Fresh Lubbock

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BATTLE OF THE BURGERS Tommy’s Famous Burgers

Blue Sky Burgers

BurgerFI MAY 2017 | 03

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Publisher Pratia Jordan

food. Food is more than just sustenance, more than the material you need to consume to keep you alive. Food represents moments over

Editor at Large Chelsea Carrick

which we can all bond, a combination of ingredients so striking our

Editorial Team Amanda Tapp Chris Clark

In this issue, we bring you the “Battle of the Burgers.” There are few

Sales Manager Andrria Keelin Sales Team Rainey Anderson Design Team Lead Respati Ririt Pohaci Website Team Lead Ajeesh John Website Team Rabeesh Rajappan Digital Marketing Keerthi VS

palette strives to make sense of it.

foods as widely loved as the hamburger. A perfectly cooked patty and some well-baked buns can serve as a medium for any combination of condiments you could choose. It is also amazing on its own, having served as a quintessential American classic for years. We all have our burger preferences, which is why we want to include our readers in choosing Lubbock’s best burger. Engage with these restaurants, with the food that they serve, and let us know what you think. What makes their burgers great? Speaking of engaging with our food, we’ve included a piece on food you prepare with your hands. Here in Lubbock, we understand the value of working with our hands, and cooking is no different. We provide you with some wonderful recipes that allow you to work intimately with the food you prepare. We want to bring you the latest in food, to offer the best recipes and to allow you to look at food as more than just food. In this issue, we provide you with some stunning summer recipes, ways that make it easier to beat the heat. We hope you enjoy them, and we hope that you use your food as more than just a source of energy to get you through the day. Enjoy your food, talk about it, and of course, use it as an excuse to gather together.

Sincerelly Your friends at Fresh

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The Summer’s Best Salad What’s The Deal With Cold Brew Do It With Your Hands Flowerful Foods Battle of Burgers Wine Slushies FRESH | 07

Ph: 806.535.6297 | 1018 Broadway St Lubbock TX 79401

The Summer’s

BEST SALADS photo Jessica Gavin, Snack to the Future




really want to stand next to stove while you’re

300g beanhead noodles

1. Soften the noodles by soaking in

already regularly being attacked by the sun’s

200g lamb

violent summer-time rays when you could be

2 teaspoons herbamare seasoning

eating a cool, crisp, refreshing salad?

5 tablespoons olive oil

THE AMOUNT OF SALAD YOU EAT IN THE SUMMER usually goes way up. Do you

2 cloves peeled, grated garlic

warm water, then drain. 2. Grill the lamb with the herbamare seasoning until cooked 3. Add the garlic, ginger, prawns, and

But some people say that salad is boring. Sure,

2 teaspoons grated ginger

sugar to the lamb and stir-fry for

salad is boring if you make it boring. Iceberg

100g cooked and peeled prawns

about 3-5 minutes and then mix

lettuce topped with a few cherry tomatoes?

3 teaspoons sugar

That’s boring. But a crisp bed of greens flavored

1 bunch sliced spring onions

with basil, pumpkin seeds, goat cheese, and

3 tablespoons lime juice

fish sauce, chilies, coriander, mint,

a little spice? Or how about a new take on an

1 tablespoon fish sauce

and peanuts to the bowl.

asian noodle salad? We’ll provide you with

A handful of coriander

these two stunning salad recipes to make your

2 fresh red chilies

summer feel just a little more fresh.

2 handfuls peanuts

with the noodles. 4. Add the spring onions, lime juice,

5. Toss the mixture and let it cool. Once cold, serve and enjoy!

1 handful fresh mint Salt and pepper to taste MAY FRESH 2017 | 09


INGREDIENTS 6 cups of spinach or kale ¼ cup basil ¼ cup parsley 2 tablespoons chopped, fresh thyme 2 ears of grilled corn kernels removed from the cob 1 ½ cups tom-tom tomatoes cut in half 1 chopped red-pepper ¾ cup fresh blackberries 1 chopped pear 1 chopped and seeded jalapeño


1 ½ cups cooked garbanzo beans ½ cup mixed seeds

1. Combine the spinach or kale, basil, parsley, thyme, grilled

¼ cup of olive oil

corn, tomatoes, red pepper, berries, pear, jalapeño, and

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

garbanzo beans.

