Your Way to Effortless Weight Loss and Ageless Beauty
2013 SuperFoods- The Diet Solution
Deborah Pretty “Eat Your Way Skinny” 1/1/2013
SuperFoods The Diet Solution – Your Way to Effortless Weight Loss and Ageless Beauty... Disclaimer This manual is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are advised to consult their own doctors or other qualified health professionals regarding the treatment of medical conditions. The author shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained in this manual or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed in this manual. The statements in this book have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The pictures may not accurately depict the food topics; please visit the appropriate restaurant company’s website for nutritional facts, ingredients, locations and directions.
To request permission for reproduction contact Deborah Pretty E-mail: Website:
Table of content: Who Am I and How Can My Story Help (pg.2-3) Dodging the Slippery Slope of Inflammation (pg.5) The Rare Similarities of Elisabeth Hasslebeck, Montel Williams and Jillian Micheals (pg.7-10) The Simple Truths about Pills, Powder, and Proof Diets (pg. 11-12) List of Side Effects (pg. 12) Top 5 Ingredients you Never Want to See on Your Food Label (pg. 13-15) Pharmaceuticals the Bad, the Worst, and the Dangerous (pg. 16-17) Recipes; (pg.18-26) Smoothies (pg. 18-19) Salads Dressings (pg. 20-21) Dinner Entrée (pg.22-26) 5 Low Fat lite-Illusionist and Caloric Calamities ( pg. 10 Top Smoothies for on the Go (pg. Eating Super Foods=Living Super Long+Getting Super Strong+Explosive Super Power (pg. 27-28) What Make Super Foods….Super (pg. 29-31) Shopping List (pg.32-34) Bonus Chapter… 50 Hidden Treasure from around the country (pg. Closing Remarks (pg. 35-39)
Who Am I and How Can My Story Help:
WARNING THERE IS DANGER IN READING THIS EBOOK… Because once you’ve read this eBook it’s like the same affect upon stretching a rubber band; once a rubber band has been stretched, it can never go back to its original condition. So read at your own risk. Some of what you will find here is based on my enthusiasm from the findings of some of the top nutritionist, and diet researchers in the country – i.e. Dr. Oz and Dr. Joel Fuhrman, just to name a couple. Firstly, we will mention The Great Oz’s (Dr. Oz) since mostly everyone knows him. Dr. Oz has become a medical icon from his frequent appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show. I’ve come to love and respect his research, medical and healthy living recommendations. Secondly, Dr. Joel Fuhrman - who specializes in preventing and treating disease by way of eating high-nutrient plant-based foods - who is also the author of Eat For Health. And lastly, from reading 100’s of hours of tips, tricks and secrets and everything else that I could cast my eyes upon online, that enlightened me about safe ways to lose and maintain my weight loss, prevent premature aging and to stay healthy. Frankly, I’ve just recently stumbled across Dr. Fuhrman‘s new book and spent a few hours reading his write ups and reviews on Amazon. (Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body's Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free) His take on nutrition is the same as mine and he doesn’t even have my credentials, he’s right on the money (LOL!!!) … Seriously, I found his nutritional information to be common sense eating practices with significant benefits from his research
providing an informative and helpful scientifically-proven to support his recommendations. But most of what you will find here is based on my personal weight loss and health experiences. Some are funny, some vain and others just plain OLD SEXY!!!!! My motto - We all want to live to get older But… NO one wants to
”Get Old”.
The key is for all of us to work on ourselves because life is going to happen to Us ALL. Like the great Jim Rohn said “the winds of life will blow on us all.” Basically, what that means is that life is going to happen anyway, why not do our part and set our “own” sails. We may not be able to control everything that happens to us over our life-time but why not at least work on those things we can control.
The good news is that once we learn how to feed our body’s, (mainly by choosing nutritious super foods), we can reverse the aging process to look 20 years younger. According to recent research proper nutrition can help prevent cancer and other diseases, ignite our immune system, helps us to lose and maintain a healthy weight and to live a long and diseased free life!
Getting to Know Me Hi, this is Deborah Pretty. I’m not a writer, author, dietician, or nutritionist. So if you’re wondering why you should intently read this eBook? Listen up as I unfold part of my life’s story. But before I begin, allow me to express what else I don’t have…. And that is NO alphabets behind my name. But here’s what I can promise you, the discovery of more truths about weight loss, nutrition, anti-aging and immune strengthening methods in this inexpensive eBook than in a plethora of expensive hardcover books and other weight loss websites. Also you will walk away with insight, knowledge, and common sense solutions to some of your weight loss and nutrition concerns. WHY?...Because I actually did what I’m about to share and continue to “Wear” the results as proof! Here’s my story, but I have to warn you I’m kind of ghetto so bear with me. Growing up there were a lot of mouths to feed (there were 9 of us) and my dad was the only bread winner - or should I say ‘bread second place contestant’ ( LOL!!!) in the house. So we ate whatever my Mom cooked, which was what I called ghetto
meals. My mother was notorious for cooking meats without veggies or anything else (as a matter of fact), and we were happy as He&&^%ll to devour it.
So like anyone else I grew up with my own set of beliefs. So, to me, the way we ate was completely normal… until I started school, WOW!!!! So when I started school and they give us fruit with our lunch I thought it was the oddest thing ever. Because growing up, we never ate baked apples, pears or cooked fruit. Now, just in case you’re asking, the school did teach nutrition and they taught the 4 basic food groups; but it meant nothing to us since we only ate veggies on Sunday and fruit for the holidays (yes that was a holiday gift). Fast forwarding, at the age of 17, I was diagnosed and hospitalized for 7 days with gestational diabetes, had a sister to die at 29 years of age from lupus and my oldest sister (with her crazy self) was walking around visiting folks, looking like Mrs. Chancellor while on the verge of a diabetic coma. She ended up hospitalized for a few days, just a few short years ago. So, I don’t know about you but I don’t have to be the one to take the FALL before TAKING ACTION and I’m writing this so you can potentially enjoy life with less bruises, and bumps. During the time I suffered with diabetes, I remember reading of ways to fight diabetes via a healthy diet and exercise. At that moment I made a silent sobering commitment to do just that. That being said and like most people I went about my life. Unfortunately, as you know, as we age our metabolism slows down and weight /fat and sicknesses begin to creep up on us and even on committed determined me. Fortunately, there were two uneventful incidences that finally got my attention and inspired (really forced) me to get serious about my weight problem, which in the beginning started out at 10, then, 15, then 20, then 25 pounds that I needed to shed.
