Illuminate - Edition 5

Page 32

Out of their seats and asking great questions

“ Embodied pedagogy involves inviting students out of their seats to engage in well planned learning activities” DUTTON & RUSHTON, 2018

- Mathematical approach 2: Divide the irregular shape up into regular polygons. Using measurements, find the area of each shape and add these areas together.

Languages Should young children be encouraged to be bi/multilingual?

What is Conscience Alley? Conscience Alley is a role play strategy used to identify different perspectives

- Yes. Research evidence shows the Creative Arts

on a topic and explore motivations/

benefits of learning more than one

individual intentions related to a question.

Do you think artists (Dance/Music/Art/

language. It supports familial connections

It involves a ‘questioner’ who is trying

Theatre) should be able to express their

and allows a complex, nuanced

to decide on their perspective on a

personal/political opinions through

world view.

challenging question. Often this question

their art?

- No. Young children should be

has a moral or ethical dimension

- Yes. Artists should be able to express

encouraged to develop skills only in the

but always the question is open and

any opinions they want through their art.

dominant language of the culture in

there is no one correct answer. The


which they live. This will make it easier for ‘questioner’ takes on a role appropriate them to make friends and fit in at school. to the question context and walks down

- No. Artists should stay out of the

Having identified a question that might

progresses they are offered differing

political world. They should focus on

be framed in your classroom, how

perspectives by ‘speakers’ who represent

making artwork that is aesthetically

might embodied pedagogy invite your

the questioner’s conscience. An audience


students out of their seats as engaged,

of ‘thinkers’ observe the interactions

thinking learners?

and think critically about the range of

Art can be a powerful medium for social


a physical ‘alley’. As the ‘questioner’

perspectives that have been offered.


The Conscience Alley strategy involves

the instructions given by the more

Whilst embodied learning can look very

the following steps:

experienced stockmen?

differently according to discipline and


Should the Man from Snowy River in Paterson’s poem have disobeyed

- Yes. It was a dangerous incline and there was significant risk to horse and rider. Hierarchies are important and the young should defer to experience voices. - No. The Man from Snowy River was a gifted rider, enjoyed risk taking behaviours, and was seeking to demonstrate his competence to the more experienced stockmen.

subject matter, we offer ‘Conscience Alley’ (Ewing & Simmons, 2016) as an embodied strategy that will work effectively across all stages and teaching areas.

The question is introduced, and are

students given time to think about/plan possible answers to the question.


Select 8-10 students who form

two straight lines facing each other (4 students in each line) creating the edges of the ‘alley’.


Assign each side of the alley the side

of the question they are supporting.


The questioner stands at the

beginning of the alley and progressively walks down the alley. 32

Illuminate Research and Innovation

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