33rd Biennium Convention Program & Statistical Summary

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33 rd Biennium Convention Program Recording Period Statistical Summary Reno 2023 Recording
33 rd Biennium Convention Program Recording Period Statistical Summary Reno 2023 &



Copyright © 2023 by the Pope & Young Club. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Pope & Young Club.

Produced and published in the United States of America by:

e Pope & Young Club

P.O. Box 548, Chatfield, Minnesota 55923

Edited by Steve Ashley, Tim Rozewski, Shelly Sabin & Heather Knight

Design by Wild Snow Design, LLC / Tara Bondar

33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
3 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023 Table of Contents Table Contents 5 The Gathering 6 33rd Biennium Convention Agenda 8 Seminars & Workshops 12 Live Auction Items 16 Convention Donors & Sponsors 19 Pope and Young Club Conventions 22 33rd Biennium North American Big Game Exhibit 24 New World Records 2021-2022 27 Record Book Entry & Minimum Score Requirements 28 At a Minimum 30 33rd Recording Period Entry Totals 31 Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022 42 Records Chairman Report 44 2023 Panel Judges 46 Distribution & Growth Statistics 64 Hunt Characteristic Graphs 76 The Ishi Award 80 Official Measurers


Every two years the Pope and Young Club gathers to… …celebrate North America’s rich bowhunting heritage, …honor outstanding examples of this continent’s wildlife, …discuss issues relevant to the Club’s role as a leader in the hunting and conservation community, …do a little fundraising for the Club’s Conservation Fund, …and talk with old friends and meet new ones!

33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

33rd Biennial Convention Agenda

April 12th-15th, 2023 Nugget Casino Resort Reno, NV

Wednesday, April 12 th

9:00 am - TBD B&C Measurers Workshop

10:00 am - 7:00 pm Convention Registration Opens

10:00 am - 5:00 pm Outfitter / Vendor Area open

Noon P&Y 33rd Biennium North American Big Game Exhibit Opens

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Seminar: Bowhunting in Europe - Anders Gejer

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Workshop: Why and How to Use an E-Bike Hunting - omas Mifsud - Universal Outdoor Products

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Seminar: Wilderness First Aid - Amy LePage

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Seminar: 70+ Years of Bowhunting Adventures, Misadventures & Miracles- Dennis Dunn

7:00 pm Opening Ceremonies

7:45 pm - 12:00 am Welcoming Reception - PYnt Night - Live entertainment from Chad Schlagel

Thursday, April 13 th

8:00 am P&Y 33rd Biennium North American Big Game Exhibit Opens

9:00 am - 5:00 pm Outfitter / Vendor Area open

10:00 am - 1:00 pm Tour – Rejuvenate Spa Day

10:00 am - 11:00 am Workshop: Why and How to Use an E- Bike Hunting - omas Mifsud - Universal Outdoor Products

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Seminar: Choosing the Correct Broadhead - Chris James - FeraDyne Outdoors

10:30 am - 11:30 am Seminar: 70+ Years of Bowhunting Adventures, Misadventures & Miracles- Dennis Dunn

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Field Judging Championship Qualifying Round

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Seminar: Cold Weather Mountain Survival - John Barklow-Sitka

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Seminar: e Hunt Quietly Movement - Matt Rinella

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Seminar: Choosing an Outfitter - Stephen Wards - Wards Outfitting

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Seminar: Hunting Whitetails with a Deer Biologist - CJ Winand

4:00 pm - 5:00pm Official Measurers Meeting

4:00 pm First Time Attendee Reception

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Electronic Entries for Measurers, Records Q&A - Tim Rozewski

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Corporate Sponsor and Outfitter Reception

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Cocktail Hour

7:00 pm - 12:00 am ScentLok BBQ Bash

Friday, April 14 th

7:00 am - 8:15 am Measurers Breakfast (must RSVP) - Sponsored by NBEF

8:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration open 8:00 am P&Y 33rd Biennium North American Big Game Exhibit Opens

8:30 am - 10:00 am Regular / Senior Membership Meeting

9:00 am - 5:00 pm Outfitter / Vendor Area open

9:00 am - Noon Field Judging Championship Qualifying Round 10:30 am - Noon General Membership Meeting

10:00 am - 11:00 am Seminar: Bowhunting Wild Sheep and Big Bear - KUIU

33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

33 Biennial Convention Agenda 33rd

Friday, April 14 th continued

Noon - 1:30 pm LUNCHEON featuring Curt Wells sponsored by NBEF

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Seminar: Cold Weather Mountain Survival- John Barklow-Sitka

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Seminar: Wilderness First Aid - Amy LePage

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Seminar: Go Big or Go Home - Allen Bolen

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm VIP Meet & Greet Reception (by invitation)

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Tour – Brewery Tour

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Bowsite Reception

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Seminar: Choosing the Correct Broadhead - Chris James - FeraDyne Outdoors

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Seminar: Becoming a Gold Medal Bow Hunter - Dan Adler - Diamond Outfitter

Seminar: Choosing an Outfitter - Stephen Wards - Wards Outfitting

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Field Judging Championship - National Championship Round

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Fred Bear Society Reception (by invitation) - Sponsored by KUIU

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Cocktail Hour

6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Recognition Banquet featuring John Dudley & Auction

Saturday, April 15 th

8:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration open

8:00 am P&Y 33rd Biennium North American Big Game Exhibit Opens

9:00 am - 5:00 pm Outfitter / Vendor Area open

9:15 am - 11:15 am Tour – Automobile Museum

10:00 am - 11:00 am Seminar: Q & A with Remi Warren

10:00 am - 11:00 am Seminar: Bowhunting in Europe - Anders Gejer

10:00 am - 11:00 am Seminar: Alaska Deer Discussion with Bob Ameen and guests

10:00 am - 11:30 am Women’s Campfire Session

11:00 am - 12:15 pm LUNCHEON featuring Easton Holder with Raised Hunting

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm 2023 P&Y LIVE AUCTION

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Cocktail Hour

6:00 pm 33rd Big Game Awards Gala & Auction

Highlights Include:

• Big Game Trophy Display & Awards

• Hunt Auction

• Gear Raffles

• Silent Auction

** Agenda, seminars and events are subject to change.

Main Highlights Include: Big Game Display with New World Records, Saturday Live Auction, Silent Auction, Outfitters, Manufacturers, Pope & Young Hall of Fame Induction, Off-Site Tours showcasing the Best of the Reno Area.

• Top Bowhunting Seminars & Workshops

• Top Bowhunting Outfitters & Manufacturers

• Photo / Art Contest

• Arrow & Knife Making Contest

• Off-Site Tours Showcasing the Best of Reno

• Pope & Young Hall of Fame Induction

33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Seminars & Workshops

Cold Weather Mountain Survival

John Barklow spent over two decades in the military teaching and developing equipment for US Special Operations troops to survive and thrive in austere mountain environments. A life-long archery hunter from Ohio, John’s hunted extensively in North America and other remote locations around the world. John continues to develop technical clothing and equipment systems as the Senior Product Manager for Sitka Gear.

John will cover:

• Four Key Lessons Learned

• Understanding body loses heat

• Survival Priorities

• Cardinal Rules for the Backcountry Hunter

• How to test your Gear

The Hunt Quietly Movement

Matt Rinella is a research ecologist, lifelong bowhunter, and founder of the Hunt Quietly Movement. He hosts the Hunt Quietly podcast.

e grass-roots traditions that defined hunting in America have been displaced by a hypercommercialized pay-to-play model. Instead of hide, horns, meat, and personal enjoyment, many hunters now go afield primarily for fame, money, and clout. is “hey, look at me” approach to hunting has eroded the integrity of our cherished pastime and set a terrible example for future generations of hunters. It has severely constricted hunting opportunity by inspiring small groups of hunters to monopolize game and hunting grounds to win popularity contests on television and social media. Instead of “the antis,” these are the dominant issues facing work-a-day

hunters, and no one with a voice in hunting is talking about them.

Bowhunting in Europe

Anders Gejer resides in Sweden and has bowhunted for many years. Anders enjoys hunting with all legal equipment. He enjoys trapping, hunting with shotgun or rifle but he really prefers his bows. Over time he has visited many places in pursuit of game: Europe, North America, Africa and New Zealand. Anders first contact with the NBEF was through Dr. Dave Samuel who conducted a seminar in Denmark in the late 1980´s. Dave had a great influence on Anders at that time and is still a profound resource of facts as Anders and other members of the European Bowhunters Association endeavor to get bowhunting legalized in more and more European countries. Anders has taught countless bowhunter education classes all over Europe and recently instructor classes in Lithuania and Slovakia.

Bowhunting Wild Sheep & Big Bears

Bowhunting High pressure and dangerous game with an emphasis on Big Bears and Sheep. is seminar includes everything from gear and archery setup to mental preparation for success on the toughest high-pressure hunts. Brendan’s knowledge and experience gained on some of the toughest hunts in North America will help anyone planning for their next Big adventure with a bow.

Brendan Burns is a highly accomplished and recognized bowhunter with a passion for mountain game, particularly big elk, dangerous bears, and wild sheep. He has arrowed the Grand slam of wild sheep, fi een bull elk officially scoring over 350, and is the first bowhunter

33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Seminars & Workshops Seminars & Workshops

to have taken two Ten Foot Brown Bears scoring over 28 inches. When not hunting, Brendan is focused on making a direct Impact on the future of sheep hunting. e founder of KUIU’s Conservation Direct, he has coordinated the translocation of 175 bighorn and desert sheep in 5 different states since 2020. Brendan and his wife Beth live with their two children, Lucas and Grae, in their home state of Montana.

Alaska Deer Discussion

With Bob Ameen, Larry Jones, and Trevor Embry

Open discussion all about hunting the Sitka Blacktail deer in Alaska.

Bob Ameen: Married to Lisa Ameen, Resided in Alaska 40 Years

Bow Hunted 53 Years, Senior Member Pope & Young Club, Life Member Alaskan Bowhunters Association, Member of Pope & Young Club’s Fred Bear Society, Taken Over 20 North American Big Game Species, Entered over 160 Animals into Pope & Young Records, Including Over 65 Sitka Blacktail Deer

Trevor Embry: My name is Trevor Embry, current President of Alaskan Bowhunters Association, and measurer for Pope and Young Club. I was born and raised in Bowling Green, Kentucky before moving North to follow my dreams to Alaska. I currently reside in Eagle River.

I’ve always claimed to be a Pharmacist by trade, but a Bowhunter by heart. I’ve chased nearly 20 species of North American Big Game with my bow and arrow over the past decade or two.

Hunting Whitetails with a Deer Biologist

CJ is a certified wildlife biologist, and for the last 25 years has penned the “Hunting Whitetails” column for Bowhunter Magazine. He’s also one of the featured hunters for Bowhunter TV (Sportsman Channel and Outdoor Channel). CJ was presented the first ever Quality Deer Management Association’s (QDMA) “Signpost” award. is Communicator of the Year award was in

recognition for the contributions of an outdoor journalist who has done their professional best to circulate accurate information on biologically sound deer management.

All the scientific deer information within CJ’s seminars are data packed. Come prepared to take notes on what some people call a whole college course in “Advanced Deer Hunting 101.”

Seventy-plus Years of Bowhunting Adventures, Misadventures, and Miracles

Dennis Dunn, a native of Seattle, WA, now lives in Sun Valley, Idaho, and in Naples, Florida, but his 70+ years of bowhunting adventures and misadventures have taken him pretty much allover North America. He was the first archer to complete the N. A. SUPER SLAM entirely with purely instinctive shooting — having never used any yardage sight-pins or release aids along the way. In 2004, when he finished up the Slam of the 29 species, his seventh hunt for Grizzly Bear netted him the P & Y World’s Record. at record stood for 10 years until his 28-year-old boar was dethroned in 2015 by Rod Debias’s enormous bruin. Bob Griego’s giant Grizzly has more recently pushed “Old Snaggletooth” to 3rd spot in the P & Y Records.

In the fall of 2008, Dunn’s award-winning book BAREBOW! was finally published, a er four years in the writing, and it proceeded to win six national literary awards over the course of the next several years. In 2006, Dunn hung up his sightless compound for good and went back to his roots in traditional archery. At 83, he is still actively bowhunting, and this September he hopes to

9 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Seminars & Workshops

complete his final hunting goal by harvesting (with his Black Widow recurve) a Pope & Young Alaska Barren Ground Caribou. at would give him the first, all-P-&-Y Super Slam ever accomplished barebow, since the five or six bowhunters who have attained that lo y goal all did so using sight-pins for aiming. Since the fall of 2015, and all beyond the age of 75, Dunn has “upgraded” six different species — three making the Boone & Crockett Records and the other three making Pope & Young. (All with strictly traditional archery tackle.)

Choosing the Correct Broadhead

In this seminar we will discuss the different types of broadheads, advantages and disadvantages to those types, misconceptions, and myths. Ultimately I hope you are able to leave with the knowledge to confidently choose your broadhead for your specific hunt with confidence, knowing it will do the job if you do yours.

I have been working in the archery industry and specifically with broadheads for 18 years. I started with Muzzy Products Crop. As an intern in 2005 and worked with the Eichler and Mussachia family until 2012 when FeraDyne purchased Muzzy. Since 2015 I have worked as the VP of Sales for FeraDyne and was part of the new product development team for FeraDyne Outdoors including, Muzzy, Muzzy Bowfishing, Rage, Wac’em Nockturnal, Tru-Fire, Block,

Glendel, Shooter, Hurricane, IQ, Rocky Mtn Broadheads and Sights, Carbon Express, as well as other brands not specific to Archery. I am now the General Manager of the Archery Division for FeraDyne Outdoors. Archery has always been a passion and I have been blessed to work in an industry that I am passionate about and have been able to learn from some great people in this industry. I by no means know everything, but I have been able to accumulate a wealth of knowledge that many find helpful when picking equipment that will ultimately

make memories that last a lifetime.

Women’s Campfire Session

With Kathy Strecker & Anne Grace

Come sit with the Ladies of the Pope and Young. Take turns telling your favorite hunting stories–the ones that went well and the ones that didn’t go quite as planned. Hear about how a couple’s hunt works, being the only lady in camp and setting up an all-ladies hunt. Find out that there is not much difference between you and the lady sitting next to you. Did you know that we are the fastest growing group of hunters out there? If you are not a bowhunter and would like to hear a lady’s version please come and join us.

Kathy Strecker: Kathy Strecker has been bowhunting for 40+ years. She is a Senior Member of the Pope and Young Club and the past P & Y Membership Chair. Kathy lives in northern Minnesota with her husband Doug. ey spend most of their time together and if they are not hunting, you will probably find them fishing. Kathy has been a Bowhunter Education instructor for 30 years and loves giving back to the bowhunting community. Kathy has been able to bowhunt from Alaska to Arizona to Africa.

Anne Grace: Anne Grace has been around archery for over 30 years, a er her husband introduced her to the sport when they were married. She is a Regular Member of the Pope and Young Club. Originally from Wyoming, she moved to California to teach elementary students. Twenty-eight (28) years later she and her husband (hunting partner) retired to the cool pines of the White Mountains in Arizona.  e last ten years or so Anne has pursued most Western big game animals with her bow; arrowing mule deer, whitetail, Coues’ deer, wild turkey, javelina, wild hogs, and black bear.

10 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Seminars & Workshops Seminars & Workshops

Q&A with Remi Warren

Ask me anything: A sit down Q&A with Remi Warren. is is a chance to have your hunting questions answered. Remi has spent his life in the wild as both a professional hunter and guide. ose experiences have added up to thousands of days in the field. Remi is going to share that knowledge by answering your questions and tailoring the topics and experience to those in the room.

Remi Warren is a well-known hunter, writer, outdoor TV personality, and guide. Working as a field editor for Western Hunter Magazine, host of the popular Cutting the Distance Podcast, and self-filming his DIY bowhunts around the world on Solo Hunter TV airing on Amazon Prime. Aside from media, Remi works as western big game hunting guide and outfitter. With his extensive hunting experience, Remi has become a leader in sharing his knowledge and information on hunting public lands across the west.

