (West), Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 552721, 552658, 552657 Fax: 552892 Royal Khattar Hotel 13, Khattar Street, Thiri Khayamar Ward, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 534992, 523309, 5180825 Fax: 510438

Get listed

NOW! 09 73155563


Ocean Pearl Inn 1, 2, 3

City Centre & Business Area. Tel: 01 297007, 299874, 09 794668533, 09 250013204


| No. 59, 23 Street, Between of 83rd & 84th Street., Aung Myay Thar Zan Township, Mandalay, Myanmar. Tel: +(95-2) 61891, 32841, 32783, +(95-9) 798909684 rd

Mandalay City Hotel 26th Street, Between of 82nd & 83rd Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel : 61700, 61701, 61702, 61704 Fax: 61705 Man Shwe Li Hotel 165/16, Between of 31st & 32nd Street, Between of 83rd & 84th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 258949353, 09 797830304, 09 787830272 Nice Dream Hotel 81st Street, Between of 40th & 41st Street, Mahar Aung Myay Township, Mandalay. Tel: 72680, 09 787899935, 09 787899936

| |

Inle Resort Inlay Lake, Nyaung Shwe Township, Sothern Shan State, Myanmar. Tel: 09 5154444 Fax: 081-209466


Classic Hotel

Royal Yadanarbon Hotel


No. 36, 89th Street, Between of 22nd & 23rd Street., Aung Myay Thar Zan Township, Mandalay, Myanmar. Tel: +(95-2) 66831, 67431, 73923,


Friendship Hotel | Mingone Quarter, Banmaw, Kachin State, Myanmar. Tel: +(95-74) 50095, 50096, 50654, 50655 Fax: 95-74-50654 Grand Hotel Post office Road, Min Kone Quarter, Bamaw, Kachin State. Tel: 074 50317, 50318, 50319 Fax: 074 50319

Pleasant View Resort Mya Pyin Main Street, Mya Pyin Village, Thandwe, Ngapali Beach. Tel: 043 42224~6, 42251 Sales & Reservation Office (Yangon): 951 393203, 393086, 959 5102361, 785102361

Mandalay Kandaw Gyi Inn 174/B, East Lakesides of Kandawgyi, Chan Mya Thar Zi Township, Mandalay. Tel: 59819, 59990, 09 5058438, 09 400035880 mandalaykandawgyiinn7@gmail. com



Global Grace Pindaya Hotel 25, Shwe Oo Min Pagoda Road, Singoung Quarter, Pindaya Township, Shan State. Tel: 09 49100088, 09 8622447, 081-66189


Hotel Spring 3, Quarter-6, Malar(Yu Za Na) Street, Pyin Oo Lwin. Tel: 09 400463444, 09 400463555 Hsaung Thazin Hotel Quarter-6, Myittar Street, Pyin Oo Lwin. Tel: 085 21127, 23400, 23299, 09 402514302 Royal Reward Resort Hotel 36, Circular Road, Pyin Oo Lwin. Tel: 085 28271, 28272, 22645 royalrewardresorthotel@gmail. com Thiri Myanmar Hotel 38/B, Quarter-6, Forest Street, Pyin Oo Lwin. Tel: 09 256265875, 09 259403776, 09 256865875


Global Grace Taungoo Hotel 20, Corner Of Mingalar Road & Setshin Road, Near Mile Dar Field Taungoo,Taungoo. Tel: 054-23414, 26167, 26168, 23764 www.globalgracetaungoohotel. com


Mother Land Inn 433, Lower Pazundaung Road, Pazundaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 291343, 290348, 09 5185395, 09 5053206, 09 401534080 www.myanmarmotherlandinn. com

#0201, 2nd Floor, Sakura Tower, 339 Bogyoke Aung San Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanamr. Tel: +(95 1) 255412, 255413 Fax: +(95 1) 255417

No.104, Kanna Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 378603, 377840

Art & Craft YANGON

Bagan East Wing, Bogyoke Aung San Market, Pabedan Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 421153549 Erawati Bhandagara B-3/001, Shwe Kabar Housing, Mindhamma Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01 655921, 09 420038416 Pansodan Gallery 144, 2nd Floor, Middle Block, Corner of Mahabandoola Road & Pansoden Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Yangon Heritage Trust 22/24, Pansoedan Road,1st Floor, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Tel: 240544, 09 73055187



