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Shanghai Academy of Fine Art


The first workshop in China was organised at the Public Art Cooperation Centre (PACC). http://www. ipublicart.com/ The workshop was hosted by Professor Qiansheng Li, Executive Deputy Dean of the Digital Art Department of Shanghai Academy of Fine Art.


Professor Li hosted the workshop at the PACC and organised collaboration with students from SAFA and Jiao Tong University. The agenda was set for an intensive two day workshop investigating the intersections of traditional Chinese embroidery and wearable technology. QCA students were introduced to the ideas of intangible cultural heritage through Yanxi Shen who represented the Yao people and the heritage of storytelling through embroidery.

We wish to thank Liyin Wang of the International Communication office of SAFA, Professor Li for organising our workshop at PAAC, and Yanxi Shen for demonstrating her incredible skills.

在中国的第一个工作坊是在公共艺术合作中心(PACC) 举办的。 http://www.ipublicart.com/该研讨会由上海美 术学院数字艺术系常务副院长李倩生教授主持。

李教授在PACC主持了研讨会,并与SAFA和交通大学的 学生组织了合作。 会议议程是为期两天的密集研讨会, 旨在研究中国传统刺绣与可穿戴技术的交集。 QCA的 学生通过代表瑶族的沉延喜介绍了非物质文化遗产的思 想,并通过刺绣讲述了讲故事的遗产。

我们要感谢SAFA国际交流办公室的王丽音,李教授在 PAAC举办我们的研讨会,以及沉燕西展示了她不可思议 的技能

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