Go Big or Go Home

ere are few things more challenging than pursuing fair chase North American giants with a bow. In this seminar, Allen talks about his approach and formula to increase the odds of success. Topics covered will be: Research – Strategy – Budgeting – Preparation – Experience – Deciding when to settle for less

Allen Bolen is an unapologetic trophy bowhunter who is obsessed with finding and killing top-scoring animals. Allen has more different P&Y species that hold current “Top 10” record spots than any other bowhunter (6 species).

Emergency First Aid in the Wilderness

Dr. Amy LePage is an Emergency Medicine physician. She graduated from medical school at the University of Washington and then completed her specialty training in Emergency Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. She is an avid bowhunter who lives in Lewistown, Montana with her husband and their two children.

is seminar will provide you with the answers to emergency medical questions that can arise while you are in bowhunting camp. Whether your partner ran a broadhead through their leg while climbing out of a tree stand or you develop crushing chest pain while scouting, Dr. LePage will give you the quick and dirty solutions to “Emergency First Aid in the Wilderness.”

Choosing an Outfitter

Owner of Ward’s Outfitters Mx and Vortex Broadheads, Steven has been guiding and outfitting for over 20 years as a career. Over the years we have assisted with over 400 Archery harvest of Coues deer, Mule deer, and Elk. Ward’s Outfitters has been a strong Supporter of Pope and Young for 18 years.

Choosing the right outfitter can make or break your hunt. In our seminar you will learn how to utilize multiple avenues such as social media, past clients, pictures and websites to vet the thousands of outfitters from around the world.

11 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Live Auction Items

Arguably, one of the most exciting and entertaining events of the Pope and Young Club Convention will be the Club’s Fund Raising Auctions. At press time we have mustered up the following impressive line-up of donated hunts for the auction. Some 45-plus hunts will be available for members to bid on. Whether you are interested in an antelope hunt in Wyoming or bow bagging a Cape Buffalo in Africa, there is a hunt to pique your interest.

In addition to these fantastic hunts, numerous one-ofa-kind items (such as archery / bowhunting memorabilia,

A-Z Sportfishing Charters • 2 Anglers for 4 Days

Fully Guided Fishing Trip in Sitka, Alaska

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Adventure Northwest Ltd • 6 Day Muskox Hunt in the famed Contwoyto Lake region of Nunavut Territory, Canada

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Antler Canyon Outfitters • 5 Day Arizona Coues or Mule Deer Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

AZ Buck and Bulls LLC • 5 Day Full outfitted Southeastern Arizona Coues / Mule Deer Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Bear Track Outfitters • 4 Day Wyoming Antelope Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Big Knife Outfitters • 1 on 1 Horseback Archery Moose Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

bows, knives, prints, etc.) will be listed on the silent and live auction. There’s something for everyone!

This is a fantastic opportunity to buy a hunt or a piece of bowhunting history, with the proceeds going towards the Pope and Young Club’s many conservation projects.

A significant portion of the money raised for our Conservation Program activities comes from the auctioning of generously donated hunts and select artifacts and handmade items at our biennial convention. Items secured so far:

Big Time Hunts • Mountain Goat Backpack Hunt, Northwest Corner of British Columbia

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Black Canyon Bows • Certificate for a Custom 3-piece Longbow

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Bushwhack Alaska / Talarik Creek Lodge • 6 Day Iliamna, Alaska Fishing Trip

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Catena Safaris Argentina • 5 Day Hunt for 3 Hunters (1 Blackbuck, 1 Wildboar, 1 Patagonic Dorset Ram)

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Clay Creek Hunting • 8 Day Archery Mule Deer


Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Coast Land Outfitters LLC • 5 Day Roosevelt Elk in Western Oregon

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

12 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Coues Outfitters • 5 Day Archery Coues Deer & Javelina Hunt in Sonora, Mexico

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

David Artee Outfitting • 10 Day Free Range Desert

Sheep Hunt in Sonora, Mexico

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Days in the Wild Outfitters • 5 Day Coues or Mule

Deer Hunt in Arizona

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Diamond Outfitters • 5 Day Arizona Mountain

Lion Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Golden Ram Hunting • 5 Day Columbia Blacktail

Deer Hunt in California

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Anne Grace • Call of the Wild’ custom queen size quilt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Heartland Pride Outfitters LLC • 5 Day Combo

Mule Deer / Antelope Archery Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Jack Creek Preserve Foundation • 5 Day Spring

Archery Black Bear Hunt for 2 hunters and 2 nonhunting guests

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Jack Creek Preserve Foundation • 7 Day Archery

Elk Hunt for 1 hunter and up to 2 non-hunting guests

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Live Auction Items Live

Miriam Jones • Custom one-of-a-kind quilt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

JP Guide Service • 5 Day Tule Elk hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

JP Guide Service • 5 Day California Blacktail Deer Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Kelly Short Outdoors • 2 Day Salmon Fishing and Crabbing off of Oregon Coast Near Columbia River

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Scott & Brian Koelzer • 5 Day / 4 Night Otter

Lodge Getaway in West Yellowstone

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Chad Lenz • 6 Day Archery Moose Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Let it Fly Bowfishing LLC • 2 Day Trip offering a 4-hour iguana hunt with blowguns and a 4 hour

Everglades bowfishing trip for 2

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

MacMillan River Adventures • 10 Day Alaska / Yukon Moose Hunt in Central Yukon Territory, Canada

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Matlabas Game Hunters • 10 Day South Africa

Plains Game Hunt for up to four hunters

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

13 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Live Auction Items

Mesquite Mountain Outfitters • 7 Day Archery

Coues Deer Hunt in Early Season Sonora, Mexico

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Motshwere Safaris and Outfitters • 10 Day South Africa Hunt for Cape Buff alo, Crocodile, and Sable

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Norte Hunters • 3 Day Argentina Dove Hunt for 4 hunters

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

North American Guide Service • 2 Day Fishing

Trip for Sturgeon and Salmon on Lower Columbia River

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Northern Adventure Hunts • 6 Day 2 Black Bears

Hunt in Northern Alberta

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Paco Riestra • 4 Day Argentina Dove Hunt for up to 6 hunters

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Paco Riestra • 5 Day Argentina Free Range Red Stag Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Paco Riestra • 5 Day Argentina Free Range Water

Buff alo Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Perrins Rainy Pass Lodge • Hunting Adventure

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Pointer Wingshooting • Argentina Dove Hunt for 4 Hunters

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Pointer Wingshooting • Argentina Red Stag Hunt for 2 Hunters

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Powder & String Outfitters • Dan Wesson 1911

Razorback - Custom Engraved

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Ray’s Hunting & Fishing Lodge Ltd • 6 Day Spot & Stalk Moose, 1 on 1 Guided Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Robert’s Outfitting Ltd • 6 Day Newfoundland

Moose Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Rogue • 8 Day Archery Moose / Wolf Hunt in Alberta, Canada

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Savage Bighorns • 10 Day Bighorn Sheep Hunt in Alberta

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Skeen Gundog and Outfitters • 3 Day Kansas

Geese / Pheasant / Quail Hunt for 4 guests

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

14 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Skeen Gundog and Outfitters • 2 person / 2 day

Non-Lodging Hunt for Rio Grande turkeys in South Central KS

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Sounding Creek Outfitters • 6 Day Archery Mule Deer Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Spoon Creek Outfitters • 6 Day Roosevelt Elk Archery Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Stonewood Lodge • Lake Clark, Alaska Fishing Trip

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Kathy Strecker • Southwest eme King Size Quilt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Trophy Hunting Spain • 5 Day Mountain Hunt in Spain

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Ward’s Outfitters • 6 Day Desert Mule Deer for 2


Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Ward’s Outfitters • 6 Day Coues Deer for 2 Hunters

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Ward’s Outfitters • 10 Day Sonora Desert Sheep Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Webfoot Outfitters • 5 Day Blacktail Deer Hunt in Southern Oregon

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Live Auction Items

Western Timberline Outfitters • 5 Day Eastern

Montana Whitetail or Mule Deer Plus Antelope Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Wild Fit • Fishing Creek, Maryland Vacation Home for 5 nights for up to 15 guests

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Wild Fit • Crystal Beach, Texas Vacation Home for 5 nights for up to 10 guests

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Wildest International Safaris • 7 Day South Africa

Hunt for 3 (1 Springbuck, 1 Gemsbuck, 1 Brown Blesbuck)

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Wildest International Safaris • 6 Day Namibia

Hunt for 3 (1 Oryx and 1 Warthog)

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Wizard Lake Outfitting • 6 Day Whitetail Deer

Hunt in Edmonton Bowzone

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Worldwide Trophy Adventures • Saskatchewan Black Bear Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

Yukon Big Game Outfitters Ltd • 9 Day Alaska

Yukon Moose Hunt

Starting Bid ______________________ Winning Bid ______________________

15 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Thank you for going above and beyond to help preserve, promote, and protect our passion for bowhunting!

PLATINUM PLATINUM SILVER SILVER DIAMOND DIAMOND GOLD GOLD These Corporate Partners have been loyal in helping us preserve, promote, and protect the passion for bowhunting! For more information on how you can become a corporate partner, please reach out to Dylan Ray. Dylan@pope-young.org

Pope and Young Club Conventions

19 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
1962 Chicago, Illinois 3rd Biennium (1960-61) 1964 Chicago, Illinois 4th Biennium (1962-63) 1969 Denver, Colorado 7th Biennium (1968-69) 1972 Denver, Colorado 8th Biennium (1970-72) 1975 Boulder, Colorado 9th Biennium (1973-74) 1977 Bismarck, North Dakota 10th Biennium (1975-76) 1979 Salt Lake City, Utah 11th Biennium (1977-78) 1981 Spokane, Washington 12th Biennium (1979-80) 1983 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 13th Biennium (1981-82) 1985 Bismarck, North Dakota 14th Biennium (1983-84) 1987 Tulsa, Oklahoma 15th Biennium (1985-86) 1989 Boise, Idaho 16th Biennium (1987-88) 1991 Seattle, Washington 17th Biennium (1989-90) 1993 Minneapolis, Minnesota 18th Biennium (1991-92) 1995 Traverse City, Michigan 19th Biennium (1993-94) 1997 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 20th Biennium (1995-96) 1999 Omaha, Nebraska 21st Biennium (1997-98) 2001 Salt Lake City, Utah 22nd Biennium (1999-00) 2003 Madison, Wisconsin 23rd Biennium (2001-02) 2005 Springfield, Missouri 24th Biennium (2003-04) 2007 Lancaster, Pennsylvania 25th Biennium (2005-06) 2009 Denver, Colorado 26th Biennium (2007-08) 2011 Rochester, Minnesota 27th Biennium (2009-10) 2013 Dallas, Texas 28th Biennium (2011-12) 2015 Phoenix, Arizona 29th Biennium (2013-14) 2017 St. Louis, Missouri 30th Biennium (2015-16) 2019 Omaha, Nebraska 31st Biennium (2017-18) 2021 Reno, Nevada 32nd Biennium (2019-20) 2023 Reno, Nevada 33rd Biennium (2021-22)
33rd Biennium North American Big Game Exhibit Program 33rd Recording Period Biennium Award Winners


But that’s not the half of it! e 33rd Recording Period set a lot of new records both in the books and in the records department. During this recording period we implemented many new processes and programs in the Official Measurer’s Network and in our office. To boot, both myself and our Records Coordinator, Becca Burt, began our journey with Pope & Young in the same short two years.

Hunters and P&Y alike are setting new records and doing so with some incredible stories and determination. Here some interesting facts about this years Big Game Award and Display:

• We have 172 trophies on display this year. at is over 40 more than ever before

• We have 52 Velvet trophies on display this year, that is 14 more than ever before

• We accepted 4821 entries in this recording period, up from 325 from last period

• We have 52 trophies on display that in the Top 10 all time for their category


• ere are 14 hunters who are receiving more than one award at our Big Game Awards

• 51 of the 57 categories and ALL 29 species are represented in this display

• 32 different States or Provinces are represented by trophies taken there, 37 from Alaska alone

I have had the privilege to speak with virtually all of the trophy owners over the past two years, most of which will be here to support Pope & Young and receive recognition for their amazing bow hunting accomplishments. With so many incredible trophies, I hope you take the time to say hello to these amazing hunters and take some long lasting photos in the Big Game Display ballroom! I know I plan to.

Lastly, I want to thank all of our volunteers who have spent weeks of their lives here in Reno helping my team, and our Panel Judges, handle all of these amazing trophies! is is no small feat. If you are ever temped by the idea of volunteering your time with Pope & Young at events or our biennial conventions, please reach out to us. We would welcome your support and help.

Welcome and enjoy this incredible display!

23 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023 2021-2022

NEW World Records 2021-2022

24 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

NEW World Records 2021-2022 NEW

1-Non-typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet 157 3/8

Angelo Nogara

7/29/2005 Sonoma County CA

2-Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou Velvet 384 4/8

Rodney Cockeram

9/3/2005 Humpy Lake NWT

3-Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet 109 7/8

Chuck Adams

8/12/2021 Kodiak Island AK

4-Non-typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet 117 7/8

Chuck Adams

8/26/2022 Kodiak Island AK

5-Tule Elk 336 1/8

Eric Bethune

8/24/2022 Mendocino County CA

6-Canada Moose Velvet 168 0/8

Travis Peterson

8/25/2003 Limestone Mountain ALB

7-Typical Coues Deer Velvet 115 4/8

James Stewart 9/2/2022 Santa Cruz County AZ

8-Quebec-Labrador Caribou Velvet 387 4/8

Kyle Johnson

8/28/2016 Lake King QUE

9-Woodland Caribou Velvet 362 1/8

Daniel Welker

8/28/2021 Bergeo NFL

10-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet 150 3/8

Gregory L. Wing

8/29/2021 Marion County OR

11-Tule Elk Velvet 257 5/8

Jim Wondzell

7/19/2021 San Luis Obispo Cty CA

12-Typical Mule Deer Velvet 218 2/8

Bowdy Gardner

8/28/2012 Kane County UT

13-Mountain Caribou Velvet 432 2/8

J. Dean Bodoh

8/12/1990 O’Grady Lake NWT

25 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
10 11 13 12
VOLUME 1 AND 2 THE BIGGEST ANTLER, HORN & SKULL RECORDS OF NORTH AMERICA STORIES BY HUNTERS • OVER 1,100 PAGES IN EACH VOLUME LIMITED TO 750 SETS PRODUCED • STRIKING DESIGN pope-young.org The most complete set of Pope & Young bowhunting records compiled in 2 volumes. Retail price is $145 Plus shipping. Get your set at the Pope & Young Club Convention for a SHOW ONLY special of $116 No shipping if picked up at the convention. The price will never be this low again! $145Retail Price Plus ShippingVolume 1 and 2 $116 Show Special Pick up your set at P&Y Club Convention in Reno, NV April 12-15, 2023


If you are an avid bowhunter seeking to enter your trophies into the Pope & Young record books, you typically know about the minimum scores that need to be met to be considered for entry. Each species and category have its minimums based on years of scientific study used to determine an exceptional standard for that species. Whether the species at hand is a typical or non-typical antlered trophy, a velvet antlered trophy, or even one of the many animal sub-species categorized by a geographical boundary, the bowhunter should understand that these minimums are not just random numbers. At a minimum, you should know that the efforts to establish such minimums were long and exhausting. ey are exceptional but achievable.

In the world we live in today, we might feel more and more compelled only to harvest animals that will score higher than our minimum score requirements. at is not a bad thing. Taking mature animals in your hunting pursuits is a good thing. It helps the population thrive, challenges you, the bowhunter, and tests your outdoor skills at the highest levels. But the minimum scores could also be looked at as just a goal or even a bonus. Not reaching the minimum score doesn’t diminish the hunter’s effort, skill set, or value of the hunt; it is not a grade on the hunter or the hunt. Instead, the score is a final entry in your hunting journal to document the grade of the animal and compare it against a set of long-standing standards in the ranks of others. At a minimum, we should accept that taking a big game animal is an honor and

should be treated with honor.