Incident #1
I entered our home one day and my hubby (a wonderful man) wasn’t dinner ready… but scale ready. Just in case you blinked… I did say SCALE! HOME BOY HAD SET THE SCALE IN FRONT OF THE REFRIGERATOR… as if that hint wasn’t “in my face” enough, he asked me to step on it…. I looked at him, looked at the scale and realized I had inadvertently crossed the proverbial over-the-weight- gain marker!
Christmas of 2011 Freddy (my husband) video -taped “Tae’s” grandmother and boyfriend (yes I said boyfriend) and at the end of the video I jumped in. After uploading the video and seeing my repulsive “deadly belly fat” flop to one side (according to Dr. Oz, the most dangerous fat) I was truly embarrassed and decided that day to combat my belly fat. I’m ecstatic to announce that within 90 days I lost 22 lbs.… and get this... NO PILLS, NO POWDER, OR MAGIC, just good old fashioned common eating practices, exercise and devotion.
Dodging the Slippery Slope of Inflammation I remember listening to Sinbad the comedian on The Tom Joyner morning show one morning, discussing The Fantastic Voyage Cruise. He mentioned something about the “regulars” that he knew were going. The joke was this; Sinbad depicted the ladies (the old heads) starting out each night looking fierce, with smoke eyes, ravishing head wraps and stunning high-stepping stilettos … However, by 10:00p.m., their eyes ended up looking like tea bags, their hair wraps transformed into do-rags and swollen ankles painfully forcing those stunning high-stepping stilettos into big bear fuzzy slippers.
Needless to say, when I first experienced swollen ankles, my mind flashed back to Sinbad. I don’t want to end up LIKE THAT! I can remember when my ankles first started to swell I was sooo embarrassed I didn’t tell anyone except Freddy. In brief, me being somewhat analytical, I realized that my legs were only swelling at night, so it was obvious that it was something that I was doing between morning and night that was causing it. Long story short, after analyzing and using the process of elimination I got down to the bottom of it… no pun intended… well… maybe. I started watching what I ate and looked for the effects… now a few years later I sit as much as I did then, at the computer and still No Swollen Legs…. SEXY AS EVER
So to be clear, I decided to write this eBook to help some and explain to others that we truly are what we eat.
I’m refusing to see another family member die because of poor health, I refuse to leave my children and grandchildren in a state of oblivion about healthy food choices, and I’m aiming to at least do my part to help in the fight against obesity.
Grab your organic coffee or tea and a few nuts (Almonds are a healthy snack) and let’s begin a journey that will take you from where you are to where you want to be - younger looking, happier, sexier, and disease free.
The Rare Similarities of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Montel Williams and Jillian Michaels … We all know that we should eat fruits and veggies and those fast / processed foods are detrimental to our health… but we continue to eat them. According to Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Author, Writer, Life and Personal Development Coach, say that until something becomes a ” MUST” we human beings most likely won’t take the necessary actions to change.
Studies show that a large majority of heart attack patients straighten up and fly right only after under-going major heart surgery. It also shows that after around 18 months, those same patients gradually start to convert back to their old artery clogging habits.
So what does all this have to do with the above celebrities? Fortunately, these celebrities were scared straight. (Remember that T.V program)… They all experienced tragic illnesses only to find a comparable silver lining… Which includes healthy eating and consistent exercise.
Let’s start with Montel Williams. Montel Williams is an Emmy Award-winning talk-show host, a decorated former naval intelligence officer, an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and philanthropist.
In Montel’s own words; “the neurologist said those three words - "You have MS" - it hit me like a brick. I thought the diagnosis was a death sentence. I'd heard of multiple sclerosis, but I didn't really know what it was. I knew it meant excruciating pain and that eventually I could lose control of my body. I also knew there was no cure. That was enough to plunge me into the depths of despair.
During the next two months, I experienced the lowest moments of my life. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I became so despondent that I considered ending it all. But I knew my children and my family loved me and depended on me, and I couldn't let them down.
It became clear that I had a choice to make. I could spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself as the victim of a tragic fate. Or I could view my illness as a call to action -- an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of millions who suffer from MS and their loved ones.
Montel looks great and works as a successful businessman. He manages his MS by eating clean and healthy, regular exercise and taking his med’s. Montel has a website called Living Well, there you can purchase the same products he uses, and keep abreast of advancements and developments of the fight against MS.
Next, Elisabeth Hasselbeck,
Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the co-host of ABC's "The View." Elisabeth found herself suffering from excruciating pain after each meal. Regardless to what she ate, almost immediately she would get severe cramps, awful indigestion and diarrhea and sometimes all at the same time.
Ironically, Hasselbeck was filming “Survivor - The Australian Outback” - in 2001 during which she followed a severely restricted diet. She noticed she wasn’t experiencing abdominal pains shortly thereafter she realized she had Celiac Disease.
What is Celiac Disease? Celiac disease prevents the body from properly absorbing food. This condition damages the lining of the small intestine. These damages come from the body’s hostile reaction to gluten, which is found in rye, barley and wheat; the great news is that a gluten free diet treats this disease.
Lastly Jillian Michaels,
Jillian Michaels suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis.
Michaels is a fitness guru and a former trainer on the top-rated T.V. show "The Biggest Loser�.
The truth about Julian’s sickness came about when she was criticized for a comment she made about giving birth. She later came back to state that she has endometriosis. Endometriosis Polycystic ovary syndrome is when a woman's female sex hormones are out of balance, potentially causing erratic menstrual cycle and depositing small cysts in the ovaries, making it very difficult to get pregnant. Jillian managed her condition by eating organic foods and regular exercise.
So the writing is on the wall, all 3 celebrities have serious conditions and all 3 are able to improve their conditions though diet and exercise.
The Simple Truths about Pills, Powder and Poof Diets … Did you know that the weight loss pills you’re taking could actually cause you serious damage? Additionally, many of the diet supplements that are sold at your local drugstore, supermarket, and health food stores or online haven't necessarily been proven safe or effective, and some may be downright dangerous. Have you ever heard the statement “innocent until proved guilty”… well the same holds true for the weight loss industry? The seemingly rigorous standards that prescription drugs are subject to doesn’t hold true for over-the counter diet pills. They can be sold with little proof of effectiveness or safety.
