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Provoking Your Thoughts: A Conversation with Thoughts From a Counselor Podcast

By Kyra Pattillo

Kyra: Well first off, what started Thoughts From A Counselor? How did you all meet?


Paul: Me and my friends were talking about starting our own podcast and getting ideas but our schedules were just conflicting...then I ran into this young brother [Lebert] through a mutual experience at a HBCU college fair. I think one day we went to lunch and we just started talking about podcasts and Lebert tells me about this opportunity and how he wanted to do it and you know, I wanted to do it too. It was something I was going to give up on, but hearing it just reinvigorated me and just reminded me that I should do this and it’s something I enjoy and something I wanted to try, so after that conversation, it just happened.

K: I know that you guys are both interested in counseling and mental health, which is a main component of your podcast, but what would you say makes your podcast different or unique?

Lebert: I think what makes our podcast unique is the fact that we’re professionals but we’re not the professionals in the room. We bring every guest into the room with the intention of them actively participating in the conversation and even leading it and guiding it. Because through my own homework and listening to other podcasts, they typically want to talk about what they want to talk about. We really want our guests to be their full dynamic and their human selves.

P: To answer that, our podcast, I think it brings things down to earth. Because as Lebert mentioned, we are academics. So, sometimes just knowing the community that we’re coming from, sometimes people will feel as if we’re above or we may know something more, but as Lebert said, we’re not the only measures of success, we’re not the only auditors of knowledge in this subject and I love how our podcast just brings it to earth, brings it down to earth, and we get to interact, get to give the people what they feel they might not have access to.

K: What would you say has been one of your favorite subjects or episodes so far?

L: The first one I’ll say is our episode 21: Music and Artistry. I’m going to say that one because it made me uncomfortable. I recognize now that when I move forward with our production, I have to be prepared to be uncomfortable, and to even acknowledge it on air, because we do a disservice to ourselves and to our guests when we don’t make room for that. I think there is also stigma around how people should react when they’re shocked.

K: You guys have touched a lot on what’s rewarding about doing this, but what has been the most challenging for you all?

L: The most challenging thing is that we’re still young professionals, so we still have a lot of other responsibilities too. Unfortunately, some things like school or research or just other areas of life will take over what we’re trying to do, or will really slow up what we’d like to do. So, trying to remind myself to be patient and to allow ourselves to have our pace, because I’d love to be able to just give my all to the podcast full time.

P: I think that balance is something I struggle with daily, even without the podcast. Just understanding and figuring out scheduling. Even though it’s like we are young professionals and we’ve been doing this for so long already, you know, you think it’d be natural, but just finding the time to do it all can be tricky and challenging. I think to add to that, I think the virtual adjustment adds on to it. Since COVID has started, I’ve missed the in-studio, non-verbal cues and just the energy. I still get that virtually but

K: Speaking of the pandemic and COVID-19, everything that we’ve known to be as “normal” and “taboo” is sort of up in the air. In terms of taboos or stigmas, what are some taboos you hope to help break moving forward?

L: We try to create space for people to see that Black people should be able to fail within academia at the highest level too and still be recognized, and still be seen as worthwhile and still be seen as necessary. What we try to do when we discuss these cultures, these institutions, these socializations, is reminding people that no matter what academia tells you, when you come on our show and when you listen to our episodes, we see the worth in you, that you may be struggling to see in yourself.

K: What would be some advice you would have for someone who is interested in going to counseling/therapy?

L: Take your time. Make room for failure. And make sure you continue to try. A lot of people tend to make the mistake of thinking that the first therapist they get is the right therapist, but the average therapeutic session is one session. Sometimes you go to therapy thinking, therapy is standardized, and it’s not. They’re different therapeutic approaches, people have different focuses, and we shrink our problems and think we can talk to anyone about them. You have to feel out your therapist. Sometimes you may have to take a break from therapy to unpack. And with the awareness of therapy, some people forget the actions that have to go into it outside the session.

K: What can we expect from you all in the future?

P: One of the ways we can take it to the next level is start incorporating videos. We started doing everything audio, but now adding that visual component, I think we can expand what we’re doing even further, and people actually being able to see our reactions, feeling what we’re saying more so than just hearing it.

L: I think another part of that would be us trying to incorporate more physical products to our brand as well. We’ve discussed doing things like self-care boxes or maybe we do a light giveaway, or maybe even start selling merchandise. Just trying to further our brand. Cause in essence, I think that’s what our podcast is; an extension of our brands, and trying to bring it to a point where we can do a lot with it.

Thoughts From a Counselor is available to listen and subscribe to on Google Podcast, Spotify and Apple Podcast. You can also follow them on instagram for more updates at @thoughtsfromcounselors.

...When you come on our show and when you listen to our episodes, we see the worth in you, that you may be struggling to see in yourself.

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