Ar Yone Thit 365, Bogyoke Aung San Street, Top of 31st Street, Pabedan Township, Yangon. Tel: 241263 Book Worm Waizayantar Orange Shopping Centre, 2nd Floor, Room-S5, Thingangyun Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 421109960 Innwa 244-246, Pansoedan Street, Upper Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Tel: 243216, 389838, 374324 Innwa 18, Ground Floor, U Htun Lin Chan Street, Kamayut Township, Yangon. Tel: 514387 Innwa Books and Cafe 206(D), 2nd Floor, Myanmar HAGL Plaza, Corner of Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and No.1 Industrial Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 09 263684559, 09 5119134 Khit Thit Sar Pay 470, Mahabandoola Road, Top of 31st Street & Bo Soon Pat Street, Pabedan Township, Yangon. Tel: 380968, 095194969 Monument 150, Dhama Zedi Road, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 536306, 537805 Myanmar Book Centre 55, Ahlone Road, Corner of Baho Road, Ahlon Township, Yangon. Tel: 221271, 09 73015993, Ngar Doe Sar Pay Sayar San Road, Corner Of Pearl Condo, Pearl Condo, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 73055543, 09 73147732 Sar Pay (2) 262-264, Ground Floor, Pansoedan Street, Upper Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 73033802, 09 5145318 Sar Pay (5) 138-140, 1st Floor, Pansoedan Road, Corner of Mahabandoola Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 73125067, 09 73140936 Sar Pay (6) Yankin Road, In front of B.E.H.S (1), Yankin Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 73019665 Sar Pay (7) 360-B, Thu Min Galar Road, South Okkalapa Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 5179812, 09 73008254 Sar Pay Yadanar B-1, Pyay Road, Ground Floor, Taw Win Center, Dagon Township, Yangon. Tel: 0973139359, 095069840, 09448011120, 098618588 Tab Book Centre Room(4015~4017), 3rd Floor, Taw Win Centre, Pyay Road, Dagon Township, Yangon. Tel: 01- 8600043~44 Today Merchant Street, Corner of Seikkanthar Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Tel: 398166, 0973150362 Yar Pyae (Pansodan) 262-B, Pansoedan Street, Upper Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. Tel: 243351, 305952

YANGON 09 263343064

Mandalay 09 2036302

Listing | 75 >>> february 2016


Aung Gyi Corner of 30th & 71st Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 91028214 City Mart 19 Shopping Centre (Book Stand) 19th Street, 65th & 66th Street, Aung Myay Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 61240, 61120, 61136, 61139 Innwa Corner of 31st & 84th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 43128820 Moe Kaung Kin sa-4/24, 66th Street, Between of Khaing Shwe Wah & Zalattwah Street, Chan Mya Thar Zi Township, Mandalay. Tel: 82047, 09 2043778, 09 91020367 Nagar 290-B, 83rd Street, Between of 29th & 30th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 35267, 39869, 21527, 22558 Nyo G(2-3), 71st Street, Between of 29th & 30th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 74418, 74764, 69701 Ocean 73 (Book Stand) Block-2, 73rd Street, Between of Thazin & Ngu Shwe Wah Street, Chan Mya Thar Zi Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 250896712~5 Ocean 78 (Book Stand) Basement, Yadanarbon Diamond Plaza, Between of 33rd & 34th Street, Between of 77th & 78th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 67187, 09 73031503, 09 73189726 Pyae Sone 1st Floor, Corner of 30th & 73rd Street, Mingalar Market, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 74957, 61626 Ext-5046 Seik Ku Cho Cho A-5G, 77th Street, Between of 31st & 32nd Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 31379997, 09 250584452 Tun Oo 101, 84th Street, Between of 29th & 30th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 73502, 39801, 39891, 72518

car rental YANGON

Energy Logistics Myanmar Co.,Ltd 295, Room-5F/G, 6th Floor, Myoh Ma Kyaung Street, Myoh Ma Kyaung Street Condo, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 501213, 09 420148902 Fax: 501213 www.energylogisticsmyanmar. com Royal Wing United Co.,Ltd. Nan Myint Thu Car Rental & Travel Services No.56, Bo Ywe Street, Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 951 246551, 375283, 959 420092759