Trustworthy Weight Loss Supplements… Not Substitutes That being said; we know everyone at some time or another may need help. If you’re at that point whereas you need a jump start to get your weight loss program going, there are some aids that maybe helpful. These aids are often called supplements. Supplements are exactly that – supplements, not substitutes. Even with incorporating dietary supplements like fat burners, diet pills, patches, powders or sprays, you still should practice making healthy food choices. “Believe you me” (as we say in NC) sometimes, regardless of how hard we may try, we just cannot lose weight. Whether it’s from lack of willpower, dedication or it’s just that we’re too busy to pre-prepare meals; many of us need some kind of help or assistance. Those who have never struggled with their weight probably know that finding a safe and trustworthy weight loss supplement is not easy. There are so many products to choose from that claim to do no harm and to work like
a charm. And since some life altering conditions can be remedied with just a few less pounds of fat, a quick fix seems entertaining.
Needless to say that by the time we’re reaching for supplements we are desperate for results, and are ready to try anything. Being desperate is part of the problem and in our haste we neglect to do our due-diligence. The truth of the matter is that supplements do not come with a full list of ingredients; so we rarely know what we’re putting in our bodies. Like anything else you never know how our body will respond to anything ingested until it’s done. On the flip side, by experimenting with weight loss products, you risk not only wasting money but possibly abusing your body and ultimately, still, not losing any weight at all. It’s common knowledge that many weight loss supplements, unfortunately, cause side effects. There are products that make some people anxious, and some that speed-up your heart beat which can be very dangerous. There are quite a few other side effects that are associated with taking weight loss pills such as:
Weight Loss Side effects: Palpitations Rise in blood pressure Loose stools Liver injury Upset stomach Nausea Gas Constipation Dizziness Insomnia Vomiting Bloating
Diarrhea Abdominal pain
Although it’s challenging to read and understand labels, you can ask your pharmacist for help or talk with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements. For online dietary supplements you can check the FDA website for product recalls, alerts or safety concerns.
5 Ingredients You Will Rather Not Want to See on Your Food Label Weight loss, anti-aging or disease control /cures don’t have to be rocket science. For starters we should eliminate chemicals and other harmful additives from our diets. After all, how hard can that be? Unfortunately, manufacturing companies don’t make it easy or simple to read and understand food labels. And to add insult to injury over 3,000 more additives have been approved so this gives manufacturers even more wiggle room. Question: How many additives can you name and what are their derivatives? Let the truth be told, you don't have to learn them all. Like anything else we just have to learn a few ingredients. Because he who learns has a chance to Win!!! So there are a couple of ways to learn, you can research or you can use a cheat sheet? Ahhhhh. I figure…. CHEAT-SHEET. Listed below are 5 ingredients you don’t want to see listed on the nutritional label of the foods you buy. Keep in mind, your food choices are a direct reflection on your pants’ size and your medical bills.
Castoreum is normally listed on our food labels as “natural ingredients” or “natural flavoring”. But… how natural is natural, what is Castoreum and why is it listed under this category? Castoreum is found in the castor sacs, or anal scent glands of a beaver. It’s usually found in vanilla or raspberry flavoring. However it’s more commonly found in perfume than in foods. Lastly, the FDA rates it’s as GRAS (generally recognized as safe). You’ll find it in: Potentially any food containing “natural ingredients”.
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Are you still eating MSG? Well you very well may be. HVP (Hydrolyzed vegetable protein), is used as a flavor enhancer, that have been chemically transformed and broken down into amino acids. Once these acids release glutamate and join with free sodium in your body it forms monosodium glutamate (MSG). The FDA requires manufactures to list MSG on food labels but not when they come about as a byproduct.
You’ll find it in: Thousands of products: such as: potato chips, soups, gravy mix,
Caramel Coloring
Back in the day our grandparents used to make caramel. Caramel is simple to produce…. water and sugar on top of the stove, which isn’t harmful. Bad news, the soft drink industry decided to add a little ammonia bisulfate to their caramel, which produces carcinogens. The medical buzz is that those carcinogens are cancer causing. However, the soda drink industry is disagreeing. According to the Center of Science in the Public Interest, 15,000 people die from high levels of caramel color in the US every year. You’ll find it in: Coke/Diet Coke, Pepsi/Diet Pepsi
Sodium Nitrite
Everyone loves a grilled hot dog, but at what cost. I can remember when people started running away from pork hotdogs
and started buying beef hotdogs, thinking they were healthier. Nope! Both may contain “Nitrites” and nitrates which are included in most processed meats, especially hot dogs, bacon and deli meats mainly to help maintain the pink hue and prolong their appeal for sale life. Studies show that eating 3.5 oz. of processed meat everyday increases your risk of colorectal cancer. (24.5 ounces per week) increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 36 percent. You’ll find it in: hot dogs, bacon, deli meats
Partially Hydrogenated Oil
That old saying isn’t true; what you don’t know won’t hurt you. Do you buy “0g trans-fat foods? Hmmmm this may shock you. According to the FDA products with less than half a gram per serving can claim zero grams of fat. So the key is the serving, how many serving do you eat of your favorite snack. Be sure to check to see if your snack contains partially hydrogenated oil, it’s the fat that clogs our arteries. You’ll find it in: potato chips, donuts, frozen entrees, French fries, waffles, pancakes, margarines,
Pharmaceuticals the Bad, the Worst and the Dangerous! Profits before Prevention
In this section we’ll offer some insight about pharmaceutical companies. According to Mike Fillon's book, "Ephedra Fact and Fiction," the global pharmaceutical market earned $364 billion in 2001, making it the world's most profitable stock market sector in 2001. The pharmaceutical companies give new meaning to the golden rule… “he who owns the gold rules.”