When the data is combined with harvest statistics and our record book entry data, sound biology, and wildlife management practices should support the well-known model(s) used to manage big game. It is no coincidence that big game animals that are the most dominant, have the best genetics, and are the healthiest are both the focal point of wildlife management and hunters. In a perfect world, where all wildlife management issues faced today are manageable, management of our big game animals would be exceptional, and the trophy quality of big game would be more commonplace. But it’s not a perfect world. When examined closely, the data can support good and poor wildlife management findings. And for that, we must ensure that bow hunting remains an effective tool for managing big game. At a minimum, know that every entry into the Pope & Young record books continues to help protect the use of a bow and arrow in wildlife management.

When you understand the purpose and history of the record books, our minimums make more sense regarding their purpose and position. As club members, we can then better support and represent bow hunting at a higher level. A level above the minimum expectation that, as a club, we put on each other to promote the club and bowhunting. Becoming a better bowhunter isn’t always measured in the record book. Understanding the role that the record books play should influence all bow hunters to be better ambassadors of bowhunting, at a minimum.

28 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
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29 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023 —————————————————————— ——————————————————————

33rd Recording Period Entry Totals

The Pope & Young Club accepted 4,821 entries into the Records Program for the 33rd Biennium. The 33rd Recording Period data encompasses entries accepted from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022. The following is a break down by species:

30 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
Typical Whitetail Deer 2856 Typical American Elk 362 Black Bear 328 Non-Typical Whitetail Deer 302 Pronghorn Antelope 210 Typical Mule Deer 118 Typical Coues Deer 78 Typical Mule Deer Velvet 54 Typical Whitetail Deer Velvet 40 Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer 33 Canada Moose 31 Cougar 31 Shiras Moose 27 Muskox 26 Rocky Mountain Goat 24 Alaska-Yukon Moose 23 Non-Typical Mule Deer 22 Bighorn Sheep 21 Alaska Brown Bear 19 Roosevelt Elk 19 Non-Typical Mule Deer Velvet 18 Sitka Blacktail Deer 18 Typical Coues Deer Velvet 18 Desert Bighorn Sheep 15 Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet 12 Grizzly Bear 11 SPECIES CATEGORY ENTRIES Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet 11 Tule Elk 11 Dall Sheep 9 Bison 8 Woodland Caribou 7 Barren Ground Caribou 6 Non-Typical American Elk 6 Non-Typical coues deer 6 Polar Bear 6 Non-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer 5 Non-Typical Whitetail Deer Velvet 5 Stone Sheep 5 Non-Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet 4 Mountain Caribou 3 Mountain Caribou Velvet 2 Shiras Moose Velvet 2 Woodland Caribou Velvet 2 Barren Ground Caribou Velvet 1 Canada Moose Velvet 1 Central Canada Caribou 1 Central Canada Caribou Velvet 1 Non-typical Coues Deer Velvet 1 Quebec-Labrador Caribou Velvet 1 Tule Elk Velvet 1 ———————————————————————————— Total Entries 4821 SPECIES CATEGORY ENTRIES

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Alaska Brown Bear

Black Bear

Grizzly Bear

Note: HM Indicates Honorable Mention.

31 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 28 15/16 Jared Bradshaw Kenai Peninsula, AK 5/31/2021 2nd 28 7/16 Brendan Burns Cinder River, AK 5/12/2018 3rd 28 4/16 Dan Evenson Kodiak Island, AK 5/10/2021 HM 26 11/16 Kevin Smith Illiamna, AK 5/22/2021 HM 26 9/16 Tanner Wilson Wasilla, AK 6/7/2022 HM 25 15/16 Brian Watkins Kenai Peninsula, AK 5/28/2022 HM 25 13/16 Alllen Bolen Kodiak Island, AK 5/3/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 22 11/16 Billy John Foster Burnett, WI 9/8/2022 2nd 22 7/16 Ron B. Kehler Telford Lake, MAN 5/30/2021 3rd 22 4/16 Jacob Green Aitkin County, MN 9/5/2022 HM 22 2/16 Eric Burkhardt Lake Manitoba Narrows, MB 5/25/2022 HM 21 11/16 Steven Scheurer II Barron County, WI 10/11/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 25 15/16 Joseph DeNoble Unalakleet, AK 6/11/2021 2nd 24 10/16 Rick Popovitch Unalakleet, AK 5/30/2021 3rd 24 8/16 Jake King Ray River, AK 6/18/2022 HM 23 15/16 William Pettett Jr. Unalakleet, AK 6/3/2022 HM 23 3/16 Shad Pyper Yukon Flats, AK 6/5/2015

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Polar Bear


Barren Ground Caribou

Barren Ground Caribou Velvet

Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou Velvet

32 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 25 12/16 Ernesto Santana Jones Sound, NUN 5/15/2022 2nd 25 2/16 Eric Bethune Gulf of Boothia, NUN 5/7/2022 3rd 24 15/16 Tim Vance Norwegian Bay, NUN 4/16/2022 HM 24 13/16 William Pettett Jr. Norwegian Bay, NUN 5/1/2022 HM 24 13/16 Dawn Traub Artic Bay, NUN 5/8/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 15 4/16 Matthew Edwards Shashone County, ID 12/16/2021 2nd 15 1/16 Paul Vincent Birinyi Simonette River, ALB 2/12/2020 3rd 14 14/16 Arthur F. Dick III Moses Lake, BC 12/13/2019
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 375 0/8 Eugene ‘Gene’ Fleming Chandalar River, AK 8/26/2021 2nd 344 5/8 Alexandra White North Slope, AK 8/20/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 352 0/8 Remi Warren Talkeetna Mountains, AK 8/21/2017
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE WR only 384 4/8 Rodney Cockeram Humpy Lake, NWT 9/3/2005 1st 383 5/8 Tyler Allred Point Lake, NWT 8/21/2008 2nd 307 2/8 Dan Evenson Baker Lake, NUN 9/3/2022

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

33 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
Velvet AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 432 2/8 J. Dean Bodoh O’Grady Lake, NWT 8/12/1990 2nd 343 1/8 F David Thornberry Palmer Lake, NWT 8/8/2019
Caribou AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 424 2/8 Woody Groves Clear Water Lake, QUE 10/3/2005
Caribou Velvet AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 387 4/8 Kyle Johnson Lake King, QUE 8/28/2016 2nd 376 5/8 Jeffrey Fitz-Maurice Schefferville, QUE 9/6/1994 3rd 374 1/8 Michael L. Ritter Delay River, QUE 9/12/1993 Woodland Caribou AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 323 5/8 Gerard O’Hare Great Northern Peninsula, NFL 9/2/2019 2nd 313 0/8 Lloyd “Buddy” Schaut Buchans Plateau, NFL 10/13/2021 3rd 288 5/8 Matt Andvik Stoney Lake, NFL 10/5/2021 HM 257 3/8 Jeff Furstenau Deer Lake, NFL 10/6/2021 HM 249 5/8 Tim Vance Main Brook, NFL 10/12/2021
Caribou Velvet AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 362 1/8 Daniel Welker Bergeo, NFL 8/28/2021 2nd 254 2/8 George Harms Deer Lake, NFL 9/2/2009 3rd 249 5/8 Stephen J. Erbland Middle Riddle, NFL 9/1/2021
Mountain Caribou

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer

Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer

Non-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet

Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer

34 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 145 4/8 Mark Bonales Santa Clara County, CA 8/10/2010 2nd 135 2/8 Randy Liljenquist Mendocino County, CA 11/21/2020
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 150 3/8 Gregory L. Wing Marion County, OR 8/29/2021 2nd 130 2/8 Brandon Tirado Trinity County, CA 8/20/2019 3rd 124 5/8 Dan Evenson Trinity County, CA 8/16/2020 HM 123 5/8 Redhawk Pallesen Mendocino County, CA 7/21/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 173 4/8 Tavis Rogers Jackson County, OR 11/18/2020 2nd 142 7/8 Jacob Jensen Lane County, OR 11/29/2020
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 157 3/8 Angelo Nogara Sonoma County, CA 7/29/2005 2nd 130 5/8 David W. Rickert II Mendocino County, CA 8/1/1996
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 112 3/8 Charles Haydu Prince of Wales, AK 11/21/2018 2nd 100 3/8 Brian Watkins Kodiak Island, AK 9/6/2021 3rd 97 2/8 Chuck Adams Kodiak Island, AK 8/18/2021 HM 88 7/8 Preston Farrior Afognak Island, AK 11/30/2018

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet

Typical Coues Deer

Typical Coues Deer Velvet

35 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 109 7/8 Chuck Adams Kodiak Island, AK 8/12/2021 2nd 104 3/8 Chuck Adams Kodiak Island, AK 8/23/2021 3rd 100 5/8 Robert Law Kodiak Island, AK 8/3/2021 HM 93 5/8 Jim Willems Kosciusko Island, AK 8/1/2022 HM 92 5/8 Jim Willems Kodiak Island, AK 8/6/2021 HM 84 2/8 Jim Witcombe Kodiak Island, AK 8/2/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 117 7/8 Chuck Adams Kodiak Island, AK 8/26/2022 2nd 101 2/8 Bob Ameen Kosiosko Island, AK 8/4/2022 3rd 96 0/8 Chuck Adams Kodiak Island, AK 8/11/2022 HM 93 4/8 Chuck Adams Kodiak Island, AK 8/17/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 107 1/8 Nicholas S. Muche Sonora, MEX 1/7/2022 2nd 104 3/8 Kevin J. Railsback Sonora, MEX 1/31/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 115 4/8 James Stewart Santa Cruz County, AZ 9/2/2022 2nd 109 2/8 Tanner W. Barcom Yavapai County, AZ 8/22/2020 3rd 103 3/8 Bob Jacobsen Greenlee County, AZ 8/23/2022 HM 88 6/8 Garrett Chavez Gila County, AZ 8/21/2020 HM 85 0/8 Rodney Ronnebaum Gila County, AZ 9/4/2017

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Non-Typical Coues Deer

Non-Typical Coues Deer Velvet

Typical Mule Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Mule Deer

36 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 122 2/8 Zack Walton Sonora, MEX 1/12/2021 2nd 105 5/8 Frank S. Noska IV Sonora, MEX 2/7/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 134 4/8 Tristen Littleton Catron County, NM 9/4/2020 2nd 125 0/8 Brian Adams Gila County, AZ 9/14/2004 3rd 123 1/8 Frank J. Pena II Maricopa County, AZ 9/4/2014 HM 118 2/8 Carl Wade Harward Coconino County, AZ 8/23/2019
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 186 6/8 Mitch Miller Costilla County, CO 11/27/2021 2nd 186 0/8 Darrin DalPiaz Delta County, CO 9/11/2021 3rd 178 2/8 Tyler Robinson Lincoln County, WY 9/4/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE WR 218 2/8 Bowdy Gardner Kane County, UT 8/28/2012 1st 205 1/8 Tim W. Roberts Mesa County, CO 8/27/2006 2nd 201 6/8 Jacob Click Mesa County, CO 9/4/2022 3rd 201 1/8 Levi Shipton Consort, ALB 9/5/2021 HM 191 5/8 Trever Thompson Kane County, UT 8/24/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 269 2/8 Lyle Odgers Rockglen, SAS 10/2/2018

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Non-Typical Mule Deer Velvet

Typical Whitetail Deer

Typical Whitetail Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer Velvet

37 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 272 6/8 Jeff Cisneros Wayne County, UT 9/1/2015 2nd 254 7/8 Bradley Lynk Grande Prairie , ALB 8/25/2022 3rd 239 4/8 Brent D. Scott Toele County, UT 8/21/2021 HM 233 1/8 Clayton Kuklick Jefferson County, CO 9/3/2020
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 191 0/8 Nicole Miller Guernsey County, OH 10/24/2021 2nd 186 4/8 Nathan C. Thomas Lake County, IN 11/12/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 181 3/8 Marlin McGinnis Mercer County, KY 9/9/2021 2nd 176 3/8 Gavin Black Foster County, ND 9/4/2017 3rd 166 4/8 Jordan Barth Goshen County, WY 9/1/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 242 0/8 Darin Hess Riley County, KS 11/15/2021 2nd 239 6/8 Tyson Smith Fulton County, IL 11/2/2019
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 236 1/8 Benny Overholt Macon County, GA 9/13/2021 2nd 228 2/8 Tom Miller Wells County, ND 9/2/2005

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Typical American Elk

Non-Typical American Elk

38 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 408 3/8 Matthew Schimberg Coconino County, AZ 9/14/2019 2nd 385 4/8 Brady Arnold Garfield County, UT 9/3/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 314 3/8 Cliff Anderson Daggett County, UT 9/1/2020
Typical American Elk Velvet
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 412 6/8 Shane Brumbaugh Banner County, NE 9/11/2021 2nd 401 2/8 Michael Sellers Yavapai County, AZ 9/16/2022 3rd 370 3/8 Colton Guilliams Gila County, AZ 11/15/2020 HM 347 6/8 Ryan Hadden Deschutes County, OR 9/11/2021 HM 330 2/8 Chad T. Haley Carbon County, WY 9/2/2021
Elk AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 391 6/8 Matthew Collver Lane County, OR 9/26/2021 2nd 336 5/8 Kyle Hudgins Humboldt County, CA 9/23/2022 3rd 332 1/8 Daniel Welker Vancouver Island, BC 9/1/2022 HM 327 3/8 Dave Goughenour Lincoln County, OR 9/14/2022 HM 327 3/8 Gordon G. Hoffnagle Coos County, OR 9/15/2020
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 336 1/8 Eric Bethune Mendocino County, CA 8/24/2022 2nd 322 3/8 Frederick Sweisthal Jr Mendocino County, CA 9/6/2021 3rd 281 7/8 Tim Vance Mendocino County, CA 8/1/2021 HM 256 0/8 Dan Evenson Mendocino County, CA 9/7/2021 HM 246 0/8 Kevin L. Hall Inyo County, CA 8/15/2021
Tule Elk

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Tule Elk Velvet

Alaska-Yukon Moose

Canada Moose

Canada Moose Velvet

Shiras Moose

39 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 257 5/8 Jim Wondzell San Luis Obispo County, CA 7/19/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 220 4/8 Jeffrey Robert McCrary Lower Yukon Delta, AK 9/16/2020 2nd 219 2/8 David L. Terhaar McGrath County, AK 9/15/2021 3rd 211 4/8 George Owren Hogatza River, AK 9/19/2021 HM 205 6/8 Jack S. Mulvihill Mountain River, NWT 9/10/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 182 6/8 Luke Gilbert McLean County, ND 9/27/2020
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st & WR 168 0/8 Travis Peterson Limestone Mountain, ALB 8/25/2003 2nd 166 7/8 Lew Webb Tetsa River, BC 8/18/2002 3rd 165 5/8 Dustin Wald Renville County, ND 9/4/2020
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 168 5/8 Jeff Metzger Summit County, CO 9/15/2020 2nd 160 4/8 D. J. Stinchcomb Uintah County, UT 9/28/2020 3rd 160 3/8 Larry Dominguez Grand County, CO 9/29/2021 HM 158 0/8 Robert Washburn Cassia County, ID 10/10/2020 HM 153 6/8 Jordan C. Nelson Summit County, CO 9/22/2020 HM 148 1/8 Stacey Weyand Gunnison County, CO 9/14/2021 HM 138 0/8 Thomas Zuck Boulder County, CO 9/14/2021

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Shiras Moose Velvet

Pronghorn Antelope

Rocky Mountain Goat

40 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 149 4/8 Lance A. Pryce Routt County, CO 9/13/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 116 0/8 Michael Traub Talkeetna Mountains, AK 8/21/2017 2nd 106 4/8 Chuck Adams Park County, WY 10/23/2022 3rd 104 6/8 David Brophy Egypt Mountain, AK 9/13/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 121 0/8 Eric Bethune Kuglugtuk, NUN 3/22/2022 2nd 115 2/8 Dan Evenson Baker Lake, NUN 9/4/2022 3rd 110 0/8 James Horneck Chesterfield Inlet, NUN 8/27/2019
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st - tie 83 2/8 Justin Joseph Rozich Millard County, UT 8/15/2020 1st - tie 83 2/8 Ryan M. Santos Eureka County, NV 8/22/2021 3rd 82 4/8 Jay Sherley Lewis & Clark County, MT 8/19/2020 HM 82 0/8 Steven Ward Graham County, AZ 8/22/2020 HM 82 0/8 Justin Long Duchesne County, UT 8/15/2020 HM 80 4/8 Dereck Sinks Custer County, MT 9/3/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 52 4/8 David Keith Merritt Crab Lake, BC 9/13/2021 2nd 50 4/8 Jason Duby Kittitas County, WA 10/31/2020 3rd 50 2/8 John L. Wade II La Plata County, CO 10/31/2021

