M Thom Mar ma Syrian n Church of Malabbar Ku uwait City Mar Thoma Pariish(Since 1963)
Paarish Bulleti tin, July 20012, Issue–1111 49 yearrs of LIGHTEED to LIGHTTEN service in i Kuwait
Edavaka a Sangam held h on 23rdd June, 7:15 5pm at Indian n Central Sc chool Audittorium, Abb bassiya th Homelan nd Fellowsh hip on July 17 at Kom mbady, A.M M.M. Bible Insstitute. W Website: www w.q8marthom ma.comEmaill: sec@kuwaittmarthoma.o org Parish Office e facilities are e available on n Fridays afterr service at Marina M Hall. Please do visit our website w www w.q8marthoma a.com for upd dates and informa ation’s of our parish. p A mo onthly publica ation of Kuwaiit City Mar Tho oma Parish (For Private P Circula ation Only)
Year Plan 2012 – 2013
Date & Time
June 1st
Dedication -KaisthanaSamithimem.
Marina Hall
June 23rd
July 17
Aug. 30
10 Home land fellowship
Onasangamam& Parish Retreat
Sep. 14th 7.00pm
Officials Retreat
Sep. 17th – 21st
Edavaka Convention
Marina Hall
Family Dedication Day
Marina Hall
Oct.20th 7.00pm
First Communion
Marina Hall
Oct. 6.30pm
Inter Prayer Group Bible Quiz
Oct. 19
Nov. 16th 6.00am 3.00pm
Holy communion 50th year Inauguration (Golden Jubilee) & 49th Parish Day Reception to Three New Bishops
Marina Hall
Dec. 1st ~ 19th
Carol Rounds
Dec. 22nd 7.00pm
Christmas Carol
Marina Hall
Dec. 25th
Christmas Service
Marina Hall
New Year Service
Marina Hall
2013 Jan. 1
2013 Feb.
2013 Feb. 25 / 26th
Parish Festival 2013
2013 March
Parish officials meeting
2013 Mar. 24 - 31st
Passion Week
2013 March
Release of Parish Directory
Marina Hall
10th Homeland Fellowship
God willing, the Homeland Fellowship will be held on July 17th Tuesday 2012 at AMM Bible Institute, Kombady.The Kaisthana Samathi has Nominated Mr. Sam K. Abraham as Co. Convener , Mr. Philip Varghese, Mr. Philip Mathew & Mr. Anil C. Jacob as Committee Members. All the members who are going to India during this time may attend the Homeland Fellowship Meeting. Those who wish to attend the meeting Kindly please inform the contact no. in India to the co. convener.
Mr. Sam K.Abraham, Resi. - 0479 3201645, Mob. 9847220832, Email. - ksamabraham@hotmail.com
We seek the help of students, parents and well-wishers who are planning to go on vacation to Kerala during the holidays to collect small packets of books which are ready at CSSThiruvalla for prize distribution to our children. Kindly contact the convener of Exam & Prize Committee or Sunday School Office bearers for more details.
Sunday school is closed for summer vacation from 8th June to 31st August 2012 (both dates inclusive) and will resume after summer vacation on 7th September 2012.
Memory Verse (Talent Test) will be held on 21st September 2012. All the children are requested to make use of the revised version of the precious book “Golden Verses� and come prepared for the talent test.
The results of CBSE, X & XII was declared, many of our children came out with flying colors. We congratulate each one and pray to God Almighty to shower His heavenly wisdom for their bright future.
Prayer Group Office Bearers & Lay Preachers Special Fellowship Meeting
Kuwait City Mar ThomaEdavaka Mission is conducting a special fellowship meeting on Friday, 6th July 2012 at 10:00am at U.I.S. Abbassiya.All prayer group office bearers, lay preachers andthose who are interested to preach the word of God may attend the meeting. For more details please contactEdavaka Mission Secretary Mr. Lukose Mathai, Mob. 99430176 .
Regular Programmes
Sunday School: YuvajanaSakhyam:
Summer Vacation All Saturdays, except 2nd Saturday at 7:30 pm. Cottage fellowship on 2nd Saturday Choir: All Saturdays Junior Choir & Senior Choir-7pm SevikaSanghom: All Saturdays - Abbassiya at 5 pm City at 4:30 pm All Mondays -Salmiya at 5pm 1st& 3rd Tuesdays –Riggai at 5 pm Edavaka Mission: Fellowship meetings on all Thursdays 7:00pm at RythumHall, Abbassiya. Cottage fellowship on 1st& 3rd Thursdays at Salmiya.
Greetings to all the Parish members who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary.Thanksgiving prayer will be held during the services
Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish expresses heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May God’s care strengthen and comfort them.
Schedule - July 2012 5th Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
6th Friday
6.00 am
Holy Communion
Marina Hall
9th Monday
7.00 pm
Holy Communion
NECK Church & Parish Hall
12th Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
6.00 am
Holy Communion
19th - Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
20th - Friday
6.00 am
Fasting Prayer
Marina Hall
23rd Monday
7.00 pm
Holy Communion
NECK Church & Parish Hall
26th - Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
27th - Friday
6.00 am
Holy Communion
Marina Hall
Rhythm Hall Marina Hall Rhythm Hall
Verses for the month of July 2012 Date
6& 9
Ordained Ministry – Imitation of Christ (Song 242)
Exo.40:1-16 Heb.10:8-25
2Cor. 4:1-6
The Priesthood of the Baptised(Song 408)
Gen. 18:16-33 1John. 3:1-12
1 Pet. 2:1-10
20 & 23
Anointing the Holy Muroon: Gift of the Holy Spirit (Song 187)
Exo. 30:22-33 Acts. 1:1-8
1Cor. 12:4 -13
Christian Witness of the Diaspora (Song 182)
Deut. 28:1-14 Acts. 8:1-8
2Thes. 1:3 -12