Remember our goal here is not to try to persuade you to our way of thinking, that’s unproductive for us all. But rather, for all of us to think and use your common sense and rationale when it comes to our health. I’m not a doctor and will NOT and am NOT offering any kind of medical advice… I’m just saying. Here’s some information, although we can’t believe everything we read but at least we can include this into our consciousness to at least ponder. Below are a few excerpts from Dr.’s from around the country (USA) and their take on the pharmaceutical industry; Again - my only goal is for us all to be proactive and know that nobody will treat you better than you! Yes, there are some drug companies that really want to and “do” find cures, but don’t forget it’s about business and most companies are in business to turn a profit. Times have changed according to Dr. John Abramson Author of, "Overdosed America," Dr. John Abramson describes the shift of medical research in his own words. "As the function of medical research in our society has been transformed from a fundamentally academic and scientific activity to a fundamentally commercial activity, the context in which the research is done has similarly changed: First in universities funded primarily by public sources, then in universities funded primarily by commercial sources, then by independent for-profit research organizations contracting directly with drug companies. And most recently, the three largest advertising agencies, Omnicom, Interpublic and WPP, have bought or invested in the for-profit companies that perform clinical trials." “WOW” that’s like going to trial and getting to choose your own jurors. Our medical research is no longer being performed in scientific environment but rather labs financed by pharmaceutical companies.
According to Gary Null Author of Complete Guide to Health and Nutrition, “One report published in Fact magazine speculates that the principle reason vitamin C is not commonly prescribed is because it is not as profitable as those syrups and pills your doctor dispenses”
Author Elaine Feuer writes, “Because the U.S. is the only major industrialized nation that does not regulate the prices or profits of drug companies, prescription drugs generally cost 25 to 40 percent more than in other countries.”
Show Me the Money Did you know that to bring a new drug to market it cost (these are old numbers) estimated by the FDA over 7 million dollars. However the pharmaceutical companies tout that it’s closer to 70 million dollars just to bring a new product to the market. It takes an average of two million users just for the companies to break even. Are you wondering what I’m wondering? What happens when there is a rare disease that affects less than two million users…hmmmmmm?
My Big Breakfast: 2 slices of turkey bacon 1 whole egg 1 French toast slice (low-sodium, no high fructose corn syrup, and low sugar g in the bread‌your choice) with 2-tbs of real syrup 1 cup of Oolong tea sweetened with stevia or honey and lemon *key Be sure to used super breads, and use 2-tablespoon of real organic maple syrup. (Or one serving)
Smoothies Recipes
Raspberry – Orange Smoothie Ingredients
1 cup nonfat or low-fat vanilla soy milk 1 cup frozen raspberries 1 medium ripe banana 1/2 cup orange juice with one ice cube or 1 Tbs frozen orange juice concentrate Directions Combine all ingredients in blender. Cover and blend until smooth.
More recipes from Dr. Oz’s site
Dr. Oz's Berry Strong Spinach Smoothie Ingredients 1 cup frozen spinach 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 cup frozen raspberries 1 cup orange juice
Directions Combine all ingredients in a blender with ice and blend until smooth.
Raspberries, Cherries, and Ginger Drink Breakfast 1/2 cup frozen unsweetened raspberries 1/4 cup chilled unsweetened almond or rice milk 1/4 cup frozen pitted unsweetened cherries or raspberries 1 Tbsp honey ½ tsp ground flaxseed 1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
Raspberries Banana w Spinach 1 cup of spinach 1 cup of raspberries 1 banana ½ tsp. of flaxseeds 1/3 cup of water Ice as desired
Combine all ingredients into blender or food processor and blend. Drink and enjoy!
Olive Oil & White Wine Vinegar Blend Ingredients: 1 cup Extra Virgin Cold Press Olive oil 3/4 cup white wine vinegar 1 packet of stevia or your favorite sweetener 1/2 cup ketchup (low sodium and no high-fructose corn syrup) 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Âź cup onion, chopped 1/4 tsp. pepper What to do: Place all of the ingredients in a large tight-lid fitting jar. Shake until the stevia has dissolved. Serve warm or refrigerate before serving, be sure to shake well. *note you can always add your favorite spices for added favor!!!
Vinaigrette with Dijon Mustard Ingredients
3/4 cup Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive oil 1/3 cup red wine vinegar 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard 3 cloves garlic, minced and pressed 1 tsp. fresh minced parsley 2 tsp. fresh minced basil 1 tsp. stevia
What to do: Put all ingredients in a tight-lid jar. Shake vigorously and keep refrigerated
Your House Dressing:
Ingredients 3/4
cup cottage cheese
cup Greek Yogurt
cup grated low-fat Parmesan cheese
3 garlic cloves, minced and pressed
teaspoon Italian seasoning
teaspoon black pepper
1 scallion (green onion), chopped What To Do:
Place all the ingredients in a food processor or blender. Process or blend until smooth. Transfer into a serving or small bowl, cover; chill until ready to use. Keep refrigerated! *remember to season to taste‌
Dr. Fuhrman's Cashew Dressing
If you're turned off from salad because you don't enjoy the taste, try Dr. Joel Fuhrman's easy homemade dressing made with savory cashews. While oils and fat-free or low-fat dressings prevent your body from fully absorbing nutrients, cashews are free of empty calories and are loaded with healthy fats.
Ingredients Makes 1-2 servings
1/2 cup raw cashews 1/4 cup unhulled sesame seeds 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 2 oranges, peeled
Directions Put all ingredients into a food processor or high-powered blender. Blend until smooth. Top salad with dressing. Enjoy!
Savory Apple Cider and Olive Oil Dressing Ingredients ¼ cup Dressing Apple Cider ¼ cup Vinegar Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt Pepper to taste ¼ tsp Garlic Powder
Combine all ingredients and shake well.
Strawberry Sorbet
Ingredients Where’s what you need 2/3 cup water 2/3 cup sugar 2 lbs. fresh strawberries if not frozen (about 5 cups) 2 tbsp. freshly-squeezed lemon juice
Here’s what you do: In a small sauce pan dissolve sugar and water over low heat until sugar has dissolved. Bring sugar and water syrup to a boil, then remove from heat.
Let sugar and water cool in pan for a 1/2 hour (use caution the syrup is extremely hot) then transfer to a 1 cup metal or stainless steel container; chill it in the refrigerator. While the syrup is cooling, hull strawberries and place them in a food processor or blender. Blend strawberries to a puree, and then pour through a sieve into a medium sized bowl. Add lemon juice, and stir well. Refrigerate puree until syrup has chilled – about 1 hour. Mix chilled syrup and strawberry puree, and then transfer to an 8-inch metal baking pan (stainless steel if possible).
