Tower Loan Reviews - Establishing Your Credit Positive Tower Loan reviews are nearly unanimous in praising the company for providing young people with solid information about establishing a good credit rating, and for giving them tips on how they can make sure it stays that way. Establishing good credit is fairly easy, the Tower Loan experts say, provided you follow some simple rules. For starters, they say you should apply for a credit card at a department store or with one of the major card services like American Express, Visa, or MasterCard. Once you get it, use it a few times to make small purchases, and then be sure to pay them off as soon as your monthly bill arrives in the mailbox. The important thing here, the Tower Loan experts say, is to use the credit card responsibly. Do so and you will be well on the way to building a great credit rating. With good credit, you will have a strong financial future. The positive Tower Loan Reviews praise the sound advice of the Tower Loan credit experts on this point. And the experts say that after you have had that first credit card for about six months, and have established a track record of using it wisely, then upgrade to a card that has a greater credit limit. If you started with a secured credit card, ask your creditor if it can be converted to a traditional credit card. When you get it, follow the same pattern as with the first card: make a few small purchases and pay them off on time, keeping a zero balance. At this point, say the Tower Loan experts, you should begin to think about your credit score. This is a three digit number that condenses your credit history into a nutshell, telling lenders whether you are a good candidate for further credit. There are several websites that let you check your credit score for free, but the Tower Loan experts say to be sure you use one that doesn't ask for any credit card information, or require you to sign up for a trial period that may result in billing charges further down the road if you don't cancel it. Sites that offer free credit scores get their data directly from the credit bureaus. The Tower Loan reviews single out the concluding advice of the Tower Loan credit experts. That concluding advice is the reminder of the importance of learning good credit habits even as you build a good credit rating. They say that it's a lot easier to establish good credit the first time around than it is to re-establish it if things go wrong. To get more information about Tower Loan reviews visit at