Simply Me

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Love YOUR Life! Live Bold and Beautiful A Powerful Woman Is Contagious

No One Defines You

Be Different: Never Fit In

Beauty Tips for Those Hot Days!

NOV - DEC 2016 No. 01

I don’t fit into any stereotypes. And I like myself that way. C. JoyBell C.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt

Be Different: Never Fit In You only get one life. You only have one shot at defining who you are to your friends, to your coworkers, to yourself. So, why feel like you have to fit into someone else’s definition of who you are. Be kind to yourself. Because even if you’re the one person in the world who really, truly, absolutely has no place, you’re still going to be stuck with you.

Remember when you were a little girl and your parents and all those adults who had influence on your life kept telling you that you could do anything you wanted to do in the world? Do you remember the dreams you had? Do you recall the imagination that was sparked inside of you? That is still there. More than likely, the life you wanted to live and the things you wanted to do had no ceiling or cap on it.

It’s possible you saw yourself doing things that no one else in the world was doing. Go ahead! Do that. Be Different. Just because everyone else is getting a degree to find their dream job doesn’t make it the avenue you need to take. Are you a motivated learner? Can you find information on your own? Then, you probably have what it takes to be your own boss and start your own business.

Go ahead! Do that. Be Different.

Is your mind ever inventing and creating? Then keep that sketch pad handy and allow some of those drawings to come to life. Who said everything in the world has already been invented? Yes—You. Be Different.

You’re likely better off without some of your friends

Changing Friends Sad, but true. New jobs, new cities, new apartments. All these changes can also mean new friends.

Can you mix old friends with new friends? Sometimes. With you as the common denominator, it is possible for your old friends and your new friends to get along with one another while also enjoying their relationship with you. However, do not assume that this will happen in every case.

You may or may not have intended to do away with your old friends. However, change is inevitable, and sometimes new friends are part of it.

Above all, don’t be afraid to make new friends. Our lives are also changing. There will not be a year go by that does not bring new people to you. Learn to enjoy new relationships and new friends as much as you enjoy tasting new foods or buying new clothes. Your life will be richer for it.

Do you have to drop your old friends like a hot potato? Not at all. You may be able to ease out of the relationship a few weeks at a time. And in our culture today, remaining “friends” through social media outlets is only a click away.

Changing your life can only start with changing your reality – changing the way you perceive the world.

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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

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