Griffith Artworks - Griffith University & the State Library of Queensland present: Curated by Edwina Bartleme 2pm Sunday June 271999
A Rroaram of snort film and video works from the Griffith University Art Collection, which deal with personal and cultural tensions through their narranves ana fiImIc tecnniques. Tensions foregrounds marginalised film-making practices, showcasing works by Aboriginal. NESB, queer and feminist film-makers. The works are stylistically distinct and incorporate aspects of documentary, 8-movie and avant-garde cinema aesthetics. They engage prevailing social and political concerns with humour, sensitivity,f�everenc\1 irontlian fl arflier. . 1s screenng 1s e irs a series of th ree curate d programs by Griffith Artworks during 1999_ Joy SAUNDERS
* Out of order 1992 video 3:04 A short animated film from the Out of order program screened on the ABC. which depicts different ways that children express frustration and understand conflici and anger. Joy Saunders' distinct animation style. combined with voice-overs of children describing anger, creates an entertaining film. Paul WINKLER
* Neurosis 1970 16mm film 9:00 A powerful protest film about the Vietnam War which references debates emerging from the Peace Movement about war. nationalism. imperialism and state legitimated violence. Winkler utilises film styles and techniques which emerged out of documenting the Vietnam War on celluloid, to create an anti-war message. Csaba SZAMOSY
* Lacrimosa (A mournful day/ 1993 computer animation, U-matic video 5:00 Lacrimosa means a mournful or tearful day in Latin. The film is painterly in appearance and uses digital technology to manipulate and juxtapose different imagery. Classical and Christian iconography are juxtaposed with contemporary commercial logos and signs. inviting the viewer to contemplate discourses of power, capitalism as a new form of religion. and how new technologies impact on the significance of cultural texts and icons. Lisa ANDREW & Lauren BERKOWITZ
* Sightseeing tours 1993 video 3:30 This work documents and collages a series of neon signs which existed around the limes Square area in New York in 1993. The signs, strung together in this way. form poetic sentences and language plays, creating a video version of concrete poetry. The combination of sounds of traffic and people talking, with contemporary urban icons !traffic lights, flashing neon signs. advertising logos and billboards), creates a dialogue about city living. Jackie FARKAS
* The J/lustrated Auschwitz 1992 video 12:16 Moving and static images (illustrations, old photographs. documentary footage. and scenes from The Wizard of Oz) are assembled disjointedly, and used in conjunction with a voice-over of a woman retelling her experience in Auschwitz with her sister. The fragmented imagery and dialogue produce a sense of fracture which resembles disjointed memories, and effectively expresses recollections of a devastating experience.
* Taxi to temptation 1985 from Sinerama
video 2:40 Robert Randell and Frank Bendenelli worked in collaboration under the name of Randelli to create Taxi to Temptation. It parodies the Tenessee Williams play, A Streetcar Named Desire. by reducing it to it's most basic plot line. The cliched story of opposites attract. is given a contemporary edge by signifying the woman as a feminist and the man as a beer drinking Aussie bloke. Gender difference and sexual tension are expressed ironically ihrough an interplay of gazes, body language and hackneyed signs
Shhhl 1998 from Anrage: artworks for television video 1:21 A film about attitudes to young people in contemporary Australian society. Close-up shots of the faces of youths addressing the audience and indicating that they should be quiet. reverses the situation young people are often positioned in, socially and politically. This technique endows them with the power to silence others. instead of being ignored, spoken over. or spoken for. The text at the end of the film states that it is about 'Respect!'. FERAL ARTS
*Talk show 1994 video 3:00 A quirky video work combining a documentary style with computer technology effects. This stylistic juxtaposition is mirrored in the subject of tl1e work. which combines an everyday conversation !two people talking about a movie). with their anempts to grapple with film theory and theoretical methods of interpreting the film they've seen. The lightness and humour of the work creates a strong aesthetic.