5 teaspoons honey 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 clove minced garlic The juice from 1 lemon 1 chopped, pitted avocado

2. In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, chili powder, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and strawberries 3. Pour the dressing over the salad mix and toss with the avocado and goat cheese

6 ounce crumbled goat cheese 1 cup diced strawberries 010 | MAY 2017

We hope you enjoy these fresh and healthy concoctions!

No matter which side looks like YOUR kitchen, Big Plate has you covered. Big Plate...when you're serious about your food. 4 41 7 50 T H S T. LU B B O C K FRESH | 011

What’s the Deal with

COLD BREW It’s summer and as the weather gets progressively warmer, people are trading in their steaming mugs and insulated to-go cups for the kind of coffee you sip through a straw: cold brew. For some reason, drinking cold coffee is a particular kind of pleasure. It signifies a start to summer, means the mittens are coming off.

012 | FRESH MAY 2017 3135 34th St, Lubbock, TX 79410 806 368 5263

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concentrated if you want to make it an iced latte. A good place to start is with a ratio of one cup of beans to four cups of water. After that, if you like your coffee a little bit stronger than you can add more beans. Or, take some away. It’s up to you. While it may seem more time consuming than making hot coffee, it can actually save you time in the long run. Make enough for the week in one batch and you just have to pull it out of the fridge when morning comes. That takes almost Here’s the problem with cold brew though: You

bitter than it needs to be. Truly, cold brew is the

less thought than pressing a button on your

can’t make it all that fast. The best part about hot

way to go. Here’s how to do it.

coffee maker.

your instant coffee maker, press a button, and have

To make a good cold brew, you’re going to need

Here are some additional tips for making truly

a cup of whatever kind of coffee you want ready

between 22 and 24 hours to brew it. But, it doesn’t

great iced coffee:

within a few minutes. Cold brew does not work

have to be incredibly difficult. One method, the

Make coffee ice cubes (or ice cubes that add

that way. If you make a normal cup of coffee and

most simple, is to get coarsely ground coffee and

flavor - such as vanilla or hazelnut) and use

throw it over ice, you’re left with disturbingly a

let it sit in water overnight or for a full day,

those to cool your coffee. When they melt, they

disturbingly watery wake-up call. Luckily, we’ve

depending on how strong you want it. About

won’t dilute the drink and they’ll release your

come up with a guide to what makes good cold-

twelve hours, or overnight, should do the trick.

desired flavor evenly throughout the beverage.

coffee is that you can throw a few spoonfuls into

brew good and how to make it at home.

Make your coffee grounds as coarse as possible. Not only does iced coffee make a great summer

Obviously, this works best if you have a coffee

First, I should explain the difference between

beverage that helps you beat that heat, but it

grinder. While you can make iced coffee with

cold brew and iced coffee, because they’re not

also tastes less bitter and sour than hot coffee.

pre-ground coffee, it’s not going to be quite the

the same thing. Yes, they’re both cold. Yes, we

The slow infusion leaves behind those flavors


often use the two terms interchangeable. But,

while still taking the flavor from the coffee bean.

Your ground beans will absorb a lot of water. If

they’re not the same. Iced coffee is hot coffee

That’s why cold brew often tastes so smooth,

you use four cups of water, you won’t get four

poured over ice. Cold Brew is coffee grounds

and sometimes a little sweet.

cups of coffee. You’ll probably get about two.

cup of iced coffee if you make it really strong,

Typically, you should make your iced coffee more

Enjoy your iced coffee! Making it at home can

because then the dilution from the melted ice is

concentrated than you would hot coffee because

be fun, delicious, and can save you quite a bit of

not as noticeable; however, it will be way more

you will pour it over ice. Or, make it really

money every week!

steeped in cold water. You can make an okay

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Offering Homestyle Meals made with quality ingredients prepared from scratch

37th & Slide Lubbock, Texas 79414 806-784-0010 Call-ins welcome! FRESH | 015

Do It with

YOUR HANDS Here in Lubbock, we’re do it with your hands kind of people. We work hard, we construct and create and touch the earth. This can carry over the the food we make too. There is something powerful about cooking food with our hands, using our own bodies to shape what it is we eat. And I’m not just talking about sandwiches, about a rushed meal we eat on the go. I’m talking about a true preparatory process in which you use your hands to engage.

