Ginari Gibb Price - Treating Anxiety Disorders Ginari Gibb Price is a psychiatrist who is currently practicing at Psycare LLC in Atlanta, Georgia, where she specializes in Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine. Her areas of expertise include developmental disorders and autism, substance dependence, depression, and anxiety disorders. In addition to this she is an ordained minister at the First Missionary Baptist Church in Mableton, Georgia. She says that while the term "anxiety" is used freely by non-medical people, it specifically refers to a group of mental disorders that can lead to a lot of discomfort in many people. While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can actually be beneficial in certain situations, Ginari Gibb Price says that anxiety can become excessive in some people and result in serious problems. And that is where the services of a mental health care professional such as herself come in. She says that it isn't always easy, however, to distinguish from everyday anxiety, and when anxieties have reached the point where they have become troublesome. Because they are a group of related disorders they may manifest themselves in different ways from person to person. One person, for example, may feel great anxiety that seems to come out of nowhere with no apparent trigger, while another may bet panicky at the thought of being in large crowds or in certain social situations. However it is shown, though, Ginari Gibb Price says that what they have in common is a persistent and excessive fear and worry in situations that most people would take for granted and not find threatening. Ginari Gibb Price says that because anxiety comes from a person's natural fight-or-flight response, it involves a number of physical symptoms such as a pounding heart, sweating, an upset stomach or dizziness, frequent urination or diarrhea, a shortness of breath, muscle tension and headaches, and fatigue or insomnia. Moreover, she says that there is a link between anxiety symptoms and depression, and that people who are suffering from anxiety may also have symptoms of being depressed. Research suggests that anxiety and depression are produced by a common biological vulnerability. One condition typically feeds off of the other, so she says that it is important to identify it when both are present, and to treat both conditions. Ginari Gibb Price says that while these are common conditions, they are treatable. And she says that an effective method of self-help for anxiety attacks and disorders include practicing relaxation techniques, adopting a healthy diet, reducing alcohol and nicotine consumption, and getting plenty of rest and exercise. To get more information about Ginari Gibb Price visit at