MSU supercomputing facilities

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Contents Preface


Computers and computing in Moscow State University


MSU supercomputers: “Lomonosov”


MSU supercomputers: SKIF MSU “Chebyshev”


MSU supercomputers: IBM Blue Gene/P


MSU supercomputers: Hewlett-Packard “GraphIT!”


Perspective supercomputing technology: reconfigurable supercomputers




The history of computers at Moscow State Univer-

supercomputers are IBM Blue Gene/P, Hewlett-

sity goes back to the mid-fifties of the 20th century

Packard “GraphIT!” and FPGA-based RVS-5. The

when Research Computing Center of Moscow

major computing facility of the Center is the “Lo-

State University was founded in 1955 and equipped

monosov” supercomputer with a recently increased

with up-to-date computing hardware. This made

peak performance up to 1.3 PFlops.

it possible for university researchers to solve many challenging problems in meteorology, satellite and

Today more than 500 scientific groups from

manned space flights, aerodynamics, structural

Moscow State University, institutes of the Russian

analysis, mathematical economy, and other fields

Academy of Sciences, and other educational and

of science. Between 1955 and the early 1990s, more

scientific organizations of Russia are the users of

than 25 mainframe computers of various architec-

Moscow University Supercomputing Center. The

ture and performance were installed and actively

main areas of fundamental research with super-

used at Moscow State University.

computer applications are magnetohydrodynamics, quantum chemistry, seismology, drug design,

Since the end of the 1990s, Moscow State University

geology, material science, global climatic changes,

has begun to exploit high-performance comput-

nanotechnology, cryptography, bioinformatics,

ing systems based on cluster technologies. The

bioengineering, astronomy, etc. In recent years, the

first high-performance cluster installed at Moscow

range of supercomputer applications has expanded

State University in 1999 was the first one in Rus-

incredibly and Moscow State University is looking

sian education and science institutions. It was able

forward to reach exaflops frontiers.

to perform 18 billion operations per second. Now, Moscow State University Supercomputing Center has two systems included in the Top500 list: “Lomonosov” and SKIF MSU “Chebyshev”. Other MSU


Computers and computing in Moscow State University In 1956, Research Computing Center (RCC) of

ing approximately 2000 operations per second. It

Moscow State University received its first computer

had a clock cycle of 500 microseconds, RAM of

“Strela”. It was the first serially manufactured main-

2048 words with 43 bits each, energy consumption

frame in the USSR. A total of seven mainframes

of 150 KW. The computer occupied up to 300 square

were produced, the one supplied to RCC had


number 4. “Strela” mainframe functioned with a three-address instruction set capable of implement-


Computer “Setun” was designed in RCC, with

a bit, can exist not in two, but in three states: 1,0,-1.

N.P. Brusentsov as a chief designer. In 1959, RCC

The “Setun” computer took up to 25-30 square me-

launched “Setun” prototype and in 1961 “Setun”

ters, and required no special cooling. Its frequency

started to be manufactured serially. It was an im-

was 200 kHz. Fifty computers were produced from

pressive and extraordinary computer, being the first

1961 to 1965.

one in the world that was based on ternary, not binary, logic. Trit, having capacity superior to that of


In May 1961, M-20 computer was installed in

solving complicated algebraic problems that al-

RCC. It’s worth mentioning, that mainframes of

lowed dealing with systems of any rank and used

“M” series (М-20, М-220, М-222), built under the

only 300 words of RAM was developed specially for

supervision of distinguished academician S.A. Leb-

these mainframes. Using this method both matrix

edev, were widely-spread in the USSR. Mainframe

and system’s right-hand side vector fit into a slow

M-20 provided 20000 operations per second. It

memory but nevertheless problems were solved

had ferrite core-based RAM with capacity of 4096

almost as fast as if all data were stored in RAM.

words, with external memory stored on drums

The programs based on this technology were rather

and magnetic tapes. These common and efficient

efficient: it took only 9 minutes to solve algebraic

mainframes had essential influence on the develop-

systems of rank 200 on M-20.

ment of computational mathematics in the former Soviet Union. For instance, a block method for

BESM-4 computer became a part of RCC computational facilities in 1966. BESM-4 ferrite cores memory capacity varied from 4096 to 8192 words with 45 bits each. Numbers were represented in floating-point mode in binary system, while the range of absolute values was from 2-63 to 263. Its memory cycle was 10 microseconds, total storage space on drum memory was 65536 words (4 drums of 16384 words each), external memory capacity via magnetic tapes contained 8 blocks of 2 million words each. BESM-4 occupied three cabinets using 65 square meters. It required 8 kW for functioning and had an automatic internal air cooling system.