016 | MAY 2017

photo Being a Bear, Green Seed Tas, King Arthur Flour Blog, The Cake Chica

HOMEMADE BREAD Fresh Baked is incredible. Its scent flows

INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a bowl, dissolve the yeast in the warm

4. Now you get to use your hands again.

through the house, it’s flavor unmatched by

water. Add three cups of flour and the

Bring the dough onto a floured surface

anything prepackaged. People fear making

sugar, salt, and oil. Beat the mixture until

and divide it in half. Shape your mixture

their own bread, but they shouldn’t. And

smooth and then add the remaining

into two loaves, embracing the feel of

this recipe is a pretty easy way to start.

flour ½ cup at a time.

the dough in your hands. Take your time

2. Flour a surface and bring the dough


over to it. Now, this is where you get to

1 package dry yeast

it is smooth and elastic. It will probably

2-¼ cups of warm water 3 tablespoons sugar

use your hands - knead the mixture until take you about ten minutes. 3. Place your dough in a greased bowl and

with it. 5. Place each loaf into two greased 9x5 inch loaf pans. 6. Again, cover and let it double in size as it rises. It will probably take about half an hour.

1 tablespoon salt

let it rise for about one hour. You will

2 tablespoons canola oil

know it’s done when it has doubled

7. Bake the loaves at 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes. The bread is done when

6-¼ cups of all purpose flour

in size.

it’s golden brown. FRESH | 017


CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Chicken fried steak is a southern staple. And it’s just really, really good. Plus, you get to use your hands to cover the meat and throw it in the pan.

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INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pound the steaks until they’re about

4 x ½ pound beef cube steaks 2 cups of all purpose flour

¼ inch thick. 2. Pour two cups flour into one bowl and

4. Heat the shortening in a cast-iron skillet to 325 degrees. Then fry the steaks until

2 teaspoons of baking powder

the baking powder, baking soda, pepper,

1 teaspoon baking soda

and salt in another. In the bowl with the

about 4 minutes on each side.

1 teaspoon black pepper

baking powder, add the buttermilk, egg,

5. Place each steak on paper towels

¾ teaspoon salt 1 ½ cups buttermilk

tabasco sauce, and garlic. 3. Take each steak into the flour, then into

1 egg

the other mixture, and then into the

1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce

flour again. Make sure each steak is

2 cloves of garlic

completely coated, patting the powder

3 cups of vegetable shortening

down with your hands. Don’t be afraid to

for deep frying 020 | FRESH

get a little messy.

they’re golden brown, which should take

to drain.

2610 Salem Ave, Lubbock, TX 79413 Phone: (806) 784-2004 Website:

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HOMEMADE PASTA There is something somewhat pleasurable about making your own pasta. We could stick with the store bought kind, but don’t you want to live with the pride that you not only know how to make your own pasta sauce, but your own pasta as well? Isn’t there something to be said about having made your entire meal by hand?

INGREDIENTS 2 cups flour ½ teaspoon salt 3 large eggs

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Put the flour in a pile and make a well in the middle. 2. Add the eggs to the middle of the well and gradually mix by drawing the flour, stroke by stroke, towards the egg. 3. As soon as a dough begins to form, knead it for about ten minutes. 4. You can add a bit more water (if it’s too dry) or a bit more flour (if it’s too sticky). 5. The longer you knead, the more your work the dough with your hands, the smoother it will be. 6. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and allow it to rest for 45 minutes. 7. Now divide the dough into four portions

8. Now, if you have a pasta machine you can use that. But because we’re focusing on working with our hands, I will focus on the rolling pin method. So, using a rolling pin roll each section of dough until it is as thin as you can possibly make it. 9. Roll each of the four pieces of dough on a well floured surface and then use a knife or a pizza cutter to slice the dough into thin strips. Now, you can

and roll each section into a small,

either cook the pasta right away or

flat circle.

save for later!

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PIE CRUST Pie is a delicious summertime staple. It pleases at potlucks and picnics, and you can fill it with whatever fruit you want. And with the crust, you get to work and smooth with your hands.

