Elvin Nash, Barbados Businessman - How to Become a Leader

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Elvin Nash, Barbados Businessman - How to Become a Leader

Elvin Nash is a businessman and leader with decades of experience, and he is currently managing operations at PBS Barbados. During his time as a businessperson, he has learned to lead and to inspire his teams. As a PBS Barbados leader, Elvin Nash has developed valuable leadership skills and he works to set a good example for his teams. The following steps, and ones like them, will help you manage teams and establish yourself as a respected leader in your industry: 

Follow the leaders. Similar to how artists follow established artists that they admire, you should follow leaders that you admire. Select three or four leaders that you aspire to be like, and then learn from their mistakes, their skills, their articles and their speeches. Remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and imitating great leaders teaches you to lead like them.

Create connections. As a leader, having a strong network is important, and the more that connections you have, the more people you have to get feedback on ideas from. To start, select five people that you feel you could have mutually beneficial business relationships with, and then reach out to them. Whether you set an appointment for coffee or you meet up at a career convention, the important thing is that you create connections and build your network.

Step out of your comfort zone. If you’ve read much about being a leader, you probably know things that you should be doing but aren’t, likely because they make you uncomfortable. Whether it’s public speaking, networking or travel, start practicing these things regularly. At first, you might need to rehearse these things with a friend, but soon you’ll be doing them in real life and having fun with it.

Learn. Reading business books can teach you a lot about success, and chances are that your favorite leaders read business books frequently. Make a list of five business books that you would like to read, perhaps from recommended lists of leaders that you respect, and then set a date to finish them by before you repeat the process.

Create a recommended resource list. As you read and study, compile a list of resources that have helped you and that you would recommend to others. As a leader, people will look to you just as you look to leaders that you respect. A dedicated page on your website is a good place to share your recommended resource list.

Elvin Nash Barbados has fostered his leadership skills for decades and he enjoys applying them in his position with PBS Barbados. Leading becomes something enjoyable to successful businesspersons and, in time, you will learn to enjoy your position as leader, just as Nash does his.

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