Cover mixture with plastic wrap and freeze for 3-4 hours. Remove sorbet from freezer and puree once more in a food processor or blender. Return strawberry puree mixture to metal pan, cover and freeze for a further 3-4 hours. Serves 6 Per Serving: Calories 141, Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0.6g, (Sat 0g), Cholesterol 0g, Sodium 3mg, Carbohydrate 33.2g, Fiber 3.5g, Protein 0.9g
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ingredients Âź cup sifted coconut flour Âź cup butter or virgin coconut oil 1/3 cup cocoa powder 3 eggs 1/8 cup Steviva Blend baking stevia
Âź teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt Âź teaspoon vanilla Directions In a saucepan at low heat, melt butter and stir in cocoa powder. Remove from heat and let cool. In a bowl, combine eggs, stevia, salt and vanilla; stir in cocoa mixture. Whisk coconut flour into batter until there are no lumps. Let batter rest for 4 to 5 minutes to allow it to thicken slightly. Drop batter by the spoonful on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 175 Degree C (350F) for 14 minutes. Makes about 16 cookies.
Delectable Dinner Dishes
Dr. Matt Nguyen’s Pan-Roasted Chicken with Roasted Broccoli-Quinoa Salad
This recipe, created by Dr. Matthew Nguyen, is made with epigenetic foods. What does this mean? Researchers say these foods can help you "eat away" your family history, as they can actually modify your DNA to fight conditions and diseases like obesity, cancer and heart disease.
Ingredients Makes 2 servings
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (with skin or dark meat pieces if you prefer)
2 cups broccoli florets cut into small, bite-sized portions 2-4 garlic cloves, left whole, but smashed 1/8 cup almonds, sliced 1/4 cup kale, finely chopped (parsley works, too) 1 cup cooked quinoa Extra virgin olive oil, to coat the pan
For the dressing: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil Juice from 1 lemon (1/8 cup) 2 tsp honey 1 tsp Dijon mustard Salt Pepper
Directions Wash and pat-dry your chicken, then season liberally with salt and pepper. Pre-heat the oven to 400°F degrees. Then heat 10’’ or 12’’ skillet on high heat, (with the olive oil) until shimmering. Sear the chicken until brown (approximately 3 minutes). Turn the chicken over, add the broccoli in the skillet (don't overcrowd the pan), with the whole garlic. Place the whole skillet in the oven for about 8 minutes.
While the chicken is in the oven, make your dressing for the salad by whisking the oil, lemon juice, mustard and honey together. Take the chicken out of the skillet and rest it on a plate for 5 minutes before slicing. Add the kale into the skillet and using a wooden spoon, scrape the fond off the bottom of the pan and allow kale to wilt a bit. Add the quinoa and almonds, and then dress the salad on the pan. Plate and top with the chicken, drizzling a little more dressing over the chicken.
Green Giant Angel Chicken Pasta
The lighter and leaner substitutions in this Italian favorite shave calories and fat from the recipe and chicken adds a boost of protein. You can substitute the regular pasta for multigrain or whole-grain. Angel hair pasta cooks quickly, so time it so that it's ready just before serving. Provided by Green Giant速
Ingredients Makes 6 servings
2 tsp olive oil 3 cups sliced fresh mushrooms 1/2 cup dry white wine or reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 10.75-oz can condense golden mushroom soup 4 oz reduced-fat cream cheese with chives and onion 1 cup skim milk 2 tsp Dijon mustard 6 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 tsp dried Italian seasoning 1/2 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp salt 8 oz uncooked angel hair (capellini) pasta 4 cups Green GiantŽ Select frozen broccoli florets (from 24-oz bag) Cooking spray Directions Heat oven to 325°F. Spray 13x9-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish with cooking spray.
In 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms; cook 3 to 4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until tender. Reduce heat to medium low. Stir in wine and soup until blended and smooth. Add cream cheese; cook, stirring constantly, until cheese is melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in milk and mustard; cook just until thoroughly heated.
Place chicken breasts in baking dish; sprinkle with Italian seasoning, pepper and salt. Pour sauce over chicken. Bake uncovered 35 to 45 minutes or until juice of chicken is clear when center of thickest part is cut (170째F).
Meanwhile, in 5- or 6-quart saucepan, heat 3 quarts water to boiling. Add pasta; stir in broccoli. Return to boiling. Cook 2 to 4 minutes or until pasta is tender; drain. Serve chicken and sauce with pasta mixture. Reference source:
Baked Chicken Wings
This bar favorite is usually deep fried in batter and loaded with blue cheese dressing. Give this alternative a try for a healthier spin! Ingredients 1 lb chicken wings (preferably without skin) 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon Celtic sea salt1/2 cup hot sauce 1 tablespoon butter
Directions 1. Fill a large pot half way with water and then add the first 4 ingredients. 2. Bring water mixture and wings to a boil and then boil for 15 minutes. 3. Transfer wings to an oven safe container coated with butter. 4. Bake wings on “Broil” for 15 minutes on each side. (For crispier wings, cook longer on each side, maybe 20 minutes per side). 5. While waiting for wings combine the hot sauce and butter in a small pot and cook over low flame until melted. 6. When wings are done, shake ‘em up with the sauce and enjoy!
Crusted Chicken Posted by thedietsolution
The almonds turn this otherwise ordinary chicken dish into a crunchy, nutritious meal that packs a healthy dose of vitamin E and fiber. Ingredients 1 egg white 3 teaspoons water 6 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, pounded thin 1/4 cup sliced almonds, coarsely chopped Celtic Sea Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Whisk egg white, water, salt, and pepper in small bowl. Dip the chicken breast into the egg mixture and dredge in almonds. 2. Heat a skillet over medium heat and lightly coat with unrefined coconut oil. 3. Sautee chicken on one side over medium heat for 3 minutes. Turn and cook for an additional 3 to 4 minutes, until cooked through.
5 Low Fat lite-Illusionist and Caloric Calamities
Many people are trying to lose weight and eat healthier by ordering what they think
is healthy. To be realistic, many of us enjoy hanging out, shopping and spending time with family and friends. Consequently, we aren’t all going to stop eating out, so why not find ways to eat out and stay healthy? So the next best thing is to educate ourselves by learning to identify the fat-storing foods, dressings and high calorie foods to replace with healthier choices. Suppose we told you that some dressings or salads are packed with more fat and calories than a triple cheeseburger dripping with grease… some of you know what I mean. We all know of restaurants that serve burgers or cheese biscuits (a southern thang) and the bag is grease-soaked and we can’t wait to get home to tear- it UP…LOL!!! All that being said, here are 5 salads that are loaded with calories. (just as we were thinking you were doing something by ordering a salad …huh`)
1. Wendy’s BLT Salad Did you know that Wendy’s chicken BLT Salad (if you add the croutons and honey Dijon dressing) has a total of 860 calories, 59g fat (17 g saturated, 1 g trans-fat) and contains a whooping 1,665 mg sodium!!!! So if you have high blood pressure you definitely want to find an alternative. Some say that the sodium intake is equivalent to 167 Pringles Crisps! By the way…did you know that: A Whopper contains 670 calories, 40 grams fat (11 g saturated, 1.5 g trans), and 1,020 milligrams sodium?