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INGREDIENTS 2 ½ cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 2 sticks chilled and unsalted butter

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mix the flour, salt, and sugar in a bowl. 2. Cut the butter into pieces and then blend into the flour until the mixture is coarse but well mixed. 3. Add 4 tablespoons of ice water and then use your hands to work the mixture until the dough comes together. If the dough is still crumbly, you can add more ice water one teaspoon at a time until smooth. 4. Divide the dough in half and flatten each half into a disc. Wrap each half and refrigerate for an hour or more. 5. Now it’s time to form the pie shell. Roll the dough onto a floured surface, making a 14 inch circle. Wrap the dough around the rolling pin and then, very delicately, unroll over a 9-inch pie plate. 6. Fit the dough to the bottom and side of the plate. Using kitchen scissors, trim the dough to a 1-inch overhang. Fold it under to form a rim. 7. Crimp your rim with your fingertips and knuckle. Do the same with the remaining dough. Now you have your ready to go pie crust! 026 | FRESH

Phone: (806) 701-4720 |

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FLOWERFUL FOODS A unique way to integrate florals into your eating routine photo Amoils



INSTRUCTIONS 1. Bring half of the water (2.5 cups


Lavender lemonade is perhaps one of the

from-the-garden ingredients into our

most in-style herbs we have right now. It’s

eating routines. Usually, this means

utilized in everything from cookies and

that we’re eating more fruits and

pancakes to any type of beverage you can

vegetables, maybe even growing some

think of. But one of the best beverages for

of our own food. We’re also probably

keeping cool in that Lubbock summer heat

3. Add the lavender to the water,

starting to notice the budding bits of

is the time-tested lemonade. It’s classic, but

cover, and let steep for about

color issuing from people’s gardens, the

always refreshing. We can always take it up a

twenty minutes or longer. The

floral potted plants adding liveliness to

notch though, and here’s how:

longer you steep, the stronger the

2. Remove from heat and add honey (how much you add depends on how sweet you want it)

flavor will be. You can steep for up

the landscape. Use the season as your inspiration and get creative by adding

to a boil


to several hours if you want! 4. Strain the mixture to remove the lavender

flowers to your food. You don’t just have to stick with the garden tomato

5 cups of water

when it comes to eating your self-

1 tbsp. Of dried lavendar

grown produce. We have three unique

1 cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice

recipes utilizing lavender, rosewater,

Ice Cubs

and nasturtium to traditional recipes to

Optional Lavendar sprigs for garnish

make them a little more exciting.

1 cup of honey to add a little sweetness

5. Pour the mixture into a glass pitcher, adding the lemon juice and the remaining 2.5 cups (cold) water 6. Refrigerate until the mixture has cooled to your liking. 7. Pour into glasses, add garnish, and enjoy!

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Blonde brownies are a picnic and potluck

Now that we’ve talked about drinks and

favorite. Mix yours up a little by adding

dessert, it’s time to focus on the main course:

rosewater, which adds a subtle floral

Nasturtium pesto. While pesto is typically made

flavoring to your favorite foods. It works

with pesto, in can be made to reflect a variety

especially well with blonde brownies.

of unique tastes. This particular version adds a peppery tang to a traditional pasta plate.



½ cup of salted butter ½ cup of canola oil

2 cups of nasturtium leaves

11/4 cups of packed brown sugar

½ cups sliced nasturtium stems

¾ tsp of baking powder

½ cup of tasted pine nuts

½ tsp baking soda

4 cloves of garlic

¼ tsp salt

1 cup olive oil

½ cup of white chocolate chips

¼ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese

2 tbsp rosewater

(optional) Salt to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F 2. In a small saucepan, whisk the butter over medium heat until it is golden

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place a bowl of cold water in the sink 2. Blanch by boiling the nasturtium leaves

brown. Remove from heat and let cool.

to boiling water for about eight seconds,

3. Transfer the butter to a mixing bowl and

and then quickly submerging them in the

combine with the oil, brown sugar, and eggs. Then whisk the mixture. 4. In another mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Use a whisk to combine. 5. Add the flour mixture to the mixture with the butter. Add the rosewater and white-chocolate chips and mix well. 6. Pour the batter into a 9x9 inch pan greased with nonstick cooking spray. 7. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the middle of the brownies has set. Enjoy!

cold water. Remove the excess water. 3. In a food processor, chop the garlic. 4. Add the nasturtium leaves and the pinenuts and chop again. 5. Drizzle in the olive oil and mix one last time. 6. Add the salt and parmesan cheese using a spoon or spatula. 7. You can now use the pesto on anything you would like! From sandwiches to pasta, pesto is a great addition. Keep it in the fridge for up to a couple of weeks.

