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Records Chairman Report
This statistical booklet is a culmination of the Pope and Young Club Records Program’s 33rd Recording Period (January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022). e records contained in this booklet represent animals taken in North America, under the rules of fair chase, with a bow and arrow. For over sixty (62) years the Pope and Young Club has been collecting statistical data from these entries to compile the most complete and accurate database of its kind. In fact, during the 33rd Record Period the Pope and Young Club Records Program surpassed 123,000 entries in its database. is data provides millions of additional data points that can be utilized by our members, game and fish agencies, and archery industries alike.
In the 33rd Record Period, 4821 entries were received and accepted into the Records Program. ere were entries in fi y (50) different categories which include non-typical and velvet categories. e 33rd biennium ended with an all-time total of 123,250 entries into the Records Program, more than any of its kind. e Typical Whitetail Deer had the most entries with 2869 followed by the Typical American Elk (362), Black Bear (328), non-typical whitetail deer (301), and Pronghorn Antelope (211), depicting the top five. Fi y-three (53) animals finished in the top five (5) of their respective categories (including velvet). ese statistics reflect the sound conservation efforts by game management agencies throughout North America. is booklet is used as the 33rd Recording Period convention program as well as the statistical summary. Within this booklet you will be able to review and analyze the most recent statistical data available. ere are hunt characteristic graphs which show data displayed in a useful format to help you visually interpret statistics. e Pope and Young Club Records Program is considered to be the backbone of the organization. e volunteer measurers of the Club, nearly 900, are very important,