2. Quizno’s Chicken Caesar Salad Don’t be fooled by this high fat and high caloric salad. Any salad that’s drenched in creamy dressing is normally a bad decision. Additionally,
they add fat-soaked croutons and the portion is big enough for two. Total number of calories 920 WOW!!! So if you’re on a 1500 calorie diet, you’re almost done and it’s only lunch time. Depending on what you had for breakfast, you may have reached your caloric target for the day; which is another problem. 920 calories 66.5 g fat (20.5 g saturated) 2,090 mg sodium You may want to try this instead: Pan Asian Regular Chopped Salad 430 calories 17.5 g fat (4 g saturated) 1,915 mg sodium
3. Applebee's Grilled Shrimp 'N Spinach Salad Just from the name you should be thrilled about your meal decision. Until… you finish reading this write-up. There is only everything wrong with this salad…. Well almost, let’s start and end with the sodium 2,530 mg…. what in the “Sam Hill..” it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do that mathematical equation…. Like former President Clinton said it’s easy… it’s just arithmetic! 1,050 calories, 72 g fat (11 g saturated), 2,530 mg sodium
4. Taco Bell Grande Taco Salad with Ground Beef and Chipotle Honey Mustard Dressing
If you enjoy over eating in hopes of gaining a few pounds, this would be a great selection. This grande salad exceeds the total caloric intake, of a1500 calorie diet. However, the sodium and fat is atrocious. The shell is something you want to avoid like the plaque. 1,690 calories 124 g fat (27 g saturated) 2,570 mg sodium
5. Outback Steakhouse Queensland Salad
I just read a quote that I though was fitting “just because it’s on a bed of greens doesn’t automatically make it healthy”. Outback Queensland salad, (read this) even without dressing has 839 calories and 1,176mg of sodium. The problem is in the condiments and add-ons. [Here are the line-up; bacon, croutons, cheeses, and creamy dressing]
10 Super Delicious Healthy Smoothies for the ROAD!!!
Jamba Juice Light Strawberry Nirvan 16 oz 150 calories Fat 0 Sat.fat 0g carbs 31 fiber 3, protein 5g
Light Jamba Juice Berry Fulfilling 16 oz 150 calories fat 0.5g, Sat.fat 0 Carbs 32g Fiber 4g protein 6g
Jumba Juice Mango Mantra 16 oz 150 calories Fat 0.5 Sat.fat 0g Carbs 31 Fiber 2g protein 6g
Emerald City Smoothie Island Breeze 24 oz 220 calories Fat 0 Sat.Fat 0 Carbs 55 Fiber 6 Protein 2g
Dannon Light 'n Fit 0% Mixed Berry& Pomegranate 14 oz 140 Calories, Fat 0 Sat.Fat 0 Carbs 28g Fiber0 Protein 8 g
Emerald City Smoothies Pacific 240 Calories, Fat 0 Sat. Fat 0 Carbs 58g, Fiber 6g Protein 2g
Orange Julius Light Smoothie Berry-Pom Twilight, 20 oz 230 Calories, Fat 0 Sat. Fat 0 Carbs 55 g, fiber 5g Protein 3g
Emerald City Emerald City Smoothie Fruity Supreme, 24 oz 280 Calories, Fat 0.5g Sat. Fat 0 Carbs 59 g Fiber 6 Protein 12 Smoothie King "Make it Skinny" Slim-n Trim Strawberry, 20 oz 270 calories Fat 1g Sat.Fat 0 Carbs 61 Fiber 5 Protein 8
Starbuck's Vivanno Smoothies (Made with skim milk) Strawberry Banana, 16 oz 270 Calories Fat 0.5 g Sat. Fat 0 Carbs 56, Fiber 7 Protein 16
So when you’re out, you don’t have to pull out your phone to check out your meal plan or points for the day or try to remember which dish to choose at which restaurant. Ideally, once you learn how to pick food with low-fat, nolow trans-fats, low sodium etc…you will always make good choices and hence a healthier lifestyle and maintain the new sexier YOU!!! Below are a few tips that you can use as a guide. These are the fundamentals to permanent weight loss. The Good News! Avoid dishes that dipped, breaded, pan-fried. These in trans-fats which and fat-storing healthier au gratin and same reason- high and sodium.
Please keep in mind that all of the restaurants that were mentioned above do have healthy
are labeled battercreamy, deep-fried and dishes are normally high are the artery clogging fats. Additionally, look for alternatives to Alfredo, creamy sauces for the in calories, unhealthy fats
alternatives, so check Many people make They ignore their Restaurants money on drinks hidden calories; calories or more. If water drinker, try favor.
the menu for dishes with less sodium, trans–fats and calories.
this unconscious mistake. intake of liquid calories. actually make more then we think. Sodas are some to the tune of 450 you’re not normally a adding lemon or fruit for
Dress your own sandwich. When ordering burgers or a chicken sandwich etc. ask for packets of condiments. Here’s a test, which condiment you think is less healthy? Mayo or mustard? You got it… mayo is fat-storing and mustard is actually a fat-burning condiment. Want to add even more
healthiness? Add some super foods to your sandwiches, such as spinach, lettuce, tomato, avocado or spouts; get creative.
Many restaurants now ask? How would you like your dish prepared? Fried, baked, broiled or steamed? (Of course you know which is better or healthier.) Your veggies can come with or without sauces or creams. One of the biggest culprits is your choice of salad dressing. If all of the choices are unhealthy, i.e.…creamy and loaded with sat. fat… ask for oil and vinegar.
Lastly, eat slowly. Normally restaurant entrées are enough for two people. If you aren’t sharing your meal, take half home for tomorrow’s lunch. When you’re out eating it’s easy to overeat, be mindful to stop eating before you get full.