Friends Group 77th Street, Between of 34th & 35th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 444018246, 09 257666551, 09 257666552

food & drink Coffee Shop, Snack Bar & Bakery House YANGON

50th Street Building-A1, Star City, Thanlyin, Yangon. Tel: 397060 After Work 38(A-1), Shan Kone Road, Sanchaung Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 4202398224 Easy Café 24-D, Nar Nat Taw Sreet, Sanchaung Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 250360189 Easy Café 30-A, Bo Yar Nyunt Street, Dagon Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 250360189 Green Ice 58, Kyun Taw Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 534989 KVAS 202/8, Yanshin Sreett, Yankin Township, Yangon. MAHLZEIT CAFE 84, Pan Hlaing Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Tel: 95 9 784 151 250 reservation@mahlzeit-myanmar. com Monsoon 85-87, Theinbyu Road, Botahtaung Township, Yangon. Tel: 295224, 09 43121431 Saigon Baguette Cafe’ 11-A, Nawaday Street, Dagon Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 250956019, 09 250847211 Sharky’s 117, Dhama Zedi Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon. Tel: 524677, 373009 Sharky’s 81, Pansoedan Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 252702, 370971 Yangon Bake House (Inya Road) 30, Inya Road, Kamayut Townshp, Yangon. Tel: 09 977117932, 09977117954 Yangon Bake House (Pearl Condo) Pearl Condo, Block(C), Ground Floor, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 9977117947

Restaurants YANGON

La Maison 20 20, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 664204, 667504


HOT LINE Mandalay

09 91023733 09 91024733

Mahlzeit Restaurant Original German Food 84, Pan Hlaing Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Tel: 95 9 784 151 250 reservation@mahlzeit-myanmar. com Myanhouse 56/58/60, Pansoedan Street, Lower Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 09 73169056 The Myths 18-A, Thukhawaddy Street, (6) Ward, Yankin Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 43168808 Toba Restaurant 15, Nawaday Sreet, Dagon Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 30223875, 01 393443


Building No. 002/124, 27th Street, Between of 63rd & 64th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay, Myanmar. Tel: 66790, 09 977248771, 09 420187010 Sushi Bar Cuisine Corner of 29th & 71st Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 011 202803

gems & jewellery YANGON

Great Diamond Gems & Jewellery 10, Junction Square, Between of Kyun Taw Street & Pyay Road, Yangon.


Great Diamond Gems & Jewellery 273/A, 80th Street, Between of 32nd & 33rd Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 35235, 71222 Mandalay Palace Jewellery Corner of 26th & 66th Street, Sedona Hotel Compound, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 09 2003488, 09 91001538

travelS & tours agencY YANGON

Asian Empress Travels & Tours 74, Ground Floor, Than Tha Dar Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 501710, 0930382448, 0930382449 www.asianempresstravels .com

No.(62), Level (4), Awba Street, Kyauk Myaung Ward, Tamwe Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95 1 552156, 09 73205529 Hot Line: 09 258877778 Fax: +95 1 552156 Easia Travel & Tour 16, U Aung Myat Street, 5rd Floor, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01 8619201 Ext-102 FAIRYLAND


No. 57, 1st Floor, 121 Street, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95-1-203188, +95-1-8619307 Fax: +95-1-203188 Skype: fairylandtour FairylandTravel Focus Asia 126, Room-005, Kabaaye Pagoda Road, 2nd Floor, New Worlding Building, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanamr. Tel: 01 430900, 430474 Gooday Tours Co.,Ltd Room-503, Building-D, 5th Floor, Pearl Condo, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01 400700, 400770

K-306, Manawhari Apartments, Baho Road, Ahlone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +959 73231488, 254374213, 30166299 Fax: +959 73231488 Loi Seng Khan 271, 7th Floor, Shwe Gone Daing Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 8603098, 09 253635146 Moby Dick Tours Co.,Ltd 89-91, Room-2, Ground Floor, 32nd Street, Between Mahabandoola Road & Merchant Road, Lower Block, Pabedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 380832

