Barbara Campbell - Artist in Residence 1997

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central Theatres foyer


I construction) audio tape and snap fasteners. Photograph by Annie Hogan

Nathan Campus, Griffith University, Brisbane

Wednesday, May 28, 1997

lozenge is both an aural and physical recovery of multiple stories of loss made during Barbara Campbell's four week residency at Griffith Artworks. Students and staff of Griffith University were invited to contribute to the project by isolating themselves in the

SOIU Sauries:

Original material contributed

bush surrounding the Nathan campus and relating

generously by students and staff

their experiences of loss into a portable tape machine.

from the Qld College of Art and Nathan campuses of Griffith University.

The recordings were then combined aurally so as to create a trail of interwoven stories heard through

Addlll1nal rmrdin1s:

Barbara Campbell

speakers along the 2 2 metre length of the Central


Barbara Campbell

Audll CmollaliH:

Ian Wells. Information Services

which was strung between the gum trees just

Alfil E11imriq:

Alex Adam

beyond the glass wall of the foyer.

Audll lulallalin:

Richard Autenzio

The hammock. with its open diamond weave has

Hamuck Constructlan:

Barbara Campbell. assisted by

Theatres Foyer. The original source tapes were also physically combined to take the form of a hammock

long been a casual form of bedding for the outdoors. Simple hessian hammocks were reportedly favoured by the Heidelberg painters during their famous artists· camps. In Lozenge. the recurring narrative of being lost in the bush. so frequently illustrated by artists and writers in the 19th century. shifts to one of loss in the bush in the 2 0th century.

Brona Keenan

Pnject 1ana1er: Besldmy IH�iDI:

Beth Porter Griffith Artworks. Qld College of Art and Student Representative Council of Griffith University

Thanks also to George Petelin. Beth Jackson. Kath Kerswell. Edwina Bartleme. Panos Couros. Geoff Heller. Barbara Smith and Hans van Diesi at Griffith Artworks: Jay Younger. Qld College of Art: Facilities: Landscaping: Humanities: Office of Community Services: Leigh Campbell and Neil Roberts.




Nationa lly recognised performance artis Barbara Campbe is t ll visiting Queensland as artist-in-residence a Griffith Artworks on t i Gr ffith University's Nathan Campus. i

Barbara is produc ng an installation/performance work which incorporates personal stories recorded in the fores surrounding t the University. The work w ll be exhibited at the Nathan Campus of Griffith i University from 8pm on Wednesday May 28th, 1997 as part of the Sonar/t event for the Brisbane Fringe Festival. r

Fo more information or to contact the artist, please cal Griffith l Artworks, Griffith University, 3875 7414.

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