Reema Shah: The Seven Rules of Life Living life to the fullest is important to successful professional Reema Shah, a skilled business and financial services professional who has become an integral part of the Bay Area community. Happiness, to Shah, comes not only from the continued construction and maintenance of a successful professional career, but also through active support of organizations and causes that touch people’s lives, something she developed a passion for at a very early age. Maintaining a balance between a busy professional schedule and continually active community involvement is no easy task, even for the most committed of individuals, yet Reema Shah has been able to achieve a strong level of personal and professional satisfaction through adherence to what she believes to be the seven most important principles of lifelong happiness. Come to Terms with Your Past Reema Shah believes, first and foremost, that an individual must make peace with their past, not only to acknowledge the mistakes one’s made throughout their life, but to also understand that these mistakes should be considered learning opportunities instead of impediments to living. Making peace with one’s past, she believes, allows the individual to better pursue the things they want to achieve in the future. What Others Think About You Doesn’t Matter Reema Shah values the relationships and connections she’s made with people throughout both her professional and personal life, though she doesn’t allow what others think about her to interfere with the way she lives, or the goals she pursues. What people think of you, she believes, is none of your business, and should not dictate who you are or where you’re going. Time Heals Though you may be experiencing pain and/or suffering from an event or mistake in your past, it’s important to note that the passage of time tends to mitigate its intensity. Patience, as Reema Shah understands, is an important virtue to have, particularly if the future seems bleak. Give things time to settle, and allow the universe to work itself out. Chances are that it eventually will. Your Journey is yours Alone Comparing yourself to others often only leads to bitterness, regret and dissatisfaction. Let others live their own journey, says Reema Shah, and do your best to make your journey your own. Don’t base what you do or who you are on the accomplishment of others, and work to define yourself based on your own actions. Don’t over think it Over analysis is a plague on the self. No one has all the answers to life’s many riddles and problems, says Reema Shah, and it’s important to remember that too much over thought is tantamount to sitting in idle. Allow things to reveal themselves to you. The answers will often show themselves when you least expect them. You Are In Charge Take control over your life, and do what you deem fit and necessary to live a happy life. No one can tell you what makes you happy, says Reema Shah. Relax and Smile Take the time to smile, and always remember that all of the world’s problems are not your own. Know that not every problem is your burden to shoulder. To get more information please visit our blog site