Biennial Award Winners 2021-2022

Bighorn Sheep

Dall’s Sheep

Desert Bighorn Sheep

Stone Sheep

41 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 189 2/8 Brian Benyo Taos County, NM 8/3/2021 2nd 179 4/8 Don Davidson Jr. Chouteau County, MT 11/20/2020 3rd 179 0/8 Thomas Zuck El Paso County, CO 12/1/2021 HM 178 3/8 T.J. Thrasher El Paso County, CO 12/4/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 164 3/8 Frank S. Noska IV Yukon-Charley Rivers, AK 9/11/2021 2nd 155 3/8 Remi Warren Eklutna, AK 9/5/2018 3rd 150 7/8 Justin Kamps Purple Creek, NWT 8/24/2021 HM 148 6/8 Rick Popovitch Nahanni Park, NWT 7/18/2022
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 183 4/8 Ricardo Longoria Sonora, MEX 10/15/2021 2nd 183 0/8 Jason A. Bryan Sonora , MEX 11/30/2019 3rd 179 3/8 Timothy Vance Sonora, MEX 1/31/2020 HM 176 2/8 Randy Liljenquist Maricopa County, AZ 12/13/2021
AWARD SCORE BOWHUNTER AREA KILL DATE 1st 158 4/8 Preston Farrior Big Horn Creek, BC 8/18/2021 2nd 153 0/8 Dan Evenson Boya Lake, BC 8/1/2022

Records Chairman Report

This statistical booklet is a culmination of the Pope and Young Club Records Program’s 33rd Recording Period (January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022). e records contained in this booklet represent animals taken in North America, under the rules of fair chase, with a bow and arrow. For over sixty (62) years the Pope and Young Club has been collecting statistical data from these entries to compile the most complete and accurate database of its kind. In fact, during the 33rd Record Period the Pope and Young Club Records Program surpassed 123,000 entries in its database. is data provides millions of additional data points that can be utilized by our members, game and fish agencies, and archery industries alike.

In the 33rd Record Period, 4821 entries were received and accepted into the Records Program. ere were entries in fi y (50) different categories which include non-typical and velvet categories. e 33rd biennium ended with an all-time total of 123,250 entries into the Records Program, more than any of its kind. e Typical Whitetail Deer had the most entries with 2869 followed by the Typical American Elk (362), Black Bear (328), non-typical whitetail deer (301), and Pronghorn Antelope (211), depicting the top five. Fi y-three (53) animals finished in the

top five (5) of their respective categories (including velvet). ese statistics reflect the sound conservation efforts by game management agencies throughout North America.

is booklet is used as the 33rd Recording Period convention program as well as the statistical summary. Within this booklet you will be able to review and analyze the most recent statistical data available.

ere are hunt characteristic graphs which show data displayed in a useful format to help you visually interpret statistics.

e Pope and Young Club Records Program is considered to be the backbone of the organization. e volunteer measurers of the Club, nearly 900, are very important,

42 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Records Chairman Report Records Chairman

as they keep the Records Program moving forward. e well trained measurers put in countless and o entimes thankless hours working with bowhunters to accurately measure their trophies and submitting them for entry into the Records Program. Without a doubt, the Records Program and this organization would not be where it is today without them.

In February of 2023, some of the most knowledgeable and experienced measurers in North America gathered together in Reno, Nevada, to participate in the Pope and Young Club’s 33rd Recording Period Panel Judging. Over the course of three days, these measurers authenticated the score of the top 169 trophies

that were sent in to be panel judged. e judging at panel, as well as several special panels within the 33rd recording period, resulted in thirteen (13) new Pope and Young World Records being recognized; Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou Velvet, Mountain Caribou Velvet, Non-typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet, Non-typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet, Quebec-Labrador

Caribou Velvet, Typical Columbian Blacktail

Deer Velvet, Typical Coues Deer Velvet, Typical Mule Deer Velvet, Typical Sitka Blacktail

Deer Velvet, Woodland Caribou Velvet, and Tule Elk (both velvet and hard racked). All of the trophies should be on display at the 2023 Pope and Young Club’s Biennial Convention in Reno, Nevada.

e Pope and Young Club Records Program has set the standard for the measuring and recording of trophies taken in North America under the rules of fair chase with a bow and arrow. e Records Program has earned this reputation and will continue to move forward into the future. e future is important to the Pope and Young Club but preserving its rich history and tradition is equally important, providing a solid foundation to build upon. is booklet is a history book which forever preserves the Pope and Young Club’s 33rd Recording Period in print for all to enjoy forever!

43 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

2023 Panel Judges

STANDING (L to R): Tim Rozewski (D.O.R.), Mark Kronyak, Jennifer Staten, Becca Burt (P&Y Admin), Tony Heil (Crating Crew), Chris

Cordes, Gabe Krueger (Crating Crew), Kyle Lehr (B&C Admin), Jack Fields II, Gary Martin,

Victor Clark, Justin Spring, Ed Fanchin, Shawn Grabow, Dallas Smith, Jim Willems, Alan

Clark, William Sousa (Crating Crew), Drake

Atwood, Roger Atwood, Jack Reneau, Steven Keithley, Roy Grace (Records Chairman)

44 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

KNEELING (L to R): Gil Hernandez, Mike

Opitz, Phil Herrnberger, Doug Strecker, John

Borlang, Bucky Ihlenfelt, Ricky Krueger, Barry

Smith, Frank Noska, Stan Zirbel, Robert

Tastsides, Larry Steiff

2023 Panel Judges 2023 Panel Judges

45 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Distribution & Growth Statistics

The following pages contain a breakdown of the Pope & Young Club’s Records Program archives. Entries in the Records Program are tallied by state/ province for each of the recognized North American big game species and are expressed as a total for each of the last ten two-year recording periods. Additionally, the total all-time sums for each state, per species, are given and arranged in descending order. Entries are shown in the recording period that the animal was harvested.

With some insight into the various factors that

Alaskan Brown Bear

can affect the number of entries, the following stats can be interpreted to reflect the present health of a specific big game species population in a specific state/province and the hunting opportunities in that state/province. Past recording period supplements contain state by state breakdowns of the entries in the archives, current to that publication, which, along with this publication, can be charted to compare long term growth for a particular state/ province as compared to others. We hope you find this information interesting and informative.

Black Bear

46 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 21 22 21 17 21 25 20 15 16 14 283
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) ONT 65 100 62 55 44 38 47 31 15 8 1583 SAS 87 112 75 58 44 54 61 54 48 31 1177 ALB 66 34 50 40 40 45 38 35 29 20 919 MAN 66 59 52 49 42 53 57 59 34 38 904 WI 59 52 47 39 45 33 24 27 23 16 799 AK 32 39 29 26 30 15 31 22 22 18 584 MN 20 25 12 24 21 11 21 25 18 7 488 QUE 37 20 30 28 29 19 18 15 9 4 476 CO 9 6 22 14 19 22 20 21 18 14 464 ID 24 19 15 21 19 14 8 4 4 3 442 CA 13 13 11 13 8 11 6 10 7 1 274 BC 22 16 28 12 8 9 9 5 2 3 239 ME 15 7 8 8 3 4 4 2 2 211 MI 12 11 7 5 4 4 4 2 1 188 NBW 18 10 10 15 10 15 6 7 2 188 NY 12 11 7 7 13 12 14 7 13 4 169 NM 6 5 5 6 3 1 2 2 4 3 148 WA 7 4 4 6 5 5 1 9 2 2 147 MT 1 7 6 12 9 4 6 3 3 2 146 OR 2 7 9 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 133 AZ 8 4 5 9 6 6 6 5 6 5 114 UT 6 1 3 10 14 8 6 5 2 2 110 WV 9 8 5 7 7 9 5 3 1 106 VA 10 6 6 8 5 9 3 5 4 2 87 AR 5 6 11 17 7 4 6 7 5 1 82 WY 1 5 7 5 5 4 6 5 1 1 73 NH 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 46

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Black Bear continued

Grizzly Bear

Polar Bear


47 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NFL 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 30 GA 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 29 PA 3 1 8 2 1 4 1 1 24 NC 2 3 2 1 5 3 23 NJ 8 6 5 1 20 NS 2 1 1 1 1 1 18 VT 2 1 2 2 1 1 17 MA 3 1 1 1 1 12 TN 1 2 1 1 10 OK 4 2 1 7 YUK 2 4 NWT 1 TOTAL 623 596 537 507 466 422 431 399 284 194 10492
State/Pro 18th Period 19th Period 20th Period 21st Period 22nd Period 23rd Period 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) Alaska 3 3 3 7 2 9 5 6 6 9 63 BritishColumbia 1 2 1 1 3 3 5 1 5 3 40 YukonTerritory 1 2 2 8 Alberta 1 1 3 Wyoming 2 Nunavut 1 1 TOTAL 4 6 7 8 5 14 12 7 11 12 117
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NUN 9 15 9 1 1 6 6 9 3 6 74 NWT 1 1 4 20 AK 3 TOTAL 10 16 13 1 1 6 6 9 3 6 97
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) BC 3 2 2 10 2 2 1 30 UT 1 5 5 28 AZ 2 1 4 5 4 2 1 1 27 AK 1 1 4 1 1 16 WY 4 1 5 1 3 1 15 MT 2 1 4 ALB 1 1 TOTAL 5 5 7 14 8 9 5 13 10 4 121

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Barren Ground Caribou

Barren Ground Caribou Velvet

Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou

Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou Velvet

Mountain Caribou

Mountain Caribou Velvet

48 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 18th Period 19th Period 20th Period 21st Period 22nd Period 23rd Period 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) AK 18 7 7 18 11 5 15 7 8 4 650 YUK 2 1 1 1 9 Total 20 8 8 19 11 5 15 7 8 4 659
State/Pro 18th Period 19th Period 20th Period 21st Period 22nd Period 23rd Period 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) AK 5 3 4 3 2 45
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NWT 16 6 3 2 3 263 MAN 3 1 1 1 3 2 25 NUN 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 13 GRN 1 1 2 Total 21 8 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 1 303
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NWT 12 5 6 2 90 NUN 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 11 MAN 1 1 Total 13 6 6 3 3 1 1 0 2 1 102
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NWT 1 3 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 1 89 BC 4 4 1 1 52 YUK 2 1 1 1 2 15 Total 7 8 4 5 5 7 3 5 4 1 156
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NWT 2 4 6 3 3 1 3 3 47

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Quebec / Labrador Caribou

Quebec / Labrador Caribou Velvet

Woodland Caribou

Woodland Caribou Velvet


49 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) QUE 19 62 18 2 5 4 5 5 724 NFL 2 6 Total 19 62 20 2 5 4 5 5 0 0 730
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) QUE 5 6 3 2 8 69
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NFL 14 20 9 6 9 5 9 10 9 4 242
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NFL 1 1 1 7
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CO 18 19 11 27 18 13 8 7 6 5 511 UT 6 7 10 8 7 7 3 10 3 1 364 ID 12 8 7 7 6 6 6 9 1 4 359 MT 8 9 12 12 8 6 4 6 5 1 318 BC 2 7 3 5 4 4 3 3 3 1 120 ALB 10 5 7 9 10 4 6 4 2 1 111 AZ 7 5 2 2 4 1 7 3 4 95 NM 1 1 3 1 4 6 89 NV 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 80 WY 3 4 6 8 2 1 6 4 1 71 WA 1 2 4 2 1 1 42 OR 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 34 CA 10 TX 4 SD 1 1 MEX 1 1 Total 71 70 61 90 65 49 52 50 25 14 2210

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer

Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer

Non-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer Velvet

Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer

Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet

50 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) OR 25 25 27 18 16 9 9 10 14 3 447 CA 19 16 23 21 10 19 11 6 14 6 335 WA 17 17 8 6 6 9 10 7 6 195 BC 2 1 6 2 1 30 Total 63 59 64 47 33 37 30 23 34 9 1007
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CA 18 12 11 11 8 8 9 6 7 5 173 OR 1 1 1 2 1 2 12 WA 3 Total 18 12 12 11 9 8 10 8 8 7 188
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) OR 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 30 CA 2 7 WA 2 6 Total 0 5 0 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 43
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CA 1 1 1 6
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 28 35 29 34 12 29 52 38 33 6 612 BC 2 5 Total 28 35 31 34 12 29 52 38 33 6 617
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 4 3 2 1 1 4 8 28

& Growth Statistics

Non-Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer

Non-Typical Sitka Blacktail Deer Velvet

Typical Coues’ Deer

Typical Coues’ Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Coues’ Deer

Non-Typical Coues’ Deer Velvet

51 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 1 1 2
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 1 1 4 6
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AZ 20 31 38 35 37 42 27 33 30 19 478 NM 3 5 3 5 4 1 2 234 MEX 7 18 16 30 18 25 18 27 26 38 68 Total 30 54 57 70 59 68 47 60 56 57 780
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AZ 11 10 13 11 3 5 6 8 18 3 115 NM 1 1 1 3 Total 11 10 13 12 4 5 6 8 19 3 118
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AZ 2 2 6 5 3 3 3 5 1 39 MEX 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 16 NM 1 4 Total 3 2 6 6 4 5 4 9 1 5 59
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AZ 1 1 3 6 NM 2 2 Total 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 8

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Typical Mule Deer

Typical Mule Deer Velvet

52 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CO 47 32 42 36 38 30 23 28 25 12 861 ALB 30 30 35 40 31 17 15 10 14 5 410 WY 28 19 28 18 18 11 13 18 7 2 357 UT 14 4 12 21 18 6 12 5 7 4 285 OR 10 9 9 12 8 7 13 3 1 1 257 ID 7 12 3 1 6 4 10 4 2 1 252 MT 22 20 12 19 10 7 9 9 5 3 232 SD 16 18 29 28 17 6 17 10 7 3 183 ND 13 11 17 13 5 7 12 12 10 3 182 AZ 8 5 13 9 2 7 5 5 5 181 NM 4 6 7 10 8 6 3 3 2 173 KS 3 5 3 4 8 7 7 4 1 161 NV 1 4 5 6 2 1 4 5 2 1 111 WA 8 8 2 7 6 3 6 1 101 SAS 6 3 7 9 8 7 6 8 5 1 92 NE 4 2 9 6 2 1 6 5 2 90 CA 2 3 1 2 1 1 5 2 3 1 57 MEX 3 1 3 8 2 5 1 8 5 4 41 TX 1 1 4 8 5 3 2 1 3 2 40 BC 2 5 1 1 4 2 2 1 36 MAN 1 1 NBW 1 1 OK 1 Total 229 196 235 261 203 139 166 142 109 48 4105
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) UT 28 26 39 36 33 14 17 13 16 3 534 CO 40 32 33 45 20 18 16 11 13 3 452 NV 7 7 10 18 7 3 4 4 5 3 170 ALB 11 13 9 7 15 11 2 5 5 4 102 AZ 5 4 6 4 2 3 5 5 81 WY 7 2 9 5 11 2 4 6 4 2 81 OR 1 4 6 3 1 2 1 3 5 1 69 NM 1 1 3 2 1 4 51 CA 3 3 1 3 5 4 5 2 2 1 46 SAS 7 4 4 3 6 4 1 1 1 39 ID 1 5 2 2 1 4 3 3 2 35 ND 4 1 1 6 4 3 5 2 31 MT 4 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 29 BC 2 1 2 1 1 1 11 NE 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 SD 1 1 2 6 WA 2 4 Total 112 107 124 134 115 72 63 63 67 22 1749