FRESH | 031

Battle of The

BURGERS photo Shine a Little Photography


We interviewed each burger shop to try and

STAPLE. And maybe here in Texas more

answer this question, but to really know for sure

than anywhere, we know how to make a

what burger is best - we need you. I don’t think it’s

good one. We have the high-quality patty

asking a lot to try out some incredible burgers and

and a long-standing tradition of firing up

let us know what you think of them. But because

the grill on a hot day and handing out those

we appreciate your input so much we’re going to

perfectly cooked patties to the people we

offer you a gift card in exchange for your thoughts.

care about in our communities. And here

Simply try out these burgers, let us know what you

in Lubbock, we have a lot of really good

think on our Facebook page, and we’ll reward you

restaurants, all dedicated serving you up

for eating out by giving you the chance to eat out

something different and delicious. But which

just a little bit more. But first, here’s words about

one is best?

the burgers from the burger-makers themselves.

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Tommy’s Famous Burgers

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First, we have Tommy’s Famous Burgers. Tommy’s has been a family-run, Lubbock staple for forty years now. Through the years, the business has maintained a firm stance on freshness. Not only is their meat made and delivered fresh every single day, but their veggies are also brought in fresh before the start of each workday. The buns are baked at Jimenez bakery

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in downtown Lubbock, giving the restaurant even more of a local feel. While their menu boasts a pretty extensive selection (you can get everything from a classic hamburger to sandwiches and burritos) the owner recommends that first-timers get the Jumbo Cheeseburger. It’s a 60oz patty served with lettuce, pickles, tomato, onion, mustard, and cheese. But the owner’s favorite cheeseburger? The Jumbo chili cheeseburger. It’s served with homemade Texas Chili with just the right amount of spice. It’s hot, but it does not (luckily) overwhelm the flavor of the burger. 036 | FRESH

5109 34th St, Lubbock, TX 79410 (806) 792-8569 FRESH | 037

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Blue Sky Burgers FRESH | 041

Lubbock Street Gourmet is a charity providing free restaurant quality meals and food supplies for the homeless and needy populations of Lubbock, Texas. We will partner with local churches and charitable organizations to offer a weekly food truck meal and assistance to locals. We park a food truck in rotating locations around Lubbock handing out free meals to the homeless and needy. When donations exceed the cost of providing meals, the excess funds collected will be used to buy groceries to donate on site.

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Up next, we have Blue Sky Burgers. Just like with Tommy’s, Blue Sky emphasises freshness. Nothing is ever frozen and everything is prepared fresh and delicious. The restaurant also boasts about their welcoming atmosphere: they make their restaurants family oriented and kid friendly. They have a playscape, creating a place in which the adults can converse and their kids can play. They also like to give back to the town by holding different kinds of fundraising events, making the restaurant a true part of the Lubbock community. Walking into the restaurant, guests are greeted with an air of familiarity. It feels like home, but if your home provided you with a delicious burger anytime you wanted it served right to you. FRESH | 043


Speaking of the burgers, what should you try? According to them, you should start with the original hamburger. It will give you a true feel to how good simplicity can taste. It might just be a burger, but it’s a handmade patty made with fresh ground chuck sandwiched in a delicious bun. At Blue Sky Burgers, they don’t want to offer fifteen to twenty different kinds of patties. They do one and they do it really, really well. If you’re not the burger type, you can always go for the Blue Sky steak and fries (it’s two patties served with jalapeños, onions, and smothered in queso) or try one of their delicious salads. And what’s the owner’s favorite item? The green chili cheeseburger. This delicious sounding morsel is topped with roasted green chilis, bacon, mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato. Try it for yourself and let us know what you think!

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Burger Fi

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Rounding out the lineup, we have BurgerFI. Originally based in Florida, BurgerFi is different from the others we have mentioned so far in that they take a more contemporary stance on the burger. They provide a variety of healthy 048 | FRESH 806-792-4292 Address: 4121 Frankford Ave. Lubbock, TX 79407

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and vegetarian options for their guests. In fact, they offer fourteen different kinds of burgers, and you can get the patty made from angus beef or quinoa. The restaurant has something to please everyone. From meatlovers to the meatless, guests will find most anything that they need here. One thing all of our burger places have in common is that they’re fresh. BurgerFi is no different, and they make everything from scratch using all-natural ingredients. In addition to that though, they also utilize finished recycling products, U.S. based manufacturing, and LED lighting. Oh, and they’re tables are made from milk cartons.

