Fitbuds brand book

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The complete guide

This book is created to familiarize the clients and investors with the way our company function in the community. It has a clear rundown of our mission and vision in to the future, with all the branding specifications and directions.

WHO WE ARE ? We are a group of individuals who are motivated to use cutting age technology to bring people together to exercise and have fun. Ten years ago when I started exercising, I had a very hard time to blend in people in the gym. I kept pushing myself to stay with my routine everyday but once I made friends in the gym the exercise routine became much easier. We believe that exercising with a partner is an easy start for beginners. Our focus is on bringing people together to create a healthier community.


OUR CUSTOMERS Our customers are people who are interested in exercising but lack the motivation to exercise. we are trying to reach individuals who are struggling with weight lost and trying to motivate them to get together. We also want to educate our customers about dieting and the importance of cardiovascular activates and weight lifting. Lastly, we want to connect personal trainers with people who need help.

WHERE WE OPERATE: In this age almost every individual has a smart phone. We are focusing on reaching as much people as we can. We are going to operate through smartphone applications and tablets.

Exercise Communicate Find partners

WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? Our service is fast and fluid and mostly interactive. Furthermore, the user can easily share their progress on social media and other FitBuds users. That makes it a fun a somewhat competitive experience.

OUR MISSION Bringing individuals together, and enabling them to get fit and healthy.

OUR VISION We want to be the fastest and easiest way for people to find a training partner.

BRAND TONE AND PERSONALITY We are active motivated never been passive. To achieve our goals, we need to struggle and grind no pain on gain. Community and friendship can get us through anything in life. Our attitude is aggressive in a competitive way to push others toward their goals.



Dark background

Light background

Dark background

Light background


DO - Always use a logo that fits with the background of the photo.

DON’T - Remove the border around the logo. also, DON’T remove the boarder radious.


DON’T - Stretch the logo it needs to be always in proportions

DON’T - Use the logo with outline only, also, DON’T use a drop shadow


cmyk (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) RGB value (255,255,255) hex value #FFFFFF cmyk (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) RGB value (0,0,0) hex value #000000 cmyk (0%, 74%, 98%, 0%) RGB value (242,102,36) hex value #F26623 cmyk (2%, 9%, 97%, 0%) RGB value (255,222,23) hex value #FFDE17

FONT IN USE We mainly use Acumin Pro family, it has a wide verity of different weights and styles. For body copy we use medium and for headings we use the bold. For the FitBuds the first phrase “Fit” should be light size and for the phrase “Buds” is Simi bold weight.

FITBUDS FITBUDS DON’T - Use the Thin weight with photoraphs.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


PHOTOGRAPHY We believe that photography is one of the most powerful medium to use to connect with clients. Most of the imagery we use focus on the interaction between two partners while exercising. We try to focus less on couples imagery and go for a friendship feel.

“One Picture Worth Ten Thousand Words”

USING TEXT OVER IMAGES Most of the time we use bold or ultrabold text on images. Paragraph text over an image always has a transparent background either orange or black. Never use a back text over dark image try to make the text be the first element to be noticed.


DON’T - Use Black text on dark background..

DO - Use bold text on a Black background always have high contrast between the text and the background

NO Pain NO Gain

DO - Use background color for more readable text.

We focus on building a fit community and promote physical activities as a fun routine. We believe that hard work always payoff. Be consistent be active.



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