The "Q-Bru Muso Manix" user's logo

Q-Bru Muso Manix

Johannesburg, South Africa

We are talented in enhancing your image within limited time-frames and tight budgets... WE BRAND BANDS - AND OTHER INTERESTING PEOPLE! Q-rious Merch are friggin hot on the trail on AnYtHIng. We will hunt down, fight for and brand (murdering all prices) anything you would like to claim as yours! Yes you can brand your ass... We also fetch from across the oceans... anything from T-shirts, headgear and plectrums to the most unique promotional gadgets. We focus on the image of bands, musicians and entertainers. Festival and Event organisers - we are ready for you too. Due to our extensive experience in this industry we are able to source, brand and deliver within a restricted time and limited budget. Bottom line... you leave the ball-ache of promotions to us.!