Eating Super foods= Living Super Long+ Getting Super Strong+ Explosive Super Power I just can’t say enough about Dr. Fuhrman‘s approach to healing our own bodies from disease by eating super foods is just so ideal. I love the fact that he is a medical doctor with empirical facts of how certain foods which he calls super foods can heal, treat, cure and even prevent disease. In Super Immunity, Fuhrman outlines how certain foods including leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, onions, garlic, pomegranate, berries and seeds can improve our natural defenses. All of his claims are well supported by up-to-date scientific research. Well my take on all that is… it sounds like the great Dr. read my book… LOL!!!! With that in mind, I may not be a M.D. but I have a story; my personal immune deficiency story. It’s similar to Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s story. Shorty just after my sister Sandra died from complication of lupus, I started to feel lethargic, drained, tired and just NOT like myself. Often times after dining out I would experience the same symptoms Hasselbeck expressed. Now I’ve experienced labor pains once and the pains I felt after digesting my food would make labor pains feel like a labor itch. I can remember eating out one day and the pain was so excruciating I laid on the floor in a Nasty A*^%SS restaurant bathroom. “I didn’t even care”. Of course my mind started to wonder what’s going on and what am I going to do about it? Although I was getting older I didn’t think age was a huge factor. Neverthe-less I wasn’t going to use age as an excuse. There had to be a logical reason why I was feeling so tired all the time and contracting food poison and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Because being lifeless wasn’t me and I wasn’t going to claim anything bad especially “Aliments”… as my girlfriend is famous for saying “the devil is a liar.”
So, you probably can guess what I did next…. Yeah! Google search…. and I came across a product that sounds as if it could be the answer to my prayer. (Yes I prayed too) Now you may be asking why I didn’t go to the doctor. Well it was because I felt as if I knew what they were going to say, plus I wanted to do my part first before engaging them. For a matter of fact, that was the time when everybody that went to the doctor for anything unexplainable - IE… tiredness, they were being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and my symptoms were similar and I wasn’t trying to hear that! Medication for life wasn’t and still isn’t my THANG!!! Eventually I came to understand that my immune system was compromised and that’s why I was falling victim to food poison often. Long story short, I found a product that I swear by. It’s an immune booster. I ordered it online… my philosophy… if it’s not a chemical with trillion side effects and it won’t hurt me… I’ll try it.
So I ordered and within two days I felt amazing; you know how on T.V. - first they show a wilted flower, next they show adding water to it and the flower becomes vibrant again well that’s the only way I can explain it. I’m not lying… I felt like the old Deborah within 2 days… now about 15 years later I still feel Great!!!! I swear by that product. Now there’s also no doubt that my health continues to be exceptional because I’ve followed the information that I’m sharing in this e-book.
If you would like to learn more about this amazing product send an email through this link => me@26… Significantly I didn’t link to it here because this isn’t about that product. However I wanted to acknowledge that it’s a remarkable product that truly helped me and may help you so I wanted to give you the option. But be sure to speak with your doctor first before taking any kind of nutritional supplements.
What Make Super Foods… Super
Super foods is a term sometimes used to describe foods with high phytonutrients, fiber, fat-burning, disease-fighting nutrients and a whole slew of other minerals and vitamin all in the right proportions Super foods are a lot like super women LOL!!! Super foods can perform many tasks with a single serving. No, really, super foods are nutrient-rich foods that offer a number of health benefits, which allow us to digest more nutrients through a smaller amount of food. In essence, the food fills us up while consuming fewer calories. Not only do they provide nutrients but “disease-fighting nutrients” and if that’s not enough, many super foods contains, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, enzymes and glyconutrients WOW!!! and much more. You want more….. many super foods are organically grown free from pesticides allowing them to act quickly and work better.
By eating super foods regularly you’ll start to notice improvement in your complexion, you’ll feel more energized and just feel better overall.
List of Benefits from eating Super Foods
Increases immunity Protects liver prevent diabetes Improves quality of blood Prevent aging enhanced libido and improved sex life Improves vision and eyesight Prevents degeneration of the brain Maintains weight loss Flushes out toxins Prevent insomnia Makes the immune system stronger Slows down the aging process Regulates the levels of cholesterol in the body lower or help regulate blood sugar Improves circulation and functioning of the heart Reduces inflammation Detoxifies the body
Here’s an excerpt from Dr. Fahrman Super Immunity book review. Mushrooms contain substances called aromatase inhibitors that significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer. "In one recent study, women who ate at least 10 grams of fresh mushrooms each day (equivalent to just one small mushroom) had a 64 percent decreased risk of breast cancer. Even more dramatic protection was gained by women who ate 10 grams of mushrooms and consumed green tea daily." (Up to 89 percent decrease in risk.)
A few of Dr. Fuhrman Tricks to strengthen your immune system
Focus on foods that are high in nutrients and prepare meals at home. Eat at least one large green salad every day and ideally two. Include at least an ounce of raw nuts and seeds and one serving of beans in the diet every day. Preferably, avoid animal products but at least limit intake to 10 oz. per week for women and 12 oz. per week for men. Fruits and vegetables should comprise 90% of your caloric intake.
According to Dr. Fuhrman fruits and vegetables should be included in every meal and portion sizes generous, so you certainly won't feel hungry. Additionally, because of the high fiber and water content of the meals, the diet is naturally low in calories, making it a perfect program for dieters who want to lose weight but also enjoy eating large meals.
Research shows that phytochemicals found in certain vegetables can boost our immune system and can fight off cancer. Listed are some of the top foods recommended to add to your grocery list IE. your diet, that will keep you and your family healthy by strengthening and boosting your immunity:
Shopping List
Swiss chard Kale, collards Spinach Mustard greens Arugula, watercress Greens Leafy lettuce Cabbage Broccoli, Brussels sprouts Carrots Tomatoes Onion, Garlic Beets Bell peppers Asparagus Mushrooms Sweet potatoes Fruits
Acai Berry Goji Berry Grapefruits Oranges Tangerines Apples Cranberry Pomegranates Watermelon Avocados Lemons Berries of all kinds Seeds Flax Pumpkin Chia Spices Curry Cinnamon Turmeric Mint Rosemary Grains
Quinoa Brown rice Oats Nuts Almonds Walnuts Cashews Pistachio Oils Olive oil Coconut Oil Milk Coconut milk Almonds milk Meats Free range antibiotic free chicken Wild caught Salmon Sardines Eggs Beans
Hi everyone, I'm writing this because, like you, I LOVE to eat out. However, now that I'm health conscious, I prefer to find foods, snacks, and desserts that won't add on as many pounds, swell my ankles (LOL) or detract from my overall wellness regime.