BESM-6 computer was and is still considered to be

being at different stages could be processed. Buffers

of great importance to Russian history of computer

for intermediate storage of instructions and data

development. The chief designer of this model was

allowed three subsystems of RAM modules, control

again S.A. Lebedev. Designing of BESM-6 was com-

and arithmetic units to work in parallel and asyn-

pleted in 1967 and its serial production was started

chronously. Content-addressable memory on fast

in 1968. Same year RCC received its first BESM-6

registers (a predecessor of cache memory) allowed

computer, and despite its serial number 13 it proved

this computer to memorize most frequently used

to be lucky for the Center. As a result RCC installed

operands and thus to decrease a number of refer-

its second BESM-6 computer in 1975, and then the

ences to RAM. Interleaving RAM allowed simul-

third and the forth ones in 1979. During this period

taneous access to separate modules of RAM from

total number of 355 BESM-6 mainframes was pro-

different parts of mainframe.

duced in the USSR. BESM-6 had RAM on ferrite cores capable of


Parallel processing of computer instructions was

storing 32 000 of 50-bit words. This number was

widely used in the architecture of BESM-6 com-

later increased to 128 000 words. The BESM-6 peak

puter: simultaneously 14 single-address instructions

performance was one million instructions per

second. The computer had about 60000 transistors

was equipped with two ES-1022, two MIR-2 and

and three times more diodes. It had a frequency of

MINSK-32 computers. In 1984, two-processor

10 MHz, occupied up to 150-200 square meters and

ES-1045 was installed. Since 1986, RCC has used a

consumed 30 KW of energy supply.

series of minicomputers: SM-3, SM-4 and SM-1420.

RCC has also used mainframes from other series. In 1981, along with four BESM-6 mainframes RCC


Since 1999, Research Computing Center has decid-

In 2002, the second cluster with a standard low-cost

ed to focus its main attention on cluster supercom-

and effective Fast Ethernet technology for com-

puters. The result of this decision wasn’t obvious at

munication and control was installed. This cluster

that time, but later it has proved to be the right one.

contained 20 nodes of one type (2 x Intel Pentium

The first cluster consisted of 18 compute nodes con-

III/850 MHz, 1 GB, 2 x HDD 15 GB) along with 24

nected via a high-speed SCI network. Each node

nodes of another type (2 x Intel Pentium III/1 GHz,

contained two Intel Pentium III/500 MHz proces-

1 GB, HDD 20 GB). With a total number of 88 pro-

sors, 1 GB of RAM and a 3.2 GB HDD. The system

cessors, it had peak performance of 82 GFlops.

peak performance was 18 GFlops. The SCI network with a high data transfer rate (80 MB/s) and low

In 2004, in the frame of a joint project of three

latency (5.5 ns) made this system very effective for

departments of Moscow State University (Research

solving a wide range of problems. Research groups

Computing Center, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear

formed around the first cluster started using a new

Physics and Faculty of Computational Mathematics

type of technology – parallel computers with dis-

and Cybernetics) new data storage was installed. It

tributed memory in order to boost their research.

included Hewlett-Packard XP-1024 disk array along with an automated tape library Hewlett-Packard


ESL 9595 with a total capacity of 40 TB. In the same

Now Moscow State University Supercomputing

year a new Hewlett-Packard cluster with 160 AMD

Center exploits “Lomonosov”, SKIF MSU “Che-

Opteron 2.2 GHz processors and a new InfiniBand

byshev”, “GraphIT!”, IBM Blue Gene/P super-

network technology was launched in the super-

computers and several small HPC clusters, with a

computing center. This cluster peak performance

peak performance of the “Lomonosov” flagship at

exceeded 700 GFlops. By that time more than 50

1.3 PFlops. Taking the supercomputing road more

research groups from MSU, Russian Academy of

than ten years ago Moscow State University Super-

Sciences and other Russian universities had become

computing Center is planning to move forward to

active users of MSU supercomputing facilities.

exaflops and further in the future.


