Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish (Since 1963)
Parish Bulletin, September 2012, Issue – 1V 49 years of LIGHTED to LIGHTEN service in Kuwait
Parish Retreat & Ona Sangamam Inauguration Sunday School Junior & Senior Conference will be held from Sep. 6th to 8th at Indian Central School Website: Email: Parish Office facilities are available on Fridays after service at Marina Hall. Please do visit our website for updates and information’s of our parish. A monthly publication of Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish (For Private Circulation Only)
SUMMER VACATION Sunday School will resume the classes on 14th September 2012 after the Summer Vacation.
MEMORY VERSE (TALENT TEST) Memory Verse (Talent Test) will be held on 21st September 2012. All the children are requested to make use of the revised version of the precious book “Golden Verses” and come prepared for the talent test.
Parish Annual Convention God willing this year’s Edavaka Annual Convention will be held from 17th to 21st September 2012. Renowned Evangelist John Raju will be the main speaker. We request all to pray for the success of convention and to come together to listen the word of God. Let us pray for showering His blessings on this year’s convention. Our Almighty God has kept us and protected us under His wings for the last 49 years in this land and blessed us abundantly. Let us thank God for providing us to worship and to meet together for the glory of His name.
Date, Day, Time & Venue 17-09-2012 to 20-09-2012, 7.00 pm ~ 9.00pm, Marina Hall 21-09-2012 Friday 6.00 am ~ 8.30am Marina Hall
Inter Prayer Group Bible Quiz The Inter Prayer Group Bible Quiz of 2012 will be held on the month of October 2012, Date and venue will be announced later. The Portions for this year is the Book of Hosea, Mark, Church History and current events. Advance notification is provided in order that we have ample time for preparation. Kindly make sure that all our Prayer Groups will participate in this Bible Quiz and make it a grand success. Convener: Mr. Soman P. Mathai
Regular Programmes Sunday School: Every Friday 3:30pm to 5:15pm at Marina Hall Yuvajana Sakhyam: All Saturdays, except 2nd Saturday at 7:30pm. Cottage fellowship on 2nd Saturday Choir: All Saturdays - Junior Choir & Senior Choir - 7pm Sevika Sanghom: All Saturdays Abbassiya at 5 pm City at 4:30 pm All Tuesdays Salmiya at 5pm st rd 1 & 3 Tuesdays – Riggai at 5 pm Edavaka Mission: Fellowship meetings on all Thursdays 7:00pm at Rythum Hall, Abbassiya. Cottage fellowship on 1st & 3rd Thursdays at Salmiya.
Greetings Greetings to all the Parish members who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary. Thanksgiving prayer will be held during the services
Obituary Mrs. Lalitha Simon (65) (Wife of Mr. Simon Samuel) St. Thomas Prayer Group Mother Parish: Kundara Salem We offer our heart-felt condolence on her sad demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family find the solace in God.
Condolences Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish expresses heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May God’s care strengthen and comfort them.
Schedule - September 2012 6th Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
7th Fri.
6.00 am
Holy Communion (Assistance by Sunday School)
Marina Hall
10th Mon.
7.30 pm
Holy Communion
Church & P. Hall
13th Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
14th Fri.
6.00 am
Holy Communion (Choir Day)
Marina Hall
17th Mon to 20th Thur.
7.00 pm
Marina Hall
21st Fri.
6.00 am
Marina Hall
24th Mon.
7.30 pm
Holy Communion (Sevika Sangam Day)
Church & Parish Hall
27th Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
28th Fri.
6.00 am
Fasting Prayer
Marina Hall
Verses for the month of September 2012 Date th
7 & 10th th
21 & th 24 th
Sevika Sangham DayRole of Women in Faith Succession (Song 245)
1Sam.1:1-20 Acts. 16:11-15
2 Tim:1:1-7
Senior Citizens Day- Old Age with Grace(Song 402)
Gen. 47:1-12 2Tim. 4:1-8
Christian Nurturing- The Foundation of the Church (Song 321)
Josh.4:1-10 1John.2:7-17
The Sacrament of Confession (Song 358)
Jonah. 4:1-11 1John. 1:1-10