So, this idea came about because we used to travel a lot and we began to look for places to dine other than the usual national chains. Why? Because we can eat Bo Jangles, Mickey D’s, and KFC at home, so why go across country and eat the same foods you can get from across the street? As I was pondering this, over the years, I had a stroke of genius. You guessed it; I Google searched restaurants to find the hidden treasures - unique to the different localities that we would be visiting. While these restaurants were the gems that only the locals knew of… the foods are delicious; some offered healthy eating and others offered less NOT AS Fattening fare. At least if we ordered fried chicken we knew it was chicken and not some processed meat that had been “treated to “Death to ensure that it stays fresh forever… To piggy-back from KFC… which part of the chicken is a nugget? As we all know, processed /FAST foods are THE WORST FOODS TO EAT….
**TIP! When we do go out and especially when ordering soul food, I try to order foods that I suspect has to be cooked fresh, such as cabbage. I’ve never seen caned cabbage, or broccoli. They’re two veggies that - 95% of the time is cooked fresh or you may want to just ask which veggies are made fresh. (my personal belief)
Food Example: When eating out, if I really want to eat healthy, I’ll order baked chicken, steamed cabbage and a side salad, drink water with lemon or splurge sometimes and order sweet tea (that’s the proper name for it here in the south) with lemon. I don’t count calories but based on my weight maintenance… it’s working. I say they’re a whole heck of lot healthier with fewer calories than the alternative… fast foods. Remember you don’t have to be perfect just do a little better. The little bits add up to make a big bit, and before you know it, you’ll be passing up the sweet teas… I haven’t quite gotten there yet… LOL!!! *Remember, if you have health challenges, especially diabetes, always consult with your physician before altering your diet. I speak here from my personal health condition and weight loss endeavors only.
While traveling we found a few restaurants that offer alternatives from the norm. Now all of them aren't organic, anti-biotic free, free- range, or Low-fat, restaurants, however, they aren’t fast/processed foods with a lot of preservatives and chemicals like what you'll find at many fast-food restaurants. Keep in mind these are only suggestions. I have NOT visited all of them - only a few - but I followed the same process that I used when we were traveling, looking for delicious, reasonably – priced and healthier choices.
For instance we ate at this small box-shape and size restaurant in Salt-Lake City, Utah. You will never guess what type of food they sold... SOUL FOOD and it was
DELICIOUS!!! The only way we would have found it was... well actually we never would have found it unless ... well I think you get my point.
Another example and this is really hard to explain but I’ll give it a try. There’s an organization that cooks and sells food to raise money to assist with housing and mentorship to young men that have fallen on hard times. Their theme is health foods with no preservatives and additives. We visited one of their locations in New Jersey... OMG!!! The food is what one of my girlfriends is notorious for saying “it's like love in your mouth”. They make a smoothie, (don't get me to lying but) I have NO idea what they did to it but I’ve NEVER SEEN (aesthetic colors) OR TASTED SMOOTHIES LIKE THOSE BEFORE - or since!
Even the texture was different. You could be the biggest smoothie hater in the Land or just plain old sick and tired of drinking them, however… "Believe you me"… that will change! You would become a smoothie drinking, “I’ll cut you if you touch it”, SMOOTHIE connoisseur there is.
Anyway I hope that when you’re out you’ll try some of these different restaurants. They will give you a cultural experience, rich with family and country traditions that demonstrate the perfection of their mix of spices and methods of preparation. Be sure to be safe, even the one we visited in Utah wasn't on the beaten-path and looked to be in the hood; but not the extreme ghetto so just use precaution. Freddy and I are planning to get back on the road real soon and we’ll be trying many of the ones listed here. Be sure to stay tuned; we’ll take pictures to post and forward with updates and reviews. You will receive them via our newsletter. LET’S GET SMALL Y’ALL
End closing, I truly believe what Dr. Furhman touts, which is, by boosting our immune system it will basically do what it was designed to do and that’s to fight off viruses and other diseases to keep us healthy and disease free.
Without knowing it, I was actually practicing some of Dr. Furhman’s findings and can honestly say that for over 25 years I only occasionally catch a cold, I've never really had the flu or any other serious ailments. So by changing my eating habits and exercising somewhat regularly, I’ve been able to lose weight and keep my weight down around 131-133 pounds. The coolest part is; one of my zumba diva’s recently asked me how old my babies were!!!! ….BABIES!!!! READY??? So to sum it all up, our Moms were right (even mine served them once a week) "Eat your vegetables!" but they really didn’t explain WHY…. On the other hand our nation’s First Lady - Michelle Obama is on the right track for bringing our attention back to the 4 basic food groups. It’s been a long time since we were taught that, but now understand even more why fruits and veggies should be a part of our daily intake. Speaking of meal portions, have you seen the plate Michelle re-designed? Let’s all be mindful that no diet or supplement program is complete without combining well-balanced meals and an exercise regime.
In a nutshell, we hope you found our eBook to be an enjoyable and informative read. I’m certain you knew some of the information but sometimes it’s good to get further declaration and revelation. I hope by digesting our book you picked up on a few key concepts that will undoubtedly improve your overall food selections and remind you why it’s critical to your health to continue to make consistent , improvement in selecting intelligent food choices and teaching that to your children. Let the truth be told, living a healthy life doesn't have to be complicated. You don't have to hire a “swollen” personal trainer, purchase expensive mail- order food, spend long grueling hours at the gym, take med’s forever or undergo pocket-squeezing dangerous and painful surgeries to lose weight, look great, stay healthy or fight disease. Basically, if you learn a few fundamentals about which foods to eat and what to not eat you’ll not only lose weight and keep it off permanently but you’ll also live a happier healthier life! Remember, there are no MAGIC PILLS; however there are a few products on the market that will assist you with the process (supplements… NOT substitutes). Check with the Great and Powerful… OZ.
Feel free to email me any questions you may have about this eBook. If you have any other suggestions or topics that you would like to see covered please let me know. Topics of interest email me here To Your Health, Happiness and Longevity Deborah Pretty