MSU supercomputers: “Lomonosov”


Moscow State University hosts a number of HPC

a necessity and MSU decided to acquire a new,

systems. SKIF MSU “Chebyshev” supercomputer

much more powerful system enabling research-

has been the most powerful one until recently. This

ers to expand computations and to perform more

60 TFlops supercomputer was installed in 2008;

accurate simulations. It became evident that the

and after deployment it became very soon clear

new supercomputer would have to contribute to the

that the demand for computing power far exceeded

growth of Russia’s overall competitiveness by foster-

its capabilities. By 2009 a significant expansion

ing discoveries and innovations in leading research

of MSU supercomputing facilities had become

centers of the country.

Robust price/performance, scalability, and fault

The primary compute nodes generating over 94%

tolerance were the key requirements to the new

of x86 part performance are based on T-Platforms

system. “Lomonosov” supercomputer delivered by

T-Blade2 system. Using six-core Intel Xeon X5670

the Russian company T-Platforms currently has 1.3

Westmere processors, T-Blade2 brings up to 27

PFlops peak performance.

TFlops of compute power in a standard 42U rack. “Lomonosov” also contains a number of T-Blade 1.1

“Lomonosov” is divided into 2 partitions by nodes

compute nodes with increased amount of RAM and

architecture: x86 part with peak performance of 510

local disk storage for memory-intensive applica-

TFlops and GPU part with peak performance of

tions. The 3rd type of compute nodes is based on

863 TFlops. In general, “Lomonosov” uses 6 types

T-Platforms PeakCell S platform using PowerXCell

of compute nodes and incorporates processors of

8i processors.

different architecture. The resulting hybrid installation has enough flexibility for enabling optimum

GPU part of “Lomonosov” supercomputer is based

performance for a wide range of applications.

on the next generation of T-Platforms blade systems TB2-TL. The TB2-TL system is based on the newest


TL-blade design. With 16 TL blades, it packs 32 Tesla X2070 GPUs and 32 Intel Xeon 5630 CPUs to deliver 17.8TF of peak DP performance per single TB2 enclosure. With 6 TB2-TL systems installed into a 42U rack cabinet, total performance of 106.6 TFlops per rack is reached. “Lomonosov” uses 40 Gb/s QDR Infiniband technology as a primary interconnect. To ensure fast data transfer and to reduce network congestion, T-Blade2 chassis incorporates excess InfiniBand external ports, providing impressive 1.6 TB/s of


The supercomputer uses 3-level storage system: • 500 TB of T-Platforms ReadyStorage SAN 7998 external storage with Lustre parallel file system. The solution enables parallel access of compute nodes to data with sustained aggregated read throughput of 30 GB/s and sustained aggregated write throughput of 24 GB/s; • 300 TB high availability NAS storage for users home directories; • 1 PB tape library with hierarchical storage software.

the overall external bandwidth of QDR InfiniBand

A very high degree of fault tolerance is a necessity

integrated switches. The dedicated global barrier

for installations of such scale. To this end, redun-

network of T-Blade2 allows fast synchronization of

dancy of all critical subsystems and components

computing jobs running on separate nodes, while

was implemented – from cooling fans and power

the global interrupt network significantly reduces

supplies on compute nodes to the entire engineer-

the influence of OS jitter by synchronizing the pro-

ing infrastructure. To ensure even greater reliability,

cess scheduling over the entire system. As a result,

primary compute nodes have neither hard discs

processors communicate much more efficiently,

nor cables inside the chassis, and contain a number

enabling high scalability of the most demanding

of special hardware features such as fault-tolerant

parallel applications.

memory module slots.

