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Records Chairman Report Records Chairman
as they keep the Records Program moving forward. e well trained measurers put in countless and o entimes thankless hours working with bowhunters to accurately measure their trophies and submitting them for entry into the Records Program. Without a doubt, the Records Program and this organization would not be where it is today without them.
In February of 2023, some of the most knowledgeable and experienced measurers in North America gathered together in Reno, Nevada, to participate in the Pope and Young Club’s 33rd Recording Period Panel Judging. Over the course of three days, these measurers authenticated the score of the top 169 trophies that were sent in to be panel judged. e judging at panel, as well as several special panels within the 33rd recording period, resulted in thirteen (13) new Pope and Young World Records being recognized; Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou Velvet, Mountain Caribou Velvet, Non-typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet, Non-typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet, Quebec-Labrador
Caribou Velvet, Typical Columbian Blacktail
Deer Velvet, Typical Coues Deer Velvet, Typical Mule Deer Velvet, Typical Sitka Blacktail e Pope and Young Club Records Program has set the standard for the measuring and recording of trophies taken in North America under the rules of fair chase with a bow and arrow. e Records Program has earned this reputation and will continue to move forward into the future. e future is important to the Pope and Young Club but preserving its rich history and tradition is equally important, providing a solid foundation to build upon. is booklet is a history book which forever preserves the Pope and Young Club’s 33rd Recording Period in print for all to enjoy forever!
Deer Velvet, Woodland Caribou Velvet, and Tule Elk (both velvet and hard racked). All of the trophies should be on display at the 2023 Pope and Young Club’s Biennial Convention in Reno, Nevada.