No.50, 2nd Floor, 164 Street, Tamwe Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95 1 8604360, +95 9 795552666, +95 9 5145050, +95 9 43052625 qq, we chat: 1931574079 Myanmar Delta Travels & Tours 186, Ground Floor, 33rd Street, Upper Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01 386938, 09 420029942

Great Golden Empire Travels & Tours Co.,Ltd. No.85/B, Thu Ra Tha Ti Street, 8 Ward, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 951 662960, 667883, 959 5036992, 254240642 Hot Line: 959 253083520 Harmony Services & Travel & Tours Co.,Ltd 254, 3rd Floor, 40th Street, Upper Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 240856, 385750 Fax: 240856 Journeys Advanture Travel 53, Nagayon Pagoda Street, 8½ Miles, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 656259, 664275, 660104 Fax: 664451 Sales@journeysadvanturetravel. com Khiri Travel 519, Bogalay Zay Street, Lower Block, Botahtaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 375577

No. 26, Thamardi Street, Zwezone, 8 Ward, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 660562, +959 790971270, 31064491, 30348368, 977020093, 796972150 Fax: +951 660562 escapadetour@goldenland. info@myanmarescapadetravel. com sales@ myanmarescapadetravel. com www. myanmarescapadetravel. com Myanmar Fantastic Travel & Tours No.278, Ground Floor, 39th Street, Upper Block, Kyaukthada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95-1 246672,387707 subscribe TO


09 73122556


76 | Listing

Myanmar Motion Travels & Tours 74, 21st Street, Lower Block, Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01 246341, 011221601, 09 73225750 Fax: 01 246341 New Hight Light Travels & Tours Co.,Ltd Building-15/16, 1st Floor, Bahosi Housing, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 210968, 122532 Fax: 210968

No. 5, Aung San Stadium (near city mart), Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 393088, 255699, 255897, 255898, 255899 Fax: +951 393048 NTT Travels & Transportation Head Office: No.53 (B), Room - (A-3) Insein Road, Sanyeiknyein, Kamayut Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : 95 9 2042338, Fax : 95 1 532488 NPT Office: No. 2097, Chin Twin Street, Shwe Kyar Pin Township, Nay Pyi Taw. Tel: 95 9 49265424

No.1104, 11st Floor, Pearl Condo(C), Corner of Kaba Aye Pagoda Road & Sayar San Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 401296, +951 8603861

Peace Smile Land Travels & Tours No.251, Room (002), Yarzadarit Housing, Lower Pazundaung Street, Botahtaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : 95 1 299850, 95 1 8610549 , 95 1 297268 Fax : 95 1 297268 Rising Travel & Tour 180, Ground Floor, 49th Street, Upeer Block, Orient Tower, Pazundaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01-8610437 Fax: 201303

4th Floor, Room(7), 459 (C), New University Avenue, Bahan Township, Yagon, Myanmar. Tel: +95 1 540647, 401345

Co., Ltd. No. 4/A, Building-1, 2nd Floor, Parami Road, Chawdwingone Junction, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +959 5083179, 250067507, 49155327, 73095385, +951 657049, 657025 Fax: +951 650179 The Wheel Tour & Ticketing No.14, Shin Saw Pu Paya Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01 511626, 01 518469 Fax: 01 518469 www. Tour Mandalay Building-A, Room-02/03, 2nd Floor, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Corner of Saya San Street, Pearl Condo, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 540475, 545850

A.1 Lane, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 663081, +95 9 421059000 Fax: +951 663081


No.27-A, Bo Nyarna 1st Lane (Sawbwa Street), 5th Quarter, 9 Mile, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 951 653020, 655964, 959 5155725, 5408921 Fax: 951 653020

No. 81, Phone Gyi Street (Middle), Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +951 218181~4 Fax: +951 227133

No.35, Ground Floor, Lan Thit Road (Mawtin Road), Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: (+95)-1-2301511, 2301522, 2300106, 09 253556655/77/99 Fax: (+95)-1-2300106