“Lomonosov” Peak performance

1 373 TFlops

Linpack performance

674 TFlops

Linpack efficiency


Primary / secondary compute nodes

T-Blade2, TB2-TL / T-Blade1.1, PeakCell S

4- core Intel Хеоn 5570 2.93 GHz CPUs

8 8 40

6 - core Intel Xeon 5670 2.93 GHz CPUs

1 3 60

4- core Intel Xeon 5630 2.53 GHz CPUs

1 5 54


1 5 54

Other processor types

PowerXCell 8i

Total RAM

85 TB

Total number of cores

94 172

Primary / secondary interconnect

QDR Infiniband 4x / 10G Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet

External storage

3-level storage: • 500 TB T-Platforms ReadyStorage SAN 7998/Lustre; • 300 TB NAS storage; • 1 PB tape library

Operating system

Clustrx T-Platforms Edition

Total area (supercomputer)

252 m 2

Power consumption

2.8 MW


MSU supercomputers: SKIF MSU “Chebyshev” On March 19, 2008 Moscow State University,

The supercomputer is based on T-Blade modules

T- Platforms company, Program Systems Institute of

developed by T-Platforms. T-Blade incorporates up

Russian Academy of Sciences and Intel Corporation

to 20 Intel Xeon quad-core processors (3.0 GHz,

announced the deployment of the most powerful

45 nm) in a 5U enclosure, which at the moment of

supercomputer in Russia, CIS and Eastern Eu-

system delivery provided the best computing den-

rope SKIF MSU “Chebyshev” that was built in the

sity among all Intel-based blade solutions presented

framework of the supercomputer program “SKIF-

on the market. The system network is based on the

GRID” sponsored by the Union State of Russia and

DDR InfiniBand technology with Mellanox 4th

Belarus. The peak performance of the supercom-

generation microchips.

puter based on 1 250 Intel Xeon E5472 quad-core processors, is 60 TFlops. The Linpack performance

The T-Platforms ReadyStorage ActiveScale Clus-

of 47.17 TFlops (78.6% of peak performance) had

ter storage system specifically designed for Linux

become the best efficiency result among all quad-

clusters provides direct parallel access to data

core Xeon-based systems in the top hundred of the

for all compute nodes eliminating bottlenecks of

June 2008 edition of the Top500 list where SKIF

traditional network storage. Data storage capacity

MSU “Chebyshev” was ranked №36. It was ranked

of SKIF MSU “Chebyshev” is 60 TB. The unique

№5 in the recent (March 2011) edition of Top50 rat-

feature of the T-Platforms ReadyStorage ActiveScale

ing list of the most powerful supercomputers in the

Cluster system is its scalability: when new storage

Commonwealth of Independent States.

modules are added, not only storage capacity but also the overall network performance is increased.


SKIF MSU “Chebyshev” Peak performance

60 TFlops

Linpack performance

47 TFlops

Linpack efficiency


Compute racks / total racks

14 / 42

Blade enclosure / blade nodes

63 / 625

Number of CPUS / cores

1 2 50 / 5  000

Processor type

4-core Intel Хеоn 5472 3.0 GHz

Total RAM

5.5 TB

Primary / secondary interconnect

DDR Infiniband / Gigabit Ethernet

Power consumption

330 KW

Top500 position

36 (2008.VI)


MSU supercomputers: IBM Blue Gene/P Since 2008 the IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputer

energy and space in comparison with the earlier

has been operating at the Faculty of Computational


Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU. The MSU Blue Gene/P computer was one of the first systems

The configuration of MSU Blue Gene/P includes

of this series in the world. Blue Gene architecture

two racks, containing totally 2 048 compute nodes,

has been developed by IBM in the framework

each consisting of 4 PowerPC 450 cores, working at

of the project seeking for new solutions in high-

850 MHz frequency. The peak performance of the

performance computing. MSU Blue Gene/P was at

system is 27.9 TFlops.

the 128-th place in the Top500 issued in November 2008. It was ranked #15 in the March 2011 Top50 list

The Blue Gene/P architecture has been developed

of the CIS most powerful supercomputers.

for programs that scale well up to hundreds and thousands of processes. Individual cores work at a


The IBM Blue Gene/P system is a representative of a

relatively low frequency, but applications being able

supercomputer family providing high performance,

to effectively use large numbers of processor units

scalability, and facility to process large datasets

demonstrate higher performance as compared to

and at the same time consuming significantly less

many others supercomputers.

