Albert Cyprys: Selecting Your Career Path Choosing the Accounting curriculum at Fairfield University was more or less an easy decision for Albert Cyprys. As an analytical thinker who has always had a knack for numbers, as well as a strong attention to detail, Albert Cyprys found his career niche early on in his life, and chose the program that would best provide him the career foundation he needed to hit the ground running. Now in the midst of accounting courses at Fairfield, Albert Cyprys pursues his career ambition and talent with enthusiasm and confidence, hoping to one day become a successful member of the professional accounting community. He understands, however, that picking the right career path isn’t always a walk in the park, and that often times it requires careful and in-depth analysis. After all, choosing the wrong career, one that may last you your entire life, can lead to years of dissatisfaction and unhappiness, not to mention regret. Choosing a career is a serious and important decision, as Albert Cyprys knows, which is why he provides several things to consider as you begin to sort through your options. Know How Your Work Take a moment, or perhaps three, says Albert Cyprys to evaluate your work style and method. Are you a self-driven and motivated worker, or do you require more of a disciplined workplace with pre-established boundaries? An honest work style evaluation will help you determine whether a career that requires a certain amount of independence is right for you. Determine Your Talents Do you have hobbies and or talents you’d like to translate into a paying position? Albert Cyprys recommends making a comprehensive list of the things you are good at, and then researching professions and/or occupations where your talents will come in handy. Aligning your career with an activity you are good at or enjoy doing can lead to years of career satisfaction and happiness. Financial Objectives How much money would you like to be making 5, 10, 20 years from now? Make an evaluation of where you would like to be financially in the future, says Albert Cyprys, while comparing occupations and/or professions. Have an idea of where you’d like to be, what you’d like to own, and what you’re willing to live with in the future. Evaluate Your Finances Before you return to school on your way towards another degree, says Albert Cyprys, be sure you can afford it. Make a careful analysis of your financial standing and ability to pay before committing to a college curriculum.
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