Thomas A Greaney: The Mental Benefits of Running Thomas A Greaney is a Human Resources executive who has a very active professional life. During his spare time, one of his favorite activities is to run. Running has very obvious health benefits, but Thomas A Greaney believes that the maintenance of a running regiment has benefits that will manifest in other areas of a person's life. Mainly, the culture of running fosters the qualities of discipline, perseverance, and appreciation within an individual. One trait that is common among all runners, says Thomas A Greaney, is discipline. Running is an art that must be practiced to be remembered; for most people, practice is confined to mornings, nights, and weekends. The limited time available for a person to run creates a necessity for a person to remain disciplined to a running schedule. If a person is able to become a disciplined runner, that discipline is likely to translate to other areas of that person's life such as commitments to family or learning a new hobby, especially considering that running requires a great deal of energy and causes a great deal of physical discomfort. The motivation required to be a disciplined runner signifies that discipline is truly cultivated. Another great quality that most runners possess, Thomas A Greaney continues, is perseverance. Running is undoubtedly one of the most physically healthy activities that a person can engage in, but the process to health is a path through pain. After a certain distance of running, regardless of how well-trained an individual is, a person's mind screams for their body to stop running. This usually occurs well before a person's physical capacity is used up, which means that running is as much a mental test as a physical one. Maintaining a legitimate running regiment displays a tremendous amount of perseverance and will power. Lastly says Thomas A Greaney, runners usually possess a mature sense of appreciation. Since runners (even professional ones) spend the vast majority of their time outside of organized competitions, they are not accustomed or conditioned by the popular reward system based on goals. To put it more clearly, there are no finish lines in the streets or parks. Runners are not motivated so much by the attainment of a physical destination but rather by the benefits of the journey itself. This mature sense of appreciation, in which one has a more clearer enjoyment of the present, is fostered through hours and miles spent running to no destination in particular. All in all, Thomas A Greaney believes that disciplining yourself as a runner will have many positive ripple effects throughout your life.
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