IBM Blue Gene/P Peak performance

27.9 TFlops

Linpack performance

23.9 TFlops

Number of racks


Number of compute nodes / I/O nodes

2  0 48 / 32

CPU model

4-core PowerPC 850 MHz

Number of CPUs / cores

2  0 48 / 8  192

Total RAM

4 TB

Programming technologies

MPI, OpenMP/pthreads, POSIX I/O

Performance per watt

372 MFlops/W

Top500 position

128 (2008.XI)


MSU supercomputers: Hewlett-Packard “GraphIT!” “GraphIT!” is the first cluster of MSU Super-

“GraphIT!” was originally envisioned as a pilot

computing Center based on GPU, an innovative

GPU-based cluster which can be used as a testbed

supercomputing architecture. GPUs, originally

for practicing with hybrid programming tech-

designed for real-time 3D graphics acceleration, are

nologies. It was required to be small enough to fit

now widely used to accelerate HPC. Compared to

into existing server room but powerful enough to

traditional CPUs, GPUs provide higher parallelism,

be used for real-world applications. As a result,

higher FLops and memory bandwidth per chip, and

configuration based on 4 HP S6500 4U chassis, oc-

also have higher cost- and energy-efficiency.

cupying a total of 2 racks was chosen. Each chassis

Hewlett-Packard “GraphIT!”


Peak performance (CPU /  G PU /  C PU+GPU)

2.04 /  2 4.72 /26.76 TFlops

Linpack performance

11.98 TFlops

Racks / compute nodes

2 / 16

Node type


Number of 6 -cores Intel Xeon X5650 CPUs


CPUs per node


Number of GPUs


GPU type

Nvidia «Fermi» Tesla M2050


768 GB / 144 GB

Per node CPU RAM / GPU RAM

48 GB / 9 GB

Data storage capacity

12 ТB

Primary / secondary interconnect

QDR Infiniband 4x / Gigabit Ethernet

Power consumption

22 KW

has 4 nodes, and each node has 3 NVidia “Fermi” Tesla M2050 CUDA-enabled GPUs, for a total of 16 compute nodes and 48 GPUs in the cluster. All compute nodes are connected by a high-speed 4x QDR InfiniBand network. This provides a total performance of 26.76 TFlops, of which 24.72 TFlops, or more than 92%, are due to GPU. It achieves Linpack performance of 11.98 TFlops, with 44% efficiency.

“GraphIT!” cluster is used to solve problems on molecular dynamics, cryptoanalysis, quantum physics, climate modeling, as well as other computationally intensive problems which benefit from GPU usage. It is used by researchers from various MSU departments as well as other research institutions. 21

Perspective supercomputing technology: reconfigurable supercomputers

Reconfigurable supercomputer RVS-5 installed in Research Computing Center of MSU is one of the most powerful reconfigurable computing systems in the world. This system was designed in Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computing Systems, Southern Federal University (Taganrog, Russia). The heads of the design team were Prof. I. Kaliaev and Dr. I. Levin. 22

The main computational element of the RVS-5

sibility of using a large number of FPGAs for any

computer is a base module Alkor. Each Alkor mod-

program (all FPGAs of a rack).

ule contains 16 FPGA Xilinx Virtex-5 chips. Base modules are connected together via LVDS channels

Various scientific applications have been success-

which allow several base modules to be effectively

fully implemented on RVS-5. Among them are:

assigned to a program. Four base modules form

• Tomographic researches of near-surface layers

a computational block, four blocks per each rack.

of the Earth using acoustic and electromagnetic waves;

Reconfigurable computing system RVS-5 outper-

• Modeling and forecasting the hydrophysical

forms all known general purpose FPGA-based

and biogeochemical processes in the Sea of

computing systems. Most programs for this su-


percomputer are written in the high-level Colamo

• Modeling natural objects and processes in the

language, which has been created by developers of

functioning area of the Rostov atomic power

RVS-5. The main features of this language are high


efficiency of programs written in Colamo and pos-

• Modeling astrophysical processes and adjustment of instrumental distortion of optical images; • Creation of fundamentally new drugs and new generation materials.

“RVS-5” FPGA system FPGA model

Xilinx Virtex-5

Number of racks


Number of FPGAs (11 mil. gates)

1 280

Total size of dynamic memory

100 GB

Power consumption

24 KW

Base Module Features

Number of processor elements


Memory size

2 GB

Performance, SP (DP)

200 (100) GFlops

Board frequency

330 MHz

Frequency of information exchange

1 200 MHz



Power consumption

190 W


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