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If that doesn’t appeal to you, they’re also dog-

unique CEO burger, depending on what you’re

friendly. So for you dog lovers out there, this

looking for. Brandt agrees with him on this -

might just be your new favorite hot spot.

trying the CEO will give you a taste as to their ability to spin something completely new. On the

So what should you try the first time you step

CEO, you have a wagoo beef-brisket blend, truffle

into this unique burger joint? Max and Brandt,

aioli, tomato bacon jam, and aged swiss cheese.

the owners, weighed in on this. Max thinks you

Or, if you’re looking for the non-meat option,

should go for either the cheeseburger or the more

Brandt thinks you should try the veggie burger.

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That gives you a lot of options. Maybe you wanna check out the famous Tommy’s, or the

Share all of your opinions on our Facebook page

family-friendly Blue Sky. Or maybe you want

so that we can really determine what the Lubbock

to go really different and stake out a place at

public has to say about who will win Fresh’s Battle

BurgerFI. Whatever you choose, we want to

of the Burgers. And don’t forget, we’ll throw in a gift

hear from you. What do you think of those

card as a thank you for sharing your opinion with us.

burgers? The service? The restaurants as a whole?

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060 | MAY 2017

Wine Slushies Why they’re great and how to make them photo Beautiful Booze

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Or, you can get more complicated. Here are

absolutely everywhere right now. While beer is

some of the best wine slush ideas out there right

often considered more of a warm-weather treat

now., for every palette.

than wine is, wine is about to make a comeback in a big way. Blending a little frozen rosé creates

1. Blend red wine (I know, it seems so strange to

a chilling combination of summertime buzz

encourage you to drink red wine cold, but

and sophistication. It’s an adult version of a gas-

just try it! You won’t be let down), mixed

station slushy, but in a classier container.

berries, and ginger ale and then freeze for a smoothie-like wine drink. And hey, when you

Texas gets hot. Why not cool down a little with one of these slushy, lightly boozy concoctions?

have fruit in the mix it counts as healthy, right? 2. For a frozen sangria, blend any combination

They’re good for your backyard bbq or a more

of frozen fruits you would like with red wine,

formal get together. You can use any variety

brandy, triple sec orange liqueur, and a little

of wine you want, and experiment with a few

ground cinnamon. It tastes just like sangria,

combinations, but here are a few suggestions in

but colder. What could be better when the

order to give you a place to start.

sun is beating down the way it does this time of year?

Many people begin with rosé. It’s sweet enough

3. For a sweeter wine slushie, mix some moscato

to taste good in a slush, but not so sweet that

or chardonnay with watermelon, then freeze

you feel as though you’re drinking candy. If you

the mixture into ice cubes. When you’re

do want to drink candy, you can add a little

ready to drink, pour the ice cubes back into

sugar to the rosé, or drink a sweeter wine such

the blender and mix with a little more wine.

as a white zinfandel or moscato. Really, you can

This makes the drink nice and icy, but still

use any wine you so choose. Remember though, if you choose a dryer wine, it will be tangier

liquidy enough to drink through a straw. 4. You know what’s elegant? Strawberries and

when blended with the ice. The sweeter wines

champagne. Let’s mix the two of them into

will taste slightly diluted, and therefore not

a buzz-worthy summer slushy. The only step

quite as sweet as they are before being blended.

in this process is to blend frozen strawberries with a bottle of champagne. It’s so easy.

A wine slushy is not, I repeat, is not wine blended with ice. That will be so horribly

There you have it! Here’s your handy guide

diluted that very little of the original flavor will

to summer-time wine slushies. Keep them in

remain. You can make your slushie a couple of

the freezer for when you need to wind down

ways. You can put your wine in the freezer and

at the end of a long, hot day. Or, bring a

then simply chip away into the frozen beverage.

batch to a party and impress all of

Then you have a wine slushy

your friends.

MAY 2017 | 063


Now THIS is a Burger 4210 82nd St, Lubbock, TX 79423 02 | MAY 2017

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