Griffith University Queensland Film and Drama Centre
Creative Arts Workshops-
The Queensland Film and Drama Centre is a community access creative arts workshop on the campus of Griffith University. It contains facilities for silkscreen printing, fabric printing, and poster making; etching, linocut and woodcut; lithography; photographic developing and printing; pottery; and video and drama production. The studios are available for use by all artists and members of the general community who require special equipment and studio space. Spaces for rehearsals and meetings are also available. The Centre is open to all members of the public for an annual subscription of twelve dollars with a reduction of six dollars for students and pensioners. Informal teaching workshops are conducted on weekends and week nights in drama, voice and movement, mime, film making, video production, photography and darkroom techniques, screenprinting, etching, lithography, painting, drawing, fabric design, ceramics, sculpture, electronic music, and music appreciation. The Queensland Film and Drama Centre receives financial assistance from the Queensland Government through the Minister for the Arts, and project funding from the Federal Government through the Australia Council. Donations to Griffith University are tax deductible. Postal Address:
Queensland Film and Drama Centre Griffith University Nathan. Q. 4111
Lower Level Clubs and Societies Building East Cre!:!k Road Griffith University
Photograph by John Watson of Stephanie Outridge-Field in the Queensland Film and Drama Centre Ceramics Studio.