Tianyun Gao - Bank of Communications
At the beginning of 2010's spring season, Tianyun Gao began working for the Bank of Communications' IT department in New York City as a software engineer. Using her vast knowledge of programming language, such as C, C++, and C#, Tianyun Gao was responsible for designing a brand new confirmation system that was used to confirm the pricing on various settlements within the company. Because of her expertise in utilizing JAVA and the Oracle three-tier architecture, Tianyun Gao was able to reduce system latency by an incredible 90%.
Tianyun Gao - New York University Langone Medical Center Tianyun Gao used her extensive knowledge of the JAVA programming language and implemented 52 metric modules that aided in the development of the online claims and invoice system that was, and still is used by 29 New York University medical school departments. She also used her JAVA experience to review and reproduce past reports of the invoice system in search of any database references to the Intelligent Decision Support System. The Intelligent Decision Support System is a crucial aspect of the tech-related side of healthcare, and because Tianyun Gao's hard work with her colleagues, remains fully functional.
Tianyun Gao - Jilin University Tianyun Gao began her advanced education in 2003 at Jilin University, one of the most recognized and prestigious Chinese universities established. She received her Bachelor of Science in telecommunications engineering and graduated with a grade point average of 3.33. During her time at Jilin University, Tianyun Gao took a number of courses that allowed her to become the skilled professional she is today. Among those courses are several advanced mathematics that specialized in calculus, multivariable calculus, advanced probability, and complex variable functions.
Tianyun Gao - The University of Bridgeport
After getting her bachelors of science in telecommunications engineering from Jilin University, Tianyun Gao was accepted to the University of Bridgeport's electrical engineering, alternative energy, and distributed system and network security programs. While in attendance from 2008 to 2010, Tianyun Gao gained valuable research experience that has helped shape her future in programming and engineering. Tianyun Gao's research experience includes the analysis of income and the risk that is involved into a financial investment process. She was able to create practical designs of a FIR filter in MATLAB and C++.
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