No.143, 2nd Floor, 37th Street, Middle Block, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: (+959)730 48 430, (+959)254 202 985, (+959)448 540 747, (+959)420 311 282


HOT LINE: 09 263343064

Teo Myanmar Travels & Tours

subscribe TO

VISION TRAVEL LTD No.148, Pyay Road, 8½ Miles,


Travels & Tours ............................................ Inbound

Balloons Over Bagan @Shwe Lay Ta Gun Travels & Tours Co., Ltd. Balloons over Bagan-Sales Counter Tharabar Gate Hotel-8 to 11 Am and 5 to 8 Pm Tel: +95 61 60347, +95 9 448045616

No.241, Bo Myat Tun Street, Botahtaung Township, Yangon. Tel: 09 780005357/58/59 No.464, 82nd Street, Between 34th and 35th Street, Mandalay. Tel: 09 792000878, 09 972000878

Get listed

NOW! 01 8604273 09 73155563

Restaurant ..................................................Wifi

........................ Breakfast Include

................................................ Shisha

............................. Online Booking

...................................Culture Show


HOT LINE Mandalay

09 91023733 09 91024733

No.20(D), B402, Baho Road,

Car Rental

HotLineNumber... Yangon Mandalay 09263343064 092036302 River Cruise ............................................Events

......................................... Outbound

........................Guide, Interpreter

.............................. Entertainment

..............................MPU Card

..................................Medical Care

............................................. Luxury

.................................... Visa Card


........................................ Short Trip

............................... Trekking Tour ................................. River Cruises .............................................Rail Tour .................................... Diving Tour ....................................... Bike Tour .............................. Ballooning Tour

Gems & Jewellery .........................................Certificate ............................. Custom Design


Business Centre ...............................Meeting Room

............................... Master Card

Airline .....................................Wheel Chair



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......................Star Rate


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......................... Free Baggage(KG)


...............................Special Menu

............................................Golf Tour



.............................. Hotel Booking

.............................................. Meal

...................................Taxi Service

Ballooning Tour

.............................Including Driver

............................. Online Booking

..................... Credit Card Accept

Royal Mandalar B-98, 60th Street, Between of 34th & 35th Street, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay. Tel: 62056, 09 256127878, 09 256127979

World Ever Green Travel & Tour Co.,Ltd.


(Asia Royal Hospital Beside), Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95 1 532005, +95 9 440441440, 440442440

Get listed

NOW! 01 8604273




City Mart (Junction 8) City Mart (Thamaine) City Mart (Pin Lon Housing) City Mart (Tharkayta) City Mart (Junction Square) City Mart (China Town) City Mart (Hledan Centre)

Ar Yone Thit Book Worm Innwa Sar Pay Law Ka Sar Pay Beik Hman Monument Myanmar Book Centre Tab Book Today Yar Pyae


The Myths TOBA Restaurant Coffee Shop, Snack Bar & Bakery House 50th Street Café Easy KVAS Moon Soon Sharky’s Yangon Bake House


City Mart (HAGL) City Mart (Sittaung-NDGN) City Mart (Junction Maw Tin) City Mart (Myaynigone) Ocean North Point Ocean Pazundaung Ocean Shwe Gondaing Popular (Golden Valley) Popular (Myaynigone) Popular (Junction Square)



Pleasant View Hotel


Junction Centre (Nay Pyi Taw) Oakttaya Thiri Shopping Centre



Mother Land Inn

Yangon Heritage Trust Gallery 65



Asia Light (Pearl Condo) Asia Light (Victoria) City Mart (Aung San) City Mart (Shwe Mya Yar) City Mart (Yankin) City Mart (Waizanyantar) City Mart (Golden Valley) City Mart (Zawana) City Mart (CBMAKK) City Mart (FMI) City Mart (Star City) City Mart (South Dagon)

Aung Gyi Innwa Moe Kaung Kin Nagar Pyae Sone Seik Ku Cho Cho Tun Oo Yar Pyae

SUPERMARKET & SHOPPING CENTRE City Mart (19th Street) City Mart (Diamond Palaza) Ocean 73

For more information Yangon: 09 420320359 Mandalay: 09 256085805

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