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The Perfect Recipe w/ Penthouse Eats
Food is the way to anyone’s heart. There are moments in life where a good meal is just the thing you need to keep you going. Think about it. Holiday meals with family, dinner dates with your significant other and a girls’ night out with pizza and of course, wine! Food has been the center-point of some of our greatest and longest-lasting memories.
I have to admit, from the ambiance of the venue to the first sweet or savory bite of food, I’ve always loved a good dining experience. I had the chance to speak with someone who takes food experiences to the top level, or should I say— the penthouse.
Mikal Frater is the Executive Chef of Penthouse Eats, a professional food service that provides meal prep, catering, private dinners and cooking classes. You name it, she’s got it! Mikal is the chef extraordinaire who takes your ordinary food experience and creates unforgettable flavors. How refreshing is it to see a 20-something-year-old bring us luxury lifestyle meals on a 20-something budget. I mean, the range. We have no choice but to stan.
For those of you looking to get your grub on and let your taste buds finally be great rather than making a quick stop down the street to your closest drive-thru, pay close attention.

Mikal started her cooking career off like most of us; getting ready to leave the house for college. “Growing up, I was always in the kitchen with my parents,” said Mikal. “My parents gave me the basics. But when I was getting ready to leave for college, my dad said, ‘You know, we aren’t going to be here when you leave. You may want to start getting ready to make your own meals.’”
I can say, that was my dad too. Except, I didn’t listen. I didn’t try and learn the basics. I just assumed the food would be there. Imagine my surprise when my freshman-15 turned into the freshman-25 because I was eating out a little too often. I knew there was something I had to do. For most of us, this is a pivotal moment as we begin to take our first steps into adulthood. What are we supposed to eat? How are we supposed to make this?
Mikal had the answers. “In undergrad, my childhood best friend and I would [have] Friendsgiving and Sunday dinners,” she said. “I would take pics of the food and send it to my parents.” But that wasn’t it for her. “Senior year I lived on my own. Since I was bored, I would cook and invite people over. Being in Baltimore county, it was so easy to venture and explore the foodie spots in the city. The year after I graduated I was like “let me hone in on this.”
Pulling inspiration from the foodie influencers like Emril and the Kitchenista, Mikal has definitely tapped into her inner master chef. She’s created five-star meals from our basic day-to-day foods.

“It’s fun to me,” she said, “I enjoy it. The minute I feel like I’m not enjoying it anymore, it’s not for me anymore. For now, it’s super fun and I love it.”
Here’s the thing about food. Food is one of the most consistent ways to bring people together. It’s cultural. It’s ever-changing. And in the words of Mikal, “Food is a universal language.” So, why not treat it as such? Much like the name of her company, Penthouse Eats, every experience you have with food should feel luxurious. It should feel five-star wherever you are.
Like Mikal, it’s all about exploration. “I’ll go somewhere like a restaurant and try something. If I really like it I’ll say to myself ‘Ooo I think I can make this at home.’ And it’ll turn into a little personal challenge for me.” All it takes is a pan and an idea to make your perfect dish. The key ingredients are patience and curiosity. Start in the kitchen and let your ideas come to life with the food you eat. That, my friends, is the perfect recipe. *Chef Kiss*
Instagram: @penthouseeats

It's Wine-O-Clock!
Which type of wine do you prefer? Here are Mikal's suggestions for when you're wining and dining.
A. Top Red: Brand- Josh. Type- Cabernet Sauvignon
B. Top White: Brand - Cupcake. Type Riesling
Happy Dining!