Non-Typical Mule Deer

Non-Typical Mule Deer Velvet

Statistics 53 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
& Growth
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AZ 12 12 16 11 3 6 9 9 21 4 146 CO 6 7 12 10 8 7 3 6 1 2 143 ALB 8 5 12 7 6 4 1 4 3 1 72 KS 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 68 UT 2 3 1 4 3 2 3 3 51 OR 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 4 46 SAS 4 1 2 3 3 3 6 5 3 1 46 MT 4 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 43 WY 5 4 3 2 3 3 1 1 42 ID 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 40 NM 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 20 SD 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 19 ND 2 5 1 5 17 NE 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 16 NV 1 1 2 1 10 CA 1 1 2 1 9 WA 1 1 1 1 7 TX 1 1 6 BC 4 5 MEX 1 1 3 Total 46 48 63 55 36 39 39 41 49 12 809
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) UT 3 4 4 10 7 6 7 4 1 3 75 CO 1 11 5 7 6 3 1 3 2 63 NV 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 26 ALB 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 24 AZ 1 1 3 2 1 21 SAS 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 4 20 WY 2 1 1 2 1 13 OR 1 3 2 1 10 CA 5 1 1 1 9 ID 1 1 3 1 1 9 NM 1 1 2 1 1 9 ND 3 1 2 1 8 MT 1 1 2 WA 1 1 2 BC 1 NE 1 1 TX 1 Total 12 29 21 27 24 25 19 13 15 7 294

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Typical Whitetail Deer

54 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) WI 1056 1107 948 1211 1024 529 694 420 462 232 13329 IL 774 628 503 449 356 187 219 149 146 50 7677 IA 426 406 375 276 295 217 218 150 142 51 5027 OH 348 306 295 344 313 229 232 165 147 71 4295 IN 264 237 342 345 257 210 233 185 144 65 3492 KS 238 212 283 271 206 222 164 114 112 48 3337 MN 208 209 200 180 157 125 140 104 157 58 3215 MO 233 178 196 171 142 132 109 93 91 45 2466 TX 181 162 187 137 104 121 91 58 72 36 2085 MI 143 147 140 122 99 52 94 74 86 53 2057 PA 160 168 178 213 144 102 107 72 89 46 1974 NY 126 127 91 132 118 83 82 88 114 50 1847 KY 114 105 99 104 116 102 102 101 78 35 1550 NE 114 75 120 120 101 48 61 36 52 22 1305 ND 98 145 117 121 70 52 84 90 80 21 1196 SD 94 87 79 111 61 58 83 46 43 22 1125 MD 53 61 34 42 46 39 25 27 21 14 941 GA 38 37 51 70 64 64 58 75 73 56 810 OK 52 38 49 59 44 45 37 33 38 17 778 WV 26 38 53 50 65 40 39 26 42 25 741 AR 58 45 62 50 68 55 51 62 43 11 717 MS 35 52 48 71 61 43 55 28 28 15 660 NJ 41 61 42 43 39 22 21 21 32 8 645 MT 42 37 39 32 31 18 29 19 12 2 592 VA 33 38 33 26 29 23 27 12 16 10 552 ALB 23 20 41 36 23 13 17 11 15 10 428 MA 29 22 25 26 19 20 9 12 11 4 325 NC 22 22 34 28 26 13 19 17 13 5 312 CT 30 25 17 16 33 10 4 5 8 5 289 TN 19 20 20 15 15 10 10 15 8 6 257 CO 14 19 12 15 16 12 6 10 5 2 254 SAS 23 24 23 18 19 13 8 13 11 6 253 AL 9 9 14 7 8 11 5 2 7 4 192 WA 16 22 16 16 10 12 8 8 6 2 189 ONT 6 13 9 11 12 7 4 5 170 WY 10 14 15 18 16 7 7 7 5 1 168 LA 8 14 10 13 3 9 6 2 5 3 166 NH 8 8 3 7 12 11 1 5 7 2 135 MAN 8 11 4 2 9 3 4 1 5 3 117 ID 7 5 15 14 3 7 3 4 4 1 112 DE 7 7 9 3 2 1 5 5 1 1 82 SC 5 3 5 8 3 4 7 7 6 4 76 ME 2 4 1 5 7 5 2 5 3 64 BC 1 4 5 2 3 1 2 4 1 41 RI 6 4 3 2 5 1 1 2 37 MEX 2 5 3 3 2 1 35 FL 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 3 28 QUE 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 VT 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 13 NBW 1 2 12 OR 1 7 NS 1 6 NM 1 1 Total 5215 4986 4852 5019 4257 2986 3188 2380 2460 1128 66207

Typical Whitetail Deer Velvet

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer

55 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
& Growth Statistics
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) KY 11 19 27 15 16 19 13 21 14 10 169 ND 10 9 18 8 7 12 2 4 6 2 88 GA 1 3 6 4 5 3 3 3 2 34 ALB 2 1 3 3 4 3 1 2 27 MT 1 8 2 1 1 1 24 NC 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 18 MS 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 16 WI 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 WY 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 14 DE 1 1 1 2 2 13 MN 2 1 1 3 1 13 WA 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 13 SAS 2 2 2 1 3 1 12 ID 1 1 1 2 11 TN 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 MAN 1 1 1 6 MD 1 1 1 5 MO 2 1 1 1 5 TX 2 1 5 CT 2 1 1 4 KS 1 1 1 4 NE 1 1 2 4 SD 2 2 4 BC 1 1 3 ME 1 1 3 NJ 1 1 3 SC 1 3 AL 2 IA 1 2 IN 1 2 OH 1 1 2 PA 1 2 AR 1 1 IL 1 MI 1 NH 1 ONT 1 1 VA 1 1 Total 42 50 72 46 48 53 28 34 35 17 540
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) MS 1 2 4 1 3 2 3 1 22 SAS 3 3 3 1 4 2 20 WA 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 20 VA 1 2 1 1 1 19 MAN 3 1 1 1 1 15 NC 2 1 1 1 2 14 CT 31 1 1 1 1 12

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer continued

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer Velvet

56 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) TN 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 ONT 3 2 11 AL 1 1 8 MA 1 1 1 2 2 8 LA 1 2 1 1 7 WY 2 1 1 1 7 DE 2 4 6 ID 4 ME 1 1 4 NH 1 1 4 BC 1 2 O R 2 SC 2 2 FL 1 1 RI 1 Total 541 490 424 453 430 265 322 285 245 134 5612
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) KY 3 1 3 2 4 3 4 20 ND 1 1 1 1 2 6 SAS 1 2 1 6 ALB 1 1 1 2 5 MT 1 3 5 KS 1 1 3 MN 1 1 1 3 WA 2 3 WI 1 1 1 3 LA 1 1 2 MD 2 2 WY 1 2 GA 1 1 IA 1 IL 1 1 IN 1 1 MAN 1 MO 1 1 OH 1 1 SD 1 1 TN 1 1 TX 1 Total 4 7 8 7 7 6 5 7 9 1 70

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Roosevelt’s Elk

Roosevelt’s Elk Velvet

Tule Elk

Tule Elk Velvet

Typical American Elk

57 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) OR 34 29 23 17 19 23 27 13 17 7 387 WA 11 14 7 7 1 5 11 6 2 1 204 BC 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 22 CA 2 1 4 3 4 1 15 AK 2 Total 48 44 32 28 23 29 44 22 23 10 630
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CA 1 1
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CA 6 7 9 11 13 3 9 9 8 8 83
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CA 6 7 9 11 13 3 9 9 8 8 83
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) MT 150 153 122 157 102 118 90 78 61 35 2032 CO 124 121 142 190 150 152 108 83 62 41 1783 NM 93 82 73 88 62 63 58 39 30 15 1512 ID 79 61 39 62 52 46 54 45 20 17 1147 AZ 102 85 76 61 53 36 39 25 37 19 1137 WY 86 70 68 85 80 78 67 72 52 21 1040 OR 55 32 36 34 15 35 28 17 9 14 613 UT 66 43 45 50 37 38 26 17 7 15 474 WA 18 21 19 12 11 10 15 8 6 3 213 NV 17 21 11 17 9 16 7 6 8 1 161 SD 7 9 10 9 6 5 4 8 2 4 81 BC 6 3 1 2 3 3 5 1 40 MAN 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 34 KY 1 2 11 6 1 6 4 1 33 ND 2 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 1 21 NE 2 2 3 3 1 3 15 SAS 4 1 2 15

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Typical American Elk continued

Typical American Elk Velvet

Non-Typical American Elk

58 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) CA 3 1 2 7 PA 1 1 3 6 OK 1 3 AR 2 2 KS 1 2 MN 1 1 2 ONT 1 1 TX 1 1 Total 816 712 651 786 614 621 523 423 314 199 10543
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) UT 1 1 2 NV 1 1 Total 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AZ 7 3 7 1 2 4 3 2 1 53 NM 5 8 1 1 2 5 1 50 MT 6 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 48 UT 7 3 7 1 1 1 1 1 26 CO 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 21 ID 1 1 1 1 2 2 18 WY 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 NV 4 1 1 1 1 14 OR 1 2 2 1 1 1 10 WA 2 1 1 1 3 10 ALB 1 3 MAN 1 2 OK 1 1 2 CA 1 1 NE 1 1 PA 1 1 SAS 1 1 SD 1 1 Total 39 26 24 12 13 15 15 6 9 4 277

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Alaska / Yukon Moose

Alaska / Yukon Moose Velvet

Canada Moose

Canada Moose Velvet

59 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 13 15 13 10 15 12 19 15 12 14 520 YUK 10 12 13 8 7 5 2 6 6 134 NWT 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 BC 1 1 Tota l 26 28 27 19 22 17 23 22 19 15 675
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) AK 1 1
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) ONT 19 23 17 17 17 13 8 5 4 280 BC 14 17 11 14 6 10 6 10 2 3 234 ALB 11 11 10 18 18 11 16 12 12 6 190 NFL 1 1 1 3 2 2 5 38 QUE 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 33 ND 1 2 1 3 3 7 8 2 32 ME 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 31 SAS 3 2 5 3 4 1 1 28 MAN 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 VT 3 2 1 1 1 9 MN 1 1 8 NH 1 2 NBW 1 1 NS 1 Total 53 57 42 61 57 50 46 38 32 13 909
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) ALB 1 1 1 3 ND 1 1 1 3 BC 2 NFL 1 Total 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 9

Distribution & Growth Statistics


Shiras’ Moose Velvet



60 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023 Shiras’
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) WY 15 19 10 9 12 9 9 8 3 3 243 ID 3 6 4 5 4 2 6 1 3 1 102 CO 1 2 3 8 6 13 12 12 13 10 99 UT 7 4 4 3 4 3 2 83 MT 1 6 1 1 2 4 4 6 3 69 WA 1 3 1 1 8 Total 27 38 25 26 29 28 35 27 24 14 604
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) WY 2 2 2 1 1 12 ID 2 1 1 6 CO 1 1 2 Total 2 2 0 4 2 1 1 0 1 1 20
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) NWT 23 13 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 169 NUN 14 20 17 4 9 5 7 11 5 4 143 AK 7 11 9 10 10 5 8 10 4 3 135 GRN 6 17 15 8 3 49 Total 44 44 30 18 23 20 34 40 19 10 496
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) WY 177 203 195 244 181 89 107 118 79 30 2960 CO 42 45 62 55 29 13 41 10 23 14 1033 MT 74 108 106 70 27 24 35 38 33 8 885 SD 32 32 64 20 13 12 14 17 14 5 346 ID 15 26 19 12 24 8 20 18 9 3 306 AZ 7 17 12 11 7 9 13 4 7 3 300 NV 25 13 19 12 15 9 10 4 11 6 287 NM 15 11 17 22 8 5 16 9 7 2 276 UT 7 9 13 20 10 12 9 9 9 11 241 ND 12 14 10 6 1 3 2 4 2 236 ALB 16 6 13 19 1 8 5 3 7 1 198 NE 4 6 20 10 16 5 8 2 4 1 155 OR 6 8 2 8 8 9 10 5 1 154 CA 2 2 1 3 4 3 6 1 1 2 71 KS 5 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 47 TX 1 1 1 1 1 1 30

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Pronghorn continued

Rocky Mountain Goat

Bighorn Sheep

61 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) SAS 2 5 2 1 1 1 26 OK 6 2 2 10 Total 434 508 563 521 348 210 302 243 210 91 7561
State/Pro 24th Period 25th Period 26th Period 27th Period 28th Period 29th Period 30th Period 31st Period 32nd Period 33rd Period All-time (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) (2011-2012) (2013-2014) (2015-2016) (2017-2018) (2019-2020) (2021-2022) BC 10 16 16 7 8 7 4 3 4 4 221 AK 7 8 5 10 7 6 11 6 14 6 164 CO 6 8 6 8 7 4 6 3 3 2 158 WA 1 1 1 1 109 ID 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 71 MT 4 4 2 1 2 3 3 1 65 UT 2 3 1 6 3 2 1 3 1 30 WY 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 15 SD 9 OR 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 YUK 1 5 NV 1 4 ALB 1 2 NWT 1 Total 29 42 29 29 26 21 25 14 24 12 861
State/Pro 18thPeriod 19thPeriod 20thPeriod 21stPeriod 22ndPeriod 23rdPeriod 24thPeriod 25thPeriod 26thPeriod 27thPeriod All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) CO 19 11 9 13 13 9 11 8 9 5 257 ALB 5 14 11 5 1 5 13 6 0 2 133 MT 4 10 9 7 2 6 5 2 5 1 92 WY 1 3 1 3 4 3 2 2 3 38 NM 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 1 27 AZ 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 16 ID 1 2 14 OR 1 1 1 1 1 2 11 WA 1 1 11 UT 1 1 1 2 2 9 NV 1 1 3 6 BC 3 1 5 SD 1 1 1 3 ND 1 1 Total 32 43 34 39 23 30 38 27 24 15 623

Distribution & Growth Statistics

Dall’s Sheep

Desert Bighorn Sheep

Stone’s Sheep

62 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
State/Pro 18thPeriod 19thPeriod 20thPeriod 21stPeriod 22ndPeriod 23rdPeriod 24thPeriod 25thPeriod 26thPeriod 27thPeriod All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) AK 8 5 9 8 7 6 8 8 7 3 183 NWT 8 7 11 9 11 8 6 6 4 2 158 YUK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 BC 1 Total 17 13 21 17 19 15 15 15 11 5 353
State/Pro 18thPeriod 19thPeriod 20thPeriod 21stPeriod 22ndPeriod 23rdPeriod 24thPeriod 25thPeriod 26thPeriod 27thPeriod All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) MEX 1 2 11 14 6 8 11 10 11 6 88 AZ 2 2 2 3 4 4 1 46 NV 1 4 2 1 2 29 UT 2 2 3 1 9 CO 1 1 1 1 6 CA 1 1 5 TX 1 1 2 NM 1 1 Total 7 4 12 18 11 12 19 18 15 9 186
State/Pro 18thPeriod 19thPeriod 20thPeriod 21stPeriod 22ndPeriod 23rdPeriod 24thPeriod 25thPeriod 26thPeriod 27thPeriod All-time (1991-92) (1993-94) (1995-96) (1997-98) (1999-00) (2001-2002) (2003-2004) (2005-2006) (2007-2008) (2009-2010) BC 11 11 8 7 7 9 10 5 1 2 147 YUK 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 17 AK 2 1 3 NWT 1 1 2 Total 11 11 9 9 8 9 13 10 3 3 169

Joe, at J&D Transport, is a long time bow hunter and strong supporter of his local and state conservation organizations! When I contacted him for a quote on some services, he quickly offered his services at a huge discount to support the Pope & Young Mission. Additionally, Joe takes his staff to at least one hunting and conservation fund raising auction each year. His team will be in attendance at the P&Y Auction and Gala on Saturday!

Hunt Characteristic Graphs





64 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 1% 7% 29% 42% 16% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 8% 41% 15% 5% 3% 1% 0% 0%0% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 22% 14% 13% 14% 16% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 52% 0% 1% 3% 24% 8% 12% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 19% 26% 27% 6% 2% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards
�er shot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs

Characteristic Graphs


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 3% 0% 20% 45% 23% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter AllOtherBears-AgeofHunter 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 5% 33% 30% 8% 5%5% 0%0%0% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards AllOtherBears-ShotDistance 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 13% 10% 15% 10% 23% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience AllOtherBears-HunterYearsof Experience 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 28% 0% 10% 0% 10% 5% 48% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng AllOtherBears-StyleofHun ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 28% 20% 13% 3% 5% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards AllOtherBears-DistanceTraveled a�ershot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs BISON & MUSKOX

66 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 0%0% 19% 54% 27% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 0% 11% 17% 11% 6% 3% 0%0%0% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards Bison&Muskox-ShotDistance 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 0%0% 3% 16% 81% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
Experience 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0%0%0% 5% 0%0% 95% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 24% 11%11% 5% 8% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards Bison&Muskox-DistanceTraveled a�ershot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs CARIBOU

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 0%0% 38% 57% 5% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter AllCaribou-AgeofHunter 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 0% 10% 5% 10% 5% 14% 10% 0%0% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards AllCaribou-ShotDistance 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 5% 10% 30% 15%15% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience AllCaribou-HunterYearsof Experience 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0%0%0%0%0%0% 100% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 19% 29% 0% 10% 5% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards AllCaribou-DistanceTraveleda�er shot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs COUGAR



68 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 0% 6% 32% 42% 10% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter Cougar-AgeofHunter 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 6% 48% 3% 10% 0%0%0%0%0% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 19%19% 13% 3% 10% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0%0% 97% 0% 3% 0%0% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 58% 29% 0% 3% 0% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards

Hunt Characteristic Graphs MULE DEER



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 2% 5% 34% 39% 14% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 30% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 3% 10% 13% 14% 10% 11% 6% 2% 3% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 21% 17% 13% 17% 15% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
Experience 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0%0%0% 11% 7%7% 75% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 14% 15% 20% 12% 17% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards MuleDeer-DistanceTraveleda�er shot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs

70 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 7-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 2% 8% 36% 37% 10% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter WhitetailDeer-AgeofHunter 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 3% 14% 34% 13% 4% 1% 0% 0% 0% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards WhitetailDeer-ShotDistance 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 18% 20% 17% 12% 11% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience WhitetailDeer-HunterYearsof Experience 0% 25% 50% 75% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 3% 0% 0% 8% 74% 13% 2% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng WhitetailDeer-StyleofHun ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 21% 31% 16% 5% 5% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards WhitetailDeer-DistanceTraveled a�ershot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs


71 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 1% 4% 25% 40% 25% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 30% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 2% 12% 24% 14% 11% 5% 7% 1%1% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards AllOtherDeer-ShotDistance 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 11% 12% 22% 8% 32% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
Experience 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 1% 1% 0% 31% 16% 8% 45% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 18% 17% 19% 12% 12% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards AllOtherDeer-DistanceTraveled a�ershot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs


72 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
2023 ELK 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 1% 3% 35% 43% 15% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 30% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 3% 14% 13% 13% 8% 7% 4% 1% 2% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards AllElk-ShotDistance 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 17% 18% 16% 14% 13% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0% 26% 0% 12% 10% 13% 39% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 9%9% 29% 13% 15% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards AllElk-DistanceTraveleda�ershot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs MOOSE



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 0% 2% 30% 49% 15% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 11% 12% 19% 13% 7% 4% 2% 0% 1% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards AllMoose-ShotDistance 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 20% 19% 12% 18%18% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
Experience 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0% 26% 0%0% 2% 10% 61% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 12% 13% 23% 12% 8% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards
er shot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs



74 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
PRONGHORN 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 2% 4% 18% 39% 28% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 2% 12% 16%16% 11% 7% 4% 3% 3% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 14% 7% 13%13% 31% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0% 0% 0% 56% 5% 1% 38% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 21% 14% 21% 11% 9% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards
�er shot

Hunt Characteristic Graphs SHEEP





Sheep&Mt.Goat-Distance Traveleda�ershot

Sheep&Mt.Goat-HunterYearsof Experience

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6-1718-2526-4041-6060+ 0% 2% 24% 39% 28% PercentageofHunters AgeofHunter
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1-1010-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-7070-8080+ 2% 11%11% 15%15% 7% 2% 4% 2% PercentageofHunters DistanceinYards
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0-1010-2020-3030-4040-50 2% 9% 28% 17% 22% PercentageofHunters YearsofHun ngExperience
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% BAITCALLINGDOGSGRND BLIND TREE STAND STILLSTALK 0%0%0% 6% 2%2% 89% PercentageofHunters StyleofHun ng
ng 0% 10% 20% 30% 0-2526-5051-100100-200200+ 11% 17% 19% 15% 21% PercentageofAnimals DistanceinYards

The Ishi Award



From Bowhunting Big Game Records, 1 ST Edition, 1975

e infrequently presented Ishi Award is the highest honor that the Pope and Young Club can bestow upon a bowhunter. It is awarded only when a truly outstanding North American big game trophy animal is deserving of recognition. A nomination and selection committee, comprised wholly of the

to civilized man until daybreak on the morning of August 29, 1911. at day the dawn stillness was shattered by the excited barking of dogs. Roused from their sleep, the occupants of a slaughterhouse near the village of Oroville, California investigated the racket.

Cowering in a corner of their corral, emaciated from starvation and near the limits of fear and exhaustion, was a primitive Indian. e terrorstricken man, obviously believing he was about to be killed, was taken into custody and housed in the Oroville jail.

Communication with his captors and “civilized” Indians living nearby proved impossible; however, news of the savage’s capture soon spread and reached the attention of two professors of anthropology at the University of California. ese two men, Professors Alfred Kroeber and T.T. Waterman journeyed from San Francisco to Oroville with the hope of discovering the ancestry of this “wild man.” Finally, a er unsuccessfully trying many different tribal tongues, Professor Waterman spoke a word in the Yana language, which was met with an instant response.

Club’s Board of Directors, determines each selection a er careful evaluation.

e story behind the award really begins with its Indian namesake who was completely unknown

At last, the Indian could be told he was not facing imminent death at the hands of the white men. Reassured, his appetite improved, and he began to quickly adjust to life in what for him was surely a strange new world. And so Ishi, the last surviving member of the ancient tribe of Yana Indians, was transported directly from the Stone Age into a complex, modern society.

76 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
L to R - Roy Grace, Luke Brewster (2021 Award Winner), Kurt Ebers

e professors took Ishi back to San Francisco with them and gave him living quarters in the University’s Museum. It was here that Dr. Saxton Pope, an instructor at the University School of Medicine, was called in to make a physical examination of the Indian. is professional meeting developed into a strong friendship. Soon Ishi was showing Dr. Pope and his companion, Art Young, how to make and use bows and arrows for hunting. Although Ishi lived only five years in civilization before succumbing to tuberculosis, his memory lives on in the writings of Pope and eodora Kroeber, the wife of one of the professors who first befriended him.

Consequently, in late 1962 when the Pope and Young Club introduced the idea for a special bowhunting award, Dick Mauch’s suggestion that it be named in honor of Ishi was met with an immediate and enthusiastic response. A er all, it was Ishi who had instilled in Pope and Young the love of the bow and its use as an efficient hunting tool. What then could be more appropriate than honoring the individual who had done most to inspire the “fathers of modern bowhunting?”

Luke Brewster’s Non-Typical Whitetail Deer

e Ishi award concept belongs to Mauch, Glenn St. Charles, Fred Bear, and Chuck Kroll. ey had been searching for an award like the Boone and Crockett Club’s coveted Sagamore Hill Medal

33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023
Luke Brewster’s NonTypical Whitetail Deer

The Ishi Award

honoring the memory of eodore Roosevelt. eir suggestion for a special Ishi Award was quickly accepted by the membership.

e award itself was designed by Fred Bear with assistance from Chuck Kroll. Bear owned a few pieces of some very fine, select-grade rosewood which were nearly perfect in color, grain, and texture. is wood was donated to the Club to serve as plaques for what was to become bowhunting’s most rare and distinctive award. Next, specially made obsidian spear points were fashioned by Jim Ramsey of Lincoln, New Mexico, undoubtedly a master at this ancient art. ese had-chipped points, mounted on each rosewood plaque along with an engraved metal plate, complete the treasured Ishi Award.

To date, only four of the special bowhunting awards have been presented. e first Ishi Award, presented in 1964, was for the tremendous non-typical whitetail deer bagged by Del Austin. is trophy from Hall County, Nebraska, not only set a new Pope & Young World’s Record but ranked as the second largest non-typical whitetail ever recorded, a distinction it still claims at this writing.

A second Ishi Award was presented in Denver in 1969 at the conclusion of the program honoring the finest North American big game trophies listed during the Club’s Sixth Recording Period. e award went to the outstanding typical whitetail deer taken by bowhunter Mel Johnson near Peoria, Illinois, which not only was a Pope & Young World’s Record but also ranked as the second largest of its kind ever recorded. is magnificent trophy also received the Boone and Crockett Club’s Sagamore Hill Medal, the only animal ever named to receive both of these cherished big-game honors.

A third presentation of the prestigious Ishi Award was made following the Seventh Recording Period when five new bowhunting World Records were recognized. Obviously, the judges faced a very difficult decision since quality trophies were in abundance; however, the final decision called for the award to go to the bighorn sheep taken by Ray Alt in the Sweet Grass Primitive Area of Montana.

e last Award presentation was made, following the irtySecond Recording Period in 2021. Although World Record trophies were entered in numerous categories, the decision

for this ballot did not take long. e winner was the world’s largest ever recorded, huntertaken, Whitetail deer with any weapon. Luke Brewster shot this incredible Non-typical Whitetail Deer in 2018 in Edgar County, Illinois.

Ishi Award Winners

4th Recording Period (1963-1964)

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer

Score: 279 7/8

Taken in Nebraska by Del Austin

6th Recording Period (1967-1968)

Typical Whitetail Deer

Score: 204 4/8

Taken in Illinois by Mel Johnson

7th Recording Period (1969-1970)

Bighorn Sheep

Score: 176 3/8

Taken in Montana by Ray Alt

8th Recording Period (1971-1972)

Barren Ground Caribou

Score: 446 6/8

Taken in Alaska by Art Kragness

78 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Ishi Award Winners continued

9th Recording Period (1973-1974)

Alaska-Yukon Moose

Score: 248 0/8

Taken in Alaska by Dr. Michael Cusack

11th Recording Period (1977-1978)

Columbian Blacktail Deer

Score: 172 2/8

Taken in Oregon by B. G. Shurtleff

12th Recording Period (1979-1980)

Black Bear

Score: 22 4/16

Taken in Colorado by Ray Cox

13th Recording Period (1981-1982)


Score: 15 11/16

Taken in Idaho by Jerry Jame

14th Recording Period (1983-1984)

Typical Mule Deer

Score: 201 4/8

Taken in Colorado by Bill Barcus

15th Recording Period (1985-1986)

Dall’s Sheep

Score: 164 5/8

Taken in the Northwest Territories by Gary Laya

16th Recording Period (1987-1988)

Non-Typical American Elk

Score: 419 5/8

Taken in Arizona by James L. Ludvigson

17th Recording Period (1989-1990)

Non-Typical Columbian Blacktail Deer

Score: 194 4/8

Taken in Oregon by James Decker

18th Recording Period (1991-1992)

Canada Moose Score: 222 1/8

Taken in Quebec by Charles Roy

19th Recording Period (1993-1994)

Pronghorn Antelope

Score: 90 0/8

Taken in Oregon by Roger W. Clarno

22nd Recording Period (1999-2000)

Typical American Elk Score: 409 2/8

Taken in Montana by Chuck Adams

23rd Recording Period (2001-2002)

Typical Coues’ Deer

Score: 130 1/8

Taken in Arizona by Sergio Orozco

24th Recording Period (2003-2004)

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer

Score: 294 0/8

Taken in Ohio by Michael Beatty

29th Recording Period (2013-2014)

Woodland Caribou

Score: 375 0/8

Taken in Newfoundland by Jeff Samson

30th Recording Period (2015-2016)

Typical American Elk

Score: 430 0/8

Taken in Montana by Stephan F. Felix

32nd Recording Period (2019-2020)

Non-Typical Whitetail Deer 320 5/8

Taken in Illinois by Luke Brewster

79 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Official Measurers


Gary G. Colbath Anchorage, AK

John D. Frost, MD Anchorage, AK

David Widby Anchorage, AK

Ken Radach Copper Center, AK

Trevor W. Embry Eagle River, AK

Stacee Frost Kleinsmith Eagle River, AK

Nicholas Muche Eagle River, AK

Stan Parkerson Fairbanks, AK

Steve Brockmann Juneau, AK

Doug Larsen Juneau, AK

G. Steven Blackett Palmer, AK

Don Poole Soldotna, AK

Craig Lloyd Van Arsdale Soldotna, AK

Shawn R. Bayless Tok, AK

Bob Ameen Wasilla, AK

Lisa M. Ameen Wasilla, AK

Carl E. Brent Wasilla, AK

Frank Noska Wasilla, AK

Timothy omas Wasilla, AK


Bruce Post Bay Minette, AL

Larry J. Manning Empire, AL

Garry Lee Frost Glencoe, AL

Timothy B. Fisk Harvest, AL

Randall Bush McCalla, AL

Dana Watkins Opelika, AL

Michael Adkins, Sr. Tallassee, AL

Butch Parker omasville, AL


Randy Patton Bono, AR

Cliff Beaver Compton, AR

Lee Walt Dumas, AR

Brian Davis Farmington, AR

Jaret L. Rushing Hampton, AR

Jeff Harmon Jonesboro, AR

Joseph W. Moody Lonoke, AR

Rusty Johnson Lowell, AR

James M. DeSpain Manila, AR

William DeSpain Manila, AR

Robert Crocker Murfreesboro, AR

Glendal Shane Rice Traskwood, AR


Marvin N. Zieser Anthem, AZ

Dustin Baird Chandler, AZ

Richard D. Tone Gilbert, AZ

Michael G. Jones Glendale, AZ

Brian Anton Rimsza Glendale, AZ

Roy E. Grace Lakeside, AZ

Duane “Corky” Richardson Laveen, AZ

Chris Salyer Mesa, AZ

Michael C. Cupell Phoenix, AZ

Chris D. Krueger Phoenix, AZ

Ed Fanchin Prescott, AZ

Bryan Yorksmith Show Low, AZ

Phillip C. Dalrymple Tucson, AZ

James C. Scott Tucson, AZ

Mark D. Sipe Tucson, AZ


Don Stemler Angels Camp, CA

Guy Hooper Eureka, CA

Gary R. McCain Keene, CA

Jim Walton Madera, CA

Arthur M. Cain Morada, CA

Rodney York North Fork, CA

Darrel Sudduth Oakdale, CA

John C. Martin Petaluma, CA

Bret Scott Riverside, CA

Zack Walton Rocklin, CA

Nate Treadwell San Diego, CA

Jerry Maytum San Luis Obisbo, CA

Craig C. Fritz Santa Monica, CA


R. J. Krajcsovics Aguilar, CO

Ryan Johnson Alamosa, CO

Barry J. Smith Arvada, CO

Stanley J. Yoder Canon City, CO

Ronald Rockwell Castle Rock, CO

Todd A. Brickel Colorado Springs, CO

Jeff rey Mancuso Cotopaxi, CO

Ron Fief Creede, CO

John L. Gardner Durango, CO

Ted Archibeque Eagle, CO

80 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Colorado continued

South Cox Estes Park, CO

Don Waechtler Glenwood Springs, CO

James Holley Golden, CO

Jay Verzuh Grand Junction, CO

Connor Clark Gunnison, CO

Cliff Gray Gypsum, CO

Joseph Knez Hayden, CO

Grant Siggins Hesperus, CO

Mitchel C. Arnold Littleton, CO

Joseph Alan Bradley Loveland, CO

Lee Kline Loveland, CO

Doug McCauley Olathe, CO

Tom J. Watts Pagosa Springs, CO

Troy Hawkins Palisade, CO

Eugene Franklin Foster Paonia, CO

Ronald E. Sniff Pueblo, CO

Gary Troester Steamboat, CO

John R. Olson Watkins, CO

Chuck Anderson, Jr. Wellington, CO

Scott Hargrove Westminster, CO

Rose Long Woodland Park, CO

Chris Stults Wray, CO


Deric Clarke Waterbury, CT


John Wesley Melvin Jr Marydel, DE


Robert D. Hancock, Jr. Chuluota, FL

Ronnie Everett Gainesville, FL

Dave Grabow Havana, FL

Justin R. Bullard Hilliard, FL

M. Robert DeLaney Jacksonville, FL

Craig Talbot Lutz, FL

Stanley Kirkland Lynn Haven, FL

Bill Millican Ocala, FL

Michael J. Spence Perry, FL

G. Lowe Morrison Sarasota, FL

Paul Layman Yulee, FL

Official Measurers


William L. Cooper Chula, GA

Donald McZilkey Madison, GA

Joseph A. McEver Milledgeville, GA

Shannon E. Quinn Ringgold, GA

Rob Register Roswell, GA

Ryan Beasley Sylvania, GA

Vance Henry omson, GA

Lloyd Fox Toccoa, GA


Robert L. Hind III Kamuela, HI


Garry L. Brandenburg Albion, IA

T. J. Herrick Algona, IA

George A. Parris Audubon, IA

Daryl Parker Bellevue, IA

Jeff Coonts Buff alo, IA

Jeff rey A. Japsen Burlington, IA

Steve Finegan Cedar Falls, IA

Larry J. Briney Cedar Rapids, IA

Jeff Miller Cedar Rapids, IA

Jeff H. Nordman Charles City, IA

Mark Ferman Clarinda, IA

David Schrody, DDS Clinton, IA

Travis Paul Corning, IA

Kody Wohlers Council Bluff s, IA

Duane C. Baumler Decorah, IA

Michael Casey Dubuque, IA

David McGrew Elk Run, IA

Kevin Freymiller Ellston, IA

Bill Dixon Fairbank, IA

Loren D. Miller Lansing, IA

Cameron Coble Lucas, IA

Philip Parcher Marble Rock, IA

Dan Best Marion, IA

Cody Belknap Mediapolis, IA

Tracy Chappell Monticello, IA

David E. Panthen New Providence, IA

Joe Huff man Osage, IA

Dennis Bradley Ottumwa, IA

Gerald T. Dowell Pella, IA

81 2023 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary

Official Measurers


Leonard C. Grimes Pella, IA

Dick Paul Red Oak, IA

Guy H. Hempey Sioux City, IA

Josh Weltz Sioux City, IA

Karen M. Phelps South Amana, IA

Marc Gustafson Spencer, IA

Chris Caldwell Steamboat Rock, IA

omas Oldfather Strawberry Point, IA

Randy G. McPherren Unionville, IA

Cael Coburn Victor, IA

Chad Coburn Victor, IA

Ronald G. Howing Wallingford, IA

Bill Black Wapello, IA

Donald G. Pfeiffer Washington, IA

Arnie Crum Waukon, IA

Warren Holder Winterset, IA


Larry M. Leake Bayview, ID

Stanley Leake Bayview, ID

Timothy J. Conrads Boise, ID

omas Peterson Burley, ID

Larry Cross Clark Fork, ID

Bill McCarthy Donnelly, ID

Rickey D. Addison Emmett, ID

Michael Schlegel Grangeville, ID

Dennis A. Michael Lewiston, ID

William Seybold Lewiston, ID

Steven Roberts Mackay, ID

Drake R. Atwood Rexburg, ID

Roger Atwood Rexburg, ID

Jeff A. Eder Salmon, ID

Larry Hlavaty Soda Springs, ID

Tim Brown Spirit Lake, ID


Al Youman Benld, IL

Ronald L. Willmore Canton, IL

Jeff Pals Crete, IL

Robert G. Tastsides Crystal Lake, IL

LaRue D. Parr Dongola, IL

Dr. Steve Roehm Dunlap, IL

Illinois continued

Mike Umbdenstock Evansville, IL

Gary L. Wilford Georgetown, IL

William T. Rench Greenville, IL

Larry J. Oppe Hanna City, IL

Tad Yetter Havana, IL

Dale F. Good Indianola, IL

Kevin Chapman Macon, IL

Mark Hammond Manito, IL

Mark Umholtz Mapleton, IL

Edward E. Hendricks Mt Sterling, IL

Curtis Geier New Windsor, IL

Michael Lamb Noble, IL

Gerald D. Lively, Jr. Odin, IL

omas Micetich Olney, IL

Fred W. Achilles Oswego, IL

Jeremiah G. Brandon Paxton, IL

John H. Kube Petersburg, IL

Stephen McCoy Pleasant Plains, IL

Loran E. “Gene” Davis Shelbyville, IL

Alan Pierson Somonauk, IL

James C. Carlson Stockton, IL

Michael J. Elias Streator, IL

Dan Stillwell Streator, IL

Todd M. Anderson Sycamore, IL

Darin DeNeal ompsonville, IL


Nick Davey Beverly Shores , IN

Alan Baxter Bloomington, IN

M. R. James Bristow, IN

Clarence K. Spicer Crothersville, IN

Philip Hawkins Franklin, IN

Robert W. Harris Fremont, IN

James Moore Greenfield, IN

Richard Pflanz Huntingburg, IN

Donald Bradford Schofield Indianapolis, IN

E. Duyane Tucker Indianapolis, IN

John Hooten Lawrenceburg, IN

Allen Clark N Vernon, IN

Joe Caudell Nashville, IN

Tony Wright New Castle, IN

Daniel J. Belwood New Harmony, IN

Robert C. Graber Peru, IN

Rudolph S. Miller Portage, IN

82 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Indiana continued

Steven P. Taylor Salem, IN

William Wesley arp Shelburn, IN

Rory Karczewski Warsaw, IN

Mark Verble West Baden Springs, IN

Jack D. Fields II West Terre Haute, IN

Greg Baisden Westville, IN

Steve Petkovich Zionsville, IN


Mike Hansen Brookville, KS

Marvin D. Whitehead Fredonia, KS

Drew McCartney Gorham, KS

Connie Larson Olsburg, KS

Richard Hale Ottawa, KS

Jeff D. Fraka Paola, KS

Tom Mosher Shawnee, KS

Aaron Baugh Spearville, KS

Lynn Leonard Sublette, KS

Tommie A. Berger Sylvan Grove, KS

Michael L. Murphy Sylvia, KS

Tom E. Bowman Wakefield, KS

Daniel Willems Windom, KS


Michael L. Roberts Bagdad, KY

Darryl Clark Benton, KY

Richie Estes Columbia, KY

Jeff Dixon Crittenden, KY

Dan Jones Dawson Springs, KY

Robert “Bob” Huskey Hopkinsville, KY

Joshua Druen Munfordville, KY

Dale Weddle Nancy, KY

Stephen T. McMillen Stephensport, KY

Joe Lacefield Versailles, KY

Richard Edward Prewitt Williamsburg, KY


David Sheppert Bernice, LA

David W. Moreland Clinton, LA

Terry Johnston Columbia, LA

Official Measurers

Louisiana continued

William Mark Haynes Homer, LA

Randy M. Steverson Luling, LA

Lannie B. Philley Mer Rouge, LA

Richard LaCaze Scott, LA

Michael A. Zeringue, Sr. Slaughter, LA


Richard LaBlue Adams, MA

Richard N. Kimball Belchertown, MA

Lonnie Desmarais Brimfield, MA

Joseph Chapdelaine East Longmeadow, MA

Dennis M. Hayden Plymouth, MA

Charles W. Rehor Rehoboth, MA

Roy Goodwin Upton, MA

Roger Peltier Washington, MA

Richard Scorzafava Westfield, MA


Dr. Steven Homyack Jr. Galena, MD

August S. Gray Hampstead, MD

Steven W. Keithley Huntingtown, MD

Charles Wilcox Leonardtown, MD

Paul “Doug” Wigfield Mardela Springs, MD

Robert A. Newton III North East, MD

Michael E. Travis NorthEast, MD

Walter E. Johnson Poolesville, MD


Al Wentworth Dover-Foxcro , ME


Richard Frank Mowery Alpena, MI

David J. Wellman Bark River, MI

Buck Hagy Bath, MI

Richard H. Wilt Bath, MI

Roy David Banaszak Bay City, MI

Michael Seedorff Burlington, MI

Aaron Blaske Cassopolis, MI

Jeff Best Clare, MI

83 2023 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary

Official Measurers

Michigan continued

Randy Cooling Dexter, MI

Kerwin Tad Farmer Freeland, MI

Bob Novosad Grand Rapids, MI

LeRoy L. Hansen Greenville, MI

Jim Kinsey Gregory, MI

Larry D. Hayes Hastings, MI

Edwin L. DeYoung Hudsonville, MI

John M. Knevel Jackson, MI

Mike Heeg Laingsburg, MI

Bill Nash, Jr. Lambertville, MI

Duane Temple Middleton, MI

Steven B. Pitsch Middleville, MI

Jim Gabbard Moscow, MI

Paul Ran Niles, MI

Patrick Rankin Olivet, MI

Rudy Walsh Pinckney, MI

Aaron C. Smith Portland, MI

Lonnie Cris Buck Saint Johns, MI

omas Morang Sterling Heights, MI

John Robert Ohmer Yale, MI


Dave B. Dickey Aitkin, MN

Loren Schoewe Alpha, MN

Donald Meger Belle Plaine, MN

Kevin Schuette Brownton, MN

Jamie Kelly Canton, MN

Kevin Paul Fredrickson Champlin, MN

David H. Boland Chatfield, MN

Glenn E. Hisey Chatfield, MN

Carey Ferrell Cloquet, MN

James Gorden Cohasset, MN

Scott Forsberg Coon Rapids, MN

Curtis Kozitka Detroit Lakes, MN

Randal Dufault East Grand Forks, MN

Bernie L. Goebel Floodwood, MN

Ronda Goebel Floodwood, MN

Jean Eveland Berggren Forest Lake, MN

Robert A. (Bob) Berggren Forest Lake, MN

Doug Ohman Foreston, MN

Doug Strecker Hackensack, MN

Michael Beaufeaux Hinckley, MN

Nick esing Houston, MN

Michael E. McDonald Hutchinson, MN

Minnesota continued

Christopher J. Cordes Kenyon, MN

Christopher W. Fechner La Crescent, MN

Chad Robert Collins Lake City, MN

Craig R. Pierce Lewiston, MN

Darwin Arndt Madelia, MN

Tim Rogers Mayer, MN

Tom Kalsbeck Miltona, MN

Larry Streiff Rochester, MN

Shawn A. Grabow Sartell, MN

Robert Rocheleau South Haven, MN

Jeff Olson Willernie, MN

Tammie Black Zimmerman, MN


Matthew D. Curry Ballwin, MO

Chris Hill Bonne Terre, MO

Hayes Kramer Cape Girardeau, MO

Chris M. Murphy Chesterfield, MO

Barry Denison Deepwater, MO

James E. Mraz Fenton, MO

John S. Workman Fordland, MO

Charles A. Myers Greenfield, MO

Dan Janes Hannibal, MO

Dan P. Hollingsworth Holts Summit, MO

Nathan Stiens Hopkins, MO

Jeff Wayne Blystone Independence, MO

Lawrence Redel Jefferson City, MO

Arlen Lipper Kimberling City, MO

Gerald W. Webber Louisiana, MO

Steven A. Hardy New London, MO

Scott Corley O’Fallon, MO

Bradley R. Harriman Pilot Grove, MO

Dr. Nicholas J. Gray Sedalia, MO

Rick Bergloff Smithville, MO

Timothy L. Donnelly Springfield, MO

James V. Holdenried, Jr. St. Louis, MO

John Detjen Troy, MO

Joe Ream Unionville, MO

Matthew D. Curry Walnut Grove, MO

James W. Martin Weatherby, MO

84 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023


Marcus Casano Flowood, MS

J. Dale Hale Indianola, MS

Nelson Davis Jackson, MS

Bobby Dye Madison, MS

Corey Neill McCarley, MS

Ronnie Cannon Oxford, MS

Triston Derrick Pelahatchie, MS

Henry Louis Coats Rena Lara, MS

Steve W. Brown Starkville, MS

Stan Priest Vicksburg, MS


Justin Spring Alberton, MT

Rebecca Spring Alberton, MT

Arthur F. Hayes III Birney, MT

Shawn A. Wahl Broadus, MT

Tyler Barnes Dillon, MT

Jennifer Staten Florence, MT

Sou ao Florence, MT

Fred J. King Gallatin Gateway, MT

Norman Larsen Kalispell, MT

Brent Milliron Laurel, MT

G. “Buck” L. Damone Lewistown, MT

Stephen LePage Lewistown, MT

JerryBrown Libby, MT

Kenneth E. Ruzicka Malta, MT

Daniel Morina Missoula, MT

Jack Reneau Missoula, MT

amara Munis Philipsburg, MT

Lennie Buhmann Shepherd, MT

Larry C. Lack ompson Falls, MT

Scott Koelzer ree Forks, MT

Ronny L. Nail Whitefish, MT


Rick Schack Albion, NE

Joe Rydell Alliance, NE

Samuel D. Cowan III Beatrice, NE

Bradley L. Wiese Benkelman, NE

Matt A. Gideon Burwell, NE

Pete Luth Ceresco, NE

Nathan Cole Curtis, NE

Wes James Cammack DeWitt, NE

Official Measurers

Nebraska continued

Michael J. Dudzinski Elkhorn, NE

Ricky Krueger Fremont, NE

Ryan Hochstein Kearney, NE

Denny C. Graham Lincoln, NE

Randy G. Stutheit Lincoln, NE

Richard E. Placzek McCook, NE

Marcus Dryak Omaha, NE

Rick aden Pleasanton, NE

Kirk Sharp Valentine, NE

North Carolina

Ken A. Leimone Bahama, NC

Dennis Kelly Beaufort, NC

Steve Fox Boone, NC

Harlan T. Hall Burlington, NC

Russell Avery Clayton, NC

David Eugene Stepp Hendersonville, NC

Cole Ryan Miller Hillsborough, NC

Ryan Miller Hillsborough, NC

Richard W. Burnette Horse Shoe, NC

Jeff Teeter Mooresville, NC

David Allen Mount Holly, NC

Dolan Baker Princeton, NC

James C. Pope, Jr. Randleman, NC

Doug Clayton Shallotte, NC

Benny R. Wilhelm Statesville, NC

Ramon N. Bell Stokesdale, NC

Kevin Dancy Troutman, NC

Michael Louis DeAngury Wilmington, NC

Mark Headen Yadkinville, NC

North Dakota

Dane K. Eider Bismarck, ND

Cli on Erickson Bismarck, ND

Scott M. Lang Bismarck, ND

Jeff rey L. Schneider Bismarck, ND

Lee M. Wahlund Carrington, ND

Michael Belland Dickinson, ND

Wayne Muth Mandan, ND

John Plesuk Minot, ND

Don G. Scofield Minot, ND

85 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Official Measurers

New Hampshire

Daniel J. Erickstad Webster, ND

Brooks Zins West Fargo, ND

Craig Richardson Williston, ND

Cecil I. arp Williston, ND

Brian J. Emerson Groveton, NH

Roscoe Blaisdell Raymond, NH

New Jersey

George J. McCabe, Jr. Burlington, NJ

William C. McNamara Mahwah, NJ

Mark Kronyak Middletown, NJ

Timothy Walsh Ringwood, NJ

Cindy Kuenstner Trenton, NJ

John Janelli Union City, NJ

Leonard Cardinale Waretown, NJ

New Mexico

Matthew Berry Chama, NM

Clenon A. “Andy” Cox, Jr. Clovis, NM

Terry Ray Chapman Farmington, NM

Steve King Farmington, NM

James S. Willems Farmington, NM

Danny Griffith Floyd, NM

Richard W. Eustace, Jr. Gallup, NM

Joel Edwards Lordsburg, NM

Douglas J. Aikin Los Alamos, NM

Lawrence G. Harlan Sandia Park, NM


Debbie Hernandez Elko, NV

Gilbert Hernandez Elko, NV

Paul Podborny Ely, NV

Anthony L. Mudd Reno, NV

Victor Clark Verdi, NV

Joe Maslach Wellington, NV

Stanley H. Alpaugh Winnemucca, NV

New York

Mark Parah Baldwinsville, NY

New York continued

Bob Estes Caledonia, NY

Michael Ali Canastota, NY

Gregory Hennel Delanson, NY

Steve Cowles Elmsford, NY

Richard Kent Farmingville, NY

John W. Borlang Hudson Falls, NY

Kevin Schilling Lancaster, NY

Roger D. Smith Naples, NY

Frank Giuliani New Rochelle, NY

Sean Carls Oneonta, NY

James Matuszewski Riverhead, NY

Robert Songin Rochester, NY

Donald Haseley Sanborn, NY

Richard A. DiBene Sayville, NY

Robert L. Turk Silver Creek, NY

Merritt C. Compton Trumansburg, NY

Douglas Erickson Yorktown Heights, NY


Lloyd Culbertson Athens, OH

Richard B. Rowan Bloomingburg, OH

James Williamson Bloomingdale, OH

Jennifer Wood Cincinnati, OH

Robert Wood Cincinnati, OH

Ron Elkins Circleville, OH

Darin Woods Clarksville, OH

Matthew Olson Columbus, OH

Matt Hentrick Dayton, OH

Darren Zola East Palestine, OH

Robert E. Ebert Findlay, OH

Leland D. Yoakam Harrod, OH

Mike Dickess Ironton, OH

Tim Yaniko Ironton, OH

Jack Satterfield, Jr. Langsville, OH

Edward McClure, Jr. Laurelville, OH

William Bellman Lima, OH

Shane Holtrey Marengo, OH

Todd Crawford Mingo Jct, OH

Adam Cramer Mount Vernon, OH

Ron Riel Mt. Vernon, OH

Randy Oliver Pepper North Canton, OH

Weston Lee Baker Piqua, OH

Randall J. Clark Piqua, OH

Joe Yosick

Shelby, OH

Steve Swihart Upper Sandusky, OH

Eric Feron Wellington, OH

86 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023


Brandon Holt Ada, OK

Jerad Langley Blue Jacket, OK

Deveral Bridges Chandler, OK

Jontie W. Aldrich Claremore, OK

Geoff rey B. Fitts Claremore, OK

Wesley Ledbetter Coweta, OK

Kevin Lyon Edmond, OK

Brent Hibbets Enid, OK


Eldon Buck Buckner Baker City, OR

Tim Rozewski Bend, OR

Richard Evans Canby, OR

Stanley D. Miles Corvallis, OR

Craig Childers Florence, OR

Steve Abrose Mazzola Grants Pass, OR

David M. Morris John Day, OR

Joseph Hutchison Klamath Falls, OR

Charles Lynde La Pine, OR

Toni Lynde La Pine, OR

John E. Stone Lebanon, OR

Sam L. Wilkins Madras, OR

Donald Rajnus Malin, OR

Robert Stahl Pendleton, OR

Bryan Piper Redmond, OR

David A. Heff ner Roseburg, OR

Larry D. Jones Springfield, OR

Joshua Knoebel Springfield, OR

Gordon Childers Terrebonne, OR


Jesse Cunningham Allentown, PA

Pete Neff Beaver Falls, PA

Shane Arnold Bedford, PA

Matthew C. Pyle Berlin, PA

Andrew J. Harvey Bolivar, PA

Denton J. Schellhammer Bolivar, PA

Mathias L. Weinzen, Jr. Coal Center, PA

Brandon Pfister Duncansville, PA

Ethan R. Beale Emlenton, PA

Jeremy Stempka Erie, PA

Bill Vollmerding Fairless Hills, PA

Official Measurers

Pennsylvania continued

Terry Mollett Fayetteville, PA

Jason R. Amory Franklin, PA

Byron Gibbs Franklin, PA

John W. Kennedy Gibsonia, PA

Todd Bollinger Glen Rock, PA

omas P. Bartholomew Greenville, PA

Chadd Blouch Harrisburg, PA

Bob D’Angelo Harrisburg, PA

Tadd A. Shoop Herndon, PA

George D. Douglas Jr. Home, PA

Michael Smith Huntington, PA

Philip A. Herrnberger Irvine, PA

Daniel L. Gibble Lamperter, PA

Christopher Scott Lancaster, PA

Jeff Frey Landisburg, PA

Dennis Scicchitano Locust Gap, PA

Ken Zimmerman Martinsburg, PA

James B. Walter, Jr. McDonald, PA

William A. Maxfield Mifflinburg, PA

Benjamin Rebuck Montrose, PA

Shawn Greevy Mount Pleasant, PA

Jerry G. Heidel Mount Union, PA

Dennis Razza New Derry, PA

Todd Holmes Newport, PA

Zachery T. Hay Perryopolis, PA

Ryan Conner Reading, PA

Susan Edmiston Ridgeway, PA

Ronald A. Worden Smethport, PA

George Garman Spring Mills, PA

Jared Turner Sunbury, PA

Scott L. Heatley Trout Run, PA

Curtis Route Troy, PA

Scott E. Lynn II Turbotville, PA

Dale W. Ambosie Wapwallopen, PA

George H. Block Washington, PA

Mark E. Titus Washington Crossing, PA

Richard C. Lee Wellsboro, PA

Michael College Williamsburg, PA

Sam M. Derugen Woodward, PA

Rhode Island

Ernest A. La Fazia Johnston, RI

Edward F. Klosowski, Jr. North Kingstown, RI

87 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Official Measurers

South Carolina

Alex S. Boykin, Jr. Bamberg, SC

Charles Ruth Columbia, SC

Mark O. Bara Hemingway, SC

William K. Barlow Moncks Corner, SC

South Dakota

Roger Heintzman A berdeen, SD

Roger Heupel Aberdeen, SD

Jason L. Converse Arlington, SD

Larry F. Fredrickson Chamberlain, SD

Dawn Merritt Lake Andes, SD

Stan Rauch Lake Preston, SD

R. Craig Oberle Mellette, SD

James “Jim” Twamley Parker, SD

Mark J. Clausen Pierre, SD

Gary English Rapid City, SD

Dwight D. Pochant Rapid City, SD

Paul A. Anderson Sioux Falls, SD

Eldon Hagen Sioux Falls, SD

omas A. Tiedemann Sioux Falls, SD

David Bruce Cull Yankton, SD

Ron Pesek Yankton, SD

Gary E. Carty Columbia, TN

Darryl Amason Franklin, TN

Joseph C. Coleman Jackson, TN

Charlie Adams Lafayette, TN

Nicholas ornton Cra on Memphis, TN

Gil Lackey Nashville, TN

Ryan M. Roberts Nashville, TN

Daniel E. Rudy Powell, TN

Richard Britt Signal Mountain, TN


Gary Damuth Brady, TX

Trey Spillers Burleson, TX

Owen P. “Trey” Carpenter III Burnet, TX

John (Jack) C. Culpepper III College Station, TX

Clyde Miller Corpus Christi, TX

Frederick D. Berg Del Rio, TX

David Lynn Burkhead Denison, TX

Joseph Strasser, Jr. El Paso, TX

L. Alan Young Godley, TX

Texas continued

Eric Stanosheck Haslet, TX

Kyle Wells Iowa Park, TX

Oscar Cortez Kingsville, TX

Weston Koehler Kingsville, TX

Zachary Naegelin Kingsville, TX

Rick Knape La Grange, TX

Ricardo Longoria Laredo, TX

Kyle Clark League City, TX

Donal Woodard Linn, TX

Ben Bartlett Lu in, TX

Robert G. Skinner Magnolia, TX

Kyle Easley McKinney, TX

Leonard W. Wood Midland, TX

Brian L. Martin Montgomery, TX

Joshua Treadway Montgomery , TX

Don Sherpy Plano, TX

Douglas R. Johnson Rogers, TX

Ronnie Parsons Shallowater, TX

Randal A. Reeves Spring, TX

Mike Ramage Spur, TX

Jack Johnson Texarkana, TX

Ronald J. Collier Uvalde, TX

Kenneth W. Baker Vernon, TX


Wade Steffenhagen Beaverdam, UT

Chase Ashcro Benjamin, UT

Brent E. Christensen Circleville, UT

Rusty Hall East Salem, UT

Dennis L. Shirley Elk Ridge, UT

Shad Pyper Highland, UT

Dallas Smith Leeds, UT

Roy Hampton Lehi, UT

Bruce Capes Midvale, UT

Craig P. Mitton Ogden, UT

Ben Nielsen Pleasant Grove, UT

Dallas Leo price, UT

Daniel Cowley Price , UT

Shaun Hirst Spanish Fork, UT

Aaron B. Roberts St. George, UT

Jerry Slaugh Vernal, UT

Steven J. Sillitoe West Jordan, UT

Clark A. Moss Willard, UT

88 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Official Measurers


Charles Keith Grubbs Chesapeake, VA

Jim Farren Huddleston, VA

Lee Schiferl Manakin Sabot, VA

Clay Harrison Strasburg, VA


Mike Castillo Vergennes, VT

David Robillard Westfield, VT


Wayne Van Zwoll Auburn, WA

Jeff rey D. Husted Bremerton, WA

Wayne Van Zwoll Bridgeport, WA

Kevin Krause Easton, WA

Tim Knebel Mercer Island, WA

Jack Davis Mt. Vernon, WA

Dean H. Cook, Jr. Naches, WA

Tom M. Ryle Olympia, WA

Tim R. Davis Pasco, WA

Brock C. Atwood Spokaine Valley, WA

Larry R. Carey Spokane, WA

Shawn Duchow Spokane, WA

Robert A. Dale Yakima, WA


John Michael Ramsey Baraboo, WI

James M. Frank Boscobel, WI

John Romans Centuria, WI

Randall L. Marlatt Crivitz, WI

David A. O’Brien Dresser, WI

Gerry Richard Wegner Eagle, WI

omas Sen East Troy, WI

Brandon Pfaff Edgerton, WI

Dan Evenson Fort Atkinson, WI

Stan Godfrey Fountain City, WI

Gary M. Wegner Franklin, WI

Steven Ashley Glenwood City, WI

Randy Loberger Green Bay, WI

Stan Zirbel Greenleaf, WI

Andrew Sternagel Greenville, WI

Wisconsin continued

Ken J. Rimer Hammond, WI

Timothy Bradley Hayward, WI

Paul F. Ostrum Hayward, WI

Jeffery Senske Hayward, WI

Jeff rey R. Fechner Holmen, WI

James Allen Squires Hudson, WI

Marcus Kirchoff Hustisford, WI

Matthew Sedelbauer Independence, WI

Brian “Bucky” Ihlenfeldt Kewaunee, WI

Edward L. Nelson Lake Mills, WI

Darrell “Skip” Peterson, Jr. Madison, WI

Harley J. Benson Mauston, WI

Allen Wisniewski Medford, WI

Steve Gobeli Monroe, WI

Larrie Hazen Mt. Hope, WI

Patrick Barwick Mukwonago, WI

Brady Laufenberg Neillsville, WI

Aaron Edward Bigalke New Lisbon, WI

Ronald Walter Oconomowoc, WI

Mark J. Siekierski Oxford, WI

Aaron Zuhlke Pardeeville, WI

Michael L. Jacobs Park Falls, WI

Steven Fish Pepin, WI

Caren Fish Pepin, WI

Brian Tessmann Pewaukee, WI

Errol Jones Plymouth, WI

Ashton Schultz Reedsburg, WI

Bryan Schultz Reedsburg, WI

Arlyn E. Loomans Rhinelander, WI

Jerry Gander Richland Center, WI

James A. Sumwalt Richland Center, WI

Earl Conradt Shiocton, WI

Ken Zimmerman Spooner, WI

Jerry Lunde St. Croix Falls, WI

Bill Bowman Stockholm, WI

Roger W. Hansen Superior, WI

Gary M. Martin Union Grove, WI

Perry L. Jensen Unity, WI

Curtis J. Rotering Waumandee, WI

Tony Heil Wausau, WI

Clark Gallup Westby, WI

Lou Kindred Whitehall, WI

Trevor Toraason Whitehall, WI

89 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Official Measurers

West Virgina

Greg Dearth Belleville, WV

Randy Kelley Logan, WV

David Yoho Moundsville, WV

Craig A. Lawson Princeton, WV

Eric S. Richmond Sod, WV

Eugene R. orn Tallmansville, WV


Ronell Skinner Bedford, WY

Richard A. Bonander Casper, WY

Pat McAteer Casper, WY

Charles Jay Scott Casper, WY

Eric H. Boley Cheyenne, WY

Randy Burtis Cheyenne, WY

David A. Pawlicki Cheyenne, WY

Ron Niziolek Cody, WY

Mike K Barrett Dayton, WY

Rick L. Parish Dayton, WY

Joel Hoenk Gillette, WY

Brett I. Ritter Kemmerer, WY

Brad Plaga Newcastle, WY

Robert Bergquist Rawlins, WY

Keith Dana Rock Springs, WY

Patrick Malone Saratoga, WY

Wayne Huhtala Star Valley Ranch, WY

Bradley Jones Story, WY

Jerry R. Bowen Wheatland, WY

Dan Hart Worland, WY



Brian Rudyk

Athabasca, AB

Maurice Gerard Nadeau Bonnyville, AB

Kevin Brayford Calgary, AB

David R. Coupland Calgary, AB

Chad Dillabough Calgary, AB

David W. Paplawski Calgary, AB

Alberta continued

Stuart Sinclair-Smith Calgary, AB

Sylvester Baier Camrose, AB

Levy Rhen Groves Claresholm, AB

Terry Brew Clive, AB

Dean Bromberger Edmonton, AB

Dale Johnson Edmonton, AB

Ryk Visscher Edmonton, AB

Gordon Ellis Grand Prairie, AB

Brent Watson Grande Prairie, AB

Dennis Meyer Lethbridge, AB

Jesse Meyer Lethbridge, AB

Albert England Lloydminster, AB

Neil Niles Napora Mannville, AB

Lindsey Paterson Pincher Creek, AB

Mike Walliser Red Deer, AB

Dallas Kaiser Red Deer County, AB

Jonathan Shapka St. Paul, AB

Ryan Bartholow Sundre, AB

Bob Daudelin Warburg, AB

Curtis Siegfried Whitecourt, AB

British Columbia

Allan Tew Chilanko Forks, BC

Leonard Verbaas Coldstream, BC

Robert Frew Fruitvale, BC

Kenneth W. Scheer Grand Forks, BC

R. J. (Bob) Petrie Kamloops, BC


Steve K. Swinhoe Brantford, ON

David T. Beaudry Ear Falls, ON

R. Brian Oates Erin, ON

David Nuttall under Bay, ON


Scott Holman Brandon, MB

Brad Minshull Pierson, MB

Geordie Daneliuk Russell, MB

Russell K. Mehling Steinbach, MB

90 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

Official Measurers

New Brunswick

Mike A. Bowling Saint John, NB

Nova Scotia

Daniel G. Caldwell Windsor, NS


Andre Beaudry Granby, QC

Raynald Groleau Plessisville, QC

Michel Jerome St-Vital de Clermont, QC

Ken H. Taylor Waskaganish, QC


Colin Woods Crieghton, SK

Ed Bergen Drake, SK

Heath Dreger Ebenezer, SK

Michael Halirewich Estevan, SK

Dave Atamanchuk Humboldt, SK

Brent Gust Kindersley, SK

Dustin Miller Leader, SK

Cameron Kirzinger Leroy, SK

Jeremey A. Edwards Martensville , SK

Kenneth D. Somogyi Melville, SK

Bill Deyo Moose Jaw, SK

John Kuzma Norquay, SK

Joyce Lorenz Raymore, SK

Paul Legrand Regina, SK

Patrick McKenzie Regina, SK

Glen Sellsted Regina, SK

Robert Allemand Shaunavon, SK

Barry Johnston Watrous, SK

Allan Brehaut Wawota, SK

91 33rd Biennium Convention Program & Recording Period Statistical Summary 2023

PRESER ECT. T. bowhunting

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