* Oarkside 1992 video from SP BVU master 6:00 Darkside is a collaborative work by Aboriginal songwriter/performer Kev Carmody and the Brisbane based. youth focussed Feral Arts group. The video clip features a group of street kids 'hanging out' in Logan. situating them in a suburban landscape made up of junk food outlets, drab streets. and vacant. dilapidated buildings. The lyrics and images provide an insight into the boredom and frustration experienced by these kids, while raising issues of youth poverty, homelessness. unemployment and petly crime.
Barry McKAY
Destiny DEACON & Fiona HALL
"Faggots are for burning 1996
video 9:45 An intertexual film exploring the impact Christian fundamentalism and institutional homophobia have on the social status and perceptions about gay men. Some negative effects of coming out in a repressive environment !internalised homophobia. feelings of guilt or self-hatred) are alluded to through the narrative and aesthetics of the film. Janet MEREWETHER
* Tourerte's Ties 1993 video 6:00 Merewether satirises Freudian psychoanalysis and the ways in which Freud and other ·specialists' rationalised symptoms of psychological disorders out of comext, and understood female sexuality from a male perspective. The recurring use of a split screen creates a dialogue between symbols. questioning processes of cultural mapping. It ironically suggests that some associations are nonsensical. Lisa MATTHEWS
* Rosie's secret 1994 35mm film 11:00 This documentary-style film uncovers one of Australia"s forgotten heroines. Rosie Foster. and her involvement in the construction and celebration of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Matthews explores women's omission from the history books and the mythical process of history making.
"How low can you go 1996 from Artrage: artworks for television video 4:08 This is a collaborative work between Aboriginal feminist artist. Destiny Deacon. and white installation artist. Fiona Hall. The black American 'slave' song, Swing Low Sweet Char/al, is sung in the background, while a kitsch black rag-doll is drenched, thrown about. stepped on, and rung out. The doll may be a symbol for how the issues of Aboriginal land rights. Mabo legislation, racism and black deaths in custody have been treated in Australian politics in recent years. Randall WOOD
* Goori Goori dreaming 1993 video 7:00 This documentary follows the journey of Aboriginal artist and storyteller Gunaminy Vanessa Fisher as she takes her children and grandchildren back to her grandmother's traditional homeland. The film is a journey through the eyes of the Goori Goori Bird !the Wedgetail Eagle). Vanessa·s spirit totem. Through art and story. Vanessa teaches the family about the earth and their heritage as they travel through the land of their ancestors. ¼ Acquired with the assistance of the Commonweath Government through the Australia Council. its arts funding and advisory body.
The contribution and support of Artworks' staff to this project are acknowledged with appreciation: Beth Jackson {Director); Beth Porter (Arts Administatorl: Kath Kerswell (Art Collection Officer); Brana Keenan (Exhibitions Assistant), and Hans van Oiest (Volunteer). . f Griffith Artworks wishes to thank the foIIowmg or their assistance: Sharon Ley, Bruce Hodsdon and Tim Mather (State Library of Queensland) Mick Hawkins & Susi Blackwell (Office of Community Services, Griffith University)
Grtff1& Artworks - Griffith University the State Library of Queensland present:
buralehv:Uwma daNleme
A curated program of short film and video works from the Griffith University Art Collection, which deal with personal and cultural tensions through fmivi��IB���1mw�ol!t��9iffp��litical concerns with humor, sensitivity, irreverence, irony, and anger.
Free screening -2pm Sunday 27 June 1999
e, Lev ea �ate�ra or.�ee sl d omer ee\Yand anrey!treats, South Brisbane Enauiries: 3875 14t4
Rertesnments will be served after the screening.
01 OUllN!lUI
Grtff1& Artworks - Griffith University the State Library of Queensland present:
buralehv:Uwma daNleme
A curated program of short film and video works from the Griffith University Art Collection, which deal with personal and cultural tensions through fmivi��IB���1mw�ol!t��9iffp��litical concerns with humor, sensitivity, irreverence, irony, and anger.
Free screening -2pm Sunday 27 June 1999
e, Lev ea �ate�ra or.�ee sl d omer ee\Yand anrey!treats, South Brisbane Enauiries: 3875 14t4
Rertesnments will be served after the